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1、七月不是鬼节The 7th Lunar Month is not The Ghost Season七月十五日是“孝亲节”The 15th of the 7th Lunar Month is “THE SEASON OF FILIAL PIETY”报父母恩真言: 南末密栗多,哆婆曳, 莎诃. Namo Mi Li Dwo, Dwo Po Ye, So Ho.在印度,每年农历四月十五至七月十五的三月内,是多雨的季节,僧团在外托钵生活,很不方便In India, the rainy season lasts for three months yearly. It begins on the 15th

2、 of the 4th Lunar Month and ends on the 15th of the 7th Lunar Month. So it is very inconvenient for the Sangha to seek alms during this season.”所以规定在这三个月内,大家安定下来,勇猛精进修行。-It was then decided that all monks must cultivate diligently during these three months while staying indoors.三个月修行的结果,得道的圣众特别多,所以十

3、方诸佛,皆大欢喜。-After cultivating for three months, many of the sagely assembly attain The Way. Thus, the Buddhas in the ten directions rejoice over their attainment.又在这一天,许多僧人圣众,聚集起来,把这三个月学习期满的心得,功过得失,都坦白发表意见,所以叫做:僧自恣日And also on that day, the sagely assembly come together to discuss their individual pro

4、gress. All merits and demerits are to be announced to the multitude. So it is also known as the “Sangha Pravarana Day.”同时, 目犍连的母亲因造下许多深重悭贪的罪业, 并非目犍连一个人的力量可以救度他的母亲; 亦非一切天神地祗所能为力; 须仰赖十方得道省僧之共同力量, 才能够解救目犍连尊者的母亲! At the same time, The Venerable Maugalyayanas mother was suffering in the Hungry Ghost Real

5、m. She had committed heavy karmic offences for being stingy and greedy. She could not be saved by the spiritual strength of her son alone, neither could she be saved by all the earth and heavenly spirits. She could only be saved with the combined strength of the sagely Sangha in the ten directions w

6、ho had attained the Way.因此, 佛陀教目犍连在七月十五日, 就是佛欢喜日那天, 广施盂兰盆供, 是为现世及过去世的父母祈福灭罪, 叫做父母孝亲日 .So The Buddha instructed The Venerable Maugalyayana to make Ullambana offering to the Sagely Sangha on the 15th of the 7th Lunar Month or “The Buddhas Happy Day. By doing so, the present and former parents would re

7、ceive the blessings and put to extinction all offences. It is also known as “The Day Of Filiality To Parents.数千年来,世人误把七月这 孝亲日当作是鬼节 For thousands of years, people have mistaken “The Day of Filiality” as the “ Ghost Season”. They are confused about the opening and closing of the ghostly gate.或若当时佛陀教目犍

8、连在六月十五日(或其它任何日子) 广施 盂兰盆供解救目犍连的母亲, 那么, 现在的人岂不是要把六月当作是鬼节了吗? Isnt it true then, that if The Buddha had taught The Venerable Maugalyayana to make the “Ullambana Offering” on the 15th of the 6th Lunar Month (or any other days) the 6th Lunar Month would be “Ghost Season”? 鬼,天天都有, 谁说等 七月 才是 鬼节?-Ghost are always around. Who says they only appear on the 7th Lunar Month during the “Ghost Season”? 正信的佛法是充满智慧和慈悲的圆满教育


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