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1、HELEN: Time for school!HELEN: Stop daydreaming. Youll be late for school.Sometimes I have dreamsMIA: Hey, Louie. Come on.I picture myself flyinIts time to go to school.Through the cloudsHigh in the skyConquering the worldWith my magic pianoNever being scaredBut then I realizeIm SupergirlAnd Im here

2、to save the worldBut I wanna knowWhos gonna save me?HELEN: Are you feeling confident?MIA: Not really.Now just remember, when you make your speech.dont look at the people.Pick a spot on the back wall.dont take your eyes off of it.and speak loudly.Thanks, Mom.Bye, Mom.Good luck.Ooh oohOohMorning, Butt

3、ons.MAN: Be nice, Buttons.MIA: Whoa. Whoa!Sorry, Mr. Robutusen.Have a nice day.ROBUTUSEN: I doubt it.Whoo!Im SupergirlIm SupergirlWhat I wanna knowWhos gonna save me?CHEERLEADERS: Hey, there, ho thereHow do you do?This is Grove Lions sayin hi to you.- Im Lana. - Anna.Fontana.CHEERLEADERS: Go Lions!B

4、O Y: Josh!Im Supergirl- Josh! - What are you doing?Oh, hes such a show-off.Jeremiah, off the wall, please.Come on. You know better than that.MIA: Good morning, Miss Gupta.Morning, Lilly.Lillys friend.Im SupergirlWhos gonna save me?You know, as manager of the team.I really think you should be a part

5、of the team.Oh, oh! Oops.Im sorry, I didnt see you.I was thinking.Somebody sat on me again.- Really? - Yeah.MIA: I dont know what happened.I was just sitting there, working on my speech.Its really a dumb class.LILLY: Jerk and jerkette sighting.MIA: Hmm?Soft kisses on a summers dayLaughing all our ca

6、res awayAnd dream of.- What? - What?You never saw two idiots exchange saliva before?Oh. Yeah.Theyre so rude.Good. You know, for a second there.I thought you were going A-crowd on me.MIA: Oh, heh. Negative.LILLY: Ready for debate?MIA: Im never ready for debate.BO Y: Go, Josh!JOSH: So this is not a de

7、bate.This is a control issue.Grove controls our minds with what they teach us.but you know what?Theyre not satisfied with that.I think Grove should dump the uniforms.and we have casual dress all year round!MR. OCONNELL: All right, all right.OK, girls, settle down. Settle down.This is a debate, and a

8、fter its over.I want you back in your school uniform.JOSH: Hey, boss, whatever you say.Josh, sit down.- Hes the man. - Hes my man.OCONNELL: OK, Josh. Later, OK?Down, down, boy. You made your point.OK, so, now weve all heard.from Josh Bryant for the affirmative.I love that sound.Whats my point again?

9、You like our uniforms. Theyre equalizers.OCONNELL: Now well hear the rebuttal.from Mia Thermopolis.who will present the negative argument.against our proposition.GIRL: Come on, Mia!BO Y: Whoo-hoo!Um. I th-think. um.FONTANA: What a frizz-ball.ANNA: Look at her hair.OCONNELL: Shh!Um.BO Y: Were waiting

10、.SECOND BO Y: Say something!You see, um. I.See, casual. casual. uh.GIRL: Are you OK?ANNA: Shes gonna barf.SECOND GIRL: Oh, God! Shes gonna hurl!THIRD GIRL: Cover the tuba!OCONNELL: OK, OK. Everybody settle down.Learn how to flyGotta move onFrom whats breaking your heart.MANAGER: Mia! Finish up with

11、Mrs. Taubman.and then you can take a break.Another huge tip from Mrs. Hersh.I got one from Mrs. Taubman. Were doing all right today.Mr. Walshs ropes are twisted.VIVIAN: Mr. Walsh, stop twisting!Youll strangle yourself!Hi, Mom.You threw up, huh?And you ran away.MIA: Im trying to forget about it.Can I

12、 have some shoes and chalk, please?Anyway, Ill go talk to your debate teacher.- Whats his name? - Mr. OConnell.And straighten it all out.Mom, I am never going to be a good public speaker.Just call him and tell him I want to be a mime.- I can do that. - Here you go.Oh, your grandmother called.What?Th

13、e live one.Who lives in Genovia. Clarisse.Oh. Wow.This is the first time shes ever contacted us.Whatd she want?Shes in town.She wants to have tea.Tea? She came all the way from Europe to have tea?I think Im gonna climb a little bit.MANAGER: Rocks Around the ClockMIA: Isnt this the grandmother who ma

14、de you get a divorce?Well, she didnt approve of me.but Phillipe and I made the decision.to divorce on our own.Why should I go see this snobby lady who ignores us?Mia, shes your fathers mother.Just go see her tomorrow.- Please? - Tension.She said your father hoped.that you two would meet someday.All

15、right, Ill go.BO Y: Whoo!All right, I win.Band practice is over.I have a music class here. Out!Lets have the third group try “Catch a Falling.“Charles, you want to be in the front?- Thanks. - No problem.Michael.Are you sure you cant help me.with my Spotted Owl petition today?Im meeting my grandmothe

16、r after school.Oh, right.Catch a falling starAnd put it in your pocketNever let it fade awayCatch a falling starAnd put it in your pocketSave it for a rainy dayFor love may come andTap you on the shoulderSome starless nightSPEAKER: School tours are on Saturday, young lady.Im here for a meeting with

17、my grandmother.Name?Clarisse Renaldi.Oh. Please come to the front door.Thank you very much.SPEAKER: Get off the grass!Welcome, Miss Thermopolis.Weve been expecting you.MIA: Oh, be careful.Please dont crush my soy nuts.Your soy nuts are safe.OK.Right this way.Please, make yourself comfortable.WOMAN:

18、For their daughter Marissa.Shes allergic to peanuts.And we need new pillows for the prime ministers wife.Shes allergic to goose feathers.Hello, Amelia.Im Charlotte, from the Genovian attache corps.Hi. Its nice to meet you.Um, where am I?CHARLO TTE: The Genovian Consulate.MIA: Youve got pears in your

19、 flowers.Genovian pears. Were famous for them.Now, if youll sit down.shell be with you in a moment.No, I dont need a moment. Im here.Amelia, Im so glad you could come.MIA: Hi. Youve got a great place.Thank you.Well, let me look at you.You look so. young.Thank you.And you look so.clean.Charlotte, wou

20、ld you check on tea in the garden?Please, sit.So, my mom said you wanted.to talk to me about something. Shoot.Oh, before I “shoot“.I have something I want to give you.Here.Oh, um, thank you.Wow.CLARISSE: Its the Genovian crest.It was mine when I was young.And that was my great-grandmothers.Heh. Ill

21、keep this safe.I will take good care of it.Now, what did you want to tell me?CLARISSE: Something that I think will have.a very big impact upon your life.I already had braces.No, its bigger than orthodontia.The tea is served, maam.Amelia, have you ever heard.of Eduard Christoff Phillipe Gerard Renald

22、i?No.He was the crown prince of Genovia.Hmm.What about him?Eduard Christoff Phillipe Gerard Renaldi.was your father.Yeah, sure.My father was the prince of Genovia.Uh-huh. Youre joking.Why would I joke about something like that?No! Because if hes really a prince, then I.Exactly.Youre not just Amelia

23、Thermopolis.You are Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi.Princess of Genovia.Me? A princess?Shut up!I beg your pardon? Shut up?Your Majesty, in America.it doesnt always mean “Be quiet.“Here it could mean, “Wow,“ “Gee whiz,“ “Golly“.Oh, I understand. Thank you.Nevertheless, you are the princess.And

24、I am Queen Clarisse Renaldi.Why would you pick me to be your princess?Since your father died, you are the natural heir.to the throne of Genovia. Thats our law.Im royal by marriage.You are royal by blood.You can rule.Rule? Oh, no.Oh, no. No, no, no.Now you have really got the wrong girl.I never lead

25、anybody.not at Brownies, not at Camp Fire Girls.Queen Clarisse, my expectation in life.is to be invisible, and Im good at it.Amelia, I had other expectations also.In my wildest dreams.I never expected this to happen.But you are the legal heir.the only heir. to the Genovian throne.and we will accept

26、the challenge.of helping you become the princess that you are.Oh, I can give you books.You will study languages, history, art, political science.I can teach you to walk, talk, sit, stand.eat, dress like a princess.And, given time, I think youll find.the palace in Genovia a very pleasant place to liv

27、e.- Live in Genovia? - Its a wonderful country.Whoa, whoa. Just.Rewind and freeze.Im no princess.Im still waiting for normal body parts to arrive.I refuse to move to and rule a country.and. Do you want another reason?I dont want to be a princess!Oh, Amelia. Amelia!Amelia, come back here!CLARISSE: Oh

28、h!Well, that went well, didnt it?- Perhaps she needs more time. - Will you help me?Miss Thermopolis?Im the head of your security.and you want me to be a chauffeur and baby-sitter.For the time being. The child needs protection.MIA: For 15 years.you couldnt find a spare minute.to tell me that my fathe

29、r is a royal?I thought I was doing the right thing.The right thing for who, Mom?For all of us.I mean, if we secretly divorced.he would be able to find a woman.who would stay by his side and produce heirs.and I would be free to live my life with you.I mean, please! We met in college!I was young! I wa

30、nted to paint.Can you see me walking one step behind someone.for the rest of my life?With rules and regulations.and the waving and the bowing and the scraping?I was scared!MIA: Living with a mother.who lied to me for 15 years scares me.Where are you going?To straighten up the royal bedchamber.HELEN:

31、 After the divorce, we all discussed it.Your father and your grandmother.both agreed to keep that distance.so you would have a chance of a normal childhood.free of emotional complications.We were going to tell you when you were 18 years old.but when your father died, things changed, Mia.We wanted to

32、 protect you.You know what?I dont feel protected.You try living for 15 years.thinking that youre one person.and then in five minutes you find out.that youre a princess.Just in case.Im not enough of a freak already.lets add a tiara!Well, drink your soup.Im not really hungry.Fine.Good night, sweethear

33、t.Fat Louie.You are so lucky.you dont know who your parents are.Ive never ridden in a limo.he admitted bitterly to himself.as he crossed to the open window.and looked out at the bay, the fog looming.like his pathetic life before him.I cant believe I won an Emmy.I have this favorite photo of Phillipe

34、.We had so much fun when we were in college.He was so full of joie de vivre.always laughing and smiling.CLARISSE: I remember.Helen, if Amelia refuses to accept the throne.then Genovia will cease to exist as we know it.So the future of your country.is in the hands of my 15-year-old?Here it is.Oh.CLAR

35、ISSE: Phillipe was ready to be king.Then the terrible accident.Even though it didnt work out between us.I loved your son very much.Thank you.Well, as always.this is as good as its gonna get.Hmm.I cant wait until shes 18.Oh, this is a nightmare.Im going back to bed.Mia, the three of us have to talk.O

36、h, OK. Is there something else.about me and my life I might want to know about?Are you two waiting to take me on a talk show.to tell me I have a twin sister whos a duchess?You have a cousin whos a contessa.Fondly known as Bartholomew.Actually, we call him Pookie.Yesterday did not go well.Will you ju

37、st listen to your grandmother?Amelia, in a matter of weeks.we have an annual ball.I was. I am hoping that I may present you.to the press and the public on that occasion.However, you desperately need some instruction.I speak for the entire Genovian parliament.and the royal family.And I speak for this

38、 family.Excuse me.I dont have a family with either one of you.because you ignored me for 15 years.and you lied to me.Families dont do stuff like that, OK?Where is she going?The tower.Mia, you cant run from everything!She has a tower?HELEN: Please? Just come down from there.MIA: Most kids hope for a

39、car.for their 16th birthday, not a country!Just make yourself comfortable.HELEN: This is getting us nowhere!Talk to me.I cant talk to you right now.Im late for a meeting with my guidance counselor.Im late for a meeting with Spain and Portugal.HELEN: I have a thought.Mia promises to attend princess l

40、essons.until your ball.Well, its not my ball.Its Genovias annual Independence Day ball.Im sorry.Mia promises neither to accept nor reject.your offer to be royal until this grand ball.and then she makes her decision.Now, can you both live with that?It seems I have no option.If I have to.But I want no

41、t one word of this until that evening.Is that understood?Duh.CLARISSE: The press would have a field day.Well. Lets not keep Spain and Portugal waiting.Ill be 16 this year.and my mom traded two paintings for a 1966 Mustang.You do know what a Mustang is, right?I raise mustangs.That is not a sensible c

42、ar for a princess.It isnt sensible for anyone. It doesnt run.I suppose I could donate something to this vehicle.MIA: Good morning, Mr. Robutusen.CLARISSE: Who is this gentleman?MIA: Oh, hes my neighbor.but you wouldnt want to meet him.He doesnt have very nice manners.Good morning.Theres someone I wa

43、nt you to meet.OK. Whoa.You have two limousines?One is yours.You raise limousines, too?No. Amelia, this is Joseph.Hi. Nice to meet you.The elegant European woman didnt stay for tea.Thanks.But the promise of tomorrow hung in the air.MIA: Ooh!Uh, Princess?Princess, may I point out.that no matter how m

44、any times you push it.it will go up and down the same way.MIA: Joseph, can we eighty-six the flags? Please?No.The flags allow me to park anywhere.We keep the flags.Sorry, Joseph.You can call me Joe.Joey?Heh heh heh heh.No. Joe.Did I miss something?Are we going to a wedding?Uh, no. School.No, this is

45、 the surprise ride.MIA: This is Joe.Joe, Lilly. Lilly, Joe.LILLY: Hi, its nice to meet you.You know you look like Shaft?Yes. Excuse me.- You want a ride, right? - Yeah, totally.Hey, I got it.Of course.- OK. - Oh, my word!JOE: Please fasten your seat belts, ladies.LILLY: Is your mother dating an unde

46、rtaker?Uh, no.This long-Iost grandmother showed up.and she wants me to use it.- And? - L. I dont know.I guess shes just trying to be nice.to get me to like her.LILLY: Oh.MIA: Hey, Joe?Can you please park a block away from school?I dont want to cause a riot with this hearse.This is a non-riot hearse.

47、And if it were a hearse.there would be silence in the back seat.CHEERLEADERS: Hey there, ho thereHow do you do?This is Grove Lions sayin hi to you.Go Lions! Rowr!P. A: This is a reminder.Virtual homework may not be submitted.for actual credit.FONTANA: Tell me, Mia.Is it true about your speech?Are yo

48、u really speaking at the Bulimic Convention?So you can speak and barf at the same time?MS. HARBULA: Good.Good glove, Michael. Way to go.Ill let this one go, Mia. Try catching.Are you sure?Its slow-pitch. Dont worry about it.MIA: Oh.Now get it and throw it back to the pitcher.- OK. - Come on.- I am so sorry. - Mm.- Im really. - Mm.- I didnt mean to. - Mm.- Can I help you? - Ice. Get me ice.LILLY: Im on the verge of becoming a nutcase.and my parents think I need an attitude adjustment.MIA: Whoa, whoa, whoa!LILLY: Sorry.


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