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1、1TEM: Subject indexAberration 像差chromatic 色差spherical 球差astigmatic 像散Absorption coefficient 吸收系数abnormal 反常吸收系数uniform 均匀吸收系数Aperture 光阑objective aperture 物镜光阑selective area aperture 选区光阑condenser lens aperture 聚光镜光阑size 光阑尺寸Astigmatism 像散Anomalous absorption coefficient反常吸收系数Alignment of electron m

2、icroscope电子显微镜的对准Antiphase domains 反相畴Antiphase domain boundaries反相畴界Artefacts in specimens 样品中的人为缺陷Atomic scattering amplitude 原子散射振幅Back focal plane 后焦面Beam current density 束流密度Beam direction 电子束方向Bend contours 弯曲条纹Bend center 弯曲中心Bend extinction contours 弯曲消光条纹Bright field 明场Bright field image 明场

3、像Burgers vector determinations柏氏矢量确定Calibration of electron microscope电子显微镜的校准Camera constant 相机常数Camera length 相机长度Cavities 空洞Characteristic images from a perfect crystal完整晶体特征图像thickness fringes 厚度消光条纹bend extinction contours 弯曲消光条纹bend contours 弯曲条纹bend center 弯曲中心Chemical polishing for specimen

4、preparation试样的化学抛光Chromatic abberation 色差Coherency of precipitates 沉淀相的共格性Coherency strain contrast 共格应变衬度Column approximation 晶柱近似Condenser lens 聚光镜Constrained strain 约束应变Dark field 暗场Dark-field images 暗场像Defocus 欠焦Deformation of specimen 试样变形Depth of field 景深Depth of focus 焦深Deviation parameter 偏移

5、参量effective value of 有效偏移参量Diffraction contrast 衍射衬度Diffraction function 衍射函数Diffraction mode 衍射模式Diffraction pattern 衍射花样Diffraction theory 衍射理论Direct lattice images 直接点阵像Dislocations 位错contrast from 位错衬度density of 位错密度determination of Burgers vector of位错柏氏矢量的确定displacement fields around 围绕位错的位移场no

6、des 位错结perfect (whole) 完全位错partial 不全位错Displacement fringe contrast from precipitates 沉淀相粒子的位移条纹衬度Domain boundaries 畴界Double condenser lens 双聚焦透镜Double diffraction 双衍射Dynamical theory of electron diffraction电子衍射的动力学理论Edwald sphere 厄瓦尔德球Effective value 有效(值)deviation parameter 有效偏移参量extinction distan

7、ce 有效消光距离Electron beam 电子束transmitted 透射(电子) 束diffracted 衍射(电子) 束Electron diffraction 电子衍射Electron diffraction patterns 电子衍射花样accuracy of 电子衍射花样的精度2calibration of 电子衍射花样的校准effects of crystal shape电子衍射花样的形状效应indexing of 电子衍射花样的标定Kikuchi lines 菊池线花样polycrystalline ring 多晶环状衍射花样single crystal spot 单晶斑点

8、衍射衍射streaks on 电子衍射花样的芒线Electron gun 电子枪Electron microscope 电子显微镜analytical 分析电镜attachments for 电子显微镜的附件high resolution 高分辩电镜magnification of 电子显微镜的放大倍数ray diagrams for 电子显微镜的光路图resolving power of 电子显微镜的分辩力transmission 透射电镜Electron microscopy 电子显微学(术)analytical 分析电子显微学(术)conventional 常规电子显微学high res

9、olution 高分辩电子显微学(术)transmission 透射电子显微学Electron wavelengths 电子波长Electropolishing for specimen preparation电解抛光制备电镜试样Extinction 消光Extinction contours 消光条纹Extinction distance 消光距离Extrinsic 插入型的Faults 缺陷Focus distance 焦距Foil thickness 薄膜厚度measurement of 膜厚测量Fringes 条纹displacement 位移条纹magnetic domain wal

10、l 磁畴壁条纹moire Moirre条纹precipitates, from 由沉淀相粒子引起的 条纹stacking fault 层错条纹thickness 厚度条纹Goniometer stage 测角台Heating stages 加热台High order Laue Zone 高阶劳厄区High resolution electron microscopy 高分辩电镜Identification of precipitates 沉淀相鉴别Illumination of specimen 试样照明contamination by 试样照明引起的污染damage by 试样照明引起的破坏

11、Image 图像bright field 明场像dark field 暗场像intermediate 中间像rotation of 像转Image contrast 图像衬度origin of 图像衬度的来源antiphase domains, from 反相畴图像衬度antiphase domain boundaries, from反相畴界图像衬度cavities, from 空洞图像衬度dislocations, from, 位错的衬度dipoles 位错偶极子的衬度double images 位错双线衬度edges 刃型位错衬度general dislocation 一般位错的衬度inc

12、lined 倾斜位错的衬度invisibility criteria for 位错不可见位错loops 位错圈的衬度oscillation effects at 位错衬度的振荡效应partial 不全位错的衬度screws 螺型位错的衬度superdislocations 超位错的衬度surface relaxation effects位错衬度的表面松弛效应visibility rules for 位错不可见规律width of images 位错图像宽度partial dislocations 不全位错的衬度Frank Frank位错的衬度Schockley Schockley位错的衬度pr

13、ecipitates,from, 沉淀相粒子的衬度coherency strain field images沉淀相粒子的共格应变场衬度dislocation ring contrast沉淀相粒子的位错圈衬度displacement fringe contrast沉淀相粒子的位移条纹衬度matrix contrast 沉淀相粒子的基体衬度moire fringes 沉淀相粒子的Morrie条纹衬度orientation contrast 沉淀相粒子的取向衬度structure factor contrast沉淀相粒子的结构因子衬度visibility of 沉淀相粒子的可见性stacking f

14、aults, from, 层错引起的衬度determination of nature of 层错性质的确定twin boundaries, from 孪晶界的衬度3Image force 镜像力Image formation 图像形成(成像)Abbys theory of Abby成像理论Image function 像函数Image mode 图像模式Image plane 像平面Image rotation 像转Inclusions 夹杂Indexing of electron patterns 电子衍射花样标定trier and error 尝试校核法known camera cons

15、tant 已知相机长度standard diffraction patterns 标准衍射谱法computer simulation 计算机标定法ambiguous 不唯一性Inelastic scattering 非弹性散射Interface contrast 界面衬度Intermediate image 中间像Intermediate image plane 中间像平面Intrinsic 抽出型的Ion bombardment technique for specimen preparation 离子束轰击制样法Kikuchi pattern 菊池线花样Kikuchi lines 菊池线K

16、ikuchi maps 菊池线图Kinematical theory of diffraction contrast运动学衍衬理论Lattice image 点阵像two beam 双束点阵(平面) 像many beam 多束点阵像structure image 结构像Lattice plane spacing 点阵面间距Laue circle 劳厄园Laue zones 劳厄区high order 高阶劳厄区Line defect 线缺陷Line of no contrast 无衬度线Magnetic lens 电磁透镜aberrations of 电磁透镜的像差focal length o

17、f 电磁透镜的焦距pole-piece of 电磁透镜的极靴Many-beam effects 多束效应Measurements of; dislocation density, 位错密度测量elastic strain fields of precipitates沉淀相粒子弹性应变场测量foil thickness 膜厚测量precipitate size, 沉淀相粒子尺寸测量stacking fault energy 层错能测量nodes, by 用位错结测量层错能 ribbon widths, by 用层错带宽度测量层错能Microanalysis 微区分析Moire patterns

18、Moire花样from precipitates 沉淀相粒子Moire花样mixed 混合Moire条纹parallel 平行Moire条纹rotation 旋转Moire条纹spacing of Moire条纹间距Nodes, extended threefold, 三维扩展位错结stacking fault energy from三维扩展位错结测量层错能Objective wave function 物波函数Objective lens 物镜Operating vector 操作矢量Operation reflection 操作反射Orientation determination 取向确

19、定Orientation relationship 取向关系Parallel moire patterns 平行Moire条纹Partial dislocations, contrast from 平行位错的衬度determination of Burgers vectors of位错柏氏矢量的确定Frank Frank位错柏氏矢量确定Shockley Shockley位错柏氏矢量确定Particles 粒子Planar defect 面缺陷Point defects in specimen 试样中的点缺陷Pole-piece of magnetic lens 电磁透镜极靴Precipitat

20、es 沉淀相粒子contrast from 沉淀相粒子衬度size of 沉淀相粒子尺寸visibility of 沉淀相粒子可见性Precipitation contrast 沉淀相衬度Projective lens 投影镜Reciprocal lattice 倒易点阵construction 倒易点阵的构筑definition of 倒易点阵的定义properties of 倒易点阵的性质Replica 复型Resolution 分辩率Ring diffraction patterns 环状衍射花样Rotation moirre patterns 旋转Moirre花样Satellites

21、on electron diffraction patterns衍射花样卫星斑点Scattering amplitude 散射振幅Scattering of electrons 电子散射4Second phase particles 第二相粒子Selected area diffraction 选区电子衍射accuracy of 选区电子衍射的精度Shape effect 形状效应Single crystal diffraction patterns单晶电子衍射花样Specimen 试样contamination of 试样污染cooling of 试样冷却deformation of 试样变

22、形heating of 试样加热microanalysis of 试样微区分析orientation of 试样的取向preparation of 试样制备chemical machining 试样加工chemical polishing, by 用化学抛光制备试样ion bombardment, by 离子轰击制备试样electropolishing 电解抛光制备试样jet machining, by, 电解双喷制样法Specimen holder 试样台top enrty 顶插式试样台side entry 侧插式试样台Spherical aberration 球差Spinodal deco

23、mposition 拐点分解Stacking faults 层错contrast of 层错的衬度determination of nature of 确定层错的性质energy of 层错能types of 层错类型Sterogram 极图Stereomicroseopy 体视显微术Stigmator 消像散器Strainfields 应变场Streaks on electron diffraction patterns衍射花样的星芒线Structure factor 结构因子contrast from, 结构因子衬度Subsidiary fringe 副条纹Superlattice 超点阵

24、reflections 超点阵反射Theory of diffraction contrast 衍射衬度理论kinematic 运动学衍衬理论dynamic 动力学衍衬理论Two beam approximation 双束近似Uniform absorption coefficient 反常吸收系数Viewing screen 荧光屏Weak beam technique 弱束技术Weak beam dark field image 弱束暗场象Zone 晶带Zone law 晶带定理Zone axis 晶带轴Zone axis patterns 晶带轴花样5HREMAiry disc Airy

25、 园( 盘)Amplitude object 振幅物Amplitude contrast 振幅衬度Astigmatism 像散Astigmator 消像散器Axial 轴向照明Axial alignment 合轴调整Chromatic aberration coefficient 色差系数Chromatic aberration 色差Chromatic aberration limited resolution色差限制的分辩率Cluster 偏聚区Coherence 相干性Defocus 欠焦Diffraction contrast 衍射衬度Diffraction limit 衍射极限Diff

26、raction limited resolution 衍射限制的分辩率Diffused circle 弥散园Exact focus 准确聚焦Experimental condition 实验条件Exsolution 脱溶Focus 聚焦, 焦距, 焦点Focal length 焦距Frensnel fringes 菲捏尔条纹Grain boundaries 晶界small angle 小角度晶界high angle 大角度晶界symmetrical 对称晶界asymmetrical 不对称晶界tilt 倾斜晶界Guinier-Preston zones GP 区HREM images 高分辩电

27、镜图像interpretation 高分辩电镜图像的解释information available 高分辩电镜图像的信息image analysis of 图像分析computer simulation of 计算机模拟Illumination 照明axial 轴向照明tilted 倾斜照明Illumination semi-angle 照明半角Image analysis 图像分析Imaging mode 图像模式lattice plane 点阵平面像many beam 多束点阵像structure 结构像Image restoration 图像修复Incident wave 入射波Inte

28、raction constant 交互作用常数Interplanar spacing 面间距Internal standards 内标Line to line resolution 线分辩率Multi-slice approximation 多片近似Optical diffraction 光学衍射Optimum defocus 最佳欠焦(量)Optimum resolution 最佳分辩率Optimum illumination semi-angle 最佳照明半角Optimum aperture size 最佳光阑尺寸Order/disorder transition 有序/无序转变Orien

29、tation 取向Bragg Bragg 取向Laue Laue 取向Over focus 过焦Phase change 相位变化induced by defocus 欠焦引起的相位变化by spherical aberration 球差引起的相位变化Phase contrast 相位衬度Phase contrast transfer function 相位衬度传递函数Phase grating 相位光栅Phase grating approximation 相位光栅近似Phase object 相位物Phase object approximation 相位物近似Phase shift 相位

30、变化Phase transition 相转变Phase transformation 相变Point source 点源Point to point 点分辩率Projected potential 投影势Propagation function 传递函数Polymorphism 多型性(转变)Resolution 分辩率line to line 线分辩率point to point 点分辩率Resolution limit 分辩率极限Scattered wave 散射波Spherical aberration 球差Spherical aberration coefficient 球差系数(C

31、S)Spherical aberration limited resolution球差限制的分辩率6Tilted illumination 倾斜照明Through focus series 聚焦系列Two beam lattice plane imaging 双束点阵平面像Two beam lattice fringe imaging 双束点阵条纹像Weak phase approximation 弱相位近似7AEMAamorphous carbon 非晶碳EELS absolute quantification 用于EELS绝对定量analytical electron microscope

32、 分析电镜alignment 对中calibration for EELS or EDS EELS或EDS定标analytical electron microscopy 分析电子显微学annular dark-field imaging 环状暗场像annular detector 环状探头apertures 光阑2nd condenser lens (C2) 第二聚光镜光阑effect on microanalysis 对微区分析的影响effect on microdiffraction 对微束衍射的影响effect on probe convergence 对探针会聚性的影响objecti

33、ve 物镜光阑selected area (SA) 选区光阑ultra-thick 超厚光阑Auger electrons 俄歇electron spectroscopy 俄歇谱Bbackground spectrum 本底(背底) 谱in EELS EELS背底谱subtraction in EDS 扣除EDS谱背底subtraction in EELS 扣除EDS谱背底X-rays 扣除X-射线背底(请参见 bremsstrahlung 和 continuum)backscattered electrons 背散射电子detector 背散射电子探头images 背散射电子像beam 电子

34、束beam damage 电子束损伤beam-sensitive specimens 电子束敏感试样beam-specimen interactions 电子束-试样交互作用beam spreading 电子束扩展beryllium window 铍窗bremsstrahlung X-rays 背底辐射X-射线bright field detector 明场探头bright field image in STEM STEM 明场像brightness of electron source 电子源亮度Ccalibration 校准, 定标cathode ray tube 阴极射线管cathodo

35、luminescence 阴极荧光(辐射)Cliff-Lorimer equation Cliff-Lorimer 公式condenser lens first (C1) 第一聚光镜condenser lens second (C2) 第二聚光镜condenser objective lens 聚光镜物镜contamination 污染use to determine thickness 用于厚度测定continuum X-rays 连续( 背底)X-射线convergent beam diffraction 会聚束衍射use to determine thickness 用于厚度测定conv

36、ergent beam diffraction patterns (CBDP)会聚束衍射花样convergent electron probe 会聚电子探针crystal point group (晶体)点群Ddark field detector 暗场探头dark field image in STEM STEM暗场像deconvolution 解谱, EDS或EELSof EDS spectrum, of EELS spectrumdiad symmetry 二次对称diffraction groups 衍射群diffraction maxima 衍射极大值EEDS (Energy Dis

37、persive Spectroscopy) 能谱(能量色散8谱)EDS defector 能谱探头EELS spectrometer 电子能量损失谱仪EELS 电子能量损失谱(electron energy loss spectrum)zero loss peak 零损失峰plasmon peak 等离子振荡峰energy loss peaks 能量损失峰ionization edge 电离损失峰(边)background subtraction 背底扣除elastic scatter 弹性散射electron detectors 电子探头collection angle 收集角electro

38、n energy loss spectrometer电子能量损失谱仪electron energy loss spectrometry电子能量损失谱energy loss processes 电子能量损失过程imaging/mapping 电子能量损失成象ionization losses 电离损失limitations 极限plasmon losses 等离子振荡损失spatial resolution 空间分辨率electron-hole pairs 电子-空位对electron probe 电子探针brightness 亮度convergence angle 会聚角current 电流d

39、iameter 直径energy dispersive spectrometer 能谱仪(See X-ray energy dispersive 58spectrometer)energy filtered images 能量过滤图像extended absorption fine structure 广延吸收精细结构extraction replica 萃取复型Ffirst order laue zone (FOLZ) 一阶劳厄区fine structure in ionization edge 电离峰( 边)精细结构post-edge (EXAFS) 峰后(EXAFS)pre-edge 峰

40、前forbidden reflections 禁止反射full width half maximum 半高宽Gg vector g矢量Gaussian 高斯Hhard X-rays 硬X-射线higher order laue zone (HOLZ) 高阶劳厄区indexing 标定lines 高阶劳厄区线reflections 高阶劳厄区反射rings 高阶劳厄区环HOLZ lines 高阶劳厄区线Iillumination system 照明系统imaging in STEM STEM成像image enhancement 图像增强Indexing 标定HOLZ lines 高阶劳厄区线H

41、OLZ patterns 高阶劳厄区花样ZOLZ patterns 零阶劳厄区花样inelastic scatter 非弹性散射(See also electron energy loss)effect on EDS 对EDS 的影响effect on EELS 对EELS 的影响ionization 电离ionization edges 电离损失峰( 边)post-edge fine structure 峰后精细结构pre-edge fine structure 峰前精细结构KKossel patterns (conditions) Kossel花样Kossel-Mllenstedt fri

42、nges use to determine thicknessK-M 条纹 9 用于确定试样厚度)9Kossel-Mllenstedt (K-M) patterns K-M花样Llanthanum hexaboride gun 六硼化镧电子 枪lattice parameter determination 点阵常数确定lattice strain 点阵应变effect on HOLZ lines 对高阶劳厄区线的影响lenses 透镜auxiliary 辅助透镜condenser 聚光镜condenser-objective 聚光镜-物镜intermediate 中间镜objective 物镜

43、projector 投影镜light element analysis by EDS EDS轻元素分析by EELS EELS轻元素分析limitations to X-ray analysis X-射线分析极限low loss electrons 低能量损失电子Mmicrodiffraction 微束衍射microprobe mode 微区探针模式minimum detectable mass 最小可探测质量minimum mass fraction 最小质量分数N0objective aperture 物镜光阑objective lens 物镜Ppeak to background rat

44、io 峰/背比in EDS spectrum EDS谱in EELS spectrum EELS谱(See also signal to noise ratio) 参见信/噪比phonon energy loss 声子能量损失plasmon energy losses 等离子振荡能量损失probe convergence angle 探针会聚角Qqualitative analysis 定性分析using EDS EDS定性分析using EELS EELS定性分析quantitative analysis 定量分析using EDS EDS定量分析using EELS EELS定量分析Rra

45、dial distribution function 径向分布函数radiation damage 辐射损伤resolution 分辨率of EDS spectrometer EDS谱仪分辨率ot EELS spectrometer EELS谱仪分辨率of STEM image STEM图像分辨率Riecke microdiffraction Riecke法微束衍射Sscanning electron microscope 扫描电镜scanning images 扫描图像scanning transmission electron microscope 扫描透射电镜screw axis 螺旋轴

46、second order laue zone (SOLZ) 二阶劳厄区secondary electrons 二次电子detectorsensitivity limits 灵敏度极限in EDS EDSin EELS EELSspace group 空间群spurious effects 杂散效应signal processing 信号处理signal to noise ratio(See also peak to background ratio) 信/噪比spatial resolution 空间分辨率10in EDS EDSin EELS EELSin microdiffraction

47、微束衍射in STEM image STEM图像spurious effects 杂散效应in EDS spectrum EDS谱杂散效应stationary diffraction pattern 稳定衍射花样strain measurements 应变测量symmetry (crystal) (晶体) 对称changes 对称变化determination 对称确定systematic absences 系统消光Tterminology of CBDPs 会聚束衍射术语thickness determination 厚度确定transmitted electrons 透射电子triad s

48、ymmetry 三重(次) 对称tungsten hairpin filament 钨灯丝Uultra-thin window 超薄窗ultra-thick condenser apertures 超厚聚光镜光阑Vvalence electron interactions 价电子交互作用wwavelength dispersive spectrometer (WDS)波谱仪weak beam imaging 弱束暗场成象xX-ray(s) X-射线Absorption 吸收fluorescence generation 荧光的产生images/maps 像/成份分布ionization cro

49、ss section 电离截面microanalysis 微区分析X-ray energy dispersive spectrometerX-射线能谱仪Calibration 校准, 定标collection angle 接收角dead layer 死层dead time 死时间efficiency 效率X-ray peak X-射线峰peak fitting in EDS 能谱峰位拟合X-ray spectrum X-射线谱background subtraction 背底扣除deconvolution 解谱digital filtering 数字过滤Yyttrium-aluminum garnet 钇铝石榴石yttrium-aluminum perovskite 钇铝钙钛矿zZ-contrast 原子序数衬度ZAF correction ZAF校正zero loss peak 零损失峰zero order laue zone (ZOLZ) 零阶劳厄区indexing 标定pattern symmetry 对称性zone axis 晶带轴patterns 晶带轴花样symmetry 对称性


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