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1、语法一、谓语时态 (赵守斌)1. Though the novel _(写得不错) ,it _(销售不好). (write; sell)2. You didnt follow _(所要求的)and have to redo it. (ask)3. Millions of pounds worth of damage _(已经造成)by the typhoon which swept across the area last night. (cause)4. The first use of atomic weapons was in 1940, and their power _ (从此一直在

2、增加) . (since) 5. _(我本打算来看你) last night, but my uncle suddenly showed up. (intend)6. In the past, ice _(通常用来)to keep food fresh. (use)7. Do you know how long _(他们彼此认识)before they got married? (know)8. I arrived late. I _(没有料到)the road to be so icy. (expect)9. At this time tomorrow, we _(将飞行在)over the

3、 Pacific Ocean to Australia. (fly)10. Clothes made of cotton _(摸上去舒服)and wear comfortable. (feel)11. What luck! It _ (一直下雨) ever since we came down to the beach 3 days ago. (rain)12. _(要两小时)before the result of the your blood test comes out. (be)13. With Great efforts, the boy finally entered the Ha

4、rvad University which _(他一直盼望的). (look)14. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by what _(发现)in science and technology. (discover)15. The patient whose right leg was broken _(正在做手术). (operate)二、被动语态 (肖向勇)1. With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good earth _ (正被冲走) each year.

5、(wash)2. Did you go to the show last night?Yeah. Every boy and girl in the area _ (被邀请). (invite)3. It is said that the early European playing-cards _ (设计) for entertainment and education. (design)4. In our harmonious society, the old _ (得到很好的照顾). (take)5. Teenagers _(通常被比作初升的太阳), who have a bright

6、future. (compare)6. They _(已经结婚五年了), but they have neverquarreled with each other. (marry)7. Iran is considered _ (一直在开发) nuclear weapons, which is a major concern of the international community. (develop)8. I rang Jill and reminded her _ (会议已取消). (cancel)9. We were late because we _ (陷入了 )a traffic

7、 jam. We were held up for an hour and a half. (catch)10. It is reported that another two schools, _ (正在建造中), will open next year. (build)11. Cell-phones are being misused, that is, they are used _ (本不该用的地方). (where, should)12. Pop songs and rock songs _ (以不同的方式写). (write)13. Many parents worry about

8、 the safety of their children and may also _ (关心)the cost. (concern) 14. Elvis Presley was a world-famous pop star and _(会一直被爱戴)by his fans from different countries. (love)15. Dont let yourself _ by these politicians (被欺骗). (take ) 16. _ (应该立个什么) on the newly-built square is under hot discussion. (p

9、ut)17. Clouds _ (由小水滴构成) while water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen. (make)18. Up till now, five net-bars _ (开设) near or around our school. (set)19. They _ (害怕得要死) when they got stuck in the earthquake. (death)20. Bermuda is called a shipwreck Mecca ( 麦加)and the shipwreck _ (据信由引起) by the special

10、 magnet field there. (believe)21. Many people cried when they _ (被拒绝进入美国).(entry)22. If Newton lived today, he would be surprised by _in science and technology(所发现的). (discover)23. Not only _(他被迫留在家里) ,but also he had to do his homework.(force)24. Had _(看电影) ,I would have told you something about it

11、.(see)25. Only when your identity has been checked _(你才允许进入).(allow)26. Not only _(要帮助)the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)27. The reason why she couldnt come to meeting _(是她没有被邀请)(invite )28. This is the very one of the most interesting

12、 films _(上周放映的).(show)29. Its one of the most interesting films _(上演)since last year.(put)30. _(正如电视上所报道的那样), the talk between the two countries failed again.(as)31. The order _ (必须开始工作) at once has been given. (start)32. People are trying hard to protect and record _ (遗留下来的)of the local custom. (le

13、ave)33. It was _(又一桩谋杀案发生) the public realized how serious the situation was. (commit)三、虚拟语气 (周肖庆)1. _ (如果我收到) your letter, I would have started off two days ago.(receive)2. It is strange that she_ (这样想) .(think)3. He suggested that the meeting _ (不应推迟) .(put)4. What would have happened if you _ (没有

14、帮助) her child?(help)5. If I _ (一起工作) with her last summer, I _ (相处融洽) with her now. (work, get)6. The old professor gave orders that the experiment _(结束) before six.(finish)7. The thief closed his eyes _ (好象死了 ).(dead)8. I wish I _ (碰见) my uncle yesterday.(meet)9. Without his help, we _ (不会取得) such

15、rapid progress.(make)10. _ (如果我女儿不是) so busy, she would come to help you.(be)11. If you _ (有) any problem, please dont hesitate to ask your teachers.(have)12. What do you think of the suggestion _ (他提出的) at the meeting last week?(make)13. If only I _ (听了) to my parents advice!(listen)14. But for the

16、 snow , we _ (到达) earlier.(arrive)15. It is natural _ (他改变) his mind.(change)16. It is a pity Mr. Zhang isnt here. If he _ (来了) , my parents would be happier.(come)17. _ (祝你成功) and may you be healthy.(succeed)18. Its high time he _ (回家) .(go)19. The rice _ (就不会烧焦) if you had been more careful.(burn)

17、20. _ (如果我知道) it , I should have told him.(know)21. If you had gone to a doctor , you _ (好了) now.(be)22. He _ (不会陷入) trouble if he had taken our advice.(get)四、倒装 (周晶晶)1. On the wall _ (挂着一张照片) of their family. (hang)2. Not only _ (他们闯进) his office, but they also tore up his documents. (break) 3. Har

18、dly _ (我们一坐下) when the phone rang. (sit)4.So _ (她如此投入)Tom had not dared to make a sound. (absorb) 5. Not only _ (给予帮助) people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it. (help) 6. Should _ (你被开除), your health care and other benefits will not be immediately cut o

19、ff. (fire)7. Never in my wildest dreams _ (我能想象) these people are living in such poor condition. (could)8. Only with the help of the local guide _ (登山者们获救了). (rescue)9. Greatly loved in China _ (是英国浪漫诗人 ). (poet)10. So _ (我觉得难) to work out the problem that I decided to ask Tom for advice. (find)11.

20、_ (尽管他是个老师), he wasnt able to educate his own child well. (as) 12. No sooner _ (铃声一响) than the teacher came in. (sooner)13. Not only _ (他被迫留在家里 ), but also he had to do his homework. (force) 14. Standing beside the window _ (是一个约 6 岁的孩子). (age)15. Little _ (他考虑自己的安危), though he was in great danger h

21、imself. (care)16. At no time _ (老师可以打学生). (beat)17. If Mary wants to go with you tomorrow, _ (我也去). (so)18. Smoking does great harm to our health. _ (任何时候都不) smoking allowed in public places. (time) 19. Dont go and ask for her idea about our plan. By no means _ (她会同意计划) for the trip. (will)20. Not u

22、ntil the effective drugs were transported to this area in time _ (感染的人们得救). (save)五、定语从句 (周丹)1. This is the dictionary_ (我花了 50 块钱买的).(spend)2. The classroom _ (门坏了的) will soon be repaired.(door ) 3. Up to now, he has written ten stories, _ (其中三部) are about country life. (three)4. _ (正如所料) ,the Engl

23、and team won the football match.(expect)5. There are about seven million people taking part in the election,_ (其中大部分受过良好教育 ). (educate )6. He succeeded in the competition,_(这使他的父母非常开心).(happy)7. (你对你父母说话的方式) _is not very polite. (way)8. The police got to what was once an old school, _ (农民们曾把它用作商店).

24、(peasants) 9. The lady, _ (正站在那颗大树下), is going to teach us this term.10. Ill always remember the time _ (我们在北京的愉快时光).(fun)11. The time _ (他浪费在玩耍上的)can never be found. (waste)12. The gas _ (离开就不能活的) is called oxygen.(without)13. He loves his parents deeply, _ (两个都对他很好). (both)14. (象你所描述的这样的人) _are ra

25、re nowadays.(such)15. She was educated at Beijing University, _ (既那之后)she went on to have her advanced study abroad. (after)16.Some pre-school children go to a day care center, _ (在那儿他们可以学习简单的游戏和歌曲). (simple)17. Where did you get to know her? It was on the farm _ (我们工作的). (work)18. The only thing _

26、(使我印象深刻的 ) is her directness. (impress)19. Last week, only two people came to look at the house, _ (两个都不想买).(neither)20. The woman _ (你拿了她的伞的 ) is very angry about it.(umbrella)21. This is the first time _ (我真正感到很放松 ) for months. (relaxed)22. _ (我现在给你打电话的原因) is to invite you to a party.23. _ (正如可以想象

27、的那样) , he performed the task with success.24. October 1st, 1949, was the day _ (新中国成立).(found)25. She is the only one of the students _ (被邀的) to the conference yesterday. (invite)六、状语从句 (卢永平)1. My parents dont mind what job I do _ (只要我高兴). (as)2. You cant borrow books from the school library _ (未拿到)

28、 your student card. (before)3. Well have a picnic in the park this Sunday _ (除非下雨) or its very cold.(unless)4. Youd better put the book back _ (你拿它的地方). (take)5. My parents live in a small village. They always keep candles in the house _ (以防会) a power out.(case)6. Many of them turned a deaf ear to h

29、is advice,_ (就算他们知道) it to be valuable.(know)7. This is a very interesting book. Ill buy it,_ (无论多贵). (cost)8. To our dismay, five minutes passed _ (门才开). (open)9. Jasmine was holidaying with her family in a wildlife park _ (突然被咬) on the leg by a lion. (bite)10. The girl still remembers that she was

30、 too nervous _ (她首次演讲) in the face of such a big crowd. (give)11. Someone called me up in the middle of the night, but they hung up _ (我还未接) the phone. (before)12.Such rapid progress _ (他取得) that we all admire him.(make)13. As long as I can remember,_ (无论何时我打电话),his wife would answer the phone.(call

31、)14. This novel is set in the highly developed city,Shanghai,so _ (一旦出版),it will capture the hearts and minds of many ambitious youths.(publish)15. _ (无论谁先来), they should open the windows to let in fresh air. (come)七、名词从句 (徐均华)1. _(光是传播的)in straight line is known to all. (travel) 2. It so happens _

32、(碰巧我认识) the man. (know) 3. Is it certain _ (他们会赢)? (win) 4. I didnt know _ (他是否参加) the concert. (attend)5. The question is _ (值不值得试一试). (worth ) 6. _ (她来不来) makes no difference.(whether )7. He must answer the question _ (是否同意)to it or not.(whether )8. It all depends _ (于他们是否支持) us. (support) 9. Ryan

33、 was worrying _ (担心是否伤害了) her feelings. (hurt) 10. No one knows _ (他当时在等谁). (wait) 11. We are worrying _ (为下一步该怎么办) next. (what) 12. Tell me _ (这是谁的家). (house) 13. Let me know _ (你将乘哪列火车). (take) 14. I dont know _ (我们将在哪儿开) the meeting. (have) 15. She always thinks of _ (怎样能把工作做好 ). (work) 16. What

34、I am anxious to know is _ (我们什么时候能参观) the museum. (visit) 17. Please let me know _ (你到的时候).(arrive)18. Please let me know _ (你什么时候到)(arrive)19. _ (不论谁来)the club is welcome. (come) 20. _ (凡是值得做的) at all is worth doing well. (worth) 21. They ate _ (在荒岛找到的任何东西) on the deserted island. (whatever) 22. Il

35、l take _ (任何让我感兴趣的书).(whichever) 23. You may offer he book to _ (任何想要的人). (whoever) 24. You may offer the book to _ (任何你喜欢的人) (like )25. China is no longer _ (过去的中国了). (used) 26. At that time, it seemed _ (似乎想不出)the right word anyhow. (as if) 27. I think it is _ (因为你话说得太多 ). (talk) 28. Thats _ (他对我生

36、气的原因)(why )29.The reason why I was sad was _ (他没有理解我). (understand) 30. What cost him his life was _ (他太粗心了). (careless) 31. My suggestion is _ (我们出发) early tomorrow. (start) 32. His proposal was _ (他们该挑战) the other classes to a friendly competition. (challenge) 33. I doubt _ (他是否会) succeed. (if) 34. He was deeply displeased _ (发生的事) that day. (occur) 35. I know little about him _ (只知道他住在楼下). (except) 36. We _ (认为这个奇怪) Xiao Wang did not come yesterday. (it) 37. He has _ (表明) he will not give n. (it) 38. Ill _ (保证) your problem will be dealt with immediately. (it) 39. He


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