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1、 1 材料科学与工程学科( 专业 ) 硕士研究生培养方案 (专业代码: 085204,授工程硕士学位 ) Master( Master of professional) Program in Materials Science and Engineering Specialty Code: 085204 一、 培养目标 .Objective 本专业培养具有良好的职业素养,能独立承担材料工程领域技术工作的高层次应用型人才。具体要求为: The major is targeted to train the master candidates with a good professional eth

2、ics, and with the capabilities of performing independent technical work on materials engineering in the field of high-level talents 1较好地掌握马列主义、毛泽东思想和邓小平理论,拥护党的基本路线,热爱祖国、遵纪守法,树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观,身心健康,具有良好的职业道德、团结合作精神和坚持真理的科学品质,积极为社会主义现代化建设服务。 To study hard and master Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong thought

3、 and Deng Xiaopings theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics. Adhere to the basic line of the party, Love the motherland, observe law and discipline, have good occupation morals. The spirit of unity and cooperation, and the scientific quality of truth, are actively serving the socia

4、list modernization drive. 2掌握材料工程领域坚实 的基础理论和系统的专门知识,能解决工程实际问题,具有独立担任专门技术工作与创业的能力。 Grasp the solid basic theory and specialized knowledge in materials engineering, solve practical engineering problems, has the ability to undertake technical work independently of independence as a special technical wo

5、rk and entrepreneurship. 3掌握一门外国语, 可以熟练地阅读专业领域的外文资料 ,具备基本的听、读、写的能力。具有健康的体质与良好的心理素质。 Master a foreign language, can skillfully read professional foreign language materials,have ability of listening, reading and writing. Maintain a good physical and mental health quality. 二、研究方向 .Research Orientation

6、1无机非金属材料工程 2金属材料工程及成型技术 3高分子及复合材料工程 Inorganic Nonmetal Material Engineering Metal materials engineering and forming technology 2 Polymer and composite materials engineering 三、学制、学习年限及学分要求 .Length of Schooling and Credits 1. 全日制专业学位硕士研究生学制 2 年,学习年限一般为 23 年,最长不超过 4 年。 The educational system for Full-t

7、ime professional graduates is two years and the study period lasts generally two to three years, no more than four years. 2. 非全日制专业学位硕士研究生学习年限一般 23 年,最长不超过 5 年,在校 学习研究累计时间应不少于 6 个月,学位论文工作时间至少 1.5 年(从开题时间起)。 The educational system for a part-time professional graduate is generally 2-3 years, no more

8、than 5 years. The cumulative time in school should generally be no less than 6 months, and the thesis work shall be at least 1.5 years (starting from the thesis proposal). 3. 学分要求:实行学分制, 总学分 22 学分 ,其中课程学分 16 学分(公共学位课程学分 8学分,专业学位课程总学分 4 学分,选修课程 4 学分),必修环节 6 学分 。 Credits Requirments: Total credits sho

9、uld be greater than or equal to 22 credits,among which the courses credits should be greater than or equal to 16 credits (Public degree courses credits should be greater than or equal to 8 credits, Professional Degree Course credits should be greater than or equal to 4 credits, Elective credits shou

10、ld be greater than or equal to 4 credits ), Compulsory courses is 6 credits. 四、课程设置 .Course Description 课程 类别 category 课程编号 Course No. 课程名称 Name 学时 Hours 学分 Credits 开课学期 Term 开课单位 units 备注 Remark 公共课 学位课 Public Course 01841002-006 第一外国语(英、日、法、德、俄语) First Foreign Language 54 3 1 外国语学院 School of Forei

11、gn Languages 必选 Comp-ulsory 02141102 自然辩证法概论 Dialectics of Nature 18 1 1 马克思主义学院 School of Marxism 01441020 统计计算 Computation Statistics 36 2 1 理学院 School of Science 00141001 材料科技英语 36 2 1 材料学院 3 English for Materials Science and Engineering School of material 无机非金属材料工程 专业 学位课 Special-ized Course 001

12、41002 材料测试方法及实验 Materials Research and Testing Methods and Experiments 36 2 1 材料学院及相关单位 School of material And related units 至少选 2门 00141003 无机非金属材料工程进展 The Development of Material Engineering 36 2 1 00141004 热工工程 Thermal Engineering 36 2 1 00141005 先进建筑功能材料设计 Functional Design of Advanced Construct

13、ion Materials 36 2 1 00141006 实验室安全学 Security in Laboratory 18 1 1 专业 选修课 Optional Course 00142001 水泥胶凝材料 Structure and Performance of Cement 36 2 1 材料学院及相关单位 School of material And related units 至少选 2门,由学院“双师型 ”教师、行业、企业的兼职教师共同授课 00142002 陶瓷制备技术 Ceramics Processing Technology 36 2 1 00142003 玻璃制备及应用

14、 Glass Preparation and Application 36 2 1 00142004 功能材料制备技术前沿 Review of Functional Materials Synthesis and Processing 36 2 1 00142005 CFD数值模拟技术及其工程应用 CFD Simulation and Its Engineering Applications 36 2 1 金属材料工程及成型技术 专业 00141002 材料测试方法及实验 36 2 1 材料学院 至少4 学位课 Special-ized Course Materials Research an

15、d Testing Methods and Experiments 及相关单位 School of material And related units 选 2门 00141007 金属及成型技术材料工程进展 Metal and Molding Technology Materials Engineering Advances 36 2 1 00141008 材料强化理论及应用 Theory and Application of Materials Strengthening 36 2 1 00141009 材料成型理论与应用 Theories and Applications of Mate

16、rial Forming 36 2 1 00141006 实验室安全学 Security in Laboratory 18 1 1 专业 选修课 Optional Course 00142006 金属功能材料及应用 Metallic Functional Materials and Application 36 2 1 材料学院及相关单位 School of material And related unit 至少选 2门,由学院“双师型 ”教师、行业、企业的兼职教师共同授课 00142007 铸件成形理论与应用 Castings Forming Theory and Application

17、36 2 1 00142008 精密成形技术 Precision Forming Technology 36 2 1 00142009 材料加工过程数值拟技术 Numerical Simulation Technology for Material Processing 36 2 1 高分子及复合材料工程 专业 学位课 Special-ized Course 00141002 材料测试方法及实验 Materials Research and Testing Methods and Experiments 36 2 1 材料学院及相关单位 School of material And relat

18、ed 至少选 2门 00141010 高分子及复合材料工程进展 Progress of Polymer and 36 2 1 5 Composite Materials Engineering unit 00141011 复合材料力学 Mechanics of Composite Materials 36 2 1 00141012 高分子合成与改性 Synthesis and Modification of Polymer 36 2 1 00141006 实验室安全学 Security in Laboratory 18 1 1 专业 选修课 Optional Course 00142010 复

19、合材料制备新技术 The Development of Composites Process 36 2 1 材料学院及相关单位 School of material And related unit 至少选 2门,由学院“双师型 ”教师、行业、企业的兼职教师共同授课 00142011 聚合物结构与性能 Polymer Structure and Property 36 2 1 00142012 聚合物加工工程 Polymer Process Engineering 36 2 1 00142013 工程中的有限元方法 Introduction to Finite Elements in Engi

20、neering 36 2 1 必修环节 Compulsor-y Activiti-es 00144001 材料学院专硕课程实践 Courses practice of SMSE 2 材料学院 School of material 共 6学分 00144002 材料学院专硕综合实践 Comprehensive practice of SMSE 3 材料学院 School of material 00144003 材料学 院专硕选题报 告及中期考核 academic activities of SMSE 1 研究生院 graduate school 五、必修环节 6 . Compulsory Ac

21、tivities 1. 专业实践 5 学分。专业学位硕士研究生在学期间,必须保证不少于半年的专业实践,可采用集中实践与分段实践相结合的方式 。应届本科毕业攻读专业 硕士学位的研究生其专业实践时间不少于 1 年。 5 credits for professional practice. During the study period, professional graduates must ensure not less than six months of professional practice, and can be a combination of the concentrated p

22、ractice and segment practice, the practical teaching time for fresh graduates in principle shall be not less than 1 year. 专业学位硕士研究生的专业实践 分为课程实践和综合实践两部分 。 Professional practice courses for professional graduates are generally divided into two parts, course practice and integrated practice. 课程实践 : 安排在

23、 校内实验中心、工程中心和研究中心(院、所)等单位完成,主要进行 专业课程实践和科研技能训练,课程实践合格者记 2 学分。 Course practice is general completed in the school laboratory, engineering centers and research centers (schools, institutes) and other units, mainly for professional practice and research skills training courses. Qualifiers for curriculu

24、m practice will get 2 credits. 综合实践 : 应当 依托校外实践联合培养基地完成,在校内外导师的共同指导下,结合工程实际岗位,主要进行专业综合实践和应用能力训练,综合实践合格者记 3 学分。 Comprehensive Practice will generally be completed rely on off-campus joint training practice base of various professional fields, under the joint guidance of internal and external tutors,

25、combining with engineering practice jobs, mainly for professional practice and comprehensive application ability training; passer of integrated practice will get 3 credits. 以上两个实践环节是全日制工程硕士研究生培养过程的必备环节,课程实践和专 业实践也可合并进行。研究生专业实践过程中须提交实践计划,撰写实践总结报告。研究生实践环节实行全过程管理和质量评价,确保实践教学质量。 Professional practice is

26、 an essential process for professional graduates. Comprehensive Practice and Course Practice can be merged together. The whole process management and quality assessment of internship and practical training will be conducted to ensure the quality of teaching practice. 非全日制专业学位硕士研究生可免修专业实践,所缺学分须通过选修课程

27、补齐。 Part-time professional degree masters can be exempt from professional practice; the missing credits shall be filled through elective courses. 2. 选题报告及中期考核 1 学分。研究生应在导师指导下,通过查阅文献资料、调查研究,在第三学期提出学位论文选题报告。学位论文选题应来源于应用课题或工程实践,必须有明确的工程背景和应用价值。选题报告通过后,记 1 个必修环节学分。 1 credit for reports on research propo

28、sal and interim assessment. Graduates should submit the report on thesis proposal in the third semester, through literature review, research, under the guidance of tutors. Thesis proposals should be derived from the application of the subject or engineering practice, with a clear engineering backgro

29、und and application value. Passing the research proposal, the graduate will get 1 credit in compulsory courses. 专业学位硕士研究生选题报告和中期考核的具体要求按照研究生手册相关规定执行。 7 Specific requirements for reports on thesis proposal and interim assessment shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant provisions in gradu

30、ate students manual. 六 、科研与论文 . Scientific Research and Thesis 1. 研究生申请学位必须达到研究生手册“武汉理工大学研究生申请学位发表学术论文的规定”中的第四章第十二条 有关科研成果的 要求。 Master apply for degree must achieve the requirements of the chapter IV,article 12 from the publication in the graduates manual “Graduate students publish academic papers i

31、n order to apply for degree in WHUT”. 2. 学位论文应有一定的技术难度、先进性和工作量,能表现出作者具备综合运用科学技术理论、方法和手段解决工程实际问题的能力。 要求研究生能够独立完成一个完整的并具有一定难度的应用型研究,能够培养学生独立担负专门技术工作的能力,为将来从事技术应用型工作打下良好的基础。 Thesis of professional graduates Should have certain technical difficulty, sophistication and workload, which can show the the au

32、thors ability to solve engineering problems with comprehensive utilization of science and technology theory. which require the professional graduates to be able to independently achieve a complete and has a certain difficulty of applied research . In this process, to train the graduates have the abi

33、lity to independently to engage in a special technical work, to lay a good foundation for technology applied in future. 3. 论文形式 为 研究论文 , 应聘请 校外指导教师 与校内指导教师 共同完成研究生学位论文的指导任务。 参考文献和综述 应 偏重于实际应用 , 学位论文字数 不少于 2.5 万字。 Thesis form is research paper, we should hire the graduate teacher out of school and th

34、e supervisor to guide the professional graduates t hesis. References and review should focus on practical application. The number of words in the thesis must at least 25 thousand. 4. 论文评审:经导师写出详细的评阅意见 后 , 论文经 2 位本领域或相近领域的专家评阅 合格,方可申请学位论文答辩 。答辩委员会由 5 位 专家组成,评阅人和答辩委员会成员中至少有一位来自校外工程 领域的 具有高级技术职称的 专家 参加

35、 。 Thesis review: After the supervisors detailed review comments, the thesis must be read and appraised of qualified by by two experts in the field of this area or close ,and then the students can supply to defense. Defense committee is made up of five experts, At the same time the reviewer and defe

36、nse committee members at least one from outside experts in senior technical titles in the field of engineering. 5. 研究生完成培养方案中规定的所有环节, 取 得规定的学分,成绩合格, 学位论文并且通过“学位论文学术不端行为检测系统( TMLC2)”检测,达到校学位评定委员会对学位论文的有关要求方可申请答辩。 Graduates complete all the links of the training program required, take the credits with

37、 good results, before they applying for the degree their thesis must pass the test by TMLC2, and reach the requirements of the Academic Degree Evaluation Committee for thesis. 8 七 、培养方式与方法 . Cultivate Mode and Method 1. 培养方式实行全日制和非全日制两种方式。按培养方向分班教学,采用课程学习、实践教学和学位论文相结合的培养方式。 公共学位课和专业基础课应当在入学后 1.5 学期内

38、在校内完成, 其它课程和实践环节可在入学后 1.53 学期内在校内研究基地和校外联合培养基地完成。 Two cultivate modes: full-time and part-time mode. Professional graduates are divided into classes according to areas of expertise, and teaching is organized in class units. Public degree courses and specialized basic courses are usually completed in

39、 1.5 semester after enrollment; other courses and internship and practical training shall be completed in 1.5-3 semesters after enrollment in research institute, engineering center or joint training base outside the school. 2. 专业学位硕士研究生培养实行校内外双导师制,以校内导师指导为主,校外导师参与实践过程、项目研究、课程与论文等多个环节的指导。 Professiona

40、l graduates adopt intramural and extramural dual tutorial system, and the intramural tutor is in charge, while extramural tutors participate in the guidance work of practice, projects research, courses and thesis and other parts. 八 、其他 .Others 1. 专业硕士学位研究生开题前需修满学位课程学分,允许研究生开题后根据论文研究需要选修部分其它课程, 申请答辩前

41、修完全部课程即可。 Professional graduates are required to get the credits before thesis proposal. Students are allowed to take some of the other elective courses according to the dissertation after thesis proposal. All the courses shall be completed before the application of dissertation defense. 2. 硕士研究生应查阅

42、本学科国内外文献 40 篇以上,其中外文文献不少于三分之一。 Graduates should review more than 40 pieces of literature at home and abroad, in which foreign literature shall be no less than one third. 3. 专业学位硕士研究生在课程学习阶段每月至少 1 次、论文工作阶段至少每月 2 次向 指导教师汇报学习和研究工作情况,并形成制度。 Professonal graduates shall report their own learning and research work to the supervisor at least once a month at the course learning stage, and at least twice a month during the paper sessions, which shall be institutionalized and clearly clarified in the programs. 4. 本次制定培养方案从 2016 级专业学位研究生开始执行。 This program is employed from 2016.


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