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1、智课网 TOEFL备考资料托福TPO10 综合写作精讲 【环境污染】摘要: 如果在托福综合写作部分让我们遇到了描述一个事物的内容,你知道听力内容的重点在哪吗?你想知道我们该如何构思吗?类似于这种类型的作文有很多,我们就通过本文的详细介绍,来为大家解决这类问题,避免问题出席那是我们手足无措。托福 TPO10综合写作:阅读材料:The sea otter is a small mammal that lives in waters along the western coast of North America from California to Alaska. When some sea ot

2、ter populations off the Alaskan coast started rapidly declining a few years ago, it caused much concern because sea otters play an important ecological role in the coastal ecosystem. Experts started investigating the cause of the decline and quickly realized that there were two possible explanations

3、: environmental pollution or attacks by predators.Initially, the pollution hypothesis seemed the more likely of the two.海獭是一种生活在北美西海岸从加州到阿拉斯加沿线的小型海洋哺乳动物。几年前,阿拉斯加海岸的海獭数量急剧减少。由于海獭对于维持海岸沿线生态平衡有非常重要的作用,所以其数量下降引起了广泛的关注。专家开始研究海獭数量下降的原因,并且很快发现了两个可能的原因,分别是环境污染和天敌捕食。最初,环境污染说看起来更为可信。The first reason why pollu

4、tion seemed the more likely cause was that there were known sources of it along the Alaskan coast, such as oil rings and other sources of industrial chemical pollution.Water samples from the area revealed increased levels of chemicals that could decrease the otters resistance to life-threatening inf

5、ections and thus could indirectly cause their deaths.为什么污染说更为可信呢?这是因为阿拉斯加海岸确实有污染源,比如石油带或者其他的工业污染物。该地的水样显示水中化学物的含量增加,其数量可以导致海獭对于对于一些致命感染丧失抵抗力,进而间接导致数量下降。Second, other sea mammals such as seals and sea lions along the Alaskan coast were also declining; indicating that whatever had endangered the otter

6、s was affecting other sea mammals as well. This fact again pointed to environmental pollution, since it usually affect the entire ecosystem rather than a single species. Only widely occurring predators, such as the orca (a large predatory whale), could have the same effect, but orcas prefer to hunt

7、much larger prey, such as other whales.第二,在阿拉斯加海域,包括海豹和海狮在内的其他海洋哺乳动物的数量也有所下降。这表明造成海獭数量下降的原因也对其他海洋哺乳动物造成了影响。原因再次指向了环境污染,这是因为环境污染问题常常不是仅仅影响某个特定物种,而是影响整个生态系统。除此之外,只有像逆戟鲸(一种大型肉食鲸) 那种食性广泛的动物才能通过捕食呈现相同的效果。但是,逆戟鲸更喜欢捕食像鲸类这种的大型猎物。Third, scientists believed that the pollution hypothesis could also explain the

8、 uneven pattern of otter decline: at some Alaskan locations the otter populations declined greatly, while at others they remained stable. Some experts explained these observations by suggesting that ocean currents or other environmental factors may have created uneven concentrations of pollutants al

9、ong the coast.第三,科学家认为污染说同时可以解释海獭数量变化的不均衡性。所谓不均衡性是指在阿拉斯加某些区域海獭数量下降明显,而在其他地方海獭的数量保持未定。一些专家指出这样的观察结果表明洋流和其他环境因素导致了海岸线上污染物的不均衡聚集。托福TPO10 综合写作:阅读部分需要提取的观点是:- Main point: 海獭数量下降的原因是环境污染- Sub point 1:阿拉斯加海域确有污染源- Sub point 2:除海獭外,还有其他哺乳动物的数量下降- Sub point 3:不同区域海獭数量下降情况不同,可以解释为污染物聚集情况不同导致的。托福TPO10 综合写作: 听力

10、材料:Well, ongoing investigations have revealed that predation is the most likely cause of sea otter decline after all.目前的研究表明天敌捕食是最可能导致海獭数量减少的原因。First, the pollution theory is weakened by the fact that no one can really find any Dead Sea otters washing off on Alaskan beaches. That s not what you woul

11、d expect if infections caused by pollution started killing a lot of otters. On the other hand, the fact that it s so hard to find dead otters is consistent with the predator hypothesis. If an otter is killed by a predator, it s eaten immediately so it can t wash up on shore.首先,由于没有人发现有海獭尸体被冲上阿拉斯加海滩,

12、所以污染理论捕食那么站得住脚的。如果污染造成的疾病感染导致了海獭数量的剧减,那么情况不该如此。而且,很少发现海獭尸体也恰恰说明了天敌捕食假说。捕食者杀死了海獭后,会很快地吃掉它,那么我们也就不会再岸上发现海獭尸体了。Second, although orcas may prefer to hunt whales, whales have essentially disappeared from the area because of human hunters. That means that orcas have had to change their diet to survive and

13、 since only smaller sea mammals are now available, orcas have probably started hunting those. So,it probably is the orcas that are causing the decline of all the smaller sea mammals mentioned in the passage - the seals, the sea lions, and the sea otters.第二,尽管逆戟鲸喜欢捕食鲸类,但是鲸类的数量却由于人类的捕猎活动而剧烈减少。这意味着逆戟鲸不

14、得不为了生存而更改捕食习惯。目前来看只有一些小型海洋哺乳动物还可以捕捉,逆戟鲸很可能开始以它们为食了。所以,很可能是逆戟鲸的捕食导致了文中提到的诸如海豹、海狮和海獭等小型哺乳动物的数量减少。And third, the uneven pattern of otter decline is better explained by the orca predation theory than by the pollution theory. What happens to otters seems to depend on whether the location where they live

15、is accessible to orcas or not. In those locations that orcas can access easily, the number of sea otters has declined greatly. However, because orcas are so large, they can t access shallow or rocky locations. And shallow and rocky locations are precisely the types of locations where sea otter popul

16、ations have not declined.第三,海獭数量变化的不均衡性恰好表明了逆戟鲸捕食理论比污染理论更合理。海獭数量的增减取决于它们生存的地方逆戟鲸是不是可以进入。在那些逆戟鲸很容易进入的海域,海獭的数量急剧减少。然而,因为逆戟鲸个头很大,所以他们不能进入那些过浅或者充满岩石的海域。而那些过浅和充满岩石的海域,恰恰是海獭数量保持稳定的地区。听力笔记内容:Main point: 天敌说更为可信Sub point one: 没有发现海獭的尸体Sub point two: 多种小型海洋哺乳动物的减少是因为逆戟鲸捕食Sub point three: 逆戟鲸个头很大,有的海域不能进入,解释了

17、为何数量变化不均衡提示:在阅读部分出现的陌生的名词(包括专有名词)要记下来,因为听力出现的时候我们要根据读音判断出现位置和大致含义。托福TPO10 综合写作:例文(仅供参考)The lecturer and the reading passage suggest two competing theories, the predation theory vs. the pollution theory, to explain why the sea otter population is in rapid decline.The professor reasons that the absenc

18、e of dead sea otters washed up the coast suggests that their decline is not caused by sea pollution but rather by sea predators who consume their bodies after killing them. In contrast, the reading passage attributes the death of sea otters to pollution, citing evidence of increased sources of ocean

19、 contaminants which lead to greater vulnerability to infections.Furthermore, the lecturer argues that orcas are likely factors in the disappearance of sea otters,because the scarcity of whales, their usual prey, has left them with no other choice but to start hunting smaller mammals like the otters

20、for food. The reading passage, on the other hand, rules out this theory based on the orca s preaying habit, and instdead approves of the pollution theory as the only explanation for the decline of both large and small sea mammals across the entire ecosystem.Finally, according to the lecturer, the un

21、even pattern of sea otter decline corresponds to the distribution of the orcas; she argues that the fact that their population has declined most rapidly where orcas are most prevalent further validates the predation theory. However, the reading passage argues that chaneable environmental factors, wh

22、ich lead to different concentrations of pollutants, better explains the varying pattern of sea otter decline.托福TPO10 综合写作:本篇范文可以借鉴的模板是:The lecturer and the reading passage suggest two competing theories,_V.S._,to explain _.The professor reasons that _ is not caused by _but rather by _. In contrast,

23、the reading passage attributes _ to _, citing evidence of _.Furthermore, the lecturer argues that _ are likely factors in _, because _.The reading passage, on the other hand, rules out this theory based on _, and instead approves of the _theory as the only explanation for _.Finally, according to the lecturer,_. However, the reading passage argues that_ factors better explains_.以上就是有关托福TPO10综合写作的文本+音频+范文等等内容,对于TPO 托福写作 的每一个题目,我们都附有详细的解读,想要完整版内容考生,赶快点击页面中的咨询按钮向我们的老师免费索取下载链接吧!


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