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1、1大学英语(二)课程自学辅导资料二八年四月2大学英语(二)课程自学进度表教材:大学英语(二) (修订版) 教材主编:翟象俊 出版社:上海外语教育出版社 出版时间:1997 年 12月周次 学习内容 习题作业 测验作业 学时 自学重点、难点、基本要求1 UNIT ONE Study be of value or importance.Example: We must make every minute count.2)vt. consider sth/sb to beExample: I counted it a great honor to be a member of this club.8

2、. come over:1)happen to, have a result or effect on sb.Example: A feeling of helplessness came over her.2)pass overExample: It is so noisy living here as trains come over three times a day.3)pay a visit toExample: My good friend is coming over to see me4)change one s opinion or political position.Ex

3、ample: At a crucial point in the war, one of the enemys most powerful allies came over to our side.59. warnverb: warn sb. of sth.Example: I did not warn you of possible failure.warn that.Example: The least I can do is warn them there is danger.warn sb. not to do:Example: I have already warned them n

4、ot to run on such thin ice.warn sb. against:Example: They warned me against pickpocket.warning: nExample: Dad gave a final warning to them not to look directly at the sun.10. frighten sb. into doing sth.cause sb. to do sth. by frightening him.Example: The emerging of the snake frightened the little

5、girl into screaming.11. make for:1 )move towards.Example: The dog is making for the thief.2 )contribute to:Example: Culture exchanges make for mutual understanding.12. forfeit:1)vt.: suffer the loss of sth. as a punishment because of rules.Example: His property shall be forfeited to the government.2

6、)nounExample: His health was the forfeit he paid for overworking.13. emerge:1)vi: facts, ideas come into view or become knownExamples: Truth will emerge sooner or later.The ship emerged from the sea.14. ring out:1)sound loudly and suddenly.Example: The clock rang out 12 o clock.2)( of a telephone be

7、ll) be heard at the receiving end of a call.Example: The number you want is ringing out now.15. light up1)become more cheerful.Example: Her face lit up with pleasure.2)make brighter.6Example: A brilliant sun lit up their room.light: verb.Example: Light a cigarette/pipe.light: adj. cheerful and happy

8、.Example: light-hearted.light: noun.Example: Turn on the light please.in the light of: take into account.Example: This development is in the light of what happened later.16. faintadj. weak or slight:Examples: The sound grows fainter and fainter.There is a faint resemblance between the two sisters.四、

9、思考题、习题及习题解答(一) 思考题、习题1. Vocabulary 2. Word building3, Structure 4. Cloze 5. Translation(二) 习题解答Key to Exercise “Translation” 1.Their argument ended when she slammed the door shut and left without a word.2. The guests at the party got surprised at the commanding tone of the American.3. John has outgr

10、own the fear of staying at home alone.4. He alone stayed in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane, while all the other passengers made for the exit.5. The letter is to be handed to Doctor Wilson himself.6. While Nancy felt liker joining in the argument, he was too shy to open her mouth.7. What

11、 do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?8. The hunters face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run towards the trap he had laid.7Unit Two Lessons from Jefferson一、 本单元的核心、重点(一) 本单元的核心TEXT LESSONS FROM JEFFERSON(二) 本单元重点The key language poin

12、ts and grammatical structures in the text二、 本单元的基本概念、难点及学习方法指导(一) 本单元的基本概念A series of reading, listening, speaking and writing activities related to the theme of the unit(二) 本单元难点及学习方法指导Guided writingPart I Combination: Using ConnectivesPart II Paragraph Writing三、典型例题分析1. obtain: (vt.) get through e

13、ffort Example: obtain knowledge through practiceThe old woman who obtained her degree at the age of 64 won respect from others.2. appoint: (vt.) put (sb.) in or choose (sb.) for a position, job, etc.Example: The President appointed a new cabinet member.I heard that the committee would appoint him di

14、rector of program.3. By birth and by education Jefferson belonged to the highest social class. (1) by birth: so far as family origin or nationality is concernedExample: He is American by birth, but he receives his education in Britain. (2) belong to: 属于Example: She belongs to one of the best singers

15、.4. go out of ones way (to do sth.): make a special effort or exert oneself more than usual(to do sth.)8Example: She is such a kind-hearted girl that she always goes out of her way to help others.She went out of her way to exaggerate the fact.5. you may find out why people are dissatisfied and under

16、stand the revolution that is threatening France.(1) hang over dangerously; utter a threat againstExample: Giant pandas are threatened with extinction.(2) give warning ofExample: The dark clouds threatened rain.6. false:(1) not true or correctExamples: The spy entered enemy territory on a false ident

17、ity.He suited the newspaper for the false report.(2) not genuine, artificialExample: false teeth/ hair/ passports/ coins(3) insincereExample: “I would love to do as much as I could, ” this politician responded with false enthusiasm.7. agreement:(1) having the same opinion(s)Example: The two countrie

18、s are in agreement on that issue.(2) arrangement or understanding made by two or more persons, groups, governments, etc.Example: The agreement will not come into effect until both parties sign it.8. act on: do sth. in accordance with; followExample: The policemen immediately acted on the information

19、 they received.9. Jefferson felt that the present should never be chained to the customs which have lost their usefulness. Here chain is used figuratively, meaning “bind or restrain”Example: The president of the company is chained to his work.custom:(1) generally accepted behavior among members of a

20、 social groupExample: It is the familys custom to go out driving after Sunday dinner.(2) (pl.) government department that collects import duties; import dutiesExample: The stamp here proves that customs have been paid.10. leave behind: abandon; forget to take or bring alongExample: When the enemy wi

21、thdrew, much of the heavy equipment was left behind.911. of ones age: of the period or time in which one livesExample: He was the most brilliant composer of his age.12. discover, invent, create:To discover is to find out something that is already in existence but was not known about, such as a place

22、 or a fact. To invent is to make something that had no previous existence, such as a machine or a method, through the use of the imagination or through experiment. To create often means to bring something new into existence out of old things or to produce a character or a role in a play through the

23、imaginative process.Examples: Until Columbus discovered America no one in Europe knew it existed.Jefferson invented several devices for making daily chores easier.Mr. Smith, a very imaginative writer, creates many enduring characters in his novels.13. He invented a plow superior to any other in exis

24、tence.be superior to: be better than any other that is existingExample: This watch is far superior to that one in quality Note: Always use “to” after “superior” when a comparison is being made. “Superior than”, although increasingly in evidence, is not accepted as good usage.existences:(1) the state

25、 of existingExample: Do you believe in the existence of UTOs?(2) manner of livingExample: All people are working hard for a better existence.14. influence:(v.) have an effect onExample: Public opinions are usually influenced by mass media.(n.) power to affect sth. or sb.Example: Lei Feng had great i

26、nfluence on people in the 1950s.(n.) power due to wealth, position, ect.Example: The father wont use his influence to get his son a job.15. talent(1) special natural abilityExample: This university aims at helping young people develop their talents.(2) sb. with special natural abilityExample: Mozart

27、 was known as a talent when he was very young.16. above all: most important of allExamples: Never waste anything, but above all never waste time.Be polite, above all, to old people.1017. owe sth. to sb./sth. : be obliged to sb. for sth. ; admit thankfully sb. / sth. as the cause of sth.Example: We o

28、we that important new discovery to Albert Einstein.四、思考题、习题及习题解答(一) 思考题、习题1. Vocabulary 2. Word building3, Structure 4. Cloze 5. Translation(二) 习题解答Key to Exercise “Translation” 1. It was suggested at the meeting that a committee of eleven be appointed to make a new constitution.2. By making on-the-

29、spot observations, the young scientists obtained first-hand information they needed in their research work.3. It is very likely that he will be rejected by the army because of his bad eyesight.4. The committee members have conflicting opinion as to the best location of the new airport.5. Henrys work

30、s of art are superior in many respects to those of his brothers.6. The steady rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of our equipment.7. Jim would have preferred to act on his own judgment, but he didnt because as a soldier he had to obey the order.8. Where it left to me to decide whether we should hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.


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