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1、Little mermaid第一幕小美人鱼过生日Narrator(旁白) :Long long time ago, there was a mermaid family and they lived a happy life in the bottoms of the sea. The king of the mermaid family has 6 daughters. Ariel is the most beautiful one of them with her white skin and blond hair .she has the most beautiful voice. To

2、day its Ariels birthday.Ariel sisters(美人鱼姐姐): Happy birthday!Ariel(小美人鱼 ): Thank you!King(国王) :My honey, Today is your eighteenth birthday. You are old enough to go out to see the humans world.Ariel(小美人鱼 ): Thank you ,Dad.This is the best gift to me. My dream comes true.There are many wonderful thin

3、gs in the humans life.I want to be a human. I want to see them dancing and walking around on their feet.I really want to be a real girl.You are the best father. I love you.King & sisters : Be careful! Ariel.第二幕 Ariel saved the prince.(海边救王子)Ariel : Wow ! what a beautiful world.Oh! Whats that ?Narrat

4、or(旁白) :There was a large ship in the sea. There was music and song on board. The little mermaid saw a number of well-dressed people. They were having a party .How handsome the young prince looked. The little mermaid could not take her eyes from him.Prince: Is there anyone here?Attendant: An old leg

5、end said that there lived a mermaid family in the deep sea, their ruler is King Triton.Narrator(旁白) :Suddenly the hurricane comes. The ship was torn into pieces. The prince fall into the sea. The prince couldnt swim.Attendant: Eric, Where are you ? Eric, Where are you ?Ariel: Is he dead?Crow: Its ha

6、rd to say.Oh, I . I cant make out a heart beat.Ariel: No, look! Hes breathing .Hes so beautiful.Sing : What would I give to live where you are?What would I pay to stay here beside you?What would I do to see you smiling at me?Where would we walk ? where would we run?If we could stay all day in the su

7、n.Just you and me and I could be .part of your world.Attendant: Eric, EricNarrator(旁白) :The attendant finds the prince.Prince: She had the most beautiful voice.Attendant: Ah, Eric, I think youve swallowed too much sea water. Lets go.Ariel: (唱歌) I dont know when ,I dont know how.But I know something

8、is starting right now.Watch and youll see.Someday Ill be part of your world.第三幕:Ariel asked the sea witch for help.(寻求女巫帮助)Witch(女巫):ha! ha! ha!The child is in love with a prince.The little girl would make a charming addition to my little garden.Ariel: I want to be a real girl. The sea witch could h

9、elp me.Shrimp & Crow: No, NOWitch: Come in, my child. And you would be a human.Ariel: Can you do that ?Witch: My dear, sweet child, Thats what I do.We only discussed the subject of payment.You cant get something for nothing.Ariel: I dont have anyWitch: Im not asking much.What I want from you is your

10、 voice.Ariel: My voice?Witch: Youve got it, sweet cakes.You have your looks, your pretty face and the body language.It wont cost much just your voice.咒语:Beluge, sevruga. Come winds of the Caspian sea.Sing.Keep singing.Witch: Ha, Ha, HaWitch: If the prince doesnt kiss you in the three days, you will

11、turn into bubble.第四幕:The prince meets Ariel again. Now Ariel is a real girl.(王子宫殿遇到小美人鱼,小美人鱼成为真正的女孩)Narrator(旁白) :The prince is walking along the beach. He missed the girl all the time. Suddenly he saw the little mermaid Ariel.Prince: You seem very familiar to me. Have we met?Ariel 点头。Prince: We hav

12、e met. I knew it. Youre the one. Whats your name?Ariel 不能说话Prince: You cant talk? oh Youre hurt. Dont worry it. Shrimp & Crow:Ariel, Ariel.Prince: Ariel? Ariel. Thank you. You rescued me.I have brought you a crown. It stands for justice, compentence and beauty.Narrator(旁白) : The witch turns into a p

13、retty girl and pretend Ariels voice.Prince: You will be the one Im looking for. This crown is for you.Witch: Ha, ha, ha! I will keep your voice for ever.Crow: The prince is marring the sea witch in disguise.What should we do?Shrimp: Break the shell.Witch : Get away from me. Prince: Whats the matter?

14、Shrimp: Ariel is a mermaid.Crow: She rescued you.Shrimp: She give her voice to the sea witch to be a real girl. Shrimp & Crow:And that is the sea witch .Prince: Go away !Monster.Never appear again.Ariel: EricPrince: You can talk. I am so happy. This crown is for you.Shrimp & Crow: Hooray! Hooray!第五幕结局:All characters: Good will prevail over evil.Narrator(旁白) : Eric ,Ariel and all the sea animals live happily for ever. 宣城市第六小学


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