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1、1 毕业论文外文翻译 译文 标题:供应链管理 ABC 资料来源: The ABCs of Supply Chain Management 作者: Christopher Koch 1 什么是供应链管理? 供应链是一种关于科学和艺术的整合,它主要的探究目标是为了提高企业采购生产商品所需原材料、生产商品或服务并把它供应给最终顾客的途径。以下是供应链管理的五个基本组成模块: 1)计划 -它是供应链的战略层面。企业需要有一个能控制所有资源的战略,该战略用于满足客户对产品或服务的需求。计划的核心是建立一套机制去监控整条供应链以便使 它能有效运作:成本最低、高品质配送和增值客户服务。 2)采购 选择供给你

2、需要用来生产产品或服务的原材料或服务的供应商。和供应商建立一套价格、供应、支付过程的体系,创造一种机制用以监控和提高与供应商之间的关系。把这些过程结合在一起以管理供应商交付的原材料库存或服务,其中包括收货、验证、转移到企业的生产设施中和授权供应商付款。 3)制造 这是制造步骤。为了生产来安排这些的必需的活动:包括测试、包装、预交付。作为供应链的核心机制,它意味着衡量质量水平,产量和工厂工人的生产能力。 4)配送 许多权威人士都把它归咎为 物流的一部分。它包括协调客户下达的订单收据,建立仓库网络,挑选运营商获得的产品给客户,并设立一个开票系统收取款项。 5)回收 供应链的难题之一。这需要创建一个

3、网络以接收那些从客户返回的缺陷产品或过剩产品,支持对接收到的货物有质疑的客户。 对于这些步骤的更详细介绍,检查 www.supply - chain.org非营利供应 CChain局的网站。 2 供应链管理软件能干什么? 供应链管理软件可能是这个星球上最分散的应用软件。五大供应链前面介绍 的步骤,每一个组成几十个具体的任务,其中不少有自己特定的软件。因此有一些 大的软件供应商尝试将这些不同的软件模块整合在一个平台之上,但是由于种种因素没有一家供应商能有一个完整的软件包,整合这些不同的软件模块已成为他们的噩梦。或许建置供应链软件最好的途径是把他们拆分开:分成帮助企业计划供应链的软件和帮助企业执行

4、供应链的软件两种。 2 供应链计划( SCP)软件使用独特的数学算法来帮助企业减少存货,提高供应链运作效率。供应链计划软件完全依靠精确的数据来运行。例如,一个制造厂商,如果不能提供最新的客户订单信息、分销商的库存信息、工厂制造能力信息、配送能力给供应链计划软件,就不要期望供应链计划 软件能跑出精确的你所期望的结果。供应链计划软件适用于先前提到的供应链的五个主要模块,他的核心在于需求计划 -企业能生产多少产品来满足不同的客户需求。 供应链执行( SCE)软件的功能是使供应链的不同步骤自动化。它通过信息排程的方式将订单从生产工厂传递给原材料供应商。 3在安装供应链管理软件之前需要有企业资源计划软件

5、吗? 这是一个非常有争议的问题。一般的,如果企业计划安装供应链计划软件,那么企业可能首先要有企业资源计划软件,因为供应链计划软件依赖各种信息才能良好的运转,而这些信息大部分在企业资源计划软件中都已 经存在。理论上你可以从企业历史遗留下来的系统(对于大多数企业来说, EXCEL 表在各种不同的地方都有使用)中收集供应链计划软件所需的各种数据,但是要快速、可靠的从企业的各个部门搜集其所有所需的信息简直就是一场恶梦。然而企业资源计划软件就是一个整合所有信息的有效工具。如果企业已经建置了企业资源计划软件,供应链计划软件就有了一个单一稳定的数据源。许多准备安装供应链计划软件的 CIO 声称他们会首先安装

6、企业资源计划软件,他们称企业资源计划项目为“建立舒适的信息储藏室 ”。当然,建立企业资源计划系统花费昂贵并且非常困难,因 此如果没有首先安装企业资源计划软件那就需要一条为供应链计划软件提供所需数据的方法。 供应链执行软件较少的依靠来自企业的各种集成信息,因此受企业资源计划软件的约束较少。但是在另一方面,供应链执行软件必须能通过不同的方式与企业资源计划软件进行数据交换。现在供应链执行软件与互联网、企业资源计划软件、供应链计划软件的数据交互能力显得尤为重要。举个例子,企业想建立一个联接客户和供应商的 WEB 站点,就必须从 SCE,SCP 和 ERP 中提取最新的有关订单、结算、制造状况、配送等数

7、据。 4安装供应链管理软件的目标是什么? 在 互联网时代到来之前,人们对供应链软件的期望被局限在提高企业预测客户需求的能力和保证供应链更平稳的运行。但是随着互联网的普及,它事实上已成为公认的网际时代数据交换的标准方式。现在,理论上企业可以将自己的供应链与客户和供应商的供应链连结在一起,形成一个单一的、巨大的供应网络,进而优化成本、发现机会:这在以前对每个企业来说都是非常棘手的。这也是 B2B兴起的重要原因:每一个与你发生商业行为的团体都能被连结在一起,形成一个3 合作互赢的大团体。 当然,这些技术能够带来效益还需要一段时间。但是鉴于 B2B 只是经过了短短几年, 在一些行业的应用已经取得了显著

8、的进步,像快速消费品行业、高科技制造业、汽车制造业。当你问及那些行业的领先者,他们期望在未来从供应链中得到什么,他们所有的回答只有一个词:可见性。多数行业的供应链就像一场大的扑克牌游戏:玩家不会展示他的牌因为他不相信其他的任何游戏参与者,尽管如果他展示他手中的牌他肯定会受益。所以供应商得去猜测有多少原材料会被订购。制造商得去从供应商那里订购超过需求的原材料以确保如果有不确定的客户需求的到来。零售商几乎没有缺货 ,如果他肯让制造商分享相关产品的销售信息。互联网使企业展示手中的信息给 其他企业成为可能,但是千百年来的不信任和缺乏平等机制使他变得非常困难。 5 什么是供应链协同? 让我们看一个快速消

9、费品行业的协同案例:沃尔马( Wal-Mart)和宝洁( Procter the idea that everyone you do business with could be connected together into one big happy, cooperative family. Of course, the reality behind this vision is that it will take years to come to fruition. But considering that B2B has only been around for a few years

10、, some industries have already made great progress, most notably consumer-packaged goods (the companies that make products that go to supermarkets and drug stores), high technology and autos. When you ask the people on the front lines in these industries what they hope to gain from their supply chai

11、n efforts in the near term, they will all respond with a single word: visibility. The supply chain in most industries is like a big card game. The players dont want to show their cards because they dont trust anyone else with 9 the information. But if they showed their hands they could all benefit.

12、Suppliers wouldnt have to guess how much raw materials to order, and manufacturers wouldnt have to order more than they need from suppliers to make sure they have enough on hand if demand for their products unexpectedly goes up. And retailers would have fewer empty shelves if they shared the informa

13、tion they had about sales of a manufacturers product in all their stores with the manufacturer. The Internet makes showing your hand to others possible, but centuries of distrust and lack of coordination within industries make it difficult. 5.What is supply chain collaboration? Lets look at consumer

14、 packaged goods as an example of collaboration. If there are two companies that have made supply chain a household word, they are Wal-Mart and Procter & Gamble. Before these two companies started collaborating back in the 80s, retailers shared very little information with manufacturers. But then the

15、 two giants built a software system that hooked P&G up to Wal-Marts distribution centers. When P&Gs products run low at the distribution centers, the system sends an automatic alert to P&G to ship more products. In some cases, the system goes all the way to the individual Wal-Mart store. It lets P&G

16、 monitor the shelves through real-time satellite link-ups that send messages to the factory whenever a P&G item swoops past a scanner at the register. With this kind of minute-to-minute information, P&G knows when to make, ship and display more products at the Wal-Mart stores. No need to keep produc

17、ts piled up in warehouses awaiting Wal-Marts call. Invoicing and payments happen automatically too. The system saves P&G so much in time, reduced inventory and lower order-processing costs that it can afford to give Wal-Mart “low, everyday prices“ without putting itself out of business. Cisco System

18、s, which makes equipment to hook up to the Internet, is also famous for its supply chain collaboration. Cisco has a network of component suppliers, distributors and contract manufacturers that are linked through Ciscos extranet to form a virtual, just-in-time supply chain. When a customer orders a t

19、ypical Cisco product-for example, a router that directs Internet traffic over a company network-through Ciscos website, the order triggers a flurry of messages to contract manufacturers of printed circuit board assemblies. Distributors, meanwhile, are alerted to supply the generic components of the

20、router, such as a power supply. Ciscos contract manufacturers, some of whom make subassemblies like the router chassis and others who assemble the finished product, already know whats coming 10 down the order pipe because theyve logged on to Ciscos extranet and linked in to Ciscos own manufacturing

21、execution systems. Soon after the contract manufacturers reach into Ciscos extranet, the extranet starts poking around the contractors assembly line to make sure everything is kosher. Factory assemblers slap a bar code on the router, scan it and plug in cables that simulate those of a typical corpor

22、ate network. One of those cables is a fire hose for Ciscos automated testing software. It looks up the bar code, matches it to a customers order and then probes the nascent router to see if it has all the ports and memory that the customer wanted. If everything checks out-and only then-Ciscos softwa

23、re releases the customer name and shipping information so that the subcontractor can get it off the shop floor. And there you have it. No warehouses, no inventory, no paper invoices, just a very nosy software program that monitors Ciscos supply chain automatically, in real-time, everywhere, simultan

24、eously. The chain runs itself until theres a problem, in which case the system alerts some poor human to get off his duff and fix something. Supply chain software junkies call this “management by exception.“ You dont need to do anything unless there is something wrong. If theres a weakness to these

25、collaborative systems, its that they havent been tested in tough times-until recently. Ciscos network was designed to handle the companys huge growth. Distributed decision making is great if the decisions have mostly to do with making and selling more things. But Cisco and its network were caught co

26、mpletely off guard by the recent tumble in the economy. It took awhile to turn all the spigots off in its complex network when demand for its products plummeted and Cisco and its supply chain partners got stuck with a lot of excess inventory-as did most other big manufacturers in high technology. Ci

27、sco was forced to take a hard look at its supply chain planning capability. SCP software is much better at managing growth than it is at monitoring a decline and correcting it. 6.What are the roadblocks to installing supply chain software? 1) Gaining trust from your suppliers and partners. Supply ch

28、ain automation is uniquely difficult because its complexity extends beyond your companys walls. Your people will need to change the way they work and so will the people from each supplier that you add to your network. Only the largest and most powerful manufacturers can force such radical changes down suppliers throats. Most companies have to sell outsiders on the system. Moreover, your goals in installing the system may be threatening to those suppliers, to say the


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