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1、U1Paraphrase1. We re 23 feet above sea level.2. The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3. We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4. Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electrici

2、ty, so the lights also went out.5. Everybody go out through the back door and run to the cars.6. The electrical systems in the car had been put out by water.7. As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole fam

3、ily by deciding not to flee inland.8. ()h God, please help us to get through this storm safely.9. Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped.10. Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervous tension caused by the hurricane

4、.Translation 1.每架飞机起飞之前必须经过严格的检查。 Every plane must be checked out thoroughly before taking off.2.居民坚决反对在附近建立垃圾焚烧厂,因为他们担心工厂排放的气体会污染周围的空气。The residents were firmly opposed to the construction of a waste incineration plant in their neighborhood because they were deeply concerned the plants emission pol

5、lution the air.3.在这个地区,生态工程的投资额高达数十亿元。Investment in ecological projects in this area mounted up to billions of yuan.4.干枯的河道里布满了大大小小的石块。The dry riverbed was strewn with rocks of all sizes.5.虽然战争给这个国家造成巨大的损失,但当地的文化传统并没有消亡。Although war caused great loss to this country, its cultural traditions did not

6、perish.6.为了建筑现代化的高楼大厦,许多古老的、具有民族特色的建筑物都被拆毁了。To make space for modern high rises, many ancient buildings with ethnic culture features had to be demolished.7.在地震中多数质量差的房子的主体结构都散架了On the earthquake the main structures of most of the poor quality houses disintegrated.8.他为实现自己的目标付出了最大的努力,但最后美好的梦想还是化成了泡影。

7、His wonderful dream vanished into the air despite his hard efforts to achieve his goals.1. 但约翰就像沿海村落中其他成千上万的人一样,不愿舍弃家园,要他下决心弃家外逃,除非等到他的一家人一妻子詹妮丝以及他们那七个年龄从三岁到十一岁的孩子一一眼看着就要灾祸临头。2. 楼上一个房问的法兰西式两用门砰地一声被风吹开了。楼下的人还听到楼上其他玻璃窗破碎时发出的劈劈啪啪的响声。3. 大家都跑到靠两堵内墙保护的楼梯上歇着。个个吓得要命,气喘吁吁,浑身湿透。4. 所有人都明白现在已是无路可逃死活都只好留在房子里了。5.

8、 不一会儿,一阵强风掠过,将整个屋顶卷入空中,抛向40 英尺以外。6. 在飓风中心纵横约70英里的范围内,其风速接近每小时 200英里,掀起的浪头高达30英尺。7. 尚未被风刮倒的树上结彩似地挂满被撕成布条的衣服,吹断的电线像黑色的实心面一样盘成一圈一圈地散在路面上。8. 这件事原本是让人感到压抑痛苦的,但实际上却并非如此。在残骸中找到的每一件侥幸保存下来的物品都显现了对这场狂暴的飓风战斗的一个小小的胜利。 U2Paraphrase1) Serious-looking men were so absorbed in their conversation tParaphrasehat they

9、seemed not to pay any attention to the people around them.2) At last the taxi trip came to an end and I suddenly discovered that I was in front of the gigantic City Hall. 3) The traditional floating houses among high modern buildings represent the constant struggle between old tradition and new deve

10、lopment./ The rather striking picture of traditional floating houses among high, modern buildings represents the constant struggle between traditional Japanese culture and the new, western style. 4) I suffered from a strong feeling of shame when I thought of the scene of meeting the mayor of Hiroshi

11、ma wearing my socks only. 5) The few Americans and Germans seemed just as restrained as 1 was 6) After three days in Japan one gets quite used to bowing to people as a ritual in greeting and to show gratitude7) I was on the point of showing my agreement by nodding when I suddenly realized what he me

12、antHis words shocked me out my sad dreamy thinking 8) and nurses walked by carrying surgical instruments which were nickel plated and even healthy visitors when they see those instruments could not help shivering.Translation 1) 礼堂里一个人都没有,会议一定是延期了。 There is not a soul in the hall. The meeting must ha

13、ve been put off 2)那座现代建筑看上去很像个飞碟.That modern building/construction looks very much like a flying saucer. 3)四川话和湖北话在北方人听起来很相似,有时难以区别。Sichuan dialect sounds much the same as Hubei dialect. It is sometimes difficult to tell one from the other. 4)一看见纪念碑就想起了在战斗中死去的好友。The very sight of the monument remind

14、s me of my good friend who was killed in the battle. 5)他陷入沉思之中,没有理会同伴们在谈些什么。He was so deep in thought that he was oblivious of what his friends were talking about. 6) 他干的事与她毫无关系。What he did had nothing to do with her. 7) 她睡不着觉,女儿的病使她心事重重。She couldnt fall asleep as her daughters illness was very much

15、 on her mind. 8)这件事长期以来一直使我放心不下。I have had the matter on my mind for a long time. 9)他喜欢这些聚会,喜欢与年轻人交往并就各种问题交换意见。He loves such gatherings at which he rubs shoulders with young people and exchange opinions with them on various subjects. 10)几分钟以后大家才领悟他话中的含意。It was only after a few minutes that his words

16、 sank in. 11) 土壤散发着青草的气味。The soil smells of fresh grass. 12) 我可以占用你几分钟的时间吗?Could you spare me a few minutes? 13)你能匀出一张票子给我吗?Could you spare me a ticket? 14)那个灰头发上了年纪的人是铜匠。That elderly grey-haired man is a coppersmith by trade.1. 其次,当时我喉咙哽咽,愁绪涌上心头,所想所感都与这位日本铁道部官员毫无关系。2. 踏上这片土地,呼吸这里的空气,相比以往任何一次出差或者接受的

17、报道任务,我感到此行是一次更大的冒险之旅。我难道不是站在曾经罪恶肆虐过的地方吗?3.这座曾惨遭劫难的城市的高楼大厦则一座座地从我们身边飞掠而过。4. 出人意料的是,刚到广岛车站时袭扰着我的那种异样的忧伤情绪竟在这时重新袭上心头,我的心情又难受起来,因为我又一次意识到自己置身于曾遭受第一颗原子弹轰击的现场。这儿曾有成千上万的生命顷刻之间即遭毁灭,还有成千上万的人在痛苦的煎熬中慢慢死去。5. “难得有个城市像广岛这样闻名遐迩。我既高兴而又自豪地欢迎诸位来到广岛。令广岛如此举世闻名的乃是它的牡蛎。”6. 我之所以对您讲起这些,是因为我已差不多步入老年了。在这个以牡蛎闻名的城市里有两种截然不同的意见,

18、一种主张保存原子弹爆炸留下的痕迹,另一种则主张销毁一切痕迹,甚至要拆除立于爆炸中心的纪念碑。7. “假如您要描写这座城市的话,千万别忘记告诉人们这是日本最快乐的城市,尽管这里的市民许多人身上还带着暗伤和明显的灼伤。”8. 但到后来,我的头发开始脱落,腹内开始出水。U3Paraphrase1. Ogilvie spat out the words with great contempt and sudden rudeness, throwing away his pretended politeness.2. When they find who killed the mother and th

19、e kid and then ran away, they will deal out the maximum punishment, and they will not care who will be punished in this case or what their social position is. 3. The Duchess was supported by her arrogance coming from parents of noble families who belonged to the nobility for more than three hundred

20、years. So she did not give in easily. 4. The Duchess was a good actress and she appeared so firm about their innocent that, for a brief moment, Ogilvie felt unsure if his assumption about them was right. But the moment was very short and passed quickly. 5. The house detective was in no hurry. He enj

21、oyed his cigar and puffed a cloud of blue cigar smoke in a relaxed manner. At the same time, his eyes were fixed disdainfully on the Duchess as if openly daring her to object to his smoking a cigar, as she had done earlier. 6. If anybody who stays in this hotel does anything wrong, improper or unusu

22、al, I alwaysget to know about it. There isnt much that can escape me. 7. The Duchess kept firm and tight control of her mind which is working quickly. Here theDuchess is thinking quickly but at the same time keeping her thoughts under control, not letting them run wild. 8. And when they stopped for

23、petrol, as it would be necessary, their speech and manner would reveal their identity. British English would be particularly noticeable in the south. 9. She mustnt make any mistakes in her plan, or waver in mind and show decision or deal with the situation carelessly due to small mindedness. In othe

24、r words, she has to take a big chance, to do something very daring, so she must be bold, resolute and decisive. She has to rise to the occasion. Translation1. 不用着急,慢慢来,我们还有时间。There is no call for hurryTake your time2. 你的意思是说我在撒谎吗?Are you suggesting that I am telling a lie? 3. 他企图尽一切办法掩盖事情的真相。He trie

25、d every means to conceal the fact4. 虽然成功的机会很少,我们仍然要竭尽全力去干。Our chance to succeed is very slimNevertheless we shall do our utmost 5. 如不另行通知,我们的会在明天十点开。We will have our meeting at 10 tomorrow morning unless notified otherwise6. 我俩谁也不善于计算数学。Neither of us is adept at figures7. 假定五点出发,我们在黄昏前能到达目的地吗?Would

26、it be possible to reach that place before dark assuming we set out at 5 oclock ( in the morning )?8. 他不愿意依从她的要求。He was reluctant to comply with her request. 9. 我知道你是南方人,一听你的口音就知道了。I know you are from the South of China. Your accent has betrayed you. 10. 在这件事情上,我们没有任何选择的余地。We have no alternative in t

27、his matter.1. 想到这两个人随时都会回来,她自己的紧张情绪怎么也松弛不下来。2. 随着欧吉维进屋的是一团雪茄烟雾。3. 欧吉维慢条斯理地从口中拿下雪茄,敲掉烟灰,然后将烟蒂扔向靠右边的一个装饰性壁炉。4. 现在我知道了真相,假如我照章办事的话,没等你眨眼,便会有一队警察开到这儿来。5. 她猛地一下跳了起来,怒容满面,灰绿色的眼睛里喷射出火光,直直地逼视着肥肉成堆的探长。(哈哈哈哈哈哈肥肉成堆!)6.这种事在新奥尔良是很容易发生的,这儿的路弯弯曲曲的很容易走错方向。7. 那样的话,还不如现在就去警察局投案自首。8. 她意识到,唱主角的责任又一次地落到了自己的肩上。此时此刻,在她与这个

28、居心叵测的肥佬之间的激烈交锋中,她的丈夫只当了一名紧张而被动的旁观者。9. 她目光紧紧盯住他的脸,同时她那漂亮、高颧骨的俏脸上展出一副霸道的神态。10. 我们即使付钱给你也得不到什么好处,顶多也只是拖延几天时间罢了。U4Paraphrase1. “Dont worry, young man, well do a few things to outwit the prosecution.”; or “Dont worry, young man, we have some clever and unexpected tactics and we will surprise them in the

29、trial.” 2. The case had come down upon me unexpectedly and violently; I was suddenly engulfed by the whole affair. 3. I was the last one to expect that my case would grow (or develop) into one of the most famous trials in U.S. History. 4. “Thats a completely inappropriate jury, too ignorant and part

30、ial.”. 5. Today the teachers are put on trial because they teach scientific theory; soon the newspapers and magazines will not be allowed to express new ideas, to spread knowledge ofscience. 6. “It is doubtful whether man has reasoning power,” said Darrow sarcastically and scornfully.7. . accused Br

31、yan of demanding that a life or death struggle be fought between science and religion. 8. People had to pay in order to have a look at the ape and to consider carefully whetherapes and humans could have a common ancestry. 9. Darraow surprised everyone by asking for Bryan as a witness for Scopes whic

32、h was a brilliant idea. 10. Darrow had gotten the best of Bryan, who looked helplessly lost and pitiable as everyone ignored him and rushed past him to congratulate Darrow. When I saw this, I felt very sorry for Bryan. Translation 1.我没有预料到会卷入这场争端。I did not anticipate that I would get involved in thi

33、s dispute. 2.如果你想学到一些东西,那你自己就应该参加到这项工作中去。You must involve yourself in the work if you want to learn something. 3.虽然种族隔离是违法的,但种族歧视在美国仍然以不同形式存在着。Racial discrimination still exists in various forms in the United States though racial segregation violates the law. 4.陪审团议论了一番,最后裁决他有罪。The jury deliberated

34、and brought in a verdict of guilty. 5.他认为这两个观点是可以一致起来的。He thought the two views could be reconciled. 6.观众对被告充满了同情心。The spectators hearts went out to the defendant. 7.他阅读文章时总是把字典放在手边When he read articles, he always had a dictionary on hand. 8.还没有进行环境影响评估,筑坝工程就开工了。The construction of the dam got under

35、 way before any environment impact assessment had been done.1. 原教旨主义者坚持严格按照字面意义去理解旧约全书,而现代主义者则接受查尔斯达尔文的进化论认为一切动物,包括猿和人,都是由同一个祖先进化而来的。2. 有一次辩论中,拉普利亚说,任何人要讲授生物学,就不能不讲进化论。3. 附近一带的山区居民,其中多半是原教旨主义者,也纷纷赶到镇上来为布莱恩呐喊助威,打击那些“外来的异教徒”。4. “他在这里是因为愚昧和偏见还很猖獗,而且这两者又结合在一起,形成一股强大的势力。”5. “圣经,”他用洪亮的嗓音大喊大叫道,“是不会被那些千里迢迢赶

36、来作证的学者专家们赶出这个法庭的。这些专家们来到这里的目的是想证明主张人类祖先来自丛林的进化论和上帝按照天机,依其形象创造人类并安排到这个世界上来的看法,是并行不悖的。”6. 真理是永存的、不朽的,而且并不需要依靠人的力量去维护它! ”7. 然而,尽管马隆在同布莱恩进行的这场舌战中取得了胜利,法官还是决定不许在座的科学家们为辩方作证。8. “我只是在考验你的那些愚蠢的想法,世界上没有哪个有知识的基督徒会相信你的那些想法。”9. 达德雷费尔德马隆称这次庭审结果对我来说是一次“ 胜利的败仗”。10. 由克拉伦斯达罗和达德雷费尔德马隆在戴顿镇的小小法庭上掀起的那些辩论风暴犹如一股清风吹遍了美国的学校

37、和立法机关,随之而来的是日渐增长的思想自由和学术自由的新气象。U6Paraphrase1) Mark Twain is known to most Americans as the author of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and its sequel Huckleberry Finn, which are generally acknowledged to be his greatestworks. Huck Finn is noted for his simple and pleasant journey through his boyhood whic

38、h seems eternal and Tom Sawyer is famous for his free roam of the country and his adventure in one summer which seems never to end. The youth and summer are eternal because this is the only age and time we knew them. They are frozen in that age or season for all readers. 2) In his new profession he

39、could meet people of all kinds. His work on the boat made it possible for him to meet a large variety of people. It is a world of all types of characters. 3) All would reappear in his books, written in the colorful language that he seemed to be able to remember and record as accurately as a phonograph.4) Steamboat decks were filled with people of pioneering spirit (people who explored andprepared the way for


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