An Analysis of Dickens’ Critical Realism in Bleak House【开题报告】.doc

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1、 本科毕业论文开题报告 英语 An Analysis of Dickens Critical Realism in Bleak House 课题研究意义及国内外研究现状 Critical realism literature is the main stream of Chinese literature in 20th century. From the aspect of translation and publication of foreign literature, works of realism writers have a very important position, ju

2、st like Balzac, Tolstoy, and Dickens who are the realism representative writers in 19th century. At present, there are many domestic researches about Dickens and his novels, but the research to Bleak House is rare. It is common to study Dickens David Copperfield, The Pickwick Papers, Hard Times, or

3、The Old Curiosity Shop and so on. There are also some people studying critical realism literature, but it is rare to combine critical realism with Bleak House. Therefore, the study about “An Analysis of Dickens Critical Realism in Bleak House” can bring some new view to the domestic research. Guo Ch

4、unlin (2004) points out that Dickens core idea is the capitalist humanitarianism. His heart is full of love and sympathy towards the oppressed, although he cannot think of the effective measures to solve the social problems except that he hopes that people can change the situation by reform. He advo

5、cates freedom, equality, and charity, thinking that the human nature decides the human value. In his work, Dickens maintains “an unbroken faith in people with an entire pessimism as to capitalist society”. He is intent on criticizing and attacking the social evils, the poverty, injustice, hypocrisy,

6、 corruption, and money-worship and so on. In his body of works, he combined masterly storytelling, humor, pathos, and irony with sharp social criticism and acute observation of people and places, both real and imagined. Therefore, Bleak House must embody the capitalist humanitarianism. Lindsay (1970

7、) proposed that Dickens satire covers a great part of English life, public and private. Education, charity, religion, social morality in its broadest sense, society in its narrowest; legal procedure, the machinery of politics, and the forms of government. Licensed to speak his mind, he aims laughing

8、ly or sternly, but always in the same admirable crowing example of the laws delay, which had wrought ruin in innumerable homes; he throws off a brilliant refreshment-rooms. Therefore, when analyzing satire in Bleak House, these aspects must be concerned. From a close study of sixteen novels that ran

9、ge from David Copperfield to Free Fall, Professor Buckley define the essential characteristic of the Bildungsroman as a quest through the dark passages of self-hood for some coherent order in the individual life that will transcend the confusion of the world (Buckley, 1974). Like most Victorians, Ch

10、arles Dickens believed that a woman should be the angel of the house, devoting her life to housekeeping and child rearing. Many women rebelled, seeking professional training and careers, especially as artists. Alfred Lord Tennysons poem The Lady of Shalott (1842) is often interpreted as a metaphor f

11、or the conflict and artists loved illustrating it. The lady was cursed and had to stay imprisoned in a tower weaving a tapestry and only look at the outside world through a mirror. She saw sir Lancelot riding by fell in love and rebelled. She left her tower, climbing into a boat and floated down the

12、 river to Camelot, dying before she reached the city (Slater, 1983). The exhibition features photographs of Dickens, from early adulthood to old age, as well as rare first editions of novels like The Pickwick Papers and Nicholas Nickleby and serialized versions of his early works. Other Dickens memo

13、rabilia on show on the ground, first and second floors of the library include a commemorative postage-stamp and half-penny, and decorative plates featuring scenes from A Christmas Carol and other stories (Smith, 1996). A current study indicates that the research of “An Analysis of Dickens Critical R

14、ealism in Bleak House” is in the initial stage at home and aboard now and has much research space. 课题研究的主要内容、预期目标和研究方案 This essay tells the rise, development and the characteristics of this genre, focusing on Charles Dickens outstanding novel Bleak House to illustrate his notion and writing characte

15、ristics including the corresponding illustrations on characters and plots. The thesis consists of three parts. The first part is introduction which states the main content. The second part is about analyzing the features of critical realism in detail which includes three aspects: exposing and critic

16、izing the evil of capitalist society, analyzing the typical characters in typical environment and explaining the important plots. The last part is a conclusion of the essay. Charles Dickens is a famous critical realist in the 19th century. Until now, most of his works have far-reaching influences in

17、 literature. As Dickens most important novel, Bleak House shows vividly and comprehensively the whole society of England in the Victorian period. By making an analysis of Dickens critical realism in Bleak House, this thesis tries to make readers know Dickens and critical realism literature thoroughl

18、y. Outline 1 Introduction 2 The Features of Critical Realism 2.1 Reflecting the social reality objectively and actually 2.2 Deep Exposing and Criticizing the Social Reality 3 Conclusion 课题进度计划 1准备阶段(第六学期第 9-13 周) 1)召开毕业论文工作动员大会,向学生介绍毕业论文的要求与相关规定。 2)学生确定并上报研究方 向,各系根据老师研究方向指定指导教师,并公布指导教师名单。 写作阶段 )第六学期

19、第 13-16 周:选题、任务书 )第六学期第 17-18 周:开题报告、文献综述 )第三学年暑假至第七学期第 2 周:初稿写作并上交 )第七学期第 3-8 周:一稿修改、提交二稿 )第七学期第 9-15 周:二稿修改、提交三稿 )第七学期第 16-20 周:三稿修改、提交初定稿 答辩阶段 )第八学期第 1-4 周:论文评阅与答辩 )第八学期第 5-6 周:论文定稿、文档归整 4. 参考文献 1 Lindsay, J. Charles Dickens: A Biographical and Critical Study M. New York: Kraus, 1970. 2 Slater, M

20、. Dickens and Women M. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1983. 3 Wall, S. Charles Dickens: A Critical Anthology M. Harmondsworh: Penguin, 1970. 4 Guo, Chunlin, “Charles Dickens and Critical Realism Analysis of Great Expectations” D. Shandong Normal University, 2004. 5 Wu, Weiren, ed. History and Anthology of English Literature M. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 1988. 指 导教师审核意见 指导教师签名: 年 月 日


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