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1、脱胎 off jig 横梁 beam 纵桁 girder 面板 face plate 对接缝 butt weld 角焊缝 fillet weld 对称焊 symmetrical weld 搭焊 overlapping weld 分段退焊法 step weld 缓焊=后焊 舱壁扶强材/结构加强筋 stiffener 驾驶室顶柱灯 masthead lantern 超速停车 overspeed shutdown吊环 lifting lug 垂直度 squareness 防火风闸 fire damper 火工 hot work 拼接,拼装 splicing装配 assembly 坡口 groove

2、对角线 diagonal line 毛刺 burr 去毛刺 deburring艉管滑油 stern tube lube oil 磁粉探伤 magnetic inspection 丝米 decimillimetre 灰罐 dry bulk tank微米 micron 舵从中间位置向右舷偏转 10 度并保持不变,直到船的航线偏离原航线至右舷 10 度The rudder is turned from its neutral position to 10starboard, and held until the course of the vessel changes an angle of 10s

3、tarboard to the original course. 通经 ND (norminal diameter) 外径 OD 磷化处理 phosphated 实习轮机员 apprentice engineer 实习驾驶员 apprentice officer 电助 assistant eletrical engineer 轮助 assistant engineer 驾助 assistant officer A.B.L=above base line 距基线报助 assistant radio officer 水手长 boatswian/bosun 见习生 cadet 船长 captain/

4、master 副水手长 cassab 报务主任 chief radioofficer 轮机长 chief engineer 大副 chief officer 事务长 chief steward 舵工/艇长 coxswain 吊臂托架 jib rest post 钢索套环 thimble 压紧器装置 snap lock assembly 端部止动装置 end stopper assembly 组合件 assembly 支承块 support plate 压紧扁钢 compression FB 排水阀 check valve 撬棒 handspike方钢 square bar 止动板 stoppe

5、r plate 开坡口 be chamfered 机架 stand post 立柱 column 撇缆 heaving line 翻梯装置 rotatable davit 绑扎孔 lashing hole 吊梯索 wire rope 轻压载水线 light ballast water line 声光信号布置图 arr. Of mast rigging and signal 电笛 ele. Whistle 汽笛 air whistle 锚钟anchor bell 旗钩 flag hook 信号索滑车 block for engine rope 墨球 black ball 前桅灯 fore mas

6、thead light 横档 bar防磨材 fender 羊角 cleat 救生索 life line 带自亮浮灯 with self-ignating light 救生服 immersion suit 抛绳装置 lifeline throwing appliance 火箭降落伞烟火信号 rocket parachute flare 消防员装备储存箱 firemans outfitting 水龙带箱 fire hose box 紧急逃生呼吸器 emergency escape breathing device 干粉灭火器 dry powder fire ex. 安全斧 fire axe 带抓钩

7、和消防绳的腰带 belt with snaphook and lifeline 通导设备间 com. & nav. Equipment 满焊 full weld 吊舵 lifting rudder 眼板 eye plate 车叶 propeller 垫板 mat plate 钢丝夹头 steel wire collet 水煤气管 G.S.P water & gas pipe 螺旋扣 turnbuckle 拉索 pulling wire 抽风机 exhaust fan 通风栅 grille 六角螺栓 hex screw 弹簧垫圈 spring washer 可调楔块 adjustable cho

8、ck 环氧垫片 epoxide chock 双面连续焊 double continuous welding 三角板: bracket 最大允许径向跳动和端面跳动为 0.10MMThe maximum allowable radio run out and axial run out is normaly 0.10MM. 对舱壁板横向加排(球钢) Add “BF” on the bulkhead plate 倒角=将角切除 衬板 lining 风暴盖 storm cover对舱壁进行火工矫正,并将矫正后壁板与加排点焊固定 支架 shelf 舷外标志 hull markingAdjust the

9、plates, and then weld them with “BF” by button-spot weld. U.N.O=unless noted otherwise 除非另有说明辅机操作工 donkeyman 电机员 electrical engineer 舵手 helmsman 机工 motorman 舵工 quartermaster 大管轮 second engineer 二副 second officer 定员 complement 物料管理员 store keeper 额外人员 supernumerary 沉头螺钉 flat-head screw 橡胶垫 rubber band

10、 花钢板 floor plate HVAC RM 烟囱栅架 funnel grid 扁钢 flat steel 调试 commissioning 回油管 return pipe 泄放阀 bleed valve 本锻件完成后应进行正火回火处理 the forging should be normalized and tempered 残余元素 residual element 屈服强度 yield strength 抗拉强度 tensile strength 断面收缩率 shrinkage of section 冲击能量 charpy 磁粉探伤 magnetic detection超声波探伤 u

11、ltrasonic test 干涉配合 interference fit 塞龙 thorden 调质处理 normalized & tempered 不同心度non-concentricity 调整垫片安装拂配后的色油检查,其接触斑点应分布均匀,接触面应大于 70%Paint color oil on the treated adjustment pad. The contact point should be distributed uniformly. The contact area should be larger then 70%. 舵机安装螺栓紧固力矩 rudder setting

12、 tightening torque 扁螺母 lock nut 铰质螺栓 fit bolt 活动垫铁 flexible steel pad 铰孔 ream 无卤 halogen free 阻燃型 low smoke&zero helogen=LSZH导缆器 fairlead 现场拉线 running a line at site 羊角滚轮 cleat roller 底座高度应予留足切割余量 The seat need to have enough remainder for cutting.眼环 lash eye 十字带缆桩 cross bitt 流水管 drain pipe 导缆孔座 sea

13、t of panama chock 环氧树脂垫块epoxy chock 刹车支持负载 break capacity 抓斗平台 grab rest/platform 腹板 web 垫板 gasket 肘板 bracket 筋板 stiffener 回转角度 slewing angle 功率 output 横倾 heel 纵倾 trim 格栅架 jib rest 变幅时间 luffing time 拧紧力 pretension force 吊钩固定 hook lashing 铰链 gemel 二管轮 third engineer 电线工 wireman 工种 trade 钳工 bench work

14、 气焊工 burner 凤铲工/缺陷修整工 chipper 起重工 crane operator 电镀工 eletroplater 领班 foreman 勤杂工 janitorial 安装工 joiner 细木工 joinery 放样工loftsman 机修工 mechanic 造型工 moulder 作业长 operation head 木模工 patternmaker 索具装配工rigger 钣金工/冷作工 sheet metal work 装配工 fitter 定位搭焊工 tacker 定期货船 cargo liner插座 socket 发电机加热控制变压器 transformer of

15、 DG heater controller 扬声器 public address 火警探头 fire detector 电工实验板 electrical test panel 电源滤波器 power filter 加强筋 stiffener 泵筒附内芯 pump barrel with plunger 泵壳 pump housing 泵柱 pump roller 切割工具 cut off device 扳手 spanner 管钳 socket wrench 24 球柄把手 24 racket handel 轻柴油试验 MGD 失电试验 black out 电子海图辅助显示单元 ECDIS LC

16、D MONITOR 分配放大器 distribution amplifier 接地板 earth plate X 波段雷达 X-band radar 风速风向仪anemometer 解码器 encoder 登船梯 embarkation ladder 推车式灭火器 wheeled fire extinguisher 橡胶圈 rubber gasket 扶手 hand support 柴油 /轻柴增压模块机械密封泵 MDO/MGO booster module mechanical seal pump变速箱 gear box 燃油站 bunker station 实习生 cadet 油吊 bun

17、ker crane 抛落艇吊艇架 free fall davit 冷库 chiller box 彻底检查 overhaul 液位计 level gauge 肘板 bracket 冷却水舱 CWT 围栏 cofferdam主配电板 MSB 流量机 Flowmeter 上部结构 overstructure 进水报警 water ingress alarm system UT=ultrasonic 注油泵 filling pump 舵角 rudder angle 转换面板 change over panel 过桥 cross 防滑漆 anti-skid paint电磁阀 solenoid valve

18、 混油桶 mixing tube 移货绞车 tugger winch 消油剂 oil dispesant 防水层 watertight layer扶强材 stiffener 衬板 liner 踢脚板 skirting plate 甲板敷料 deck covering 隔声绝缘 acoustic insulation拦水扁铁 gutter bar 防滑地砖 anti-slip tile 硅胶 silicon 粘合剂 adhesive 珍珠岩混凝土 perlite concrete底座 support 岩棉 rock wool 综合屏蔽 collective screen 驾控前台 bridge

19、control console forword复示器 repeater panel 主显示器 central unit 荧光舱顶灯 fluorescent pendant light 荧光蓬顶灯 fluorescent ceiling l.双报双联开关 two connection switch 荧光灯调光开关 fluorescent light dimmer 投光灯 flooding light启动空气减压阀 starting air check valve 紫外线杀菌装置 ultraviolet purifier 白炽舱顶灯 incandescent pendant light分电箱 di

20、stribution panel 逃口 ESC. 救生用品间 safety locker 接线盒 junction box 失电报警信号 power lose alarm 自动舵 autopilot 车床基座 lathe foundation 砂轮机 grinding machine 钻床基座 drill foundation钳工桌 work desk 顶板 top plate 平面度 flatness 扭曲度 distortion degree 围壁开孔 wall opening 错位misalignment 甲板敷料 deck covering 畅通试验 free flowing 锅炉给水

21、 boiler feed water 汽缸油 cyl. Oil 探伤 PT test 冷装配 shrink fitting 轴系三线校中 alignment of shafting three lines 柴油日用舱 M.D,O service tank舵叶止跳块间隙测量 measuring clearance of rudder blade jumping stopper 加热盘管 heating coil 氧乙炔管系 oxy-acetylene piping 镗孔前 before boring 艉绞车液压管系 aft. Winch hydraulic piping 串油 oil flush

22、ing 阴极保护电缆 ICCP cable piping 气控百叶窗管 air control window shutter piping 艉轴 propeller shaft 舵机止推块拂配 blue-fitting of S/G stopper 低位海水箱 low sea chest 主机滑油循环舱 M/E L.O. SUMP TK.顶升负荷 jack up load 拐档差 crankshaft deflection 主机挠度测量 M/E deflection 减震器压缩量 compression of G/E shock absorber 地脚螺栓 hold-down bolts 飞轮

23、法兰 flywheel flange 环氧浇注前 before epoxy 环氧浇注 chockfast 拉线照光 alignment of shaftline and rudder line 艉管定位检查 center line of S/T 舷外管加强肘板焊前 overboard pipe deep bracket B/W 热油总管 thermal oil main pipe 锌块 zinc slab 超压试验 pressure test环氧硬度 hardness of S/T epoxy 螺旋风管 spiral duct 艉轴承间隙 clearance between propeller

24、 shaft and bearing艉轴下沉量 wear-down of propeller shaft 塞龙尺寸测量 dimension of thorden bush 报警点 alarm point止推块蓝配 blue-fitting of S/G stopper 主机下空仓 M/E cofferdam 抛艇液压管 freefall boat hydraulic pipe肿部吃水阀 midship draft valve system 集控室浮动地板绝缘检查 ECR floating floor 艉密封对中 alignment of aft sealing device 上建汽笛管系 ai

25、r horn on SST 增压器 supercharger 油底壳 oil pan 上建杂用空气系统 domestic air piping on superstructure 主机修正轴系顶升试验 M/E shafting jack up load after epoxy 海水管 sea water piping 透气孔 air hole 锚链 anchor chain 天线柱 antenna pole 减摇水仓 anti-rolling water tank 轴系 shafting舱室舾装 cabin outfitting 舵叶 rudder blade 偏差 deviation 铰孔螺

26、栓 reaming bolt 螺栓孔圆柱度 cylindricity of bolt hole 过盈量 oversize 塞尺 feeler 舵销 pintle 锥体部分 taper part 不锈钢衬套 stainless steel sleeve舵钮 gudgeon 酚醛树脂衬套 phenol resin bush 舵柄 tiller 与键的过盈量 oversize with key 舵承 rudder carrier摩擦片接触面 friction disc 垫块接触面 contact ratio of chock liner 机对中 steering gear alignment 轴系拉

27、线alignment of shafting 粗糙度 roughness 艉轴轴承的装配压入 force fitting of tail shaft 接合面 connection surface艉轴锥面 tail shaft cone surface 螺旋桨锥孔 propeller tape hole 色油点 color oil point 误差 tolerance主机垫片 M/E chock 浇注 casting 底脚螺栓 holding down bolt 曲轴甩挡 crankshaft deflection 运转试验 running t垫块 liner 基座 base 可垫薄片 shim

28、 plate 甲板行车 deck travelling crane 导轨 rail 门架型 gantry type弯管 bent pipe 支管 branch pipe 贯通件 penetration pipe 铜焊 brass brazing 黄铜管 al-brass pipe套管 socket 椭圆度 ellipticity 弯曲半径 curvature radius 管子弯曲起皱和降起 bending rumples and swells铜管 copper pipe 异径 reducer 管子边势准备 edge preparation 封底焊接 back bead 咬口 undercut

29、 塑料夹具 plastic clamp 惰性气体 inert gas 管子护圈 pipe coaming 落地插座 floor plug 天线插座 antenna p.蜂鸣器 buzzer 侧移式 side rolling type 对角线偏差 diagonal difference 垂直挠曲度 vertical deflection密封槽 packing gutter/groove 压紧条 compression bar 方趸型 pontoon type 燃料舱 bunker 船舱/房间 cabin斜横梁 cant beam 斜肋骨 cant frame 绞盘 capstan 狭窄的舷梯 c

30、atwalk 中内龙骨 center keelson隔离舱 cofferdam tank 防撞舱壁 collision bulkhead 舷梯 companion ladder/gangway 槽型舱舭板 corrugated bulkhead plating 航向记录仪 course recorder 船员住所 crews quarters 桅上瞭望台 crows nest 暗室 dark chamber 横梁 beam 纵桁 girder 纵骨 longitudinal 甲板边板 deck stringer 扫舱泵 stripping pump 化学药剂柜Chemical dosing t

31、k.盐水系统 brine system 日用水系统 hydrophone system 软管接头 hose coupling valve 球阀 ball valve止回阀 non-return valve 盲板阀 blind flange valve 压力传感器 pressure transmitter 双联滤器 duplex filter螺杆泵 screw pump 泄油盘 drip pan 水位自动控制 automatic level control 绝缘电阻 insulation resistance低硫柴油 LSDO 转换试验 changeover test 充气试验 air char

32、ging test 分油机 purifier 柴油 MDO重油 HFO 烟气风机 flue gas fan 起跳压力 relieving pressure 抽吸试验 suction test 总用泵 G.S.pump含油浓度模拟试验 simulation oil content test 漏斗带盖 funnel with cover 膨胀水箱 expansion tank 调节阀 balancing valve L 型艉推 L-drive 干货空压 dry bulk air compressor 变频器 frequency converter线性电抗器 line reactor 就地按钮 lo

33、cal push button 船舶监测系统 VMS 工字梁 cross beam 挡货栏杆 cargo rail坡口 groove 直通截止阀 stop valve 通海阀 sea valve 板式止回阀 plate check valve 根阀 root valve铸钢 cast steel 铸铁 cast iron 膨胀节 expansion joint 温度计 thermometer 喷淋头 spray 国际通岸接头 international shore connector 单联滤器 simplex filter 真空压力表及旋塞 compound gauge with cock压力

34、表 pressure gauge 冲洗管 flushing pipe 驾驶甲板 bridge deck 油渣泄放口 sludge outlet 液位开关 level switch垫片特力 tesnit 凹槽 recess 投油 oil flushing 衬套 sleeve 轴套 bush 吊装眼板 lifting eye 钢制搁架 steel shelf深肋板 deep floor 深肋骨 deep frame 吊杆 derrick 侧向仪天线 direction finder antenna 坞墩 dock block值班船员餐厅 duty mess 应急出口 escape trunk 流线

35、型板 fashion plate 音响测深仪 fathometer 减摇鳍 fin stabilizer 灭火水龙带 fire hose 折边 flanged edge 舱口盖锁紧装置 flip-flop 首垂线 fore perpendicular前桅 foremast 顺流 fair current 逆流 counter current 全速前进 full speed ahead 锚机试验 anchor and windlass物料吊 provision crane 液压回转软管吊 hydraulic slewing crane 淤泥吊 sludge handling davit 舵角零位

36、校准 perform the calibration of rudder with angle at 0。 厨房 galley 舷梯,跳板 gangway检查液位系统中压力限制阀的调定压力 Check the set valve of pressure limiting valve in hydraulic system.检查液压油转换系统 Check the hydraulic fluid recharging system. 船舷上缘 gunwale失相试验 phase failure test 液压锁试验 hydraulic lock test 动车 starting 下降速度,以米/秒

37、计 S=speed of lowing in meters per second. 起升试验 hoisting test 回转试验 slewing test蓄能器 accumulator 轻载试验 light load test 摩擦阻力 friction resistance 绞车 winch 滑车 block脱钩试验 hook release test 超载试验 overload test 机舱行车 ER Crane 接地 earthing试验时将舷梯转到舷外,与水平线成小于 55 度的夹角 Turn the accommodation ladder outboard at the ang

38、le of 55to horizon. 拖力 towing force 组合锅炉 composite boiler 舱底水抽吸试验 suction test of bilge water 测量柴油机冷态曲柄甩挡 The AE crankshaft deflection in cold condition should be measured.试验柴油机盘车装置安装联锁功能。Check the function of interlocking device for turning bar.起动空气管路吹气。Starting air pipe shall be blew out. 转速瞬时变化率

39、momentary speed variation人为造成主配电板失电 Make main switchboard blackout by artificial acuation. 吊舵 hanged rudder 舱口围板 hatch coaming 舱口盖 hatch cover 舱口围壁 hatch trunk 锚链孔 hawse hole 锚链筒 hawse pipe 锚链 hawser舵轮、舵柄 helm 喷砂嘴 blast nozzle 喷射机 blaster 除锈机 descaling machine 锉刀 file 锯 saw 浮船坞 floating dry dock 高压水

40、泵 high pressure water pump 油压千斤顶 hydraulic jack 下滑水道 launching way喷砂机 sand blaster 升降作业机 sky elevator 清扫车 sweeper 攻螺纹机 tapper 起运车间 tug&transportation workshop 坞内找正 alignment in dock 船底塞 bottom plug 更换水泥 cement-washing 螺旋桨螺距 propeller pitch夹板 cleat 船坞费 dock charges 进坞 docking 高压水清洗 hydroblasting 观察孔板

41、 inspection plate轮机员值班事故报警系统 ER dead man alarm system 声光报警 visual-audible alarm 延伸报警 extention alarm轮机员呼叫系统 engineer calling system 蜂鸣 buzzer 轮机长办公室 C/Engs Day Room 大管轮 1/Eng病室呼叫系统 hospital calling system 大副起居室 C/off 冷库呼叫系统 cold chamber calling system 缓冲间 lobby直流 500 伏兆欧表 DC500V Megohm 熔断器故障 fuse fa

42、ult 接地故障 earth fault 环路电缆断开 loop cable break广播系统 public address system 报警灯柱系统 light column system 集合警铃 general alarm 母子钟系统 quarts crystal clock system 母子钟 master and slave clock system 集控室 engine control room 联通试验 paging test共用无线系统 communal aerial system 自动舵 auto pilot 电罗经 gyro compass 偏航报警 heading

43、different alarm计程仪 speed log 测深仪 echo sounder 气象传真机系统 weather fax system 分罗经 repeater VDR 航行数据记录仪 VDR data recorder AIS 自动识别系统 卫通 C 站 sat com-C station 雷达应答器 radar transponder闭路电视监视系统 CCTV:closed-circuit TV 垃圾处理器 waste disposer 对讲系统 talk back system电汤锅 boiling pan 开水器 water boiler 切片机 slicing machin

44、e 电烤箱 ele. Baker 电子秤 scale 尾鳍 skeg导流管 nozzle 轴支架 shaft bracket 舵杆 rudder trunk 挡货栏杆 cargo rail 船籍港 port of registry护舷 fender 舷墙 bulwark 支柱 stanchion 底座 seating 餐厅 mess room 厨房 galley 供应品 provision内部踏步 internal ladder 梯子 stairway 舷窗 sidelight 住舱舱壁 accommodation bulkhead 舱口盖 hatch cover壁板 lining 甲板敷料

45、deck covering 铭牌 nameplate 防腐保护 cathodic protection 锚链 chain cable苏伊士及健身房 SUEZ & GYM 油衣储藏室 Oil spill store 被服库 linen store 消毒柜 stealized cabinet 集控室 Engine Control Room=ECR 泥浆舱 sludge 钻井水舱 BWU 死角 dead space 罗经甲板 pilot deck驾驶甲板 bridge deck 艉部甲板强度 aft deck strength 冲洗接头 flushing connection 洗碗间 sculler

46、 医务室 sick bay 起货绞车 tugger winch 拖桩 gobeye 舷外支架平台 T 型材 T-BAR FOR OUTGIGGER PLATFORM加厚顶板/T 型材 Heavy top plate w / F-brackets 隔离空仓 Coff. 舷侧 ball wing 辅机机舱 Aux. Mchry RM预留通海阱 FUTURE MOONPOOL 甲醇舱 products Tk. 总组胎位 position for assembly 总重 gross weight 倒角chamfer 径向倒角尺寸 radial chamfer dimension 钻孔 drilling 扩孔 core drilling 铰孔 reaming 镗孔 boring攻丝 tapping 伸缩式推进器 retractabl


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