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1、复合式听写强化训练(一) For 25 years I was a full-time thief, 1_ in picking pockets. I come from southeast London, where thats an honorable 2_. Anyone can break into a house and steal things. But picking pocket takes skills. My sister and I were among the most successful pickpocket team in London. We worked in

2、 hotel and theatre lobbies, airports, shopping centers, and restaurants. Now we dont steal anymore, but this crime is 3_. Here is how to protect yourself: Professional pickpockets do not see 4_, only handbags, jewels and money. Mothers with babies, the elderly, the 5_ are all fair game (猎物 ). My 6_

3、target was the lone female, handbag at her side, the right side to be exact. So if Im next to her I can reach it 7_ with my right hand across my body. Only about one woman in a thousand carries their bag on the left, and I tended to steer clear of them (避开 ). Woman whose bags are 8_ in front of them

4、 are tricky for the pickpocket, as there isnt a blind side. If you want to make it even harder, use a bag with handles rather than a strap. For men, one of the best places to keep a wallet is in the back pocket of tight trousers. Youll feel any attempts to move it. 9_. Theres just no way in. Even be

5、tter, keep wallets attached to a cord or chain that is fasten to a belt. A pickpocket needs targets who are relaxed and off guard. The perfect setting is a clothing store. 10_. The presence of a uniformed security guard is even better. 11_. 1. specializing 2. profession 3. worldwide 4. victims 5. di

6、sabled 6. preferred 7. cautiously 8. hanging 9. Another good place is in the buttoned-up (扣上纽扣的 ) inside pocket of a jacket. 10. When customers wander among the racks, they are completely absorbed in the items they hold up. 11. A false sense of security makes a pickpockets job much simpler. 复合式听写强化训

7、练( 二 ) Mark Twain, who wrote the story we are going to read, 1_ quite a lot, often because circumstances, usually 2_ circumstances forced him to. He was born in Floridian Missouri in 1835 and 3_ to Hannibal Missouri with his family when he was about four years old. Most people think he was born in H

8、annibal, but that isnt true. After his father died when he was about twelve, Twain worked in Hannibal for a while and then left so he could earn more money. He worked for a while as a 4_ on various newspapers, and then got a job as river 5_ on the Mississippi. Twain loved his job, and many of his bo

9、oks show it. The river job didnt last however, because of the 6_ of the civil war. Twain was in the 7_ army for just two weeks, and then he and his whole company went west, to get away from the war and the army. In Nevada and California, Twain 8_ for gold without much luck, but he did succeed as a w

10、riter. Once that happened, 9_. Twain didnt travel much the last ten years of his life, and he didnt publish much either. 10_. Like many other popular writers, 11_. 1. traveled 2. financial 3. moved 4. typesetter (排字工人 ) 5. pilot (舵手 ) 6. outbreak 7. federal 8. prospected (指望、希望 ) 9. Twain traveled a

11、round the country by giving lectures and earning enough money to go to Europe. 10. Somehow his travel, ever when forced, inspired his writings. 11. Twain derived much of the materials for his writing from (从 获得 ) the wealth and diversity of his own experience. 复合式听写强化训练( 三 ) How many of you drink Co

12、ca-Cola? Nearly everybody. Did you know that Coca-Cola started out not as a soft drink but as a cure for headaches back in the late 1800s? John S. Pamberton, a 1_ from Atlanta, had 2_ for many months trying to find a cure for the common headache. He worked in his backyard, 3_ and heating different 4

13、_ of oils and flavors until he found one that seems 5_. Pamberton bottled the mixture and began selling it in drugstores as a concentrated syrup (浓缩糖浆 ) that the customer had to mix with water before drinking. Coca-Colas 6_ from a concentrated syrup to a carbonated soft drink came about quite by 7_.

14、 One day, a customer came into a drugstore 8_ of a headache and asked for a bottle of Coca-Cola syrup. He wanted to take it right away. 9_. The clerk, instead of walking to the other end of the counter to get plain water, suggested mixing the syrup with soda water. The customer agreed, and after dri

15、nking it, remarked how good it tasted. 10_. Today carbonated cola is sold in most countries around the world. 11_. 1. druggist 2. experimented 3. mixing 4. combinations 5. promising 6. transformation 7. accident 8. complaining 9. So he asked the clerk to mix the medicine while he waited. 10. The cle

16、rk continued offering the mixture and carbonated Coca-Cola grew in popularity. 11. And although it no longer contain the ingredients to cure headaches, if is still very refreshing. 复合式听写强化训练( 四 ) Today, Ill be talking about the 1_ of the camera and photography. The camera is thought to be a modern i

17、nvention. But as early as 1727, a German 2_discovered that light darkened silver salt (银盐,一种感光材料 ,使影像色调偏向棕黑色 ), a chemical 3_. Used as a camera, a big box with a small hole to let the light in, he made 4_ images on the salt. Silver salt is still the base of film today. Then a French scientist made t

18、he first 5_ picture by using a special piece of metal 6_ with silver salt. A photograph he made in 1826 still exists. The painter Dagera improved on the process by placing common salt, the kind we eat, on the metal. This was in 1839, the 7_ date of the beginning of photographs. But the problem was t

19、he 8_ of the photograph. 9_. In 1860s, Matthew Brady was able to take his famous pictures of the American Civil War, thus making portrait poses very popular. In the 20th century, George Eastman of the United States simplified film developing, 10_. If we say that the photography came into existence i

20、n 1839, 11_. 1. invention 2. physicist 3. compound 4. temporary 5. permanent 6. sensitized (使 感光 ) 7. official 8. printing 9. And it was not until other scientists developed the kind of paper we now use that good printing was possible and photography became truly modern. 10. and Edwards Land invente

21、d the so-called instant camera with self-developing film. 11. it follows that it has taken more than 100 years for the camera to reach its present condition of technical refinement (技术上的改进 ). 复合式听写强化训练( 五 ) “Where is the university?” is the question many visitors to 1_ ask. But no one could point at

22、 any direction because there is no 2_. The university consists of 31 3_ colleges. It has lecture halls, libraries, 4_, museums and offices throughout the city. 5_ colleges choose their own students who have to meet their minimum entrance 6_set by the university. And all the 7_ usually live and study

23、 in their colleges but they are taught in very full groups. Lectures and laboratories and practical work are organized by the university and held in university buildings. There are over 10,000 8_ and 3,500 postgraduates. About 40% of them are women and some 8% from overseas. As well as teaching, res

24、earch is of major importance. 9_. The university has a huge number of buildings for teaching and research. It has more than 60 specialist subject libraries as well as the university library, 10_. Examinations are held and degrees are awarded by the university. 11_. 1. Cambridge 2. campus 3. self-gov

25、erning 4. laboratories 5. Individual 6. requirements 7. graduates 8. undergraduates 9. Since the beginning of the 20th century, more than 60 university members have won Nobel Prizes. 10. which as the copy-right libraries, is entitled to a copy of every book published in Britain. 11. It allowed women

26、 to take the university exams in 1881, but it was not until 1941 that they were awarded degrees. 复合式听写强化训练( 六 ) London taxi drivers know the capital like the backs of their hands. No matter how small or 1_ the street is, the driver will be able to get you there without any trouble. The reason London

27、 taxi drivers are so 2_ is that they have all gone through a very 3_ training period to get their special taxi driving 4_. During this period, which can take two to four years, the 5_ taxi driver has to learn the most direct 6_ to every single road and to every important building in London. To 7_ th

28、is, most learners got around the city on small 8_ practicing how to move to and from different points of the city. Learner taxi drivers are tested several times during the training period by government officers. The exams are a terrible experience. 9_. When you get to the tower, they wont say “well

29、done”. They will quickly move on to the next question. 10_. Learner drivers are not allowed to work and earn money as drivers. 11_. The training can cost quite a lot, because learners have to pay for their own expenses on the tests and the medical exam. 1. indistinct 2. efficient 3. tough 4. license

30、 5. would-be 6. route 7. achieve 8. motorbikes 9. The officers ask you “How do you get from Birmingham Palace to the Tower of London?” and you have to take them there in the direct line. 10. After 5 or 6 questions, they will just say “See you in 2 months time.” and then you know the exam is over. 11

31、. Therefore, many of them keep their previous jobs until they have obtained the license. 复合式听写强化训练( 七 ) In the early 1800s, the paper 1_ was still using rags as its basic 2_ of fiber as it had for many centuries. However the rag supply couldnt keep up with the 3_ demand for paper. The United States

32、alone was using 250 thousands tons of rags each year. And a quarter of that had to be 4_. It was clear that a new answer to this problem turned out to be a paper made from wood pulp (木浆 ), sth that was abundantly 5_ in north America. In Canada, the first wood pulp mill was set up in 1866 and it was

33、6_ successful. But while wood pulp solved the problem of 7_ it created a problem of quality. Wood contains a 8_ called lignin ( 木素 ). 9_. But lignin is acidic and its presence in paper has shortened the life expectancy of paper from several centuries for rag paper to less than a century for paper ma

34、de from wood pulp. 10_, even though books printed much earlier maybe in better conditions. 11_. 1. industry 2. source 3. growing 4. imported 5. available 6. immediately 7. quantity 8. substance 9. The simplest way to make large quantities of cheap paper involved leaving the lignin in the wood pulp.

35、10. This means that books printed less than a hundred years ago are already turning yellow and beginning to disintegrate(碎裂、瓦解 ). 11. This is bad enough for the older books on your bookshelf but it poses a huge problem for libraries and the collections of government documents. 复 合式听写强化训练( 八 ) As you

36、 1_ know, log structures are gaining 2_. They are no longer just the simple country homes that we think of as the 3_ log cabin. Some 4_ homes now 5_natural round logs in ceiling beams and walls. People seem to think that the rounded logs give their homes a cozy warm 6_. And even people who want to b

37、uild a traditional log cabin on their own can buy a kit (原件 ) with precut logs that fit 7_ like pieces of jig-saw puzzle. Before showing you some slides of modern log houses, Id like to give you a little historical 8_ on the subject. Log cabins were first built in the late 1600s along the Delaware r

38、iver valley. 9_. And in this heavily wooded area logs were the material in hand. 10_. They provided the answer to the pioneers need for a sale and sliding boards for window. 11_. These country houses which were popular in the early 1900s typify whats known as the Adirondack style (阿迪朗达克风格 ). 1. prob

39、ably 2. popularity 3. traditional 4. upscale 高档的 5. incorporate 混合 6. atmosphere 7. together 8. background 9. The European immigrants who settled there brought centuries old traditions of working with logs. 10. Log cabins were the most popular in the early 1800s with the settlers who were moving wes

40、t. 11. But the log buildings that have probably had most influence on modern architects are those of the mountain retreats (休养所 ) of wealthy New Yorkers. 复合式听写强化训练( 九 ) The Old Canada Road is a ling lost trail between the Canadian province of Quebec and Maine in the northeast corner of the United St

41、ates. Yes it really was lost and finding it again was a 1_ process that involved state of the art technology: how the location of the roads was 2_ was very interesting. And Ill return to it as soon as I gave you a little background information. The road was begun in 1817, a few years before Maine ev

42、en became a state. At the time Quebec was a major market of livestock (家畜 ), crop and fish. So a road to Quebec was seen by 3_ in Maine as necessary for trade. For about 20 years the 4_ of people and goods was mostly from Maine to Quebec, and then the trend 5_ as thousands of Canadians 6_ to Maine t

43、o escape poor crops, the lack of jobs and the treat of disease. I think it was a color 7_. Besides its 8_ reasons major building projects in Maine also made the state very attractive for the Canadians who needed work. 9_. In fact the flow of people and goods went completely unhindered. 10_. The peop

44、le of the time saw Maine and Quebec as single region mainly because of the strong French influence which is still evident in Maine today. 11_. Finally people simply forgot about it and thats how it came to be lost. 1. complex 2. pinpointed (在地图上标出精确位置 ) 3. officials 4. movement 5. reversed (颠倒、翻转 )

45、6. immigrated 7. epidemic 8. negative 9. I should stress though that immigration during that period went in both directions. 10. There wasnt even a border post until around 1850. 11. Eventually the road fell into disuse as a major railway was completed. 复合式听写强化训练( 十 ) Because I am interested in what happened to the English language, over the past years or so Ive been asking people


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