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1、1机场安检岗位日常英语一引导岗位(1)引导岗位的提示语- 第一课时S: All the passengers .Form a line, please. Prepare your passports , boarding cards please. 各位旅客,请按秩序排队,请准备好你的护照和登机牌。(2) 情景对话 1(行李太大,需办理托运)- 第二课时S: Excuse me , sir.先生,打扰了。P: What?怎么了?S:Your bag is too big, so you can not take it with you 。Youd better check it in .你发行

2、李包太大了,不可以随身携带,最好去托运。P:Shall I pay for it ?付费的吗?S:No. Its free.不,免费的 (3) 情景对话 2 (手推车不能进候机楼)-第三课时S: Excuse me, sir . No trolley is inside.先生,打扰了,小推车不能进内。P:Sorry . But my bag is too heavy .对不起,但是我的行李包太重了。S: You can go to the check-in counter and check it in.你可以到值机柜台办理托运。P: Good idea. Thank you .好主意,谢谢。

3、S: You are welcome. 别客气.2常见单词及短语1. waiting room 候机楼 2.departure hall 送客厅3.bag 包,袋(包的总称 4 .luggage 行李 5. suitcase 手提箱 6.trolley 小推车7. check in 托运 8. check-in counter 值机柜台9.inside 里面 3二.验证岗位(护照与登机牌的名字不一致)-第四课时S: Excuse me , Please show me your passport and boarding card . 打扰了,请出示你的护照和登机牌。P: Here you a

4、re.给你。S: Oh ,the two names are different .这两个名字不一致。P: My God. What shall I do ?我的天呀,我怎么办呢?S: Dont worry . Maybe you take a wrong boarding card .别担心,也许你那错了登机牌。P: Let me see. oh, sorry , thats my wifes .我看看,哦,对不起,那是我妻子的。常见单词及短语1. passport 护照 2. ticket 机票3. boarding card 登机牌 4. be different from 与不同5.

5、ID card 身份证 6. show 出示7. visa 签证 4三.前传岗位-第五课时S:Excuse me , sir . Please empty your pockets .like keys, mobile phone, wallet and so on.先生,打扰了,请取出口袋里的物品。比如钥匙,手机,钱包等等。P:OK.好的。S:Do you take a laptop with you ?你带笔记本电脑吗?P: Yes.是的 。S:Take it out , please . We will check it . 请取出它,我们将要检查。常见单词及短语1. pen 钢笔 2.

6、 key 钥匙3. mobile phone 手机 4.cigarette (cigar)香烟5.lighter 打火机 6.chewing gum 口香糖7.wallet 钱包 8.coat 外套 9. screwdriver.螺丝刀5四.人身检查-第六课时S:Excuse me , sir / madam . Come here for a check Turn around , please.先生/女士,打扰了,请过来检查.请转身。P:Whats in your pocket ?你的口袋里有什么?S:A wallet . Anything wrong ? 一个钱包,有问题吗?P:Just

7、 take it out for a check . 请取出它检查。P:Here you are .给你。S:Thanks.谢谢。常见单词及短语1.turn around 转身 2.take out 取出6五.开箱包岗位-第七课时S: Excuse me, sir . Open it, please. I will check it . 先生,打扰一下。 请把它打开。我要检查。 P: What happened?怎么了?S: Well. Its forbidden to take the knife on board.恩。禁止携带小刀登机。P:Oh. Im sorry . I give it

8、up .哦。对不起。 我放弃这把刀。S: Thank you for your cooperation.谢谢你的合作。常用单词及短语1. lighter 打火机 2. blade 刀片3. mineral water 矿泉水 4.wine 酒类,一般指葡萄酒5. scissors 剪刀 6.spray 发胶7. medicine 药品 8.magnet 磁铁79. potters knife 陶瓷刀 10. drink 饮料六.X 光机岗位-第八课时S:Excuse me,Is this your bag?这是你的包吗?P: Yes.是的。S: Whats that?那是什么?P: It is

9、 a screwdriver.螺丝刀。S: It is forbidden to take any tool on board.禁止带任何工具登机。P: Oh. Sorry. I dont know the regulations. What should I do?不好意思。我不知道这个规定。 我该怎么做?S: We could keep it for you. But you must come back in one month. 我们可以帮你保管。但是,你必须一个月内回来取。Or you can give it up.要不,你就放弃。P: Keep it , please.保存。8S:

10、 Good . This is your receipt. Sign your name here,please.好。 这是你的收据。 请在这签名。P: Thank you.谢谢。S: My pleasure.不客气。常见单词1.inflammable article 不易燃物 2.flammable article 易燃物3.ammunition 弹药 4.explosive article 易爆物5.blasting article 爆炸物 6.baton 警棍7.bullet 子弹 8.alcohol 酒精9.poisonous article 毒害物 10.magnet 磁铁9七行检岗

11、位(1)情景对话 1 (禁止托运打火机) -第九课时S: Excuse me, sir . Wait a moment , please.先生,打扰了。请稍等。P: Whats up ?有什么事吗?S:For a further check . It is forbidden to check in the lighter. 进一步检查。 。 。 。 。 。 打火机是禁止托运的。P:What shall I do?那我怎么办呢?S:I suggest you give it up .我建议你放弃它。P:OK. 好的。(2)情景对话 2(请旅客将笔记本电脑的电池取出)-第十课时S: Excuse me, sir / Madam . Come in , please .先生/女士,打扰了。请进来。P: Whats wrong with my bag?我的包怎么了?S: Please take out your battery from your laptop .请取出笔记本电脑的电池P: Why ?为什么?S: Thats our new regulation battery. 那是我们的新规定。10常见单词及短语1. laptop 笔记本电脑 2. battery 蓄电池3. regulation 规定 11.give up 放弃


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