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1、第一作业1The mango is native to southern Asia, especially Burma and eastern India. It spread early on to Malaya, eastern Asia and eastern Africa. Mangos were introduced to California (Santa Barbara) in 1880.芒果原产于南亚,尤其是在缅甸和印度东部。它在很早的时候就传到了马来西亚、东亚和东非。在 1880 年,芒果被引进了加利福尼亚州(圣芭芭拉) 。2The mango exists in two r

2、aces, one from India and the other from the Philippines and Southeast Asia. 芒果现在有两个品种,一种来自印度,另一种来自菲律宾和南亚。The Indian race is intolerant of humidity, has flushes of bright red new growth that are subject to mildew, and bears monoembryonic fruit of high color and regular form. 印度的那支可以不能忍受潮湿,新生的鲜红的嫩芽很容易

3、被霉菌感染,有色泽饱满、形状规则的单胚胎的果实。The Philippine race tolerates excess moisture, has pale green or red new growth and resists mildew.菲律宾的那支能够在更加潮湿的环境下继续生长出浅绿或者红色的嫩芽并且抵御霉菌。 Its polyembryonic fruit is pale green and elongated kidney-shaped. 它的多胚胎的果实是浅绿色的并且呈现细长的肾的形状。3Mangos basically require a frost-free climate

4、. 芒果基本上需要无霜冻的气候环境。Flowers and small fruit can be killed if temperatures drop below 40 F, even for a short period. 即使是在很短的时间内,花朵和幼果会被低于 40 华氏度的温度损伤。Young trees may be seriously damaged if the temperature drops below 30 F, but mature trees may withstand very short periods of temperatures as low as 25

5、F. 如果温度低于 30 华氏度,年幼的小树会被严重损伤,但成熟的树可以在极短时期内忍受低至 25 华氏度的温度。The mango must have warm, dry weather to set fruit. 芒果树必须在温暖、干燥的气候下结果。Mangos luxuriate in summer heat and resent cool summer fog. Wet, humid weather favors anthracnose and poor fruit set. 芒果喜欢夏季的炎热,讨厌夏季的凉雾。潮湿的天气更容易导致炭疽病和果实的减产。4Mango trees make

6、 handsome landscape specimens and shade trees. They are erect and fast growing with sufficient heat, and the canopy can be broad and rounded, or more upright, with a relatively slender crown.芒果树成为一种漂亮的景观代表树,并且是一种遮阴树。只要有充足的热量,它生长的会非常快,相对于细长的冠来说,芒果树冠会呈圆形四周扩散或向上生长。The tree is long-lived with some speci

7、mens known to be over 300 years old and still fruiting. 芒果树和其他一些超过300 年的树一样长寿并且依旧能够结果。In deep soil the taproot descends to a depth of 20 ft, and the profuse, wide-spreading feeder roots also send down many anchor roots which penetrate for several feet.深层土壤中的主根向下延伸了 20 英尺,并且丰富的、广泛蔓延的营养根也发展了许多向下穿透了几英尺

8、的固定根。5The leaves are dark green above and pale below, usually red while young. 那些树叶在上面的是深绿色,下面的是浅绿,而当新生是通常是红色的。The midrib is pale and conspicuous and the many horizontal veins distinct.叶中脉是很明显的浅色,和那些 平行的经脉全然不同。Full-grown leaves may be 4 to 12.5 in. long and 3/4 to 2 1/8 in. wide, and are generally b

9、orne in clusters separated by a length of naked stem bearing no buds. 成熟的叶子大概 412.5 英尺长,通常集结在一起与一段没有花苞的裸露的茎秆分开。These naked stems mark successive flushes of growth. Each flush of growth will harden off to a rich green color before the next flush of growth begins.这些裸露的茎不断长出嫩芽。在下一片新芽出生之前,每一片新芽的生长都会变硬成为

10、深绿色。6The yellowish or reddish flowers are borne in inflorescences which appear at branch terminals, in dense panicles of up to 2000 minute flowers.树枝末端的花簇中的浅黄和浅红的多达 2000 的花穗结出了果实。These flowers respire a volatile substance, causing allergic and respiratory problems for some persons. 这些花朵散发出易挥发的物质,导致一

11、些人出现过敏和呼吸道问题。Pollinators are flies, hoverflies, rarely bees. 授粉者是苍蝇、食蚜蝇和一些少见的蜜蜂。Few of the flowers in each inflorescence are perfect, so most do not produce pollen and are incapable of producing fruit. 极少花丛中的花是完美的,所以大多数没有花粉,也不能结出果实。Pollen cannot be shed in high humidity or rain. Fertilization is als

12、o ineffective when night temperatures are below 55 F.花粉在极度潮湿的环境或雨天不能传播。当夜晚温度低于 55 华氏度时受孕也会无效。 Mangos are monoecious and self-fertile, so a single tree will produce fruit without cross pollination. Polyembryonic types may not require pollination at all. 芒果树是自我受精的雌雄同体,所以不需要花粉传播一棵树自己也会结果。多胚胎的品种则完全不需要授粉

13、。7The fruits grow at the end of a long, stringlike stem (the former panicle), with sometimes two or more fruits to a stem.( 水果长在一根长的、笔直的茎杆的末端,有时一根茎杆可以结两个或更多的果实。 )The fruits are 2 to 9 inches long and may be kidney shaped, ovate or (rarely) round.(水果 2 到 9 英寸长,有肾形、卵形或(很少)圆形。 ) They range in size from

14、 8 ounces to around 24 ounces.( 它们的大小从 8 盎司到 24 盎司不等。 )The leathery skin is waxy and smooth, and when ripe entirely pale green or yellow marked with red, according to cultivar.( 如革质般的果皮柔软而光滑,根据品种的不同,它们成熟时或完全淡绿色或黄红色。 )It is inedible and contains a sap that is irritating to some people. (果皮是不能吃的,含有种会使

15、一些人发炎的树液。 )8The flesh of a mango is peachlike and juicy,with more or less numerous fibers radiating from the husk of the single large kidney-shaped seed (芒果的果肉鲜美多汁,带有或多或少众多源自单个大肾形种子外壳的纤维。 )Fibers are more pronounced in fruits grown with hard water and chemical fertilizers (用硬水和化学肥料种植的芒果中的纤维更为明显)The

16、flavor is pleasant and rich and high in sugars and acid (香味宜人,富含糖类和酸。 )The seed may either have a single embryo,producing one seedling,or polyembryonic,producing several seedlings that are identical but not always true to the parent type (种子可能是单一的胚胎,产生一苗;或多胚,产生的几株苗是相同的但并不总是真正的母型生产。 )Some seedlings p

17、roduce numerous tiny,parthenocarpic fruits which fail to develop and abort (一些幼苗产生无数微小的单性果实,他们不能发展,会夭折。 )Mango trees tend to be alternate bearing.(芒果树往往是隔年结果。 )9The mango grows to a good size and casts a dense shade,but the roots are not destructive (芒果长到一个很好的尺寸时,会投射出一层浓密的阴影,但根是没有被破坏的。 )It requires

18、full sun and perfect air drainage in winter (在冬季,根需要充分的阳光和完美的空气排水)It does best at the top or middle level of a slope (它最好在一个斜坡的顶部或中等水平)A windbreak should be provided in exposed areas (防风林应设置在暴露区域) The trees may also need staking (树木也需要立桩标界。 )In the desert it needs the shade of other trees;or plant o

19、n the north side of the house (在沙漠中,它需要其他树木的荫影;或是房子北面的植物)Mangos will grow in almost any well-drained soil whether sandy,loam or clay,but avoid heavy,wet soils (芒果几乎可以在任何排水良好的土壤生长,不管是沙质、肥土还是黏土,但避免重、湿土)A pH between 5.5 and 7.5 is preferred (5.5 到 7.5 之间的 PH 值是首选)They are somewhat tolerant of alkalinit

20、y.(它们有点耐碱性)For good growth,mangos need a deep soil to accommodate their extensive root systems (为了更好的成长,芒果需要深层土壤以容纳其广泛的根系统。 )10During the first two years, the trees should be given some protection such as an overhead cover during any frost threat. (在最初种植的两年里,我们需要给予芒果树一些保护措施,就比如每当冻害来临,给树冠上面盖上保温层(大棚)

21、)Once the tree is 3 to 4 feet high, overhead protection is difficult but still worthwhile, especially if an unusual cold snap is predicted. (当芒果树长到 3 到 4 尺高的时候,树冠的保护变得困难,但是依然值得去做,尤其是预报将会有特大寒潮来袭时。)Frost damage can also be avoided by erecting an overhead lath shelter, orchard heating, placing lights u

22、nder the canopy, or using foam or straw trunk wraps. (给芒果树建造木条结构的大棚,并且在大棚顶部安装灯光给果园保温,或者使用泡沫、稻草把树干包起来,这些措施也能避免霜冻灾害。 )Do not prune dead parts until all frost danger is past.(不要等所有的冻害过去了才修剪冻死的枝干。 )11Seedlings are a gamble.(育苗就是一次冒险。 ) Supermarket fruits may have been treated to sterilize, or chilled to

23、o long to remain viable. (超市里的芒果果实很可能已经经过了绝育处理,或者冷冻太久而无法繁育。 )These seeds are normally discolored gray. (这类芒果种子一般来说会褪色成为灰色或白色。 )To grow mangos from seed, remove the husk and plant the seed (before it dries out) with the hump at soil level. (想要把种子变成芒果,需要先把种子的外皮去除,在它变干之前种在土里,并在土地平面上堆出驼峰似的土堆。 )The seeds

24、 normally germinate in two to four weeks, and do best with bottom heat. (一般种子会在 2到 4 周内发芽,并借助地温最大限度地成长。 )Multiple polyembryonic seedlings should be carefully separated as soon as they have sprouted so not to loose the cotyledons. (为了避免失去子叶,一旦种子发芽就应当立即把这些多重多胚胎幼苗小心地分开。 )Seedling mangos will bloom and

25、bear in three to six years.(芒果树苗在三到六年内会开花结果。 )12The Mango is a suitable and productive tree for growing in a container or greenhouse. (芒果适宜生长在温室中并且产量较高。 )Start with established plants of named cultivars. (从一个确定的指定品种开始。 )Select the finest Indian cultivars, which are most rewarding for the effort invo

26、lved. (选择最好的印度品种,它投入的精力回报率最高。 )A large tub is required, with casters for easy moving. (我们需要一个大号的盆,并带有脚轮以便移动。 )In the greenhouse, the atmosphere should be kept dry as possible to avoid anthracnose. (温室中的气候应该尽可能保持干燥,防止炭疽病的发生。 )Place a fan nearby to move the air around trees and use ventilators. (在芒果树附

27、近放置风扇使空气流通,并在温室内使用通风机。 )The plants should be hosed down in the morning on a weekly basis to control mites. (给芒果树浇水应该在早上,在每周一次的基础上避免螨虫。 )A regular spraying of appropriate pesticides for anthracnose and mealybug may also be needed.(为炭疽病和水蜡虫定期喷洒杀虫剂也是必要的。 )13Bacterial spot distorts and turns developing

28、leaves black and disfigures developing fruit(细菌会使得那些正在成长中的叶子和果实变黑变丑) 。 infection may spread to fresh young growth(病菌还会扩散传染给新生者). Anthracnose can be controlled with bimonthly application of copper spray or captan as a growth flush begins, and until the flowers open(从新芽的初生到花朵的盛开这个阶段,两月一次的铜肥或克菌丹的喷洒供给能使

29、得炭疽病得到控制) 。Resume spraying when the fruits begin to form(果实成型之时还要继续喷洒). Mongo tree are very sensitive to root loss that can occur from digging, transplanting or gopher damage(芒果树对根茎的丢失特别敏感,情况诸如挖掘、移植、黄鼠的破坏). “Soft nose,” a physical disorder of shriveling at the fruit apex ,seems associated with exces

30、sive nitrogen in soil(果软鼻病是一种物理性紊乱,表现为果端枯皱,似乎与土壤氮素过多有关). Exposed fruits sunburn in high temperatures(在高温下曝晒,果实会被晒伤).14Mongo fruit matures in 100 to 150 days after flowering(芒果自开花到成熟在 100到 150 天左右). The fruit will have the best flavor if allowed to ripen on the tree, although winter-maturing fruits m

31、ust be ripened indoors in coastal California(情况允许,在枝头上成熟的果实将极其美味,当然在加州海岸附近冬熟制的芒果,还需在室内催熟。 ). Ripening fruit turns the characteristic color of the variety and begins to soften to touch, much like a peach(各个种类在成熟过程中的芒果果皮会有典型的改变,它们会变软,这点和桃子很像). Commercial marketability requires 13% dissolved solids(sug

32、ars)(当芒果达到 13%的糖分溶解量即可以推向市场, ). When the first fruit shows color on tree , all of that size fruit or larger may be removed; repeat when remaining fruit color(当第一个果实在枝头成熟的时候,同等大小及以上的都要被摘下了;剩下的亦是如此。 ). Do not store below 50(不要在 50 华氏摄氏度以下储存). The fruit ripens best if placed stem end down in trays at r

33、oom temperature and covered with dampened cloth to avoid shriveling(如果在室温下,连同茎一起放在盒子中,用湿布盖上以防干皱,果实成熟的情况会更好。 ). Less time is required to mature greenhouse fruit(温室下芒果成熟所需时间更少).15The mango is the apple (or peach) of the tropics, and one of the most commonly eaten fruit In tropical countries around the

34、 world(芒果相当于热带地区的苹果或梨,是全球热带地区最广泛食用的水果). The fruit is grown commercially on a small scale In Florida(在佛罗里达,芒果开始小范围地走向市场). The quality of the fruit is generally comparable to Florida mangos, but has other advantages, i.e. the lack of fruit fly and seed weevil populations(这些市场上的芒果品质也是比得上佛罗里达当地的芒果,当然,本地的还是有竞争力的,比如航空运输很少,象鼻虫数量也少). Mexico, and to a lesser extent Central America , is a major supplier to U.S. markets today(墨西哥湾及稍往中美洲延伸地区,是今天美国市场主要的芒果供应地。).


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