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1、无线网状网的研究与探讨无线网状网的研究与探讨 摘要:无线网状网由网格路由器和网格客户端组成,其中网状路由器具有最小可移动性,形成了无线网状网的骨干,它们同时为网状客户端和普通客户端提供网络访问。通过网状路由器的网关和桥接的功能,无线网状网能同其它的无线网比如 Internet,蜂窝网,无线局域网,传感网络等互联。无线网状网被期望用来解决 ad hoc 网络,无线局域网及无线城域网的局限性和大量的提高它们的效率,这些网络经历了快速的进步同时产生了大量的配置。无线网状网将承载本地网,校园网和城域网大量不同应用的无线服务。尽管近期无线网状网有了快速进步,但许多研究始终面临着各协议层的挑战。本文将呈现

2、给大家有关无线网状网的细节学习和研究中出现的问题。无线网状网的系统结构和应用将被最先描述,之后将讨论影响协议设计的关键因素,理论上的网络容量,最后,将分别介绍无线网状网相关的试验台,工业实践和当前标准。关键词:无线网状网;Ad hoc 网络;路由协议;传输协议;可扩展性 Investigate and Research for Wireless Mesh Network Abstract: Wireless mesh network (WMNs) consist of mesh routers and mesh clients, where mesh routers have minimal

3、mobility and form the backbone of WMNs. They provide network access for both mesh and conventional clients. The integration of WMNs with other networks such as the Internet,cellular,IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.16, sensor networks,etd., can be accomplished through the gateway and bridging functions in the

4、mesh routers. Mesh clients can be either stationary or mobile, and can form a client mesh network among themselves and with mesh routers. WMNs area networks (WLANs), wireless personal area networks (WPANs), and wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs). They are undergoing rapid progress and inspi

5、ring numerous deployment. WMNs will deliver wireless services for a large variety of applications in personal, local, campus, and metropolitan areas. Despite recent advances in wireless mesh networking, many research challenges remain in all protocol layers. This paper presents a detailed study foll

6、owed by discussing the critical factors influencing protocol design. Theoretical network capacity and the state-of-the-art protocols for WMNs are explored with an objective to point out a number of open research issues. Finally, testbeds, industrial practice, and current standard activities related

7、to WMNs are highlighted.Keywords: Wireless mesh network; Ad hoc networks; Routing protocol; Transport protocol; Scalability多画面网络视频监控系统的设计与实现目 录前 言 11 视频监控系统简介 31.1 视频监控系统历史 31.2 视频监控系统应用 31.3 国内外的研究概况和发展趋势 32 几种视频监控系统的比较 62.1 传统的模拟视频监控系统 62.2 单 PC 机的视频监控系统 62.3 网络视频监控系统 62.3.1 基于 LAN 的视频监控系统 62.3.2

8、基于 INTERNET 的视频监控系统 73 系统关键技术的研究 83.1 开发工具的选择 83.2 面向对象的程序设计 83.3 Windows 编程的关键 103.4 系统压缩编码的选择 113.4.1 压缩编码概述 113.4.2 MPEG-4 视频编解码技术 113.5 网络传输技术 133.5.1 多媒体网络传输现状 133.5.2 DirectShow 技术在网络传输中的应用 143.5.3 Windows Socket 网络传输技术 154 网络视频监控系统的研究 174.1 系统需求分析 174.1.1 网络监控系统的功能需求 174.1.2 本文所研究的系统实现的功能: 18

9、4.2 系统的概要设计 184.2.1 用户主界面 194.2.2 系统启动 194.2.3 性能监视 204.2.4 视频文件播放 205 网络视频监控系统主要实现功能 215.1 用户主界面 215.2 系统启动 295.3 性能监视 305.4 多画面播放窗口 315.5 视频播放 376 结束语 396.1 总结 396.2 展望 39参考文献 41致 谢 42多画面网络视频监控系统的设计与实现摘要: 近年来,随着多媒体技术、计算机网络与通信技术的快速发展,传统的视频监控系统也朝着新的方向进行着不断地更新与发展。进而出现了集多媒体技术、计算机网络与通信技术于一体的网络数字视频监控系统。

10、本课题的目标是设计一个多画面网络数字视频监控系统。网络数字视频监控系统是基于网络摄像机研制开发的一种全新监控平台,集中体现在监控系统的视频数字化、系统的网络化、应用的多媒体化、管理的智能化,充分展示了现代信息技术与监控技术的有机结合。通过对论文关键技术的研究实现,采用面向对象的技术,使系统实现了用户登录,视频播放,多画面播放界面等功能模块。关键词:多画面;视频监控;网络摄像机;Design and realization of multiwindow monitoring system for network videoAbstract: With the rapid development

11、of the technology of multimedia, network and Communication, traditional monitoring systems have been also in continuous process of updating and developing towards a new direction. Under the conditions, Network Digital Video Monitoring System (NDVMS) comes out. The object of the project is to design

12、such a system. NDVMS is a new monitoring plat form based on network camera, which mainly realizes in the following aspects: video digitization, system networking, applied multimedia and intelligentized management. The organic combination of modern information technology with monitoring technology is

13、 fully shown from just above-mentioned merit. Through the studying of the systems crucial technology, adopting the technology of Object Oriented method, this system finally comes true the following function: owner login, video playing, multiwindow display and so on.Keywords: Multiwindow; Video Monit

14、oring; IP camera;前 言网络视频监控系统是近年来计算机视觉领域中备受关注的前沿方向,在人机接口、安全监控、视频会议、医疗诊断等方面均具有广泛的应用前景。随着数字化音视频数据的网络实时传输和控制的发展,网络视频监控系统得以实现。网络视频监控系统是一种以计算机技术、图像视频压缩技术和视频数据实时传输技术为核心德新型数字视频监控系统,具有附属设备少,造价低、操作简单、维护方便等特点。适用于那些对安全要求敏感的场合,如银行、商店、停车场、军事基地等。网络视频监控系统的应用领域非常广泛,它激发了广大科研工作者及相关商家的浓厚兴趣。 课题背景当前的信息化时代,是一个构筑在网络基础之上的时代

15、。基于 TCP/IP 协议的 IP 网络,像Internet, Intranet 与 Extranet 等以令人惊异的不可阻挡之势发展着。据统计,在互联网上的业务量近年来正以几何指数规律增长;同时网上的业务范围也在不断地扩大,除了传统的信息检索、电子邮件、远程登录、文件传输等业务外,各种新业务,如电子商务、视频会议、远程监控、远程教学、远程医疗等都在蓬勃发展。人们预言,二十一世纪将是一个以 IP 网络和 IP 业务为主体的信息化时代,它将影响到整个社会、经济和人们日常生活的方方面面。基于 IP 上的各种新应用也迅速发展,网络多媒体(如视频应用)需占用较大带宽,以前由于网络带宽的限制,应用不多,

16、现在由于高带宽的迅速普及,网络多媒体应用已逐渐普遍。基于 IP 技术的各种视频通讯应用,如网络视频监控也应运而生。现在随着 Internet/Intranet 的大发展,基于 Internet的技术(如 TCP/IP,H TTP,FT P,SM TP,ARP 等)是一个发展趋势,以后无论是视频监控还是其他多媒体应用都应向基于 Internet 的技术靠拢,以尽量实现各种应用的无缝连接,建成开放性的系统,减少各专用系统的独立性。在这样的背景下,开发网络视频实时传输系统成为必然。它的重点在于解决视频图像在网络上的压缩与传输,以提供高质量的多媒体图像,并使该系统能成为可应用于多种环境与领域的产品。


18、控系统的准确性、有效性和方便性提出了更高要求。具体地讲,主要体现在以下两个方面:一是需要实施视频监控的范围更加广阔,由传统的安防监控向管理电子商务网站的安全设计 Delphi+SQL电子商务网站的安全设计电子商务网站的安全设计摘要:随着信息技术的飞速发展,越来越多的人通过 Internet 进行商务活动,电子商务的发展前景十分诱人。但电子商务的安全问题变得越来越突出,如何建立一个安全、便捷的电子商务应用环境,保证整个商务活动中信息的安全性,使基于 Internet 的电子交易方式与传统交易方式一样安全可靠,已经成为大家十分关心的热门话题。本文首先简要概述当今电子商务的发展状况,然后通过研究和分

19、析电子商务的各种安全问题并提出可行的解决方案,以及对电子商务安全技术进行综述,还有对当今流行的 SSL、SET 协议进行分析比较,指出各自的优点和不足之处,并指出其发展趋势。最后通过实例演示 SET 协议的流程。关键词: 电子商务;安全;SETThe security design of the e-commerce websiteAbstract:With the rapid development of information and technology, more and more people execute their commerce through Internet, the

20、prospect of Electronic Commerce is becoming more and more attracting. But at the same time, the security problem of Electronic Commerce is becoming more and more obvious. How to establish a secure and convenient application environment of Electronic Commerce has become a current topic. In the secure

21、 application environment electronic transaction should have the same security and reliability as the conventional transaction through face-to-face exchange.The paper simply introduces the development situation of the electronic commerce at first. Then through the research and analysis of various saf

22、e problems of the electronic commerce, it is putting forward viable solutions, and carrying on an overview to the safe technique of the electronic commerce, then taking an analytic comparison between SSL, SET protocol which spreading nowadays, pointing out advantage and shortage respectively, and te

23、lling its development trend. At last, showing the SET protocol according examples.Keywords: Electronic Commerce; Security; SET电子商务网站的安全设计电子商务网站的安全设计摘要:随着 Internet 的日益普及和高速发展,电子商务也得到了迅速发展。作为电子商务重要组成部分的安全电子支付越来越成为人们关注的焦点。本文对信息安全技术在电子支付中的应用进行了分析和研究。 本文首先阐述了电子商务的发展、特点、内容、作用以及电子支付在电子商务中的重要地位。然后讨论了电子支付的概念

24、、一般模型、方式、分类及安全需求,并介绍了防火墙技术、VPN 技术、密码技术以及 SSL 协议、SET 协议等与电子支付密切相关的信息安全技术。接着详细介绍了本文的主要研究工作:研究了网络通信安全协议 SSL 以及用于电子交易的 SET 协议,详细分析了它们各自的特点、安全特性、交易流程以及优缺点,并对两种协议进行了分析和比较。在充分理解 Payword 微支付协议的基础上对其进行了一定的改进,使其更适合于 WWW 环境,同原有的协议相比更实用,安全性和公平性更高,而对系统整体性能没有影响。同时,对进一步扩展和改进 PayWord 协议提出了一些建议。最后论文对研究工作进行了全面的总结,并对今

25、后的研究方向进行了展望。关键词:电子商务;电子支付;数字现金;微支付;密码技术Security Design of e-commerce WebsiteABSTRACT:With the increasing popularization and rapid development of the Internet, electronic commerce has also developed quickly. As the important part of electronic commerce, secure electronic payment has become the focus

26、of more and more people. This paper analyzes and studies the applications of information secure technology in electronic payment. At first, the development, characteristic, content, effect of electronic commerce and the importance of electronic payment in electronic commerce are briefly introduced.

27、Then the concept, general model, pattern, classification and secure demands of electronic payment are discussed. Some information secure technology related to electronic payment, such as firewall technique, VPN technique, data encryption technique and SSL, SET, are also introduced. Subsequently, the

28、 main works of this paper are organized as follows: The SSL, which is a network telecommunication protocol, and SET, which is a protocol for electronic business, are studied in detail; Their feature, security, trade flow, advantages and disadvantages are analyzed. In succession, detailed compares ar

29、e made between SSL and SET. Based on the sufficient comprehension of PayWord protocol, we expand and improve it to be suitable for WWW condition. Compared with original protocol, it is more practical, secure and fair. Moreover, it does not affect the performance of the system. And some further suggestions are proposed to improve PayWord protocol better. Finally, the research work of this paper is summarized and the future research direction is indicated.Keywords: Electronic Commerce; Electronic Payment; Digital Cash; Micro-payment; Cryptographic Technology


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