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1、本资料来源于大家网高考英语论坛 http:/ 更多精品尽在大家网高考英语! http:/www.TopS 广东梅县东山中学 2010届高三上学期期中考试 英语科试题 2009、 11 I.听力 (共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 听力理解 (共 15 题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,各段播放前每小题有 5 秒钟的阅读时间。请根据各段播放内容及相关小题,在 5 秒种内从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 听第一段对话,回答 13 题。 1. What does the woman want to buy? A. A ba

2、g. B. A pair of shoes. C. A sweater. 2. What can we learn about the woman from the conversation? A. She will go to another shop. B. She prefers blue to green. C. She is really good at bargaining. 3. How much does the woman spend at last? A. $ 54. B. $ 52. C. $ 50. 听第二 段对话,回答 46 题。 4. When did the wo

3、man first go to work? A. During her study at high school. B. After graduation from high school. C. While she was at college. 5. What do you know about the womans marriage? A. She will never get married. B. She will get married next month. C. She doesnt want to get married at present. 6. Where does t

4、his conversation most probably take place? A. In a city library. B. In the managers office. C. In a supermarket. 听第三段对话,回答 79 题。 7. What are the two speakers doing in the conversation? A. Quarrelling B. Arguing. C. Bargaining. 8. Whats the center of the conversation? A. Date. B. Price. C. Transport.

5、 9. Whats the conclusion of the conversation? A. The man has to pay within 90 days. B. The woman offers a discount of 7%. 本资料来源于大家网高考英语论坛 http:/ 更多精品尽在大家网高考英语! http:/www.TopS C. They havent reached an agreement. 听第四段对话,回答 1012 题。 10. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. In Miami

6、. B. At travel agency. C. At an airport ticket counter. 11. Why does the man decide not to go to Spain? A. It is too expensive. B. It would take too long. C. Nothing worth seeing. 12. According to the woman, what is the advantage of the Florida Fun tour? A. It provides good airline services. B. Ever

7、ything is arranged for tourists. C. It has the lowest price. 听第五段对话,回答 1315 题。 13 What does the passage mainly discuss? A. The nearsighted. B. The farsighted. C. Eyes. 14. What can we learn from the passage? A. People who are nearsighted can see distant things clearly. B. If a person is farsighted,

8、he will have no trouble in reading a book at arms length. C. Cataracts(白内障) is a kind of illness that cannot be cured. 15. Which of the following is TRUE? A. Sometimes we can not see a thing because we look directly at it. B. Sometimes we can not see a thing because we use the sides of eyes to see i

9、t. C. The center of the eye is more sensitive than the sides of the eye after dark. 第二节 听取信息 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面一段对话,请根据题目要求,从所听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为 1620 的空格中。听录音前,你将有 10 秒钟的阅题时间。录音读两遍,你将有 60 秒钟的作答时间。 Looking for the Owner of the Wallet The speakers identities A (16) of the bank and a polic

10、eman. The place where the wallet was found (17) . The time when the owner of the wallet cashed a check At (18) . The evidence that the owners been in the bank The driver presented the (19)_ of his log. The location where the driver sent his fourth pick-up He took the passenger to the cinema on (20)

11、. 本资料来源于大家网高考英语论坛 http:/ 更多精品尽在大家网高考英语! http:/www.TopS 语言知识及应用 (共两节,满分 35 分) 第一节 完形填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从 2130 各题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 Nowadays, its popular to go shopping online. E-shopping is a kind of online 21 behavior, and consumers shopping occupies mo

12、st. For most of e-shopping, commodities(商品 ) will be 22 online, purchase orders will be signed and commodities will be 23 to customers doorsteps, so the cost is low, the e-shopping is 24 and fast, and consumers will save the time of looking around 25 . As there is no need to rent storefronts for onl

13、ine shops, the operating cost and the price of commodities are 26 low, which enables purchasers to enjoy 27 . In large cities with a relatively high Internet penetration rate(普及率) , e-shopping is more and more favored by people and becomes a fashionable 28 style quickly. According to related statist

14、ics, by the end of December 2008, the proportion of citizens online shopping in China is 24.2 percent, and the purchaser 29 achieves 47.5 million. And the online shopping proportion of such citizens with Master degree or 30 has reached 57.6 percent. The scale of e-shopping market is RMB56.1 billion

15、yuan with growth rate of 117.4 percent yearly. This indicates that the penetration of Internet drives a rapid growth of e-shopping. 21. A. developing B. searching C. purchasing D. exchanging 22. A. made B. chosen C. listed D. designed 23. A. delivered B. discovered C. traded D. moved 24. A. possible

16、 B. necessary C. important D. convenient 25. A. Internet B. stations C. buildings D. marketplaces 26. A. almost B. relatively C. originally D. separately 27. A. benefits B. rights C. pleasures D. cares 28. A. society B. status C. life D. means 29. A. numbers B. population C. money D. profit 30. A. a

17、bove B. below C. about D. across 第二节 语法填空 (共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适 当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 3140 的相应位置上。 People have talked a lot about young people in the United States. There are reasons 31 this great interest in their ideas, 32 (feel) and actions. T

18、oday there are about eight million 33 ( America) in the colleges and universities. The young under twenty-five make up nearly half of the American population, many of 34 will be in power in the U.S. 35 (nature) their ideas are important to everyone in the country, and 36 is necessary for the older p

19、eople 37 ( understand ) what they think and feel. College students today have strong opinions about right 本资料来源于大家网高考英语论坛 http:/ 更多精品尽在大家网高考英语! http:/www.TopS and wrong. They are deeply interested in making a 38 (good) life for all the people, especially for those who have never been given 39 fair c

20、hance before. They see much that is wrong in the lives of their parents. It is hard for them to see what is right and good in the older ways. 40 a result, there is often trouble in American families. 阅读 (共两节,满分 40 分) 第一节 阅读理解 (共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、 B、 C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项 A In the

21、 US and Britain, the slogan around colleges was “Save water. Shower with a friend.” Now, Wuhan University has come up with another system for the campus bathhouse. It charges students for the amount of time in a shower. Before entering the bathhouse, students pay for the amount of time they want in

22、the shower with cash or their student ID card. The clock starts ticking the minute the tape is turned on. It pauses when a button is pressed for soap. An integrated circuit( IC) card reader at each tap shows the time. No money, no water. The benefits of the new system can be seen with the old system

23、, which charged 1 yuan for each person regardless of time in the shower. The university used about 320 tons of water daily under the old system, but only 160 tons now. Many students use the new system but opinions on it are divided. Some students say it is bad because bathing had become a sort of ra

24、ce. Many people using it for the first time are not sure how long they need to shower. Some might be embarrassed if their time is up and theyre still covered in soap. They have to ask the bathhouse worker to help them buy extra time. “Its a flaw in the system that you can not buy extra time on the I

25、D card,” said Ren, a freshman in Wuhan University. The university is also considering some students suggestions that they be allowed to pay after theyve finished the shower. Not surprisingly, some are complaining about losing the hour shower. But many students say the move helps them develop a water

26、-saving sense. Without the time limits, most students tended to shower for 30 to an hour in the bathhouse. Some even used the hot water to wash their clothes. “In my experience, 10-20 minutes is enough,” said Dai Zhihua, a third-year student who usually takes 8 minutes. A similar system has been ins

27、talled in other universities. Shanghai Normal University introduced it at its Fengxiang Campus in September. The bathing fee there is 0.2 yuan per minute. One male student responded by setting a record with a two-minute shower. 41. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true? 本资料来源于

28、大家网高考英语论坛 http:/ 更多精品尽在大家网高考英语! http:/www.TopS A. Students pay for the amount of time they want in the shower. B. The clock times all through while the student is bathing except when the bather paused for soap. C. If money runs out, there will be no water. D. Having finished bathing, the student has

29、 to pay for it. 42. The underline word “flaw”( Paragraph3) most probably means_. A. perfection B. advantage C. pity D. fault 43. Since the new system has performed, _ of water can be saved. A. a quarter B. one third C. one half D. two thirds 44. It can be inferred from the passage that_. A. the new

30、operation can solve the water crisis. B. the new operation can raise students environmental awareness. C. a similar operation has been set in other universities. D. the university has saved a lot of water by using the new system. 45. In which column can you find this passage? A. People. B. Society.

31、C. Campus Life. D. Lifestyle. B Brian arrived at the San Francisco airport two hours before the flight to Paris. He was wearing three shirts, a jacket, two pairs of socks, a pair of shorts, and two pairs of jeans. He was carrying one small backpack, which was very full, but he didnt have any other l

32、uggage. Brian needed to meet a man named Tony before he checked in for his flight. He found Tony near the Air France counter. Tony gave him a round-trip ticket and a small package. “Give this package to Jean-Paul at the airport in Paris. He will have a sign with your name on it. I think you can find

33、 him easily,” Tony said. ”You dont have any luggage, right?” “Only this backpack,” Brian answered. “You said I could bring one carry-on bag.” “Thats right. One carry-on bag is fine. Have a good trip.” “Thanks.” Is Brian a criminal(犯罪 )? Not at all. He is an air courier. And he paid only $110 for the

34、 round-trip ticket to Paris. Air courier get cheap airline tickets because they take important packages and papers to foreign countries. Businesses sometimes need to get packages and papers to people in foreign countries by the next day. Often, the only way they can do this is to use an air-courier

35、company. It is not cheap for a business to send a package with an air courier, but it is quick. Every year about 80,000 people worldwide travel as air couriers. The number of tickets for courier travel is growing by about 10 percent a year. However, air-courier travel isnt for everyone. But if you h

36、ave very little money, can be flexible(灵活的 )about your travel plans, and dont mind wearing the same clothes for a week, it 本资料来源于大家网高考英语论坛 http:/ 更多精品尽在大家网高考英语! http:/www.TopS can be a great way to take a vacation! 46 Why was Brian wearing so many clothes for his travel? . A Because they were the un

37、iforms for air couriers, B Because that made him easier to be recognized. C Because his backpack had no room for his clothes. D Because he did not have any luggage with him. 47 An air courier is a person who . A manages a business company in foreign countries B organizes international flights for to

38、urists C travels around the world with cheap tickets D delivers papers and packages to foreign countries 48 Businesses choose the air-courier service because . A it costs less B it is flexible C it saves time D it grows fast 49 One of the disadvantages of traveling as an air courier is that he . A c

39、annot decide when and where to travel B cannot take any luggage with him C has to wear two pairs of jeans D saves little money from the travel 50 The author of the text mainly . A describes the activities of a law-breaker B suggests an ideal way to travel C argues against the air-courier travel D te

40、lls us about a developing business C Anyone who doubts that children are born with a healthy amount of ambition need spend only a few minutes with a baby eagerly learning to walk. No matter how many times the little ones stumble in their first efforts, most keep on trying, determined to master their

41、 amazing new skill. It is only several years later, many psychologists and teachers agree, that a good number of kids seem to lose their natural drive to succeed. For the parents of such kids, whose own ambition is often tied to their childrens success, it can be a painful experience. Figuring out w

42、hy the fire went out is the first step. Assuming that a kid doesnt suffer from a learning disability, or isnt involved in some family crisis(危机 ) at home, many educators attribute a sudden lack of motivation to a fear of failure or classmate pressure. “Everything is within the kids control; their in

43、telligence is changeable,” says Lisa Blackwell, a research scientist at Columbia University. 本资料来源于大家网高考英语论坛 http:/ 更多精品尽在大家网高考英语! http:/www.TopS “More than any teacher or workshop,” Blackwell says, “parents can play a key role in conveying this message to their children by praising their effort, an

44、d progress rather than emphasizing their smartness or praising high performance alone. Most of all, parents should let their kids know that mistakes are a part of learning.” Some experts say our education system, with its strong emphasis on testing and separation of students into different levels of

45、 ability, also bears blame for the disappearance of drive in some kids. “These programs shut down the motivation of all kids who arent considered gifted and talented. They destroy their confidence,” says Jeff Howard, a social psychologist. Howard and other educators say its important to expose kids

46、to a world beyond homework and tests, through volunteer work, sports, hobbies and other extracurriculum activities. “The problem of the issue is that many students experience education as irrelevant to their life goals and ambitions,” says Michael Nakkual, a Harvard education professor. The key to g

47、etting kids to aim higher at school is to free them of the idea that class work is irrelevant, to show them how doing well at school can actually help them fulfill their dreams beyond it. They need to understand that you have to learn to walk before you can run. 51 According to the passage, the pare


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