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1、浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 2 毕业论文外文翻译 译文 标题:企业微博:分析英国出版商应用 Twitter 作为一种营销工具 资料来源:施普林格科学 +商业媒体 作者:安妮 快速增长和流行的微博平台 twitter 是一种最新的互联网现象,它为一般企业和出版商做营销对话和消费者导向的方式开辟了新的机会。这项调查分析了英国出版商使用 twitter 的具体目的,找出对出版商影响,使用方式和内容的微博。结果表明,一个出版商的规模主要影响的是它使用 twitter,而不影响其使用方式和信息内容。 过去 5 年,社会媒体的应用已 迅速上升到一个很突出的地位,今天数百万人使用社会媒体如 tw

2、itter。对于企业来说,这既可以是福音也可以说是诅咒:一方面,社会媒体聚集了史上最大的观众群和使他们容易接近;另一方面,平衡控制信息和品牌形象已从企业到消费者。现在人们能够公开交换对于企业产品、服务和品牌的信息、经验和意见,这种交流不论企业是否参与都在发生的。在这种新环境下,消费者的通讯手段不在被控制,原则上他们原有的营销手法必须要做改变。 社会媒体营销已经如下新的原则的内容是:“参与就是营销”。 这种营销模式不再是推出消息,而是积极参与社会媒体如 在 twitter 汇集内容,收听社区,进行对话和建立关系。通过使用社会媒体营销,公司可以实现许多目标,包括增大浏览量,增加品牌知名度,提高搜索

3、引擎排名,增加销售和建立领导思维。此外,社会媒体营销可用于故障排除,解决问题,客户服务,市场研究,并作为一个口碑平台。这些机会以及威胁减少所引起的影响正是企业需要社会媒体营销至关重要的业务,包括出版社也关注。 这项调查分析的是在 web2.0 时代,出版部门是否接受了新的营销工具,并侧重一下问题:英国出版商是否使用 twitter 作为一种营销工具?如果是,那么他们使用它,如何 操作微博? 定义以及功能 twitter 可以分配到一类的社会媒体一类,这被界定为在线工具,允许在线沟通,参与和协作。按照技术分社会媒体包括,博客,微博,社会网络,媒体共享网站,论坛和虚拟世界 twitter 通常称为

4、微博,它有发达的社会网络功能,在 2006 推出。因此, twitter不仅创造了新的网络传播技术围绕利益以及最重要的网络传播技术,也同时存在的离线社会网络。 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 2 基本上, twitter 用户可以通过发微博共享信息和关注其他用户的微博,其他用户。微博信息限制在 140 个字符,张贴在网页上微博内容可以直接或间接通 过手机短信或通过第三方互联网和移动应用发布到网页上;这些信息往往伴随着一定的元数据,包括日期,时间和来源的原创帖子(如网络,短信或第三方应用);正常的微博,只允许有限的互动和个人谈话,但为了适应和增加用户的需求和选择, twitter 已将特

5、定类型的微博和信息(例如回复和转发)纳入作为官方的特点。除了微博就只有只有很少的信息,是指所有者帐户。 总之, twitter 直接在网站做到简单的微博的机制,同时,一体化的第三方应用覆盖的限制,允许不同的接入方式,交互和内容分享 一般应用 twitter 在 2009 年上半年开始 流行,目前拥有超过 14000000 注册用户。今天,它在最受欢迎的微博网站中排名第三,也是世界浏览量最大的社交网站,这是两个是 facebook 和聚友网。 然而,在仔细检查这些数据发现一个缺陷:跳出率,这是分析数据的百分比得来的,访问 twitter 网站,由于只有一个单一的页面视图,定居在一个相对较高的数值

6、约为 37%, 2010 年在 twitter 的流失率也是非常高的,只有 40%的用户持续关注超过一个月。此外,专家相信 80%微博访问者产生的只有 10%的粉丝(微博粉丝为微博的追随者)。当然,受欢迎的个人,组织和公司所发 布的信息有更好的机会被注意,但仍然是令人难以满意,这对于利用 twitter 作为社会媒体营销工具的营销人员是一种挑战。 twitter 在商业上的应用 应用 因为它的主要用户关注和商户关注值 twitter 主要是作为一种通信工具销售。然而,在市场调查方面,“数据库微博,包含评论,意见和意见的听众,搜索引擎,矿山的微博模式也是重要的。除此之外, twitter 作为参

7、与通信的工具可以刺激对网络,团队,公司和市场的讨论。它的会话方向还为企业和客户提供了一个机会进行双向对话,因为支持相互交流信息,对双方都是有利。 因此, twitter 作为一种营销工具尤其适合于以下四个目的:(一)市场研究和反馈 ; (二)宣传,品牌和声誉管理 ; (三) 业务网络; (四)客户服务和客户关系管理。 Twitter 和出版行业 记住 twitter 推出的时间不超过 5 年前,那么出版社才开始对微博营销可能性的探索也是不足为奇的。最初,出版行业中不同的角色,如出版商,作者,开发商,零售商,书店,图书馆,图书评论和媒体使用 twitter,交流信息和经验,在他们的行业中越来越多

8、的与其他角色进行行业的互动。因 twitter 吸引了浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 3 用户的社会,其最大的力量在于其崩溃的新闻周期 实时打破传统媒体的障碍的能力。对于出版商来说,这个是独一无二的机会与现有和潜在客户介绍自身产品。现在两者可以直接沟通,有兴趣的读者可以参加促销活动,张贴评论链接和采访,并以非传统的方式提醒作者注意谁正在审查。 总之, twitter 提供了一个新的,前所未有的访问方式和来自出版世界的各方面;但也有疑点。随着越来越多的出版商开始在 twitter 上微博营销,产生的问题是在花费这么多时间和精力之后能否获得足够的好处。小出版商面临的问题是他们的微博很可能容

9、易被忽视,在 twitter 的环境中。此外,它是假定的业务指导推特 101, twitter 是广告方式赚钱的业务,想用它说服客户。这可能会阻止许多出版商进行 twitter 微博营销,值得怀疑的是是否这些出版商目前使用的企业版微博来面对这种变化。 方法 正如介绍中的一样,这项调查研究的现状,英国贸易出版商使用 twitter,侧重于下列问题的研究:英国出版商是否使用 twitter 作为一种营销工具?如果是,那么他们使用它,如何操作微博? 基于这样的假设的出版社的大小是决定性的因素对于一般使用,使用方式和微博的内容,下面是对问题进行了分析: 1. 规模大小的因素对是否使用 twitter

10、有无影响? 2. 规模大小对微博营销的模式是否有影响? 3. 规模的大小对微博发布的内容是否有影响 唯一的研究方法来充分回答这些问题是通过内容分析;记录分析目的,定量,标准化方法的选择。由于附属研究问题,考验的发生不仅是针对对单一规模级别的出版社的微博内容。因此,有必要进行分析与不同的书籍。 内容分析包括所有英国出版商,成员的出版商协会和 /或独立出版商协会在时间的测量; 194 个出版商( 5 家大型, 18 家小型, 171 家中型)完全符合相关标准。对内容分析水平的个人出版单位数调查是在约 50 的数量。对内容分析水平的个 人微博一些单位调查是在 400 和 500 之间,所以微博张贴在

11、六月 2010共 10 推特使用出版商( 2 大型, 3 小型, 5 中型)进行了分析。 结论 本文通过调查,首先,找出英国出版商是否使用 twitter 作为一种营销工具,其次,他们研究如何使出版商使用 twitter 和他们的微博。 结果表明,尽管 twitter 的优点其普及性,交互性和简单,只有 42%的受访英国出版商进行登记的 twitter。这不是一个坏的登记率,但仍有少数没有通过。如 twitter 是免费的,其他原因可能直接成本低,必须负责大量出版商,忽略微博服务的营销策略 。 一个可能的解释是,它的成本方面的时间和人员 花费较多 ;浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 4

12、其他缺点是 负面消息 ,增长缓慢的 粉丝 或寿命短的 微博 ,减少效率的一个企业客户,特别是在引进阶段。这些 缺点, 以及 twitter 的年轻,采用率 42%组内的出版审查可能已被认为是相对较高,但关于这个通过比较在其他业务部门可以提供更多的信息。 可以预见的是出版社目前对于 twitter 的营销到目前为止还处于探索阶段。出版商将因此了解 twitter,有助于了解 twitter 是否是一个有效的营销工具,其功效是如何能够最好的加以衡量,是否适合于某些类型的出版商,而不是其他方 面和他们 twitter 粉丝的意见和需求。研究这些方面将提供更多的有价值的情报,从调查结果和建议可以推断实

13、际问题,出版商能够调整和改善他们的twitter,从而更有效地针对他们的粉丝。 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 5 外文文献原文 Title: Corporate Tweeting: Analysing the Use of Twitter as a Marketing Tool by UK Trade Publishers Material Source: Springer Science+Business Media Author: anne Abstract The rapid growth and popularity of the microblogging service

14、Twitter has been one of the most recent phenomena of the Internet, which opens up opportunities for businesses in general and publishers in particular to do marketing in a dialogue- and consumer-oriented way. This survey analysed UK trade publishers use of Twitter with the specific objective of find

15、ing out what influence a publishers size has on its Twitter adoption, patterns of use and the content of its Tweets. Overall, the results suggest that a publishers size primarily affects its general Twitter use, while being less influential regarding its patterns of use and the tweeted content. Intr

16、oduction Social media have rocketed to prominence in the last 5 years and today millions of people engage in social media such as Twitter. For businesses this can be both a blessing and a curse: on the one hand, social media have aggregated the largest audiences in the history of media and made them

17、 easily accessible; on the other hand, the balance of control over information and brand images has shifted from companies to consumers. Now people are publicly exchanging information, experiences and opinions on products, services and brands, and such conversations are taking place whether or not c

18、ompanies are participating in them. In this new environment, where the owners of the means of communication no longer control the content, the principles of marketing must fundamentally change and they have. Social media marketing already follows a new principle which reads: Participa- tion is marke

19、ting . Here marketers no longer push out messages, but actively participate in social media such as Twitter by bringing together content, listening to communities, enabling collaboration, engaging in dialogue and establishing relation- ships . By using social media marketing, companies can achieve n

20、umerous objectives, including increased traffic, increased brand awareness, improved search engine rankings, increased sales and established 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 6 thought leadership.Moreover, social media marketing can be used for troubleshooting, problem solving, customer service, market research,

21、and as a trigger for word-of-mouth . These opportunities as well as the threats arising from reduced control make social media ma rketing critically important to all businesses, including publishing. This survey analysed whether the publishing sector has embraced the new marketing tools that have ev

22、olved from Web 2.0, focusing on the following questions: Do UK trade publishers use Twitter as a marketing tool? If yes, how do they use it and what do they tweet about? Twitter Definition and Functionality Twitter can be assigned to the category of social media, which can be defined as online tools

23、 that allow online communication, participation and collaboration. Technologies that can be grouped under the umbrella term social media include, among others, blogs, microblogs, social networks, media-sharing sites, forums and virtual worlds Twitter is usually referred to as a microblog, but has al

24、so developed social networking features since it was launched in 2006 . Therefore, Twitter not only creates new networks around interests and most importantly expertise, but also represents existent offline social networks. Basically, Twitter enables users to share information by posting Tweets (twe

25、eting) and subscribing to the Tweets of other users (following). Tweets are messages limited to 140 characters which are posted on Twitter either directly on the webpage or indirectly from a mobile phone via SMS or through third-party Internet and mobile applications; they are accompanied by certain

26、 metadata, including date, time and the source of the original posting (e.g. the Web, SMS or third-party applications). Normal tweeting and following only allow for limited interactivity and personal conversation, but in order to adjust to increasing demand for such options, Twitter has incorporated

27、 specific types of Tweets and messages (e.g. Replies and Retweets) as official features. Apart from the Tweets there is only little information that refers to the owner of the account. Altogether, Twitter achieves simplicity by hosting no content other than Tweets directly on the website; simultaneo

28、usly, the integration of third-party applications overrides restrictions and allows for diverse forms of access, interaction and content sharing。 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 7 General Use Twitter became popular very quickly in the first half of 2009 and now has more than 14 million registered users . Today,

29、 it is the most popular microblogging site worldwide and also ranks third among the most frequented social networking sites where it was outranked only by Facebook and MySpace. However, on a closer examination these statistics have flaws: The bounce rate, that is the percentage of visits to the Twit

30、ter website that consist of a single page view, has settled at a relatively high rate of about 37% in 2010, and Twitters churn rate is remarkably high, too, with only 40% of users remainmore than one month. In addition, experts believe that 80% of tweets are generated by only 10% of users, and that

31、the median number of tweet readers per tweet is 1 (most Tweeters tweet to one follower). Certainly, information provided by popular individuals, organizations and companies has a better chance of being noticed, but still the level of noise is incredibly high and constitutes a challenge to marketers

32、when utilizing Twitter as social media marketing instrument. Using Twitter for Business Application Spectrum Because of its main assets user attention and audience size businesses value Twitter mainly as a communication instrument for marketing. However, in terms of market research, the database of

33、tweets that contains the comments, observations, and opinions of the audience, and the search engine that mines those tweets for patterns are important, too. Apart from this, Twitter as a participatory communication instrument can stimulate discussion within networks, teams, companies and markets .

34、Its conversational orientation also provides corporations and customers with an opportunity to engage in a two-way dialogue, thereby supporting mutual information exchange, which can be beneficial for both parties. Consequently, Twitter as a marketing instrument lends itself particularly to the foll

35、owing four purposes: (a) market research and feedback generation, (b) publicity, branding and reputation management, (c) business networking, and (d) customer service and customer relationship management. Twitter and the Publishing Industry Bearing in mind that Twitter was launched no longer than 5

36、years ago, it is not surprising that publishing has just begun to explore its possibilities . Initially, different players in the publishing sector, such as publishers, authors, developers, retailers, booksellers, libraries, book reviewers and the media, used Twitter to exchange information and expe

37、riences within their professions and, increasingly, to 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 8 interact with other players in the industry. But since Twitter has attracted users from the society at large, its greatest power lies in its ability to collapse news cycles to real-time and break down traditional media barr

38、iers. To publishers, this introduces an unparalleled opportunity to interact with existing and potential customers. Now they can communicate directly with interested readers,”promote events, post links to reviews and interviews, and draw attention to authors who are being reviewed in nontraditional

39、spots . Altogether, Twitter affords a new and unprecedented level of access to and from all sides of the publishing world; but there is scepticism, too. As more and more publishers become engaged in Twitter, the question is whether the benefits are worth the expenditure of time and effort. Small pub

40、lishers anyway face the problem that their Tweets are likely to remain unnoticed within Twitters noise. In addition, it is assumed that with the business guide Twitter 101, Twitter is paving the way to making money from businesses that want to use it to speak to customers. This would probably preven

41、t many publishers from becoming engaged in Twitter and it is also questionable whether those publishers currently using Twitter especially the small ones would come to terms with such changes. Methodology As highlighted in the introduction, this survey examined the current state of UK trade publishe

42、rs Twitter use, focussing on the following research questions: Do UK trade publishers use Twitter as a marketing tool and, if yes, how do they use it and what do they tweet about? Based on the assumption that the size of a publisher is the decisive factor as to general use, patterns of use and conte

43、nt of Tweets, the following subsidiary questions were analysed: 1. Does the factor size have an influence on whether Twitter is used or not? 2. Does the factor size have an influence on the patterns of use? 3. Does the factor size have an influence on the content of Tweets? The only research method

44、adequate to answer these questions is the content analysis; bearing in mind the analytic aim, a quantitative, standardized approach was chosen. Due to the subsidiary research questions, examinations had to take place not only on the level of individual publishers but also on the level of individual

45、Tweets. Therefore, it was necessary to carry out two analyses with different code books. The population of both content analyses consisted of all UK trade publishers that were members of the Publishers Association (PA) and/or the Independent 浙江万里学院现代物流学院 外文文献译文 9 Publishers Guild (IPG) at the time o

46、f surveying; 194 publishers (5 large, 18 medium-sized, 171 small) fulfilled the relevant criteria. For the content analysis on the level of individual publishers the number of units to be surveyed was set at about 50. For the content analysis on the level of individual Tweets the number of units to

47、be surveyed was set at between 400 and 500, so the Tweets posted during June 2010 by a total of 10 Twitter using publishers (2 large, 3 medium-sized, 5 small) were analysed. Conclusion The aims of this survey were, first, to find out whether UK trade publishers use Twitter as a marketing tool, and,

48、second if they do so to examine how publishers use Twitter and what they tweet about. The results show that, despite Twitters advantages such as its popularity, interactivity and simplicity, only 42% of the surveyed UK trade publishers were registered on Twitter. This is not a bad adoption rate, but still the minority. As Twitter is free of charge, other reasons than direct costs must be responsible for the large number of publishers neglecting the microblogging se


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