马云Charlie Rose采访马云马云英语视频-名人访谈录(文本).doc

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马云Charlie Rose采访马云马云英语视频-名人访谈录(文本).doc_第5页
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1、 Charlie Rose 采访马云马云英语视频 -名人访谈录 (文本 ) 这是马云 2010年 9月份在美国接受 Charlie Rose 的专访 leadership 非常重要。Deterministic(坚毅)是最重要的 。 CHARLIE ROSE: Jack Ma is here. He is the founder of Alibaba, Chinas largest e-commerce group. Hes one of bis countrys first and most Successful technology entrepreneurs. His company ru

2、ns a host of popular Including sites A, a trade site for Small Business That You More Than 50 million users in More Than 240 countries. How about Chinas largest retail site with More Than 300 million users, and Chinas version of PayPal, with More Than 400 million users. The company is eying Also Mar

3、kets in the United States, Japan, and India for more growth. Alibaba is Chinas Homegrown Among tech companies flourished That Have Booming market in STIs. Already China has the worlds largest Internet Population with over 400 million people online. Im Pleased to Have Jack Ma at this table for the fi

4、rst time. Welcome. MA JACK: Thank you. CHARLIE ROSE: So tell me how you got Involved in technology. MA JACK: Actually now Im not Involved in technology. Im Involved in entrepreneurship, Because I Was Trained to Be a high school teacher. I know nothing about technology. The only thing I use my comput

5、er is send Receive and email and browse. Thats it. CHARLIE ROSE: You can not write code? MA JACK: No, not at all. Im Always wondering how the code works. But because i do not know the technology, But I respect technology, we Always hire the best people. I believe technology is one thing is for the p

6、eople. We should tell the technology guy What the Consumers Want, What the people want, because i Believe 80 Percent of the people in this world are like me - we love But technology were scared of technology. CHARLIE ROSE: So What Was it about you and Creating These companies? MA JACK: Well, I start

7、ed the first Internet company in China in 1995 Called C. Just by accident I Came to the United States and I found something is going to change the world, so I started the business - CHARLIE ROSE: You Knew It Was Going to change the world and you saw it? MA JACK: Yes. I think this thing is going to b

8、e huge, by honestly I Do Not Know After 15 years it would grow That fast. And I Work For myself for three years and compete with China, and Then the site failed, Joined Government and Then for 14 miles and Then start Alibaba. Today I think What we want to do the business Is That When I Was entrepren

9、eur, small tiny business, nobody Help us. So When we grow we say, well, China Needs a lot of jobs, China Needs a lot of entrepreneurs. And whats the best way to help them? Internet. So They will focus on Helping Each Other. And Because we are helping more people and There are Then more people helpin

10、g us the business really grows. CHARLIE ROSE: You are an apostle for small business? MA JACK: Im a strong believer. Its my religion. CHARLIE ROSE: Its your religion? MA JACK: Its my religion. I think its a great honor for us That we Were born in this stage doing Internet. And we so Realized We Can h

11、elp many people. And its all about family, is its all about family hope and dreams. So, you know, I think Im very honored, That its just a great honor That This Life That You Can Influence so many just by using the Families technology. CHARLIE ROSE: Where is Alibaba going? JACK MA: Stay Focused on e

12、-commerce and the consumer market and I we think China Become the Infrastructure of e-commerce. You know, e- commerce in the Kingdom is a dessert, But in China its Become a main course Because the Infrastructure of doing business in China is so bad. The Infrastructure of doing business is in the Sta

13、tes is so good. So its very Difficult for a pew e-commerce company to grow That big in the States. But in China, just like mobile phones. Ten, 15 years ago the Infrastructure of Telecommunication Was so bad. E-commerce Today, same thing. There Is So I think - the best That Came Into This World Is Th

14、rough the make money helping commerce. CHARLIE ROSE: What do you think is your core competence? MA JACK: Its culture. Its not the technology. I think technology is a tool. But the core competence of Our Companies, We Have 20,000 - we grow from 18 people to now 20.000 young people. And we focus a lot

15、 on the value in making sure the culture, everybody works for Helping others INSTEAD of just making money. And we believe thats Different from Wall Street. We believe customer one number, employee number two, three shareholder. CHARLIE ROSE: Customer one, employee two, three shareholder. JACK MA: Nu

16、mber three. This is my religion. If you - its the That customer pays us the money. Its the Employees That drive innovation. Its the shareholder - and Shareholders say, you know, Ima member the IPO day before, and a lot of people say Jack, were long term Shareholders. When a crisis meat But these guy

17、s run. They run away. (LAUGHTER) My people stayed, stayed Customers. CHARLIE ROSE: Yes. So youve got a world market now. Youve got traction, traction big time Can you look at the world and say what we do in China we can do anywhere, or not? MA JACK: Well, yes and no. I think we would say were doing

18、China. Where theres small and medium size business, yes. Im a strong believer small is beautiful in this century. Last century big size, big skill. CHARLIE ROSE: So small is beautiful 21st century? JACK MA: Small is beautiful. So as long as we believe Any nation anywhere off small to medium size bus

19、iness, well be there. CHARLIE ROSE: Now, There are people trying to create - do you see people in the United States trying to follow your model and do what youre doing? MA JACK: They try but not successful. CHARLIE ROSE: Why is that? MA JACK: I think U.S. Still is driven company. Ten years ago the e

20、- commerce in the western part is Focus on big company, focus on buyers, focusing on cut the cost. But in China we focus on small and medium size companies. We focus on supplies. I think you Have to teach the SME how to save the costs. We would help them to sell Things. But USA, We Have over two mil

21、lion registered users, small and medium size individual users in the States right now. CHARLIE ROSE: I do not know That this is an analogy or not, But Sam Walton at Wal-Mart Focus on small towns. I built Wal-Mart by serving people in small towns, Not By coming to Manhattan or Boston or Chicago or Lo

22、s Angeles. MA JACK: I agree with That. I think - Ive seen people make a fortune by catching shrimp, But Ive never seen people make a fortune by catching sharks and whales. (LAUGHTER) Like “Forrest Gump“ Told me, this shrimp and shrimp That, You Have to simple dream. (LAUGHTER) CHARLIE ROSE: Exactly.

23、 So Now That You Have a very, very prosperous business, Enormous Wealth, fame, what is it you want to do? MA JACK: I think the rest of my life is spend more time Encourage entrepreneurship. MA JACK: It is your religion? MA JACK: Thats right. I want to help more SMEs and help people go back to school

24、. I Was Trained to Be a schoolteacher and Ive been doing business for 15 years, and I think most of the things I Learned from school are correct. CHARLIE ROSE: What Did You Learn That You Wish You Had Learned? In Other Words, What are you teaching us thats not correct, and What is Not That theyre co

25、rrect teaching us? MA JACK: Well, the MBA schools, a lot of business schools teach They a lot of skills on how to make money, how to run a business. But I want to people tell if you run business, you Have to run the first value. To surf the Others, help the Others, thats the key, because i - one of

26、the Things we believe is if you think about making money and this is the U.S. dollar, the Japanese Yen, Hong Kong dollars, nobody Wants to make friends with These People. Think about how can you help people and create value for the Others And Then Youll get the money. This is how we Succeed in China

27、. And this is why you call us a company core competence. I try to make people believe That. Its Become a religion of the company. People say Jack, your company is crazy. How can you do that? But this is the way we run the business. And I think this is the way the 21st century. The other thing is Als

28、o Focus on quality and your own people. CHARLIE ROSE: Say That Again? MA JACK: Your own people, because i think China is the best resource Not the cost, its the human brain, 1.3 billion people. If we Develop Their brains, thats got a lot of innovation, thats the best resources we Could ever have. An

29、d so many young people, the average age of the company is 26 years old. Those brains, That changed the world. And thats running That brain the computer. I hate running computer brains. We should make human brains run the computers. The Growth technology, maybe 500 and 600 Years Later, machines going

30、 to kill people. Our job is to make sure That a human runs the machine. Machines serve the people, computers. CHARLIE ROSE: So Beyond the small business and obsession with entrepreneurship and the human brain, what is it That - what is it about the way the world is going That Encourage you or worrie

31、s you? MA JACK: I think worries me is about greediness. Especially one of The Reasons We Have The Financial crisis is the greed, When you put money first, one shareholder. The nation Thinks about the GDP and the company Thinks about revenue, profit, IPO, and the people forgot What theyre doing. Notr

32、e coming here to make money, we come to this Not to make money. Were coming here to experience the life. That really made me worry. And What would make me excited, I think the young people. The people born in the 80s and 90s, and These People and Their fundamental Because of the values - CHARLIE ROS

33、E: You really believe that? You think theyll return to Because values of them young? MA JACK: Because of young people. Young people - My Father Was Criticize my grandfather. My father Criticize me. But my father did to Better Than job my grandfather, I did a job Better Than My Father, and I believe

34、my kids will do a Better Job Than Us. Nobody can stop it. CHARLIE ROSE: You work all the time or do you take time for balance in your life? If you pause the answer is you Have No balance. MA JACK: Right. Thats right. Yes. (LAUGHTER) CHARLIE ROSE: So why is that? Because its so exciting? Because the

35、challenge is now? Its the only life you know? It makes you happy? What? MA JACK: I think Because Of The Excitement and because i really Opportunity and honor this treasure in my life That I can do Things. I think my father said if you Were born 30 years ago, Earlier, you would Probably be in the pri

36、son Because You Have the ideas are so Dangerous. But today, I think not. CHARLIE ROSE: I said if You Were born 30 years ago youd be in prison? MA JACK: Before the Cultural Revolution, I would be in prison, Because the way you think is so ridiculous. CHARLIE ROSE: What are the Ideas that excite you,

37、or is it just Customers? JACK MA: Customers first, second is last century, a company, if you want to grow, I believe you should find a good opportunity. But today if you want to be great company, think about What You Can social problem solve. Its not to catch the Opportunity, its about solving Socia

38、list Problems, Because a company like Alibaba, were Growing so fast, its very Difficult for one Opportunity That Can Make us last. Such Organizations powered by 400 million Internet with Consumers, What kind of dog problem be solved? And you mention anything about cloud talking about mobile computin

39、g and Things, anything thats Happened in the USA is going to Happen in China. CHARLIE ROSE: Will we continue to lead That Technological revolution? MA JACK: You mean the States? CHARLIE ROSE: Yes. JACK MA: Yes and no. CHARLIE ROSE: Because You Have That Have More smart people education now. You Deve

40、loper - Educating Every year China is by a factor of 100 x number of computer scientists and engineers, people create with the Who Can right kind of Investment, innovation, philosophy, and creativity the technology solutions to the issues. MA JACK: Yes, I think China - The U.S. Does not Have To Worr

41、y About it in 10 to 20 years. USA I think technology will take the leadership. But a lot of Things will ship to China Not Because - not Because China has more smart people - I think USA has a lot Also smart people. But the China market is big, 1.3 billion people. The market drives the technology. CH

42、ARLIE ROSE: If theres a demand, you will have - JACK MA: A huge demand. CHARLIE ROSE: Youll Have the incentive to create new solutions? MA JACK: Yes, yes. CHARLIE ROSE: New way to solve peoples problems? JACK MA: Exactly. Exactly. So I think USA should be optimistic That are more open to Chinas mark

43、et, 1.3 billion people Because Thats not China market, its a global market. And China should look at the U.S. Also, say this is the passion, its the system. Its the culture That Innovate. So it Still Takes a long time for China to catch up - the technology Is Easy, But to catch up with the culture,

44、the innovation, the system Takes Some Time. CHARLIE ROSE: And When Will That eats? JACK MA: In 20, 30 years at least. CHARLIE ROSE: Who do you most admire in Terms of - in your field? I mean, you said eleven oclock “If Alibaba can not Become a Microsoft or Wal-Mart I will regret it for the rest of m

45、y life. “ MA JACK: Yes, we should SURPASS Microsoft and Wal-Mart. Its not Because Alibaba is great. Because this is our generation, this generation of business leader, its our mission to do Better Than the last generation. So I will regret if we can not do Better Than Wal-Mart Wal-Mart Because creat

46、ed a wonderful business model created That Such ab to c model. They created the largest skill assembly line. But dog Alibaba create c-to-b, consumer to business. Because of Consumer Needs, all the business changes file Their Lives. So I think this should young people Give Us the Opportunity to chang

47、e the world, to Improve the world. You know, thats - We Have to. I mean, theres no excuse. We can not do it. We Have to Do It, Because We Have so many brains. Our forefathers Already Invested so much on education and its our time to Prove it. CHARLIE ROSE: Bill Gates and Warren Buffett went to China

48、 recently to Their talk about Giving pledge, the idea That People who, like yourself, Who Become very, very rich and will think about giving up at Some point to Than 50 percent of That money away. What do you think of That idea? How do you think the response will be in China? MA JACK: OK, I think it

49、 causes lot of discussion right now in China. That is my thinking But first, to me, I Never Thought I Have the money Belongs To Me. It Belongs to Society. We Have A couple of million, youre a rich guy. We Have 10 to 20 million, its a capital. We Have over a hundred million, thats the social resources. Thats the Society Give It to you, you guys run. So its not my money. I do not think I can spend it. I can sleep in one bed, I can Have three dinners. I mean, whats What money for? (LAUG


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