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1、电路原理专业词汇表Glossary of “Principles of Electric Circuits”Chapter 1 Elements and Laws of Electrical Circuits电路 electrical circuit电流 current电荷 electric charge电压 voltage 电位 potential电位差 potential difference电动势 electromotive force 功率 power能量 energy电阻 resistor / resistance电导 conductor / conductance电感 induct

2、or / inductance电容 capacitor / capacitance欧姆定律 Ohms Law广义欧姆定律 generalized Ohms Law参考方向 reference direction电压极性 voltage polarity正极 positive polarity负极 negative polarity理想独立电压源ideal independent voltage source理想独立电流源ideal independent current source理想受控源ideal dependent / controlled source压控电压源voltage con

3、trolled voltage source(VCVS)压控电流源voltage controlled current source(VCCS)流控电压源current controlled voltage source(CCVS)流控电流源current controlled current source(CCCS)节点 node支路 branch回路 loop基尔霍夫定律 Kirchhoffs Law基尔霍夫电流定律Kirchhoffs Current Law(KCL)基尔霍夫电压定律Kirchhoffs Voltage Law(KVL)闭合面 closed boundary集总参数 lu

4、mped parameter集总参数电路 lumped circuit集总参数元件 lumped element分布参数 distributed parameter分布参数电路 distributed circuit直流 direct current(DC)2交流 alternating current(AC)有源器件 active element无源器件 passive element无损电路 lossless circuitChapter 2 Analysis methods to simple resistor circuits串联 series connection分压 voltage

5、 division并联 parallel connection分流 current division等效电阻 equivalent resistanceY- 变换 Wye-Delta transformation入端电阻 input resistanceChapter 3 Methods of Analysis支路电流法 method of branch current节点法 Nodal Analysis回路电流法 loop current method网孔电流法 mesh current method外网孔 outer mesh自导纳 self-admittance互导纳 mutual-ad

6、mittance矩阵 matrix行 row列 column参考节点 reference node平面电路 planar circuit方程 equation消去法 elimination technique克莱姆法则 Cramers rule代入法 substitution method运算放大器 operational amplifier(op amp)同向输入端 noninverting input反向输入端 inverting input输出端 output等效电路模型 equivalent circuit model开环放大倍数 open-loop gain闭环放大倍数 closed

7、-loop gain入端电阻 input resistance输出电阻 output resistance线性工作区 linear region正向饱和区 positive saturation反向饱和区 negative saturation同向放大 noninverting amplifier反向放大 inverting amplifier加法器 summing amplifier积分器 integrator微分器 differentiator自激振荡 self-sustained oscillation3Chapter 4 Circuit Theorems叠加原理 superpositi

8、on principle输入/激励 input / excitation输出/响应 output / response线性电路 linear circuit代数和 algebraic sum替代定理 substitution principle戴维南定理 Thevenins Theorem诺顿定理 Nortons Theorem二端网络 two-terminal circuit开路电压 open-circuit voltage短路电流 short-circuit current特勒根定理 Tellegen Theorem功率平衡定理 Power-balancing Theorem互易定理 re

9、ciprocal theorem对偶原理 principle of duality对偶元件 dual element对偶图 dual graphChapter 5 Nonlinear Circuit非线性电路 nonlinear circuit非线性元件 nonlinear element压控电阻 voltage-controlled resistor流控电阻 current-controlled resistor静态电阻 static resistance动态电阻 dynamic resistance小信号分析 small-signal analysis小信号模型 small-signal

10、modal分段线性化法 piece-wise linear mthod数值解法 numerical analysisChapter 6 First-order Circuit一阶电路 first-order circuit一阶微分方程 first-order differential equation过渡过程 transient process线性时不变电路 linear time-invariable circuit单位阶跃函数 unit step function单位脉冲函数 unit pulse function单位斜坡函数 unit ramp function起始条件 initial

11、condition起始值 initial value零输入响应 zero-input response零状态响应 zero-state response稳态响应 steady-state response暂态响应 transient response时间常数 time constant指数函数 exponential function阶跃响应 step response冲激响应 impulse response自由响应 natural response强迫响应 forced response全响应 complete response稳态值 final value4卷积积分 convolutio

12、n integration时域延迟 time delay换路 switching跳变现象 jump phenomenon脉冲持续时间 pulse duration脉冲重复周期 repeating period of pulse Chapter 7 Second-order Circuit二阶电路 second-order circuit齐次微分方程homogeneous differential equation常系数微分方程constant coefficients equation特征方程 characteristic equation特征根 characteristic root特征值

13、eigenvalue特征向量 eigenvector特解 particular solution通解 general solution自然频率 natural frequency衰减系数 damping factor谐振角频率 resonant frequency / undamped natural frequency过阻尼情况 overdamped case欠阻尼情况 underdamped case临界情况 critically damped case固有振荡角频率 damping frequency / damped natural frequency衰减振荡 damped oscil

14、lation无损 lossless正弦响应 sinusoidal response波形 waveform实数 real复数 complex衰减 attenuationChapter 8 Sinusoidal Steady-State Analysis幅值 amplitude / magnitude相位 phase相位差 phase difference角频率 angular frequency周期 period频率 cyclic frequency正弦 sinusoidal余弦 cosine初相角 initial phase angle瞬时值 instantaneous value最大值 ma

15、ximum有效值 effective value root-mean-square valueu 领先 i u leads i by u 落后 i u lags i by 同相 in phase反相 opposite in phase实部 real part5虚部 imaginary part直角坐标形式 rectangular form极坐标形式 polar form指数形式 exponential form相量 phasor参考相量 reference phasor电压三角形 voltage triangle瞬时功率 instantaneous power平均功率 average powe

16、r阻抗 impedance导纳 admittance电抗 reactance电纳 susceptance感性 inductive容性 capacitive正弦稳态响应sinusoidal steady-state response时域 time-domain相量域 phasor-domain视在功率 apparent power功率因数 power factor (pf)复功率 complex power功率三角形 power triangle复共轭 complex conjugate有功功率 active power无功功率 reactive power最大功率传输定理Maximum Pow

17、er Transfer Theorem功率守恒定理Theorem of conservation of power阻抗匹配 impedance matching共轭匹配 conjugate matchingChapter 9 Magnetically Coupled Circuits耦合 couple互感 mutual inductance自感 self-inductance磁通 magnetic flux互感电压 mutual / induced voltage线圈 coil铁心线圈 coil with iron core匝数 turn耦合系数 coupling coefficient变压器

18、 transformer空心变压器 air-core transformer原边 primary coils / windings副边 secondary coils / windings引入阻抗 reflected impendence理想变压器 ideal transformer全耦合变压器 unity-coupled transformer变比 turns ratio / transformation ratio自耦合变压器 auto-transformer6多绕组变压器 multiple-winding transformer右螺旋定则 right-handed screw rule同

19、名端 dotted terminalterminals of same magnetic polarity漏感 leakage inductanceChapter 10 Resonance串联谐振 series resonance并联谐振 parallel resonance谐振频率 resonant frequency特性阻抗 characteristic impedance品质因数 quality factor频率响应 frequency response选择性 selectivity选频特性 frequency-selection characteristicChapter 11 Fre

20、quency Response复频率 complex frequency网络函数 network function转移函数 transfer function多项式 polynomial极点 pole零点 zero波特图 Bode plot分贝 decibel增益 gain对数 logarithm半对数 semilog转折频率 corner / break frequency截止频率 cut-off frequency带宽 bandwidth无源滤波器 passive filter有源滤波器 active filter低通滤波器 low-pass filter高通滤波器 high-pass f

21、ilter带通滤波器 band-pass filter带阻滤波器 band-stop / band-reject / notch filterChapter 12 Three-phase Circuits对称三相电源 balanced three-phase sources对称三相电路symmetrical three-phase circuit中线 neutral line中性点 neutral point三相四线制 three-phase four-wire system相电压 phase voltage线电压 line voltage相序 phase sequence正序 positiv

22、e / abc sequence负序 negative / acb sequence相电流 phase current7线电流 line currentChapter 13 Steady-State Response of Periodic Excitation周期性非正弦激励nonsinusoidal periodic excitation三角形式的付里叶级数trigonometric Fourier series指数形式的付里叶级数exponential Fourier series付里叶系数 Fourier coefficient基波 fundamental harmonic基波频率 f

23、undamental frequency谐波 harmonic wave高次谐波 higher harmonic频谱 frequency spectrum谱线 spectrum line线状频谱 line spectrum奇次 odd偶次 even奇对称 odd symmetry偶对称 even symmetry半波对称 half-wave symmetry帕斯瓦尔定理 Parsevals theoremChapter 14 Fourier Transformation and Laplace Transformation付里叶变换 Fourier transformation拉普拉斯变换 L

24、aplace transformation原函数 original function象函数 transform function积分变换 integral transformation频域 frequency domain幅度谱 amplitude spectrum相位谱 phase spectrum矩形脉冲 rectangular pulse线性性质 linearity时域微分 time differentiation时域积分 time integration时域平移 time shift频域平移 frequency shift拉普拉斯反变换 inverse Laplace transfor

25、mation拉普拉斯变换对 Laplace pairsChapter 15 Two-port Networks端口 port二端口网络 two-port network四端网络 four-terminal network / quadripoleZ 参数 impedance parametersY 参数 admittance parametersH 参数 Hybrid parameters8T 参数 Transmission parameters策动点 driving point(二端口) 级联 cascade connection传播常数 transmission constantChapt

26、er 16 Basis of Network Graph Theory图 graph拓扑图 topological graph子图 subgraph连通图 connected graph有向图 oriented graph树 tree树支 tree branch连支 link割集 cut set降阶关联矩阵 reduced incidence matrix增广矩阵 augmented matrix秩 rank基本回路矩阵fundamental loop matrix基本割集矩阵fundamental cut set matrix单位阵 unit matrix转置阵 transposed mat

27、rix正定矩阵 positive definite matrix非奇异矩阵 nonsingular matrix逆矩阵 inverse matrix方阵 square matrix零矩阵 zero matrix行列式 determinantChapter 17 State Variables Approach状态变量 state variable状态方程 state equation状态空间 state space列向量 column vector特征值 characteristic value特征向量 characteristic vector特征方程 characteristic equa

28、tion相似矩阵 similar matrixChapter 18 Nonlinear Dynamic Circuits非线性时变电路 nonlinear time-varying circuit自治电路非自治电路前向欧拉法 forward Eulars method后向欧拉法 backward Eulars method相平面状态平面 state planar相轨线中心点焦点9节点鞍点平衡点 稳定性 stability渐近稳定 asymptotic stabilityChapter 19 Distributed Circuits分布参数电路 distributed circuit传输线 tr

29、ansmission line均匀传输线 uniform transmission line反射 reflection透射 transmission波长 wave length波速 wave speed行波 traveling wave 驻波 standing wave正向行波 direct wave反向行波 returning wave波阻抗 wave impedance波前 wave front传播常数 propagation constantAppendix Magnetic Circuit磁路 magnetic circuit铁磁物质 ferromagnetic substance磁导

30、率 magnetic permeability磁感应强度 magnetic induction磁通 magnetic flux磁链 magnetic linkage磁通势 magnetomotive force磁通密度 magnetic flux density磁通连续性定理principle of continuity of magnetic flux磁场强度 magnetic flux intensity磁阻 reluctance磁导 permeance安培环路定理 principle of Ampere loop circuit磁化曲线 magnetization curve磁滞回线 h

31、ysteresis loop磁滞 hysteresis涡流 eddy current涡流损失 eddy current loss集肤效应 skin effect漏磁通 leakage flux磁饱和 magnetic saturation电磁感应定律law of electromagnetic induction励磁电流 exciting current电工学上中英名词对照表10一阶电路 first-order circuitV 形曲线 V curve三相电路 three-phase circuit三相功率 three-phase power三相三线制 three-phase three-wi

32、re system三相四线制 three-phase four-wire system三相变压器 three-phase transformer三角形联接 trianular connection三角波 triangular wave三相异步电动机 three-phase induction motor支路 branch支路电流法 branch current method中性点 neutral point中性线 neutral conductor中央处理器 centre processing unit(CPU)互感 mutual inductance介电常数 permittivity of

33、the dielectric瓦特 Watt功率表 powermeter无功功率 reactive power韦伯 Weber反电动势 counter emf反相 opposite in phase反馈控制 feedback control方框图 block diagram开路 open circuit开关 switch水轮发电机 water-wheel generator功 work功率 power功率因数 power factor功率三角形 power triangle功率角 power angle电能 electric energy电荷 electric charge电场 electric

34、 field电场强度 electric field intensity电位 electric potential电位差 electric potential difference电位升 potential rise电位降 potential drop电位计 potentiometer电压 voltage电压三角形 voltage triangle电动势 electromotive force(emf)电源 source电压源 voltage source电流源 current source电路 circuit电路分析 circuit analysis电路元件 circuit element电路

35、模型 circuit model电流 current电流密度 current density电流互感器 current transformer电阻 resistance电阻器 resistor电阻性电路 resistive circuit电阻率 resistivity电导 conductance电导率 conductivity电容 capacitance电容器 capacitor电容性电路 capacitive circuit电感 inductance电感器 inductor电感性电路 inductive circuit电桥 bridge电机 electric machine电磁转矩 electromagnetic torque


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