1、 http:/教你秒破解 GRE 逻辑归纳大法GRE 阅读中最为重要也是最让中国考生头疼的当属 GRE 逻辑推理题。此类题目虽然对考生的阅读能力要求不高,但是对于考生的逻辑推理能力考察最为突出。因为只有考生领会到其中的意思,并且了解文章的推理和考察的问题方法时,考生才可以从容的应对考试。GRE 逻辑考试所涵盖的内容同 GRE 阅读一样,范围很广且不需要考生对专业领域知识的了解,因此考生不能借助自己所熟悉的学科知识来化解问题。因此对 GRE 逻辑题型的了解尤为重要。GRE 逻辑题型总计有大致三种题型:归纳经典问题、演绎经典问题、解释经典问题。接下来,就和前程百利小编一同来学习下 GRE 逻辑题型
2、中的归纳经典类题目吧!作为 GRE 逻辑题型中的归纳法,通常是以通过以下考题形式进行考察的:It can be concluded from the statements above that.Which one of the following statements most accurately expresses the authors main point?Which one of the following statements CANNOT be true?Which one of the following inferences can be most reliably draw
3、n from the passage above?The passage as a whole is structured to lead to which one of the following conclusions?http:/Which one of the following is the best statement of the primary point of the passage?Each of the following can be inferred from his argument EXCEPT.Which one of the following claims
4、is central to the authors argument?If the statements above are true,then which one of the following must also be true?对于 GRE 阅读中的归纳考题,通常是对文章中已经提到过的内容或者可以从文章中可以推导出来内容进行考察。归结起来,破解 GRE 逻辑之归纳题型,最好的办法是从考题选项入手。而前程百利小编特此总结出有关 GRE 逻辑考题常出错的方向供大家参照:1.观点相反的选项; 2.范围过大的选项; 3.不是比较的否命题;4.文中没有的比较;5. 无中生有;6. 大众权威 。P
5、eople whose bodies cannot produce the substance cytochrome P450 are three times as likely to develop Parkinsons disease, a disease that affects the brain, as are people whose bodies do produce this substance. Since cytochrome P450 protects the brain from toxic chemicals, toxic chemicals probably pla
6、y a role in the development of Parkinsons disease. Which of the following, if true, most strongly supports the http:/argument? (A)It will soon be possible for cytochrome P450 to be synthesized for the treatment of people whose bodies cannot produce this substance. (B)Many people whose bodies are una
7、ble to produce cytochrome P450 lack the ability to produce certain other substances as well. (C)Cytochrome P450 has no effect on the brain other than to protect it from toxic chemicals. (D)People with Parkinsons disease often exhibit a marked lessening in the severity of their symptoms when they are
8、 treated with dopamine, a chemical produced naturally in the brain. (E)Many people with Parkinsons disease have the ability to produce cytochrome P450 naturally.解析: 那些身体里不能产生细胞色素这种物质的人得帕金森症的可能性是正常人的三倍,帕金森症是一种能影响大脑的疾病。因为细胞色素保护大脑不受有毒化学物质伤害,因此有毒化学物质很可能在帕金森症的引发中起到作用。问题:下面哪一个最能支撑观点?很快能够在治疗那些不能身体内不能产生这种物质
9、的人时被合成。许多体内不能产生的人同样也不能产生其他的几种http:/物质。在大脑内除了保护不受有毒化学物质伤害外没有其他影响得了帕金森症的人在处理多巴胺的时候会明显地表现出一种症状程度上的减轻,多巴胺是大脑里自然产生的一种化学物质。许多得了帕金森症的人能够自然地产生.根据以上总结出来的 GRE 逻辑归纳题的选项出错方向,那么选项A 属于无中生有型,文中并未应用于医疗,B 同理,D是大众权威的知识,但是并不对观点起作用。E 则是对文中观点的反驳,对此经过分析,得出最终正确答案 C。针对于 GRE 逻辑题目中的归纳题型,小编希望广大考生能谨记小编总结的错题方向,并在考试中擦亮双眼,一举击破 GRE 逻辑考试。