An Analysis of Chinglish from Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Models开题报告.doc

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1、开题报告 An Analysis of Chinglish from Differences between Chinese and English Thinking Models 一、选题的背景和意义 Chinglish is a language phenomenon which comes from Chinese and English cultural communication. It has characteristics of Chinese pronunciation, grammar and words collocation. The causes of Chinglis

2、h can be complex, and the froms of Chinglish are varied. It appears everywhere there is Sino-English impact. Since Chinese joined WTO, China has more communications with the globe. Business and negotiations take places every day, and Chinese people have more affairs with foreigners than ever. Howeve

3、r, the English level of Chinese people is not high enough to deal with all occasions overall, so it is inevitable that Chinglish be created. With the increase of Chinese economy, Chinglish also increases. Some appear in daily life and study, others appear in formal occasions. Being the top populatio

4、n country, Chinese has most speakers in the world, so Chinglish cannot be far less. Unfortunately, Chinglish neither does good for Chinglish users, nor does the receivers. First, Chinglish is created by Chinese people who rely on their mother language. But English and Chinese are two totally differe

5、nt languages not only in their language form, but also in their thinking model. Chinglish users always get confused when they use English, and Chinglish will affect their mother language as well. Meanwhile, Chinglish receivers will misunderstand what the Chinglish users express, because there many m

6、istakes in Chinglish. Sometimes, the consequence of misunderstanding can be serious if there are critical moments. Chinglish is also an obstacle for English learners. English and Chinese thinking model affect each other in users mind, as a result, English learners cannot use any of them well. For th

7、e need of increasing cross-cultural communication, Chinese people should achieve English as a tool. Therefore, English learners should avoid Chinglish, and have a clear mind to shift their thinking model when they are using different languages at the same time. This paper focuses on the analysis of

8、Chinglish, and study the ways of avoiding Chinglish, meanwhile raises problems which still exsist. 二、研究目标与主要内容 (含论文提纲) 1 This thesis mainly discuss the orgin and effects of Chinglish, and to analyse the Chinglish phenomenons. First, discuss the origin to find out the causes of Chinglish that can hel

9、p the analysis of its characteristics. Second, study its characteristics to get through what are the problems of Chinglish. Third, conclude the phenomenon o f Chinglish, and provide ways to avoid it. At last, to study the exsisting peoblems. Now there are countless Chinglish users and few of them ha

10、ve noticed the serious situation. Chinglish is corroding both Chinese and English. Therefore, there should be ways to solve this problem. This thesis will first look into all aspects of Chinglish and Chinglish phenomenons, and provide ways to avoid it. The outline of this thesis Title: An Analysis o

11、f Chinglish From The Chinese and English Cultural Differences 1. Introduction 2. Features of Chinglish 2.1 History of Chinglish 2.2 Definition of Chinglish 2.3 Granmmar Mistakes of Chinglish 2.3.1 Redundance Redundant Nouns and Verbs Redundant Adjectives and Adverbs 2.3.2 Wrong Collo

12、cation 2.3.3 Wrong Idiomatic Usage 3. Comparison of Chinese and English Thinking Models 3.1 Chinese Thinking Model 3.1.1 Holistic Thinking 3.1.2 Indirect Thinking 3.1.3 Fuzzy Thinking 3.2 English Thinking Model 3.2.1 Analytical Thinking 3.2.2 Direct Thinking 3.2.3 Precise Thinking 3.3 Differences be

13、tween Chinese and English Thinking Models 3.3.1 Different Word Order 3.3.2 Passive Voice 3.3.3 Negation 4. Solutions to Chinglish 2 4.1 Understanding English Culture 4.2 Enhancing Language Sense and Developing English Thinking Model 4.3 Error Analysis 5. Conclusion 三、拟采取的研究方法、研究手段及技术路线、实验方案等 This pa

14、per discuss the problems of Chinglish from previous researches. In China, Wang Moxi has a deep understanding of Chinglish, he first began the research of Chinese and English thinking model, which can help finding the causes of Chinglish. Though the study of Chinglish started late, researchers have d

15、ifferent opinions towards Chinglish and they have work out some critical issues. Besides, the characteristics are clear through the study of previous researches, but the situation has changed. This paper will mainly focus on the new Chinglish phenomenon and new problems. This paper will study Chingl

16、ish from other aspects as an addition. First, to dicuss Chinese English learners learning approach and English learing situation in China recent years. Second, find out reasons for Chinglish emerging through English learning. At last, conclude the shortage of education system and provide ways to avo

17、id Chinglish. The methods for analysing recent situation is collecting information in school teaching and learning. Chinglish always come from English learning, and through surveys, it can get the latest information of study. Another way to approach the need of research is Internet. Internet p rovid

18、es data of Chinglish and related elements, and also shows others point of view. 四、参考文献 1Cheng Zhenqiu. On Problems of TranslationA series of talks given at the institute of JournalismM. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1981. 2Pinkham Joan. The Translators Guide to ChinglishM. B

19、eijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1998. 3Nida A. Eugene & Charles R. Taber. The Theory and Practice of TranslationM. Leiden: E. J. Brill. 1969. 4金惠康 .跨文化交际翻译 M.北京 : 中国对外翻 译出版公司 ,2003. 5王振亚 .语言与文化 M.北京 :高等教育出版社 ,1999. 6阎苹 .中西文化面面观 M. 沈阳 :辽宁大学出版社 , 2010. 7郭富强 .意合形合的英汉对比研究 M. 青岛 :中国

20、海洋大学出版社 ,2007. 3 8卢加伟 ,张晓莉 .语用迁移与二语水平的关系研究 M. 北京 :科学出版社 ,2009. 9王培英 .跨文化交流 M.北京 :旅游教育出版社 ,2007. 10Vivian Cook. Effects of the Second Language on the First.J Multilingual Matters Ltd,2009. 11章国军 . 透视中式英语 J.韶关学院院报 ,2005. 12王墨希 .中国学生英语语篇思维模式调查 J. 外语教学与研究 ,1993. 13郭剑晶 .中式英语成因探究 J. 湖南科技学院院报 , 2007. 14郑博

21、,陈丹丹 .从翻译角度浅析中式英语产生的原因及对策 D.武汉 :中南财经政法大学 ,2009. 15吴克炎 . 英汉习语的文化误读探源 D.漳州 :漳州师范学院 ,2006. 五、研究的整体方案与工 作进度安排 (内容、步骤、时间) No. TIME CONTENTS 1 2009.10.2 Get the notice of writing thesis. 2 2009.10.25 Choose the topic of the article 3 2009.11.29 Hand in assignment of the article. 4 2009.11.5 Surf on the in

22、ternet to get American history during 1960s-1970s. 5 2009.11.10 Go to the library to search materials of American history. 6 2009.11.20 Accomplish the summary of document 7 2010.1.10 Accomplish the opening report 8 Winter vocation Get more information, read the materials, find some prominent feature

23、s about the collection, and write down the thesis outline, etc 9 2011.2.28 Finish the first draft 10 2011.3.15 Finish the mid-term testment 11 2011.4.19 Final version 12 2011.4.25 1st thesis defense 13 2011.5.9 2nd thesis defense 14 2011.5.31 Score reporting 六、研究的主要特点及创新点 This paper has collected pr

24、evious study on Chinglish, and combined with situations appeared recent years. With the help of previous study, this thesis can study in a new angle of 4 view and look into new problems. Though this way, the trend of Chinglish can be offered. Meanwhile, the study of this trend can find problems and

25、key to these problems. There are some extra problems which causes Chinglish. This paper dicuss the Chinese educational situation and has find out problems. Every problem comes for a reason, so does Chinglish. The first Chinglish comes because of cultural communications, but nowadays it is not so abs

26、olute. Many Chinglish comes from English learners, so there must be some problems in teaching and learning methods. Besides, Chinglish not only comes from objectives factors, but also comes from the attitude towards it. Chinese people have not noticed the seriousness of Chinglish, and most of them h

27、ave ignored. Chinglish has a big population, it is difficult to be controlled. So the change of attitude is important. Combine with English view and Chinese view, this paper gives an overall conclusion of Chinglish. After analysis of Chinglish problems, the ways to help Chinese people learning English also come out.


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