1、超声引导下前列腺穿刺术-临床实践,昆明医科大学第一附属医院 陈跃龙,目录超声引导下前列腺穿刺现状我科经直肠超声引导下前列腺穿刺临床实践一些新知识,前列腺癌中国现状,前列腺癌的流行病学特征有明显的地域和种族差异在全球范围内,前列腺癌在男性恶性肿瘤中发病率占第2位,欧美国家前列腺癌的发病率高于亚洲国家中国前列腺癌的发病率和病死率均呈现明显的持续增长趋势多数地区新确诊患者中晚期比例高于欧美国家,前列腺癌穿刺中国专家共识 2016,如何提高前列腺癌的早期诊断率是我国前列腺癌临床诊疗中面临的重要问题,增加 212.5%,增加 124.9%,中国前列腺癌诊断时以中晚期患者为主,1.Chen R, et a
2、l. Asian Journal of Urology 2014;1:15e29. 2.叶定伟,朱耀;中国前列腺癌的流行病学概述和启示;中华外科杂志2015年4月第53卷第4期,前列腺癌流行病学,如何提高前列腺癌的早期诊断率是我国前列腺癌临床诊疗中面临的重要问题,穿刺活检是诊断前列腺癌的金标准TRUS下穿刺使用广泛,但尚未普及III/II级医院:1800+/6700+ III级:95%可行前列腺穿刺60%无固定人员32%的医院没有按照指南推荐的指征进行穿刺12%盲穿16%不足10针II级医院进行B超引导下穿刺:20%基于影像学技术的靶向穿刺因硬件和技术限制推广难度大国内缺乏统一的前列腺穿刺活检
3、技术规范我国前列腺癌确诊滞后,我国前列腺癌穿刺现状,前列腺初次穿刺指征,2016年前列腺癌穿刺中国专家共识 建议的前列腺穿刺指征包括:直肠指检(DRE)发现前列腺可疑结节, 任何PSA 值经直肠前列腺超声(TRUS)或MRI发现可疑病灶,任何PSA 值PSA10g/LPSA 410g/L,f/t PSA可疑或PSAD值可疑,前列腺癌穿刺中国专家共识 2016,前列腺初次穿刺禁忌证及中国穿刺活检患者特征,前列腺癌穿刺中国专家共识 2016,纳入自1980年后的临床研究meta分析结论:12针 vs. 6针提高肿瘤检出率 12针 vs 6针未显著增加并发症,Eichler K, et al. J
4、Urol 2006; 175(5):1605-1612.,1989年Hodges提出的6针系统穿刺法阳性率较低,不推荐为初次穿刺的首选,穿刺活检的针数选择,TRUS经会阴与经直肠穿刺,目的:评估TRUS12针系统穿刺经会阴与经直肠方式的不同,Takenaka A, et al. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 2008; 11(2):134-138.,分层因素:PSAPSADDRE结果TRUS结果,结论,经会阴与经直肠穿刺总检出率相似两种方式阳性针率 经直肠穿刺总体阳性针率高于经会阴穿刺 当PSA处于灰区,经会阴穿刺阳性针率高于经直肠,尤其是移行区的前列腺两种进针方
5、式并发症无差异,穿刺活检的并发症,血尿:经直肠穿刺常见,由穿刺针刺破尿道或膀胱引起,术前停用抗凝药物,术中避开尿道和膀胱可减少发生,严重血尿可留置三腔导尿管牵引压迫止血血便:发生率较低,由穿刺针损伤直肠粘膜引起,术中可压迫止血点止血感染:严重感染多与喹诺酮类药物耐药有关,如无法控制应及时行细菌培养并调整抗菌药物,2015 EAU Guidelines on Prostate Cancer.中国前列腺癌穿刺共识2016inpress.,目录超声引导下前列腺穿刺现状我科经直肠超声引导下前列腺穿刺临床实践一些新知识,知识转化为实践技能?,超声引导下经直肠前列腺穿刺活检术的准备,穿刺术前常规检查预防性
6、抗生素的应用:首选喹诺酮类抗生素;单次应用与用药13d的效果相当。肠道准备:建议穿刺前碘伏清洁肠道围手术期抗凝及抗血小板药物的使用:前列腺穿刺时不停用小剂量阿司匹林并不增加严重 出血的风险,但多数学者仍建议围手术期停用抗凝及抗血小板药物。阿司匹林及其他非甾体类抗炎药穿刺前应停用35d氯吡格雷应停用7d噻氯匹定应停用14d双香豆素建议停用45d麻醉,麻醉,前列腺癌穿刺中国专家共识 2016,经直肠和经会阴前列腺穿刺对麻醉的要求不同通常大多数患者在经直肠穿刺中未经麻醉也能很好耐受超声引导下前列腺周围阻滞是经直肠前列腺穿刺麻醉的最优选择效果优于经直肠灌注局麻药物,穿刺位点的分布,实践(我科超声),实
7、践(两个面),实践 (矢状面),1,2,3,4,3,实践 (矢状面),1,2,3,4,实践 (水平面),错误,实践 (水平面),实践 (水平面),实践 (穿刺平面=水平面)*提问,实践 (穿刺平面=水平面),尖部短针穿刺,实践 (前列腺Ca超声表现),系统穿刺 and 靶向穿刺,病理结果的判读,1. 前列腺癌诊断标准:起源于前列腺腺上皮,前列腺酸性磷酸酶及PSA染色阳性,缺乏基底细胞(HMWK染色阴性)。2.上皮内瘤变PIN:前列腺导管、小管、腺泡上皮细胞的异常增生,HPIN细胞核成前列腺癌样改变,但基底细胞层完整,LPIN与癌无明显关系。3.非典型腺瘤样增生AAH:细胞形态呈增生样,但腺泡增
8、生组织结构类似癌,期间填充有正常前列腺组织,且基底细胞间断(单个基地细胞)。,多发HPIN,For example, Godoy et al55 and Merrimen et al56 have found that isolated HGPIN does not warrant any further prostate biopsy. Similarly, data from the Cleveland Clinic has shown that upon comparison of men with multifocal and isolated HGPIN on initial sat
9、uration biopsy, an 80% and 0% likelihood of prostate cancer on repeat prostate biopsy was observed, respectively.57 The NCCN guidelines recommend that for patients with multifocal HGPIN (2 cores) on an extended pattern biopsy, repeat biopsy be performed within the first year.,57.Lee MC, Moussa AS, Y
10、u C, Kattan MW, Magi-Galluzzi C, Jones JS. Multifocal high grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia is a risk factor for subsequent prostate cancer. J Urol. 2010;184:195862. PubMed: 20846692,非典型增生,Studies of repeat biopsy have shown a detection rate for prostatic adenocarcinoma as high as 55% after
11、 an initial diagnosis of ASAP and up to 58% when found in combination with HGPIN on initial biopsy.Regardless of PSA values, current recommendations are to rebiopsy all patients with ASAP in their initial biopsy specimen within 3 to 6 months. The typical technique of biopsy is focal saturation to th
12、e region of observed atypia.,59. Mancuso PA, Chabert C, Chin P, Kovac P, Skyring T, Watt WH, Napaki S. Prostate cancer detection in men with an initial diagnosis of atypical small acinar proliferation. BJU Int. 2007; 99:4952. PubMed:1722749160. Scattoni V, Roscigno M, Freschi M, Briganti A, Fantini
13、GV, Bertini R, Salonia A, Montorsi F,Rigatti P. Predictors of prostate cancer after initial diagnosis of atypical small acinar proliferation at 10 to 12 core biopsies. Urology. 2005; 66:10437. PubMed: 16286121,2015年NCCN前列腺癌穿刺指南关于病理结果的解读,重复穿刺的指征前列腺穿刺中国专家共识,1. 首次穿刺病理发现非典型性增生或高级别PIN,尤其是多针病理为非典型性增生或高级别P
14、IN;2. 复查PSA10g/L;3. 复查PSA 4-10g/L,%fPSA、PSAD值、DRE或影像学表现异常,如TRUS或MRI检查提示可疑癌灶,可在影像融合技术下行兴趣点的靶向穿刺;4. PSA 4-10g/L,%fPSA、PSAD值、DRE、影像学表现均正常的情况下,每3个月复查PSA。如果PSA连续2次10g/L或PSA速率0.75g/(L年),需要重复穿刺;5. 推荐多参数MRI的靶向穿刺或饱和穿刺,两次穿刺的间隔时间建议3个月或更长。,重复穿刺的范围,1. 至少要包括初次活检的范围,还应包括移行带,外周带中线区及前列腺前部。2.在移行带位于前中线附近远端的2/3区前列腺癌好发,
15、因此移行带活检应集中在此区域,目录超声引导下前列腺穿刺现状我科经直肠超声引导下前列腺穿刺临床实践一些新知识,新的标志物(Prostate Cancer Antigen 3),One of these new markers is PCA3, a non-coding mRNA that is highly over-expressed (median 66-fold) in 95% of malignant prostate tissue compared with benign and normal prostate tissue 15,16 .The PROGENSA TM PCA3 As
16、say measures concentrations in urine samples taken after a DRE. The PCA3 Score has been shown to be independent of prostate volume, PSA level, number of previous biopsies and age 18,20,21 .,15 Hessels D , Klein Gunnewiek JM , van Oort I et al . DD3 PCA3 -based molecular urine analysis for the diagno
17、sis of prostate cancer . Eur Urol 2003 ; 44 : 8 1616 Bussemakers MJ , van Bokhoven A ,Verhaegh GW et al . DD3: a new prostate-specifi c gene, highly overexpressed in prostate cancer . CancerRes 1999 ; 59 : 5975 920 Deras IL , Aubin SM , Blase A et al .PCA3: a molecular urine assay for predicting pro
18、state biopsy outcome .J Urol 2008 ; 179 : 1587 9221 Aubin SM , Reid J , Sarno MJ et al .PCA3 molecular urine test for predicting repeat prostate biopsy outcome in populations at risk: validation in theplacebo arm of the dutasteride REDUCE trial . J Urol 2010 ; 184 : 1947 52,新的标志物(Prostate Cancer Ant
19、igen 3),PCA3评分=(PCA3mRNA/PSAmRNA)x1000The FDA has approved the PCA3 assay to help decide,along with other factors, whether a repeat biopsy in men age 50 years or older with one or more previous negative prostate biopsies is necessary-2015NCCN Guidline,新的标志物(PHI:Prostate Health Index),The phi is a co
20、mbination of existing tests (ie, tPSA,fPSA, proPSA). 146148 In a multicenter study, it was noted to have approximately double the sensitivity of fPSA/tPSA for cancer detection in those with serum PSA concentrations between 2 and 10 ng/mL. In addition, the phi correlated with cancer grade and had an
21、AUC of 0.72 for discrimination of high-grade(Gleason 7) cancer from low-grade cancer or negative biopsy-2015NCCN Guidline PHI=proPSA/f PSAxPSA,新的标志物(4K score),The 4Kscore test is another combination test that measures free and tPSA, human kallikrein 2肌肽释放酶(hK2),and intact PSA and also considers age, DRE results,and prior biopsy status-2015NCCN Guidline,