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1、文献检索课综合检索(第四题)根据所学专业,结合自己的兴趣,自己拟定检索课题,课题必须包含主题词和副主题词,就同一个课题,按下列要求进行检索: 1、检索课题(中文名称)超临界流体在废水处理中的应用 (英文名称)Supercritical fluid and its application in wastewater treatment 2、课题背景及检索目的:由于现在的工业快速发展,从而产生了许多的废水,而解决这个问题就需要用少的资源来解决。所以我的课题是用超临界流体的方法来解决这个问题。3、检索词:主题词:(中文)超临界流体 (英文 Supercritical fluid相关词:(中文)废水处

2、理中的应用 (英文)Application of waste water treatment副主题词:(中文)超临界流体的应用 (英文) Application of supercritical fluid 4、检索过程:分别写出篇名、作者、文献来源(期刊指刊名、年、卷期;专利指专利号;学位论文指授予单位,标准指标准号等文摘形式)及摘要(不要原文) ,所有数据库均检索近五年的文献。若该课题没有相关的专利或标准,请找一篇与课题相近的专利或标准。中文期刊(找 5 篇):清华数据库 外文期刊(找 3 篇)(翻译标题):EBSCO 数据库学位论文(找 1 篇):清华数据库标准文献(找 1 篇):万方数

3、据库专利文献(找 1 篇):万方数据库(一) 中文期刊:清华数据库1. 篇名:浅析超临界流体在废水处理中的应用作者:周扬文献来源:中小企业管理与科技(下旬刊) 2011 年 07 期摘要:本文介绍了超临界流体及其性质,对超临界流体的二氧化碳萃取技术以及超临界水氧化技术在废水处理中的应用做了简单的综述。 2.篇名:超临界水氧化技术在废水处理中的应用作者:岳松文献来源:四川工业学院学报 2003 年 01 期摘要:本文作者介绍了超临界流体的特性 ,超临界流体萃取的基本原理及工艺流程 ,对超临界水氧化技术在废水处理中的应用进行了综述。3.篇名:超临界流体技术在环境科学中的应用作者:齐素芳; 赖子尼;

4、 余煜棉文献来源:化学工业与工程技术 2007 年 01 期 摘要:简要介绍了超临界流体萃取、超临界水氧化和超临界流体色谱的基本原理,综述了超临界流体技术在废水处理、固体废物处理、燃煤脱硫和污染监测等方面的应用。 4.篇名: 超临界流体萃取技术的应用与发展作者:霍鹏; 张青; 张滨; 郭超英;文献来源: 河北化工 2010 年 03 期摘要:介绍了国内外超临界流体萃取工艺及发展情况,在对超临界流体萃取原理及特点概述的基础上,就影响萃取效率的诸多因素: 萃取压力、萃取温度、超临界流体流量及萃取时间等进行了阐述。分析了超临界流体技术的优越性,特别是在环境科学领域如废水处理、固体废物处理及污染监测中

5、的应用。指出超临界流体技术是环境友好化学的发展趋势。 5.篇名:用超临界二氧化碳萃取技术脱除废水中有机物 作者:罗鹏; 徐琴琴; 刘润杰; 徐巧莲; 银建中 文献来源:环境技术 2011 年 03 期摘要:对超临界萃取技术在污水处理中的应用研究工作进行了全面回顾和总结,内容包括工艺流程、实验设备、影响因素分析、基础数据、案例分析与评价、模型化等。认为超临界萃取技术作为绿色工艺适合于进行污水处理,指出直接萃取、夹带剂萃取以及吸附萃取等方法的适用范围,强调应以系统性综合工艺评价作为污水处理工艺的选择依据。对含污水超临界二氧化碳(scCO2) 多元体系的热力学分析、相平衡测量、相互作用参数、模型化以

6、及同吸附萃取相关的含有机物超临界流体复杂介质在多孔材料孔道内的渗透扩散行为、过程模拟等均属于亟待解决的基础问题。 (二) 外文期刊: EBSCO 数据库 1 篇名:Supercritical gasification for the treatment of o-cresol wastewater.(超临界气化邻甲酚废水的处理)作者: Wei, Chao-hai1 Hu, Cheng-sheng1 Wu, Chao-fei1 Yan, Bo1文献来源: Journal of Environmental Sciences (IOS Press); Jul2006, Vol. 18 Issue 4

7、, p644-649, 6p, 2 Diagrams, 3 Charts, 4 Graphs摘要:The supercritical water gasification of phenolic wastewater without oxidant was performed to degrade pollutants and produce hydrogen-enriched gases. The simulated o-cresol wastewater was gasified at 440650C and 27.6 MPa in a continuous Inconel 625 rea

8、ctor with the residence time of 0.421.25 min. The influence of the reaction temperature, residence time, pressure, catalyst, oxidant and the pollutant concentration on the gasification efficiency was investigated. Higher temperature and longer residence time enhanced the o-cresol gasification. The T

9、OC removal rate and hydrogen gasification rate were 90.6% and 194.6%, respectively, at the temperature of 650C and the residence time of 0.83 min. The product gas was mainly composed of H_2, CO_2, CH_4 and CO, among which the total molar percentage of H_2 and CH_4 was higher than 50%. The gasificati

10、on efficiency decreased with the pollutant concentration increasing. Both the catalyst and oxidant could accelerate the hydrocarbon gasification at a lower reaction temperature, in which the catalyst promoted H_2 production and the oxidant enhanced CO_2 generation. The intermediates of liquid efflue

11、nts were analyzed and phenol was found to be the main composition. The results indicate that the supercritical gasification is a promising way for the treatment of hazardous organic wastewater. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHORCopyright of Journal of Environmental Sciences (IOS Press) is the property of IOS Pres

12、s and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holders express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No 2.篇名:Removal of Common Organic Solvents from

13、Aqueous Waste Streams via Supercritical CO2 Extraction: A Potential Green Approach to Sustainable Waste Management in the Pharmaceutical Industry.( 去除常见的有机溶剂废物流的水通过超临界二氧化碳萃取:一个潜在的绿色方法可持续废物管理在制药行业。 )作者:LEAZER, JR., JOHNNIE L.,GANT, SEAN,HOUCK, ANTHONY,LEONARD, WILLIAM,WELCH, CHRISTOPHER J文献来源: Enviro

14、nmental Science 3/15/2009, Vol. 43 Issue 6, p2018-2021, 4p摘要:Supercritical CO2 extraction of aqueous streams is a convenient and effective method to remove commonly used solvents of varying polarities from aqueous waste streams. The resulting aqueous layers can potentially be sewered; whereas the or

15、ganic layer can be recovered for potential reuse. ABSTRACT FROM AUTHORCopyright of Environmental Science Dec2007, Vol. 19 Issue 12, p1424-1429, 6p摘要:Abstract: Gasification of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA)-contaminated wastewater in supercritical water (SCW) was investigated in a continuous flow reactor at

16、 723873 K, 2036 MPa and residence time of 2060 s. The gas and liquid products were analyzed by GC/TCD, and TOC analyzer. The main gas products were H2,CH4, CO and CO2. Pressure change had no significant influence on gasification efficiency. Higher temperature and longer residence time enhanced gasif

17、ication efficiency, and lower temperature favored the production of H2. The effects of KOH catalyst on gas product composition were studied, and gasification efficiency were analyzed. The TOC removal efficiency (RTOC), carbon gasification ratio (RCG) and hydrogen gasification ratio (RHG) were up to

18、96.00%, 95.92% and 126.40% at 873 K and 60 s, respectively, which suggests PVA can be completely gasified in SCW. The results indicate supercritical water gasification for hydrogen generation is a promising process for the treatment of PVA wastewater. Copyright 3) 本文采用幂指数法 ,对超临界水氧化法处理山梨酸废水进行了动力学研究,并

19、且得出在过氧比 K=1.1,压力为25MPa,温度为 450、480和 500动力学方程的具体参数,即当 T=450时,k=0.0202,a=0.995;当 T=485时,k=0.02232,a=0.996;当 T=500时,k=0.02294,a=0.997。并由此得出超临界水氧化处理山梨酸废水动力学方程的反应活化能 En 和指前因子 k0:En=16815.07Jmol-1;k0=1.125;4)对比了不同温度下,超临界水氧化反应后废水中山梨酸和 COD 的去除率,证明山梨酸在 SCWO反应过程中形成了一种中间产物,且这种中间产物的活化能较山梨酸高 ,它的迅速氧化需要在 600左右的温度下

20、进行:5)对超临界水氧化法处理山梨酸钾过程的废水热值进行了分析,最终得到了山梨酸废水的剩余热量 896kJ/L;6)对超临界水氧化过程中设备的腐蚀问题进行了一定研究,采用电子显微镜观察了超临界反应器经一段时间实验后的腐蚀情况,得出 316L 型不锈钢在超临界状态下存在点蚀情况,点蚀直径 3-6m,腐蚀速率为 0.25mm/a;7)进行了超临界水氧化法处理山梨酸废水的经济成本分析,计算出该方法的具体运行费用为 ¥577.3/t(未利用反应形成的过热蒸汽) 。除此以外,本文还总结归纳了超临界水氧化法工程化中出现的问题,并且根据每个问题的不同特点提出了进一步解决的方案。(四).标准文献:万方数据库篇名:超临界流体色谱法测定变性酒精中链烯含量的标准试验方法文献来源: ASTM D7347-2007e1 - 中外标准 - ASTM - 2007/1(五).专利文献:万方数据库篇名:超临界流体辅助废旧胶粉预混装置专利类型:发明专利发明设计人: 高长云,辛振祥,纪奎江,赵冬梅,谭钦艳申请专利权人; 中胶橡胶资源再生有限公司申请专利号:CN201210046528.3


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