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1、浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献翻译 - 1 - 毕业论文外文翻译 译文 标题:精益生产系统的交通运输业的影响 资料来源 : 纽卡斯尔大学,机械和系统工程学院,英国, 纽卡斯尔市 作者: N. Sriariyawat and T. Zunder 精益生产的发展 第一次世界大战前, 以 欧洲汽车公司为首的工艺生产 是 最有效的生产系统。工艺生产的基础概念 是 ,在整个过程中使用的是高技能的劳动力,从设计,加工,以及组装,在一 定的 时间 内 , 使 顾客 得到 想要 的 。这种想法导致定制生产,但是,工艺生产的主要问题是高度的生产成本,导致美国 需要 新的创新。第一次世界大战后,福特和通用汽车

2、 公司推出新的创 新, 命名为大规模生产的生产系统。事实上,美国已成为最强大的经济国家。 (沃麦克等人, 1991 年) 大规模生产的基本概念是由弗雷德里克 W 泰勒的建立,福特汽车公司 发现 , 重整后的工厂布局变成了工人们执行单一工作的生产线, 是 可以 移动或 可持续生产的 , 是使用低熟练度技能或者稍加技能培训后就可以胜任的工作。 福特完全达到使用的互换性通过控制使用相同的测量系统通过制造过程的所有入站和出站的地方,也减少了所需部件的数量和这些部位容易附着。福特汽车公司已成功批量生产,减少他们从 514 到 2.3 分钟的周期时间。在 20 世 纪中叶,大规模生产成为最高效的生产系统,

3、但是,大规模生产系统有一些缺点 即时组织,组织保持在一个组织做的一切,因为当时部分运输是一个很大的问题,减少成立时间大规模生产的需要,大批量的生产,导致制造商已收集了巨大的库存。此外,汽车市场成为竞争激烈的市场,客户需要的产品更多的真理,但是,大规模生产的概念,试图减少 制造 时间,导致产品 真理 的有限。 (沃麦克等人, 1991 年, Holweg, 2007 年) 在大规模生产下降的时期,日本汽车公司的名称,丰田推出了新的创新生产系统称为丰田生产系统( TPS),在西方国家被称为 精益生产或实时制造。精益生产的开始状态是二战结束后,当日本面临的经济危机。丰田被确定为进入全面的商用汽车制造

4、然而,它面临一系列的问题。首先,国内市场很小,野生范围内的车辆,导致丰田未能出示以下批量生产 系统 .即时需求,政府官员的需求,豪华车,大货车进行货物运输公司,小货车到市场对小农场小型车辆或适合日本拥挤的城市和能源价格高企的经济型轿车。其次,工作力量,丰田和其他日本企业意识到,他们不能使用可互换的部分,因为美国占领,以保障员工浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献翻译 - 2 - 和工会还推出了新的劳动法的工作力。这也导致丰田不能按照大规模生产系统由于工作力量 有限。最后,在日本的经济危机问题,不适合从西方国家进口的新技术的外汇货币。丰田和其他汽车公司的这个理由需要建立自己的生产系统,合适和高效为

5、自己的公司。 (沃麦克等人, 1991 年,沙阿和病房, 2007 年) 沃麦克等, 1991 年,引进精益生产的概念,实时制造应在消除浪费最为关注,降低库存,减少导致两侧的供应商,生产商和生产商向客户的运输时间。从这种精益生产的基本概念,要只适用于汽车公司然而,如今这个概念成为众所周知的概念,也有在每一个企业和服务部门实施 “精益思想 ”已知。此外刚刚在时间的概念,试图满足客户的需求。 ( Reichhart 和 Holweg, 2007 年)精益生产的目标是,以尽量减少在非增值的任务期限浪费,例如轮候时间,成立时间,库存的浪费,缺陷,也包括对生产( Sahoo 等。 2007 年, Hol

6、weg, 2007年)沃麦克等人, 1991 年,引进精益生产的概念,实时制造应在消除浪费最为关注,降低库存,减少导致的运输时间,在两侧的供应商到生产者和生产者客户。从这种精益生产的基本概念,要只适用于汽车公司然而,如今这个概念成为众所周知的概念,也有在每一个企业和服务部门实施 “精益思想 ”已知。此外刚刚在时间的概念,试图满足客 户的需求。 ( Reichhart 和 Holweg, 2007 年)精益生产的目标是,以尽量减少在非增值的任务期限浪费,例如轮候时间,成立时间,库存的浪费,缺陷,也包括对生产( Sahoo 等。 2007 年, Holweg,2007 年) 精益分销 本节提供了一

7、个审查关键精益分布的概念。丰田生产系统( TPS)对两个概念的引入精益生产基地:通过消除浪费降低成本,在生产工艺和提高生产力的工作力。然而,精益配送,类似的精益分布的基本概念,精益生产的原则,开始实施 20 世纪 50 年代制造的,并在 20 世纪 70 年代到供应商的运作,分配的一 部分,是在供应链网络的底线,生产商和客户之间的连接,(图 1) 20 世纪80 年代末才开始实施。然而,在许多供应链仍然主要集中在制造业操作。 ( Reichhart 和 Holweg, 2007 年) Reichhart 和 Holweg( 2007)中定义的精益配送,尽量减少废物在下游供应链中的确切时间和准确

8、的定位,同时提供正确的产品来满足最终客户。实施精益分销战略运行过程中已经改变了生产计划,需求预测仅仅只使用组件需求预测与供应商沟通,并使用从最终客户的实际需求来规划运行过程中。这种策略的好处,可以减少 1 年之内完成 40以上 的商品库存(从 1993 年至 1994 年 ;见图 2)。此外,精益分销完成商品的库存水平降低,也间接受益生产者,当成品库存已减少,取得了新型号的产品可以推出。然而, Reichhart 和 Holweg( 2007)提到使用内置命令( BOT)的真正的市场形势,实施精益分销,多种模式导致浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献翻译 - 3 - 生产过程和分配方式都比较困难

9、,安排他们的生产计划,并满足客户的需求发生冲突在同一时间。为了优化生产商和客户的要求, Reichhart 和 Holweg( 2007)建议制造商的需求预测和实际的客户需求相结合。虽然,预测和实际需求之间的结合结果导致库 存量高和不遵循的确切精益概念,这种技术优化的总成本和客户满意度。泰勒和泰勒( 2008)也提到他们的研究中,只有保守的精益生产的概念不能被成功地为每一个工业环境,实施精益生产与优化降低成本和客户满意度应该是运营管理的目标。 在全球化的影响,支持全球市场的需要,以适应自己的工业。精益生产方式也与全球化的影响,主要的原因是精益生产的基本概念,以减少交货时间,通过全过程,包括从供

10、应商到装配生产线,高端客户和降低库存水平,从而不唯一生产经营过程中的交货时间将生效全球化,而且供应商和经销商应准备支持全球化的影响(金子和 野尻 2008 年, Egeraat 和 Jacobson, 2005)。金子和野尻( 2008)描述了实施成功的关键正是时候是必要的,为生产商和供应商应通过电子信息网络共享的信息数据。只是在时间概念,尤其是需要长期的制造商和供应商已选定作为典型的质量标准,成本低和交货准时之间的长期合作关系。关系提供了生产商和供应商都在产生利润的方式,降低交易成本,共同开发技术。从这样的态度,以前在欧洲和美国的研究,经济地理,接受的正是时候, 它包括:员工的关系,与供应商

11、和承包商,介绍日本的生产系统和零件的高效率的分配关系的重组的概念 。 (金子和野尻 2008 年,贾亚拉姆等, 2008) 精益生产的概念,不只是减少不必要的成本,而且还提供了整体素质的提高(沃麦克等, 1991)。实证研究 “( Lee 和 Peccei, 2008)表现出不同的制片人已经实施精益生产理念和生产商之间的质量承诺,刚刚开始应用精益生产。他们的研究结果显示有显著精益生产理念和质量的承诺之间的相对。更多的精益生产中得到应用,更多的质量承诺改善 。 ( Lee 和 Peccei, 2008) 从众多以往的研究表明,从实施精益生产系统,生产过程中的许多优势。不过,也有一些负面影响已经从

12、精益观 念的影响,特别是供应商,第三方物流(第三方物流),配送中心等,要按照精益生产系统的生产商,这些支持者纷纷制定自己的分娩过程,以实现最大限度地减少铅时间从精益生产的承诺。此外,实施精益生产系统,增加对供应商的隐性成本,即时,排放的成本将大幅增加达 50, 2010 年。的主要因素是气候变化的研究,化石燃料和部分准备交货时,道路运输仅 84的二氧化碳运输事业的响应,通过增加库存区,以确保交付运输,库存成本的增加数轮生产所需(沃麦克等, 1991)。此外,(白皮书, 2001)表明,在 1998 年,交通运输部门交付环境的二 氧化碳排放量的 28。从交通需求的预测估计,如果没有做改变这种提高

13、的趋势,二氧化碳排放量。从 1970年,两种类型的运送(乘客和货物)的需求逐渐增加,然而,唯一的道路和国浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献翻译 - 4 - 际水道的要求提出(参见图 3 和 4)。不平等之间的公路和铁路运输模式的需求。 1998 年道路货物运输市场份额一直不断提 高,从 1990 年的 41, 1998 年的44,如果没有已采取行动,中路股份将 2010 年的 47。从这一点来说,欧洲共同体同意寻求替代燃料,提高效率的使用能源,并试图以提高铁路对帐户的资金优势,例如,如果汽车是唯一使用高速公路的 车辆需求,高速公路维护的成本将比现在降低 6 倍以下。 浙江万里学院现代物流学院

14、外文文献翻译 - 5 - 外文文献原文 Title: Impacts of lean production system to transportation sector Material Source: School of Mechanical and Systems Engineering , Newcastle University Author: N. Sriariyawat and T. Zunder Development of Lean Manufacturing Before World War I, Craft production led by European autom

15、otive companies was the most effective production system. The foundation concepts of craft production are using highly skill workforces in a whole process, from designing, machining, and assembling to make what the customer want, one piece at a time. This idea lead to customizing manufacturing howev

16、er, the major problem of craft production is a highly production costs that led to new innovation from United State. After WW I, Ford and General Motors introduced new innovation production system named Mass Production. The fact that United States has become the most powerful economic country. (Woma

17、ck et al., 1991) The basic concept of mass production was established by Frederic W Taylor, Ford Motor founded, is the moving, or continuous by reorganised factory layout to become assembly line that workers would perform single task, using low skill work force or a few training skill and interchang

18、eability. Ford perfectly achieve using interchangeability by control all inbound and outbound parts through manufacturing process by using the same gauging system and also reduced the numbers of parts needed and made these parts easy to attach. Ford Motor was successfully with mass production, they

19、reduce their cycle time from 514 to 2.3 minutes. At the middle of 20th century, Mass production became the most efficient production system however, Mass production system has some disadvantages to the organisation for instant, organisation keep doing everything in one organisation because at that t

20、ime transport part was a big problem, reducing set up time mass production need to produce in only high volume that cause manufacturer has to collect the huge inventory. Moreover, automotive market became competitive market, customers need more verity of product however, mass production concept atte

21、mpted to reduce set up time that cause a limited of product verity. (Womack et al., 1991, Holweg, 2007) During declined period of mass production, Japanese automotive company names Toyota introduced new innovation production system called Toyota 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献翻译 - 6 - production system (TPS), in

22、western countries known as Lean production or Just-In-Time manufacturing. The beginning state of lean production was after World War II when Japan faced to economic crisis. Toyota was determined to go into full-scale commercial automotive manufacturing however; it faced a host of problems. Firstly,

23、domestic market was tiny and wild range demand of vehicles that cause Toyota could not produce following mass production system. For instant, demand of government official was luxury cars, large trucks to carry goods to market for transportation companies, small trucks for small farms and small vehi

24、cles or economic cars suitable for Japans crowded cities and high energy prices. Secondly, work force, Toyota and other Japanese firms realised that they cannot use work force as an interchangeable parts because of the new labour laws introduced by American occupation to protect employees and also i

25、ntroduced labour union. This also causes Toyota could not follow mass production system because of limited of work force. Finally, the problem of economic crisis in Japan made foreign exchange currency did not suitable for import new technology from western countries. This reason made Toyota and oth

26、er automotive companies need to create their own production system which suitable and efficient for their companies. (Womack et al., 1991, Shah and Ward, 2007) Womack et al, 1991, introduced the concept of lean production, Just- In- Time manufacturing should be most concern in eliminating waste, red

27、ucing inventory, reducing lead time of transportation in both side supplier to producer and producer to customers. From this basic concept of lean production used to be apply only automotive company however, nowadays this concept become well known concept and also has implemented in every business a

28、nd service sector as known as “Lean Thinking”. Furthermore Just-in-Time concept attempts to satisfy customer requirements. (Reichhart and Holweg, 2007) The goal of lean production is to minimise waste in term of non-value added tasks, for example waiting time, set up time, inventory, waste, defect a

29、nd also include over production (Sahoo et al., 2007, Holweg, 2007) Womack et al, 1991, introduced the concept of lean production, Just- In- Time manufacturing should be most concern in eliminating waste, reducing inventory, reducing lead time of transportation in both side supplier to producer and p

30、roducer to customers. From this basic concept of lean production used to be apply only automotive company however, nowadays this concept become well known concept and also has implemented in every business and service sector as known as “Lean 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献翻译 - 7 - Thinking”. Furthermore Just-in-

31、Time concept attempts to satisfy customer requirements. (Reichhart and Holweg, 2007) The goal of lean production is to minimise waste in term of non-value added tasks, for example waiting time, set up time, inventory, waste, defect and also include over production (Sahoo et al., 2007, Holweg, 2007)

32、Lean Distribution This section provides as a review of key lean distribution concept. The Toyota production system (TPS) introduced lean production base on two concepts: cost reduction through eliminate waste in production process and increase productivity work force. The basic concept of lean distr

33、ibution, similar to the lean distribution, however, principle of lean production began implement to manufacturing in 1950s and were extended to supplier operation during 1970s, distribution part is a bottom line in supply chain network to connect between producer and customer, only started implement

34、 in late 1980s (figure 1). However, in many supply chains the main focus still on the manufacturing operation. (Reichhart and Holweg, 2007) Reichhart and Holweg (2007) defined lean distribution as minimising waste at the downstream supply chain, while delivering the right product to the end customer

35、 in exactly time and accurate location. Implement lean distribution strategy to operation process has changed production planning by forecasting demand, to use just only for communicating component demand forecasts with suppliers and use actual demand from end customer to planning operation process.

36、 Benefit of this strategy can reduce finish goods inventory of over 40% within 1 year (from 1993 to 1994; see figure 2). Moreover, reducing inventory level of finish goods by lean distribution also provide indirect benefit to producer, when finish product stock has been reduced that made new model p

37、roduct can be introduced. However, Reichhart and Holweg (2007) mentioned about conflict of implement lean distribution by using built to order (BOT) to the real market situation, variety of model cause production process and distribution mode are more difficult to schedule their production plan and

38、satisfy customer needs in the same time. To optimise both producer and customer requirements, Reichhart and Holweg (2007) suggested manufacturer to combine demand forecasting and real customer demands. Although, result of combination between forecast and real demands cause the volume of inventory be

39、come higher and do not follow the exact lean concept, this technique optimise total cost and customer satisfaction. Taylor and Taylor (2008) also mentioned in their research, only conservative lean production concept could not be 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献翻译 - 8 - successful for every industrial environment,

40、 implement lean production with optimising cost reduction and customer satisfaction should be the goal of operations management. The globalisation effects to the industrials that need to adapt themselves for support global market. Lean production also effects with globalisation the main reason is ba

41、sic concept of lean production has to reduce lead time through whole process including lead time from suppliers to assembly line, operation process to end customers and also decreasing inventory level thus not only producer would be effected by globalisation but also suppliers and distributors shoul

42、d prepare themselves for support globalisation effect (Kaneko and Nojiri, 2008, Egeraat and Jacobson, 2005). Kaneko and Nojiri (2008) described the key for successfully of implementation of Just In Time is necessary for both producer and supplier should share their information data by an electronic

43、information network. Just In Time concept especially need long term relationship between manufacturer and suppliers who have been selected according to the typical criteria as quality, low-costs and punctual delivery. The relationship provides benefits to both producers and suppliers in the way of g

44、enerating profit, reducing transaction costs and develop technology together. From this attitude, previous research in economic geography in Europe and America, have accepted the concept of Just In Time that includes: employees relation, the reorganisation of relationships with suppliers and subcont

45、ractors, introductory Japanese production system and the efficient distribution of parts. (Kaneko and Nojiri, 2008, Jayaram et al., 2008) Lean Production concept was not just only the reduction of unnecessary cost but also provided overall quality improvement (Womack et al., 1991). The empirical res

46、earch (Lee and Peccei, 2008) demonstrated different of quality commitment between producer who has implemented lean production concept and producer that just begin apply lean production. The result of their research shown there are significantly relative between lean production concept and quality c

47、ommitment. The more lean production has been applied, the more quality commitment was improved (Lee and Peccei, 2008) From numerous previous researches showed that there are many advantages from implement lean production system to production process. However, there are some negative impacts that hav

48、e been affected from lean concept especially, suppliers, third party logistics (3PLs), distribution centres and etc. To follow lean 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献翻译 - 9 - production system of producer, these supporters have to develop their delivery process to achieve minimising lead time from commitment of lean production. In addition, implementation of lean production system has increased hidden costs to the suppliers, for instant, cost of emissions would be dramatically increased up to 50% in 2010. From researches of climate change, the main factor is fossil fuel


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