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1、English 英语专八学习复习资料英语专八高频词组地道搭配 1800 个版权所有,违者必究,未经协议授权,禁止下载使用。注:如恶意泄漏该资料,或通过该资料作为任何盈利的手段,作者有权追究其法律责任。本资料为过来人的考试经验所整理,也需结合其他复习书籍一起备考哦01 (主动)责骂某人 to call sb down 02 以某人为榜样学习 to take after ones example03 视某事为最重要的事 to place sth ahead of anything else04 视某事为最重要的事 to put sth first05 开夜车 to burn the midnigh

2、t oil06 贫困生 financially-strapped students07 经济中心 economic hub08 不动摇,坚持自己的立场 to stand my ground09 坚持自己的立场 to stick to my guns10 非常关心 give all my concern to sth11 沉溺于酗酒 be enslaved to drinking 12 去哪里(方向)to make for sp13 狼吞虎咽 to gulp down sth14 厌倦 to sicken of sth/doing sth 15 智勇双全 to combine wisdom wi

3、th courage16 土崩瓦解 to fall to pieces17 土崩瓦解 to go to pieces18 发动(汽车)to start up (car)19 知识来自于实践 knowledge starts with practice20 汲取知识 to come by knowledge21 泄露秘密 to leak out secrets22 未经允许 without permission23 (事情)发生 come about24 解释固定搭配:to explain sth to sb25 以为代价 at the expense of sth26 以为代价 at the

4、cost of sth27 以为代价 at the price of sth 28 在某领域很擅长,如同专家 be expert (名词形容词皆可)at/in sth29 给某人留下某物固定搭配:Mom reserved a piece of cake for her children 30 花钱/时间在某人身上 to expend time/money on sb31 松了口气 to exhale in relief 32 松了口气 to breathe a sigh of relief33 排放废气 to give off exhaust 34 废气 exhaust fumes35 给某人

5、带来伤害 to cause much damage to sb/sth36 使某人遭到不幸 bring sb to grief37 (主动)遭到不幸 come to grief38 被责骂 be taken to task39 在的背景下 against the backdrop of sth40 在的背景下 sth is set exactly against this background41 炸毁某物 to blow up sth42 故意破坏的行为 an act of sabotage43 吸引人们 to enthrall the minds of people44 卷入 get en

6、tangled in sth45 陷入 get embroiled in sth46 接着发生 to ensue from sth47 下一年 the ensuing year48 沉溺于坏习惯 be enslaved to a bad habit49 非常关心某事 sth is of great concern to me 50 抚养孩子长大 to bring up children51 在蜜罐中长大 be brought up in a honey jar 52(艰辛地)找工作 to pick up a job53 到处,四处 here and there54 把重点放在 to place

7、 weight on sth55 精神支柱 spiritual pillar 56 昂扬的斗志 high-spirited57 顽强的毅力 firmly-determined 58 为祖国争得荣誉 to win honors for our country 59 站起来 to raise to ones feet60(费劲地)站起来 to struggle to ones feet 61 交叉双臂 to fold ones arms62 双手抚脸 to put ones palms on ones cheek 63 摸下巴 to rub ones chin64 耸肩 to shrug ones

8、 shoulders65 电影特写 movie close-up66 电影卖座 This movie is a big draw at the box office 67 故事片 feature film68 电影首映 movie premiere69 电影发烧友 movie zealot70 戒烟 to quit smoking71 戒烟 to abstain from cigarettes72 戒烟 to lay off smoking 73 戒毒 to quit drugs 74 戒毒 to quit taking drugs75 戒毒 to get off drugs76 接触其他文化

9、 get into touch with other cultures77 掠夺他国资源 to plunder a country of its resources78 一流的设施 state-of-the-art facilities79 勉强及格 to scrape through an exam80 侦探小说 whodunit = detective novels/stories81 和相冲 be offensive to82 把考虑进来 to take sth into consideration83 把考虑进来 to take sth into full account84 进一步思

10、索、考虑 on second thought85 是恰当的示例 be a good case in point86 明显特征 a striking feature87 毫不夸张 without exaggeration88 开拓眼界 to expand ones mind89 开拓视野 to broaden ones mind90 微笑是一个人最好的名片 ones smile is the best name card of sb91 传承精神 to carry forward the spirit of sth92 侵害名誉 to jeopardize ones reputation93 服

11、用兴奋剂 to take stimulants94 性骚扰 sexual harassment 95 时尚圈 vogue/fashion world96 一时时尚 a passing vogue97 一时热潮 a passing fad98 进行严厉处罚 to impose serious penalties99 值得称赞 to deserve commendation100 广泛认同 be widely endorsed101 不足之处 defect = drawback102 经济平稳发展 sound economic growth103 假药 shoddy medicine104 假药

12、bogus medicine105 假证件 forged document106 声名狼藉 to have ill fame107 声名狼藉 be of ill-repute108 黄金时段节目 prime-time TV program109 大腕 top notch110 谐星 comic star111 快速瞥了一眼 to catch a brief glimpse of sth112 偷瞄 to cast covert glances at sth 113 受欢迎 be well-received 114 受欢迎 to receive a warm welcome115 受到热情招待

13、to receive a hearty reception 116 矢志不渝 undying loyalty117 早恋 to have premature love affairs118 以自我为中心的 be self-centered119 误入歧途(主动)to go astray120 把某人引向歧途 to lead sb astray121 没有养成自觉性 not to attain initiative 122 渐渐摧毁孩子的一生 to ruin the child for life123 流露自卑情绪 to show a sense of inferiority 124 有自卑情结

14、 have an inferiority complex125 十分忧虑(某物,如考试)to show great concern over sth126 倾心交谈 to have heart-to-heart chats with sb 127 性侵犯 sexual assault 128 对某人期望过高 to expect too much of sb129 明智的父母 judicious parents130 对沮丧 be despondent about sth131 为了某事向某人表示感谢 to express my gratitude to sb for sth132 不理睬 to

15、 shrug off sth 133 牢牢抓住机会 to snatch at a chance134 抓住机会 to jump at a chance135 一怒之下 in a fit of rage136 过严的家教 too rigid parental cultivation137 对一视同仁 to treat sth alike138 对漠不关心 be neglectful of sth139 对漠不关心 be indifferent to sth 140 控制不住 to have no control over sth 141 把控制住 to bring sth under contr

16、ol142 管不住 be beyond ones control143 大饱眼福 to feast ones eyes on sth144 促成逆反行为 to foster rebellion acts145 改正坏习惯 to cure sb of a bad habit146 花钱大手大脚 to spend money like water147 花钱无度 be spendthrift148 供上大学 to send children to college149 节省开支 to skimp on expenditures 150 帮助某人摆脱(困境)to help sb out of sth

17、 151 财务困境 financial predicament152 楷模 role model153 树立良好榜样 to present a good role model for sb 154 树立良好榜样 to set a good example to sb 155 老年人(总称)the elders 156 向某人指教 to turn to sb for guidance 157 展现良好品质 to practice a good virtue of sth 158 孝顺父母 be filial to parents 159 一丝希望 a gleam of hope 160 一线希望

18、 a glimmer of hope 161 微小的希望(几乎不可能)a slender hope 161 工作前景 job prospects162 使居于次要地位 to subordinate A to B 163 自吹自擂 to blow ones own horn 164 自夸 to blow ones own trumpet165 摆架子 to put on airs166 逃学 to play truant167 白手起家 to make money starting from scratch 168 怀疑 be skeptical about sth169 争权 to scram

19、ble for power170 如期举行 be held as scheduled 171 非常喜欢 be partial to sth 172 偏袒,有倾向 be partial towards sth 173 跟上步伐 to keep pace with sth 174 跟上步伐 to keep abreast of sth 175 对持乐观态度 be optimistic about sth 176 妨碍司法公正 to obstruct justice 177 妨碍司法公正 to pervert the course of justice 178 鉴于 in the light of

20、sth179 自由 at liberty 180 解放,释放(如压力,痛苦等)to liberate sb from sth 181 解放 to emancipate sb from sth 182 空暇时间 at ones leasure183 普遍持有的观点 a widely-held perspective on sth 184 间隔长(两者间)at long intervals185 间隔短,经常,时常 at short intervals 186 推动,激励 to give an impulse to sth 187 虚度光阴 to idle away time 188 虚度光阴 t

21、o dawdle away time189 无所事事 to loiter away time 190 热闹,繁华 hustle and bustle 191 让位(本意)to take a back seat to sth 192 让位(引申)to give way to sth 193 缓解焦虑 to ease anxiety about sth 194 永久和平 durable peace195 沉闷 as dull as ditchwater196 被怀疑中 sth is in doubt197 无疑 be beyond doubt 198 国外产品 foreign-made produ

22、cts 199 本土品牌 domestic brands200 与某人狼狈为奸 to work hand in glove with sb 201 指点某人 to enlighten sb on sth 202 当今社会 present-day society 203 持有积极的角度看问题 look at sth from a positive perspective/angle204 生活水平 living standards of people 205 设计自己的人生轨道 to chart our course of our lives206 收获成果 to come to fruition 207 把辛勤的劳动换成了累累硕果 to bring sth to fruition 208 每况愈下 be on the ebb209 每况愈下 be on the decline


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