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1、1 毕业论文外文翻译 译文 标题:精简型电脑网络校园信息 资料来源 : Fiji National University Lautoka 作者: Bimal Aklesh Kumar 摘要: 斐济国立大学目前的行政系统正遭受着许多困难。这些困难包括可访问性 ,可扩展性 ,性能、灵活性和整合。我们提出了一种新的校园信息系统 ,FNU-CIS到地址这些困难。 FNU 独联体的潜力,在大学的学生和工作人员提供广泛的服务。 为了协助的设计与实现 ,提出 ,我们提出了一个 FNU-CIS 概况 ,软件体系结构和实施 ,我们所提出的系统原型。我们讨论的 关键特性的系统 ,将它与其他类似系统提供我们未来的计

2、划和大纲研究 FNU-CIS 实施。 关键词 :软件体系结构,面向对象设计,分布式系统,可扩展性,灵活性 校园信息系统是一个综合的系统,它提供了所有高等教育界的安全管理系统的单一访问。这些包括不仅限于学生注册入学,学生和工作人员的数据,当然工作和考试信息,节目信息,财务信息,人力资源信息,住宿,并有更多的研究所信息。独联体是一个事务处理系统,在高校的业务水平,执行和记录了开展业务所必需的常规功能。它还匹配的结构,管理任务,教学过程和该机构的特殊需要,像传统的 MIS, CIS 整合来自多个来源的数据,提供信息的持有人需要作出重要的管理决策。传统的独联体国家,主要是大型机应用程序,自 1990年

3、代后期已经改变,并通过作为渠道的网络媒体的存在 AR 访问独联体出任何麻烦相关的信息 斐济国立大学( FNU)成立于 2010 年合并的六个政府国有大专院校。 这是一个全国性的机构 ,支持国家努力为经济稳定和素养的人口 , 也能建立自己在国际社会的理解和回应 , 而个人的志向 。 FNU 有一个网络在全国各地的 13 个校区。 FNU 的目的是促进研究和学术卓越以及在斐济的社区福利和需要在该地区的社区和国外那些希望获 得高质量的高等教育的负担得起的费用。 互联网的飞速发展、内部网和外特网以及其他全球网络相连 1990 年的极大的改变了信息系统在组织的能力。如果用户希望使用网络系统和基于互联网成

4、为共同之处的运算中今天的组织。今天的信息系统仍然在做同样的事情 ,他们就开始了做 50 年前发生了什么 ,但那是我们享受更高层次的整合系统功能在应用和更大的连接在相同不同的系统组成部分 。 高校的校园网建成以后,需要在校园网上建设一个全校范围的、开放的、分布的、多媒体的管理信息系统。对于高校而言,建立校园网的作用一般有以2 下两方面:一是外部网络连接 ,实现与 INTERNET 连接,提供本校的信息服务,融入世界信息潮流;了解外面世界,加强学术交流与合作。另一个就是建立本校的管理信息系统,实现管理的化、化;利用现代化的手段提高教学质量和管理水平。通过网络,使用多媒体和通讯技术实现远程教学,实现

5、师资力量互补。随着管理信息系统的相对完善,网络应用的展开,校园网建设的重要性与效益才能充分体现 。 学校的信息除了面向校内服务,还可以面向全国乃至全世界。综合信息服务系统以校园网为物理环境,对外与 Internet 相连,提供的信息类型是多种多样的。在信息的类型上除了日常使用 的文字信息之外,还可以提供以音频、视频形式出现的服务信息,比如学校领导的重要讲话录音,内容广泛的学术报告,可以陶冶学生情操的等,视频的信息内容也很丰富。综合信息服务系统以 WWW方式提供各种多媒体信息服务之外,还实现了与部门级的管理信息系统( RDBMS)和学校办公自动化系统( NOTES)的有机结合 。 在高校的管理部

6、门中,办公信息以两种方式的流动,一个是上下级之间的信息流,如校长办公室给系办公室发通知,系办公室再给教师和学生发通知;另一个是横向信息流,如教务处给人事处信息,人事处给科研处信息等。要提高办公效率, 必须改变传统的手工办事方式,应用现代办公技术,建立全校的办公系统。办公系统是建立在校园网上的面向多类用户的信息系统 。 高等教育管理过程也正在经历着重大转变。这第一个主要改变这些技术是发生在他们进化程序。从大型机客户端服务器的解决方案。今天 ,这些技术是比以前的中央大学大学 ,这个切换技术与数据报告要求景观结合在一起强迫的学院和大学评价主要的软件系统。现在大学是主要以网络为基础的系统集中是基于工业

7、标准技术。这些最新一代系统允许共享数据很容易与其他系统和提供选择的重要信息交流有关利益相关者 校园 机构不断受到压力 ,并 意愿和能力证明将最新的 CIS。他成长与年轻一代技术是学生获取信息 , 现在希望能够与大专院校及做在网上 的 大学。安逸和方便客户是必不可少的大学学生服务 ,我们相信在网上的过程中发挥了重要的作用。 这些机构往往有更多的选择, 许多学院和大学都有自己的 IT 部门开发和管理系统。也有许多包装软件提供等人们校园管理系统提供的软公司、校园神谕管理系统提供的 SAP 系统等 。 当前和未来的学生可以申请学生学习 FNU 使用一个网上申请表格。要求学生提供他们的个人信息 ,提出了

8、建议学习计划的细节、公民意识、基金、资历、工作经验 ,和附上的电子版本 ,他们的成果。填 好 的表格然后发给方 式 是他们所属的部门决定批准或者不接受申请。如果申请被批准后学生们给我的信 ,通知包含用户使用 FUN-CIS 名称和密码 ,否则学生们正在写信告知他们应用已经被拒3 绝说明原因 。 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献原文 4 原文 Title: THIN CLIENT WEB-BASED CAMPUS INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR FIJI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY Material Source: Fiji National University

9、Lautoka Author: Bimal Aklesh Kumar 摘要 : Fiji National University is encountering many difficulties with its current administrative systems. These difficulties include accessibility, scalability, performance, flexibility and integration. We propose a new campus information system, FNU-CIS to addresse

10、s these difficulties. FNU-CIS has the potential to provide wide range of the services for students and staffs at the university. In order to assist in the design and implementation of proposed FNU-CIS, we present an overview, software architecture and prototype implementation of our proposed system.

11、 We discuss the key properties of our system, compare it with other similar systems available and outline our future plans for research in FNU-CIS implementation. 关键字: Software Architecture, Object Oriented Design, Distributed Systems, Scalability, Flexibility Campus Information System (CIS) is a un

12、ified system that provides a single point of access to all secure administrative systems at higher education sector. These systems include, but are not limited to, student registration and enrolment, student and staff data, course work and exam information, program information, financial information

13、, human resource information, accommodation, and many more as required by the institute 6. CIS is a transaction processing system that serves at the operational level of the colleges and universities, it performs and records the routine transactions necessary to conduct its business. It also matches

14、 the structure, management tasks, instructional processes and special needs of the institution, like the traditional MIS, CIS integrates data from multiple sources to provide information stake holders need to make important management decisions 13.Traditionally CIS were mainly mainframe applications

15、, since the late 1990s it has been changing and ar fast adopted through the presence of a web medium as channel for accessing CIS with out any hassle upon viewingrelevant information 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献原文 5 Fiji National University was established in 2010 with the merger of six government owned tertia

16、ry institutions. It is a national institution, supporting the national effort for a stable economy and a literate population that is able to establish itself in the global community, while understanding and responding to the aspirations of individuals.FNU has a network of thirteen campuses throughou

17、t the country. The objective of the FNU is to promote research and academic excellence for the welfare and needs of the communities in Fiji as well as communities in the region and abroad who wish to receive tertiary education of high quality at affordable cost The rapid growth of internet, intranet

18、s, extranets and other interconnected global networks in the 1990s dramatically changed the capabilities of information systems in organizations. Internet based and web-enabled systems are becoming common place in the operations of todays organizations 6. Todays information systems are still doing t

19、he same thing they begandoing 50 years ago, however what has changed is that we enjoy much higher level of integration of systems functions across applications and greater connectivity across both similar anddissimilar systems components. After the construction of the campus network, a university-wi

20、de, open, distributed, multimedia information system was puter network has been more and more widely used. As for colleges and universities, the function of the establishment of the campus network in general lies in the following two aspects: the first is the external network connection, connecting

21、with INTERNET, providing the universitys information services, getting involved in the information trend of the world to understand the outside world, and strengthen academic exchanges and cooperation. Another is to establish information management system of the university, management, and technolog

22、y; use modern means to improve the quality of teaching and management level. Through the network, use multimedia and communication technologies to achieve long-distance teaching and complementarities of teachers and other conditions. As the management information system is relatively sound, the netw

23、ork application starts the importance of building a campus network and to realize the full benefits. schools information can open to the whole country and the world at large. Integrated information service system take the campus network as the physical environment, external and Internet connected, p

24、roviding a variety of types of information. Besides the information on the daily use of text messages, it also can 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献原文 6 provide audio, video information in the form of services, such as school leaders important speech recording and a wide range of academic reports to mold students c

25、haracter. Video is also very rich in information content. Comprehensive WWW information service system to provide a variety of multimedia information services, but also achieved with the departmental management information system (RDBMS) and the school office automation system (NOTES) combined with

26、the organic In the management of colleges and universities, office information flows in two ways, one is between higher and lower levels of information flow, such as the Office of the principals to the Department, the Departments Office to give notice of teachers and students; the other is horizonta

27、l information flow, such as the Office of Academic Affairs for Personnel information, Personnel Department to research information. To improve office efficiency, we must change the traditional way of handling things by hand, the application of modern office technology, office systems to establish sc

28、hool. Office system is multi-user-oriented information systems built on the campus online。 The higher education administrational processes are undergoing a significant transition. The first major shift in these technologies occurred when they evolved from mainframe programs to client server solution

29、s. Today, these technologies are more central then ever to colleges and universities, the changing technology landscape together with data reporting demands has compelled colleges and universities to evaluate their major software systems Now universities are mostly using centralized web based system

30、s that is based on industry standard technology. These latest generation systems allow sharing of data easily with other systems and provide option to communicate important information to relevant stake holders . Institutions are under constant pressure to demonstrate both willingness and capacity t

31、o incorporate the latest developments in CIS 3. With younger generation having grown up withtechnology, students now expect to get information and do business with colleges and universities on the web Ease and convenience for the customer is essential for any university and we believe the student se

32、rvices on the web play a major part in this. The institutions often have choice to carry in house development or buy an off the shelf packaged software . Many colleges and universities have their own IT department that develops and manages the system. Here are also many packaged software available s

33、uch as People soft campus management systems provided by Oracle Corporation, Campus Management System provided by SAP etc. 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献原文 7 The current student and prospective students can apply to study at FNU using an online application form. Students are required to provide their personal de

34、tails, proposed program of study, citizenship, funding details, qualifications and work experience, and attach the electronic copies of their results. The completed forms are then forwarded to respective department HODs for their decision to approve or reject the application. If the application is approved students are notified with an offer letter which contains user name and password to use FUN-CIS, else the students are sent a letter stating their application has been declined stating the reasons


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