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1、1外研社小学英语(一、二级)基本要求掌握内容(修订版)School Grade Name 1、 Clothes 服装:a A: Whats this in English? B: Its a T-shirt. A: What are these in English? B: They are pants.【T-shirt 丅恤衫 ,coat 大衣, jacket 夹克衫,sweater 毛衣, dress 女士衣服,skirt 裙子hat 圆盘帽/礼帽, cap 帽子, socks 袜子, shoes 鞋子, shorts 短裤,shirt 衬衣,pants 牛仔裤,trousers 裤子,g

2、loves 手套,sandals 凉鞋】b (单数):A: What color is it? B: Its white 白.【black 黑,yellow 黄,pink 粉红,purple 紫色,orange 桔黄色, brown 棕色 ,green 绿色,blue 蓝色, gray(grey)灰色】c(复数): A: What color are they? B: Theyred(大小): A: What size do you want ? B: Size S.( L / M )e(价钱): A: How much is it? B: Its A: How much are they?

3、B: Theyre2、 Festival and holiday 节假日:A : Happy New Year to you! B: Happy New Year to you! (The same to you.)A: Happy Chinese New Year to you! B: Happy Chinese New Year to you!(Thank you.)A: Happy Childrens Day! B: Happy Childrens Day! (The same to you.)/ (Thank you.)A: Happy Womens Day! B: The same

4、to you/ Thank you.A: Happy Teachers Day! B: Thank you.A: Merry Christmas! B: Thank you. (Merry Christmas!)Halloween 万圣节 card 卡片 present = gift 礼物3、 季节天气: A: How many seasons are there in a year? B: There are four seasons.A: What are they? B: They are spring (春),summer(夏),autumn(秋) and winter(冬).A: W

5、hats the weather like in Chengdu today? B: Its sunny.A: Hows the weather in Chengdu today? B: Its rainy.Sun 太阳-sunny 晴朗的, cloud 云-cloudy 阴天,rain 下雨-rainy 下雨的,wind 风windy 刮风的,snow 下雪-snowy 下雪的,sky 天空,the sun 太阳,the earth 地球,the moon 月亮反义词:【 cold 寒冷-hot 炎热 ,warm 暖和-cool 凉爽 ,angry 生气的-happy 高兴的,big 大的-

6、small 小的,long 长的-short 短的,tall 高的-short 矮的,thin 瘦的fat 胖的,easy 容易的 -difficult 困难的,old 年老的young 年轻的,new 新的-old 旧的,fast 快的-slow 慢的,early 早 -迟,much 多little 少,light 轻-heavy 重,expensive 昂贵的-cheap 便宜的,laugh 笑 cry 哭,come 来-go 去, give 给-take 拿,buy 买-sell 卖,ask 问answer 答,here 这儿-there 那儿,this 这个-that 那个,these

7、 这些those 那些,open 开-close 关】4、人体部分:A: Whats wrong with you? B: My hurts.【eye 眼睛, ear 耳朵,head 头, mouth 嘴/口, toes 脚趾, shoulder 肩膀,knee 膝盖, nose 鼻子,leg 腿,foot(feet)脚, arm 手臂, hand 手,face 脸, stomach 胃, cold 感冒, cough 咳嗽, hurt 疼痛, 】5、学科名词:A: Whats your favorite subject? B: My favorite subject is PE.【Engli

8、sh 英语, Chinese 汉语,math 数学,art 美术,history 历史,2geography 地理,P.E.体育,music 音乐,science 科学,subject 学科】6、 文具、家具、校园设施:A: Whats this in English? B: Its a desk.【pen 钢笔,pencil 铅笔,desk 书桌,bag 书包,pencil-box=pencil-case 铅笔盒,chair 椅子,book 书,ruler 直尺,eraser 橡皮擦,bed 床 ,light 灯 , sofa 沙发 , table 桌子 ,wall 墙 ,TV 电视,doo

9、r 门,window 窗户 floor 地板 board 写字板 glass 玻璃杯 ,fan 风扇 mirror 镜子, curtain 窗帘 , trash bin 垃圾箱 ,closet 衣柜,phone 电话,box 盒子,shelf 书架 fridge 冰箱,computer 电脑/ 计算机 ,teachers desk 讲台 ,sharpener 卷笔刀 ,notebook 笔记本 dictionary 词典 comic book 漫画书 post card 明信片,newspaper 报纸 story-book 故事书 picture 图片,照片 ,classroom 教室, p

10、layground 操场,library 图书室,class 班级,grade 年级,lesson 课,blackboard 黑板,home 家 ,room 房间 , bedroom 卧室 ,bathroom 卫生间,kitchen 厨房 ,living room 客厅 ,study 书房,school 学校,classroom 教室 ,gym 体育馆 ,playground 操场 ,restaurant 餐厅 ,park 公园 ,art room 美术室 ,farm 农场,library 图书馆,teachers office 老师办室,computer room 计算机室,music ro

11、om 音乐室】 7、职业 (jobs)人:A: What do you do? B: Im a pupil./ A: What does she/he do? B: Shes/Hes a teacher.【student 学生,pupil 小学生,teacher 老师,doctor 医生 driver 司机 singer 歌手 farmer 农民 ,nurse 护士,teacher 教师 ,writer 作家,actor 男演员,actress 女演员,cleaner 清洁工,engineer 工程,TV report 电视记者,artist 画家,policeman 警察,accountan

12、t 会计 salesperson 销售员 ,player 运动员】 8、方位及方位介词:south 南 ,north 北 ,east 东 ,west 西 ,left 左边 ,right 右边 , in 在里 , on 在上 ,under 在下面 near 在旁边 ,behind 在后边 ,next to与相邻 , over 在上面 ,in front of 在前面9、学校生活:A: What time do you get up ? B:I get up at 6:30.可以用下列主要动词、词组替换成你自己的话:swim 游泳,fly 飞, jump 跳,walk 走,run 跑,sleep

13、睡觉,drink water 喝水,get up 起床 ,go to bed 起床 ,go home 回家 , go to school 去上学 ,go swimming 去游泳,go fishing 去钓鱼 ,go shopping 买东西,go hiking 去远足,go skiing 滑雪,go skating 滑旱冰,go ice-skating 滑冰,play sports 做运动,play ping-pong 打乒乓,play football 踢足球, play the piano 弹钢琴, play chess 下棋 ,play computer games 玩电脑游戏,pla

14、y the violin 拉小提琴 , listen to music 听音乐,watch TV 看电视 ,read a book 看书,write a letter 写信 ,write an e-mail 写邮件,write a report 写报告 ,take pictures 拍照片,sing and dance 唱歌跳舞 ,draw pictures 画画 ,fly kites 放风筝 ,watch insects 观察昆虫,make kites 做风筝 ,pick up leaves 摘树叶 ,do an experiment 做实验, catch butterflies 抓蝴蝶 ,

15、 count insects 数昆虫 ,collect stamps 收集邮票 ,have a picnic 野餐 ,do homework 做家庭作业 ,eat breakfast 吃早餐, do morning exercises 晨练 ,have English class 上英语课,plant trees 种树,visit grandparents 看望爷爷奶奶 ,make a snowman 堆雪人 ,ride a bike 骑车,climb a mountain 爬山,row a boat 划船 ,take a trip 旅游,do housework 做家务,clean the

16、room 打扫房间,cook dinner 做晚饭,make the bed 铺床 ,wash clothes 洗衣服,do the dishes 洗碗 ,sweep the floor 扫地 , set the table 摆饭桌 ,answer the phone 接电话,water the flowers 浇花 ,empty the trash 倒垃圾,get up 起床,go to school 上学, watch TV 看电视,have classes 上课,go to the movies 去看电影,go home 回家, play with friends 和朋友玩,do hom

17、ework 做作业, play basketball 打篮球, play football 踢足球,go to bed 睡觉,have/eat breakfast/lunch/dinner(supper),10、 饮食 :A:Whats your favorite food ? B: My favorite is noodles.egg 鸡蛋,rice 米饭,noodle 面条,cake 蛋糕,French fries=chips 薯条,sandwich 三明治,3bread 面包,ice-cream 冰淇淋, tomato 西红柿,potato 土豆,carrot 胡萝卜,pork 猪肉,t

18、ofu 豆腐,hamburger 汉堡包, meat 肉,beef 牛肉,sweet 糖果,chicken 鸡肉,cheese 奶酪,biscuit 饼干,chocolate 巧克力,fish 鱼肉,sausage 香肠,vegetables 蔬菜A:Whats your favorite fruit? B: My favorite fruit is apple.【apple 苹果,pear 梨子,orange 橘子,banana 香蕉,peach 桃子,lemon 柠檬,mango 芒果,cherry 樱桃, strawberry 草莓,watermelon 西瓜,pineapple 菠萝】

19、11、 家庭与朋友 A:How many people are there in your family?B: There are five people.A: Who are they ? B: Theyre my grandpa, grandma, my father, my mother and I .A: How old are you?=Whats your age? B: Im 9 .=Im 9 years old.【father=dad=daddy 父亲,mother=mum=mom 母亲,grandfather=grandpa 爷爷,grandmother=grandma 奶奶

20、,grandparents 祖父母, parents 父母亲, son 儿子,daughter女儿, aunt 阿姨,uncle 叔叔 /舅舅, sister 姐妹, brother 兄/弟,friend 朋友, good 好,best 最好, he 他,she 她, together 一起 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 Mrs 女士 Mr.先生 Miss 小姐 ,baby 婴儿 , kid 小孩 , child(children 复数形式)儿童, cousin 表兄弟/姐妹】12 动物名词:【cat 猫,dog 狗,duck 鸭,rabbit 兔子,horse 马,elephant 大象,a

21、nt 蚂蚁,kangaroo 袋鼠,monkey 猴子,fish 鱼,bird 鸟,panda 熊猫,sheep 绵羊,goat 山羊,cow 牛奶,bear 熊,lion 狮子,tiger 老虎】13、星期 :A: What day is it today? B: Its Sunday.(星期天),Saturday 星期六,Monday星期一,Tuesday 星期二,Wednesday 星期三,Thursday 星期四,Friday 星期五。14、日期:A:Whats the date today? B: Its October 5,2012.【1 月 January = Jan.; 2 月

22、 February = Feb. ; 3 月 March = Mar. ; 4 月 April = Apr. ;5 月 May = May ; 6 月 June = Jun. ; 7 月 July = Jul. ; 8 月 August = Aug. ;9 月 September= Sept. ; 10 月 October =Oct. ;11 月 November =Nov. ;12 月 December =Dec.】15、表示数目的词称为基数词: 英文数字:一 one ; 二 two ; 三 three ; 四 four ; 五 five; 六 six ;七 seven; 八 eight ;

23、 九 nine ;十 ten ; 零=zero ;11eleven ; 12twelve ; 13thirteen; 14fourteen; 15fifteen;16sixteen ; 17seventeen; 18eighteen; 19nineteen;20 twenty ; 21 twenty-one; 22 twenty-two; 23twenty-three 从一到十向下接续 30 thirty; 32 thirty-two ; 40 forty ;50 fifty ; 60 sixty ;70seventy;80 eighty ; 90 ninety ;(归纳:) 整数几十中除 t

24、wenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty 为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy , ninety 都是其个位数形式后添加后缀 -ty 构成:表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” 例如:21 twenty-one ,76 seventy-six , 89 eighty-nine ,96 ninety-six 百位数 : 个数基数词形式加“hundred” ,表示几百,在几十几与百位间加上 and 例如:101 a hundred and one;320 three hundred and twenty ;648 six hundred and fo

25、rty-eight 16 序数(初学最好先记住简写,然后记全写) 第 1 first=1st ; 第 2 second=2nd ; 第 3 third=3rd ; 第 4 fourth=4th ; 第 5 fifth=5th ; 第 6 sixth=6th ; 第 7 seventh=7th ;第 8 eighth=8th ; 第 9 ninth=9th ; 第 10 tenth=10th; 第 11 eleventh=11th ; 第 12 twelfth=12th ; 第 13 thirteenth=13th, 第 14 fourteenth =14th; 第 15 fifteenth =

26、15th;第 16 sixteenth=16th;第 17 seventeenth=17th ;第 18 eighteenth=18th; 第 19 nineteenth=19th ; 第 20 twentieth =20th; 第 21 twenty-first=21st ; 第 22 twenty-second=22nd ;第 23 twenty-third=23rd;第 24 twenty-fourth=24th ; 第 25 twenty-fifth=25th ; 第 26 twenty-sixth=26th ;第 27 twenty-seventh27th, 第 28 twenty-

27、eighth=28th ; 第 29 twenty-ninth=29th ; 第 30 thirtieth=30th ; 第 31 thirty-first=31st ;第 32 thirty-second=32nd; 4第 33 thirty-third=33rd ; 第 34 thirty-fourth=34th ; 第 35 thirty-fifth=35th ; 第 36 thirty-sixth =36th;第 37 thirty-seventh=37th; (归纳)第 1 至第 19,除第 1(first), 第 2(second) ,第3(third)外,( 尾数为 1、2、3

28、也对应变化,如 21twenty-first )其余均在基数词的后面加上th,在这些序数词中 fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, 的拼法和基数词有差别 第 20 至第 90 是将基数词词尾 y 变 i,再加eth 构成。17、地方(place):【post office 邮局,hospital 医院, cinema 电影院,bookstore 书店, park 公园 ,zoo 动物园,bank 银行,garden 花园 ,pet shop 宠物店,supermarket 超市, museum 博物馆】18 动词过去式:A 规则变化: play -played wash

29、-washed watch-watched climb-climbed visit-visited listen-listened dance-danced learn-learned row-rowed cook-cooked clean-cleaned B 不规则变化:go-went do-did take-took sing-sang see-saw fly-flew eat-ate have-had swim-swam buy-bought read-read 19. 英文字母书写顺序及书写格式:英语字母的书写要求:1.书写时,每个字母都应自左向右倾斜5度。大写字母都一样高,占上、中两格,但不顶第一线。52.词与词之间一般空出小写字母 a 的宽度为宜。 3.字母要按一定的笔划顺序书写,按其书写笔顺书写:(请注意书写的格式和大小写的区别) 注:英语字母书写是每次升学考试必考内容,请认真练习


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