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1、浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 1 毕业论文外文翻译 译文 标题:供应商选择 资料来源:斯蒂芬 M罗斯商学院 作者: 达米安 贝尔 供应商的选择是企业 对供应商 识别,评估,合同的过程。供应商选择过程中大量部署了一个公司的财务资源 , 作为回报,公司希望与供应商签订 的 合同 能有提供高 效益的 价值。本文介绍了供应商选择过程中的典型步骤:确定供应商,征求供应商的信息,制定合同条款,与供应商 的 谈判,供应商 的 评价。它强调每一步 都 是很重要的 因素 , 每一步都 是相互关联的。 现如今 美国 大部分 制造商平均 都需 花费大约一半的收入 去 购买 所需要的部件 。这使得公司 的

2、成功 将 依赖与供应商的互动。 所以 公司内部的采购经理人 对部件的采购 已经变得极其重要的 作用 ,往往 牵涉着 惊人的价值:最近 对 跨行业的公司进行调查 , 从航空航天到半导体领域 ,都 增加对外包的依赖许多复杂的服务和产品, 所以 买方的工作不仅 表现得很 重要, 同时 也 很有 挑战 性, 买家必须定义和衡量 其采购品的 价值 , 并执行相应的采购决策。为了确定最佳值,买方必须 要拥有了解 法律,技术和 其 操作 的 公司内的专家,作为专家谈判 ,需要 在内部和外部 的许多方面进行 协调。供应商选择的过程是由买方确定,评估, 签署 合同与供应商 协作 。上述挑战, 需要对供应商进行正

3、 确有效 科学 的判断及管理 。 本文是围绕在供应商选择所涉及的主要步骤。首先,采购方必须确定合格的潜在供应商,下一步就是采购方必须评估这些供应商: 1 确定潜在的供应商 为了生存,在竞争激烈的全球经济,它往往是极为重要的不只有发展现有的供应商,也要发现新的供应商。在现有供应商的业绩不满意或者不能符合自身的发展时,不妨寻找新的供应商。 2 选择 新的供应商的 几个 重要因素 首先,有可能存在新的供应商 可 在一些到公司的现有供应商 进行 优 选 。例如,一个新的供应商可能已经开发出一种新的生产技术或精简的过程,这使得它能够显著 降低其生产 成本。或者,一个新的供应商可能有比现有供应商的结构成本

4、 更有 优势,例如,由于劳动力成本低,或在其本国有利的进口 /出口法规。其次,现有的供应商可能会 有其他 业务,其成本可能会增加。第三,买方只是可能需要额外的供应商,以推动竞争,降低供应中断风险,或满足其他业务,如供应商多样化的目标。在认识到这些原因 后 , 采购者 和他们的内部客户可能必须由公司找浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 2 到一个可行的,潜在的供应商的最低数量为每一个产品或服务的政策 进行 采购。 3 供应商评估 买方开始背 一些能 确定供应商评价过程 的资料, 希望评估供应商时使用。调查采购供应商选择 的 资料, 发现价格,质量和交货 水平 是最常用的列出供应商评价 指标

5、。其他 指标 也可使用。 提供了一个广泛的 指标 ,在采购文献分类的列表。频繁出现 的指标 包括生产的能力和灵活性,技术能力和支持,信息和通信系统,财务状况, 然而 创新和 R D 在 文献中出现频率适中,包括质量体系,管理和组织,人员培训和发展,历史业绩,地理位置,声誉和引用,包装和处理能力,金额过去的业务,担保和索赔的政策,遵守程序,态度和战略适应,劳动关系的记录, 作 为企业的 所期待的 。当然, 采购方 往往采用新在现行的业务问题和 具有 挑战的 指标 。 最近 出现 一些包 括环境和社会 责任,安全意识,国内 政治稳定,文化和谐,与买方组织和恐怖主义的危险 的指标 。 一旦确定了合适

6、的指标,为明智的决定供应商的排名顺序和选择适合的供应商,那么供应商的能力是至关重要的。排名顺序是简单的供应商投标时,由唯一的指标价格来区别。也可能是这种情况,例如,如果买方已交付一定的高度标准化的东西发出的求购意向由某一特定日期和供应商的数量要求作出回应,他们对合同的价格,那么,排名顺序供应商投标时变得复杂,必须进行评估跨多个层面。例如,如果买方希望以评估供应商对投标指标,价格和交货期,买方必须建立这两者之间的一个折衷数字,以确定是否喜欢,也就是说,一个出价高的价格和短交货期出价,另一个以低廉的价格但交货期长。此时供应商评估的挑战就在于如何准确选择适合自己的供应商。 4 供应商的选择方法 应对

7、这一挑战的研究历史可以追溯到几十年前。详细审查远远超越本文的讨论范围,但提供的各种方法和建议是有效的,总体方法通常是以下三种类型之一。第一种方法捕捉与评定指标之间的简单关系的权衡,例如,线性功能指标。这是简单,透明,并在实践中往往用于这些原因。然而,这种方法简单,有一个缺点:买方可以找到很难构建真正反映其偏好的权重。第二种方法是为了能 超越简单的加权,以反映出更详细的买家适合的模型。例如,买方可以估价交货期,使用奥姆斯库存模型然后交易此估值由供应商提供的价格进行分析。这种方法是透明的,这使得它在实践中更难以实施。多产品的采购,供应商可以生产亚群的项目产品,并提供数量折扣,整个方案在这种情况下利

8、用工具进行数字规划,最后可以是十分有益的。第三种方法,有时采购方觉得很难用定量的方式表达适合本公司的标准,这时建议的方式是推断这些指标属性的定量观察后,根据买方的评价指标中所涉及的,对这些指标的各个属性之间进行定性的选择。 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 3 通过对各个能够适合自己企业 的供应商选择指标的研究,可得知无论是为保证物料长期可得,以及产品质量等。往往需要通过高层与交流来建立合作型战略伙伴关系;一些重要度高,市场复杂度低的物料,需要多花费精力选择适合自己的供应商,寻求成本较低的稳定供需关系;重要度低和市场复杂度都低的物料,应该集中采购并综合考虑好批量和库存的关系;重要度低但市

9、场复杂度高的物料,需要做好需求分析和供应商培养及备选计划以保证稳定供给。 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献原文 4 外文文献原文 Title:Supplier Selection Meterial Source: Stephen M. Ross School of Business Author: Damian Beil Supplier selection is the process by which firms identify, evaluate, and contract with suppliers. The supplier selection process deploys

10、a tremendous amount of a firm financial resources. In return, firms expect significant benefits from contracting with suppliers offering high value. This article describes the typical steps of supplier selection processes: identifying suppliers, soliciting information from suppliers, setting contrac

11、t terms, negotiating with suppliers, and evaluating suppliers. It highlights why each step is important, how the steps are interrelated, and how the resulting complexity provides fertile ground for ORMS research. Today the average U.S. manufacturer spends roughly half its revenue to purchase goods a

12、nd services . This makes a company success dependent on their interactions with suppliers. The role of procurement managers (buyers) within companies has become extremely important, often involving staggering dollar values: A recent cross-industry survey of companies.In areas ranging from aerospace

13、to semiconductors.Placed companiesaverage total spend per procurement employee at $115 million. With so much of a company money on the line, and increasing reliance on outsourcing of many complex services and products, the job of a buyer is not only important but also challenging. Buyers must define

14、 and measure what est value?means for the buying organization, and execute procurement decisions accordingly. To identify best value, the buyer must interface with technical, legal, and operations experts within the buyer company, and act as an expert negotiator and coordinator across many internal

15、and external parties. Supplier selection is the process by which the buyer identifies, evaluates, and contracts with suppliers. The challenges mentioned above make supplier selection a fertile topic for operations and management science disciplines. There is also a growing audience for such research

16、, as the importance of fostering talent by employing buyers with analytical expertise, general management backgrounds, and deep knowledge in a particular purchasing category becomes widespread . This article is organized around the major steps involved in supplier selection. First, the buyer must id

17、entify qualified potential suppliers, as described in Section 1. 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献原文 5 Next, the buyer must evaluate these suppliers. This process is initiated when the buyer formally. 1 Identifying potential suppliers To survive in the intensely competitive global economy, it is often critically im

18、portant to not only develop existing suppliers but also to discover new suppliers. This section outlines the process of finding viable new suppliers. 2 Importance of new suppliers Several factors make new suppliers important. First, there may exist new suppliers that are superior in some way to a fi

19、rm existing suppliers. For example, a new supplier may have developed a novel production technology or streamlined process which allows it to significantly reduce its production costs relative to predominate production technology or processes. Or, a new supplier may have a structural cost advantage

20、over existing suppliers, for example, due to low labor costs or favorable import/export regulations in its home country. Second, existing suppliers may go out of business, or their costs may be increasing. Third, the buyer may need additional suppliers simply to drive competition, reduce supply disr

21、uption risks, or meet other business objectives such as supplier diversity (see Subsection 5.2). In recognition of these reasons, buyers and their internal customers may be obliged by company policy to locate a minimum number of viable, potential suppliers for every product or service procured. 3 Su

22、pplier evaluation The buyer begins the supplier evaluation process by identifying the imensions?it wishes to use when evaluating suppliers. surveyed 76 papers on supplier selection in the purchasing literature and found that price, quality and delivery were the most commonly listed supplier evaluati

23、on dimensions. Additional dimensions are also used. provides an extensive list of such dimensions, categorized by prevalence in the purchasing literature. Frequently appearing dimensions include production capacity and flexibility, technical capabilities and support, information and communication sy

24、stems, financial status, and innovation and R see Article, which covers combinatorial auctions. Finally, a third approach recognizes that buyers at times find it difficult to articulate their preferences in a quantitative way, and answer this 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献原文 7 difficulty by proposing way

25、s to infer quantitative preferences over attributes by observing the buyer qualitative choices between options involving these attributes. The choice of indicators of individual suppliers for their own business can be learned either in order to ensure long-term availability of materials, as well as

26、product quality. Often through high-level exchanges to establish a cooperative strategic partnership; some important high, low market complex material, you need to spend more than the effort to choose their own suppliers, to seek lower-cost and stable supply and demand relations; low importance and

27、market complexity of material, it should be centralized procurement and consider the relationship between a good batch and inventory; important low but the market is the high complexity of the material, need to do a needs analysis and vendor training and alternative plans to ensure a stable supply.


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