1、Unit 41. This hope is that by combining cloning with genetic engineering, scientist will be able to create a population of pigs whose organs do not trigger a rejection when transplanted into humans.2. Although the five piglets were not genetically engineered, PPL has grown pig cells in the lab and s
2、uccessfully knocked out one gene responsible for initiating rejection.3. Scientists who observed their changes over the course of 18 years say that larger lizards shrank more than smaller ones, and females shrank more than comparably sized mates. Periods of greatest shrinkage coincided with El Nino
3、events, when food supplies were diminished.4. If we can understand the mechanism for bone shrinkage and regrowth in lizards, the knowledge might someday be applied to reverse the debilitating conditions in humans.5. Richard Klein, an anthropologist at Stanford University in California, said that ear
4、ly modern humans 100,000 years ago were confined to Africa and seemed no different from their now-extinct cousins Homo Neanderthalensis and Homo Erectus in Europe and Asia.6. 科学家以前克隆了奶牛和山羊,但是猪已成了移植研究的核心,因为它们在生理上与人类更相似。7. 世界上第一窝克隆猪的诞生点燃了人们的希望,即猪很快就会成为人类器官捐赠者。8. 他把从细菌的细胞壁提取的有害物质注射到动物体内,这种毒素会使动物的免疫系统做出
5、反应,就好像有传染病似的。9. 哺乳动物共有基因的一个微小突变可能已改变了人类的命运。Unit 51. Historians are more used to analyzing a mixture of ingredients, good and bad intentions, success and failure, high endeavors threatened by flaws in execution, and to balance out the sums ending with a careful plus or minus.2. He sought power, witho
6、ut pretending otherwise, and exercised it to the full. But he is singular, perhaps unique in history, in that he was never corrupted by power.3. As the war continued and the casualty figures grew, he found a convinced agnostic faith that there was some divine purpose in the affairs of men, though he
7、 could not define or confine the deity within any Christian confession.4. Without Lincolns presidency, the fortunes of all other nations “so convinced in liberty” would have been at risk and the rest of world would have been left on its own to face the dark forces which ravaged the globe in the twen
8、tieth century.5. 林肯非常难得,他为历史提供了很多思索和反思的东西,却没留下什么可以争议的地方,除了政策执行方面存在些缺点外。6. 人必须观察事件的盛衰变化并依照他在事件发展中认识到的采取行动。他并不认为人可以让上帝偏离其进程。7. 林肯对自身能力的谦虚使他免受充满妒忌的竞争或争执:他甚至在最令他痛苦的批评者的观点中和叛军的首领身上都看到真诚。8. 在需要决断时他表现出的明显的犹豫同时激怒了他的支持者和敌对者,但是他把他们的批评转化成建设性的建议,从中最终形成自己的决定。Unit 61. George Mason University instructor Anne March
9、ant calls them “patchwork plagiarists”-the students who copy and paste together passages from articles theyve found on the Internet, then turn in the work as their own.。 2. Professors are using the computer to fight back-launching Internet searches to find the source of purloined materials and insta
10、lling software that detects similarities in students papers.3. The computer has made cheats out of students who otherwise would never have considered such trickery, some educators say.4. It matters that whether the guy who built the bridge cheated his way through engineering school. I d worry about
11、that.5. Sam Mller, an assistant to the vise president for student affairs at the University of Virginia, where the mandatory penalty for cheating is expulsion, acknowledges that school officials might be getting relatively few cheating complaints from teachers because they are reluctant to subject students to such strong punishment.6. 高科技作弊包括使用网络信息,而不注明适当的出处,从论文网站购买学期论文,以及通过电子邮件或光盘共享答案和作业。7. 比如,去年春天,分阶段上同一门计算机科学课的几十名学生用电子产品共享一份学年论文,被当场逮到。8. 与三年前每个月处理五件案子相比,小组现在每天只处理大约三件。9. 具有讽刺意味地是,让学生轻松作弊的科技同样让教授轻易就抓住他们。