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1、【Unit 2】Text I Please Marry Me1【Unit 2】Text I Please Marry Me2Please Marry MeSay yes, and youre in for more than love, children and a home. Better health and a longer life are part of the deal. Lori Oliwenstein1【1】Miriam Kamin is feeling a lot better now. It was rough there for a while the collapse

2、of her nine-year marriage, and four years of single parenting while building a career as a corporate blogger2. Then, last May, she married Mark, a longtime friend. And that, she says, has made all the difference3.【2】 “Ive struggled with depression for most of my life,” she explains. “Yet, despite th

3、e fact that Ive moved, relocated my kids and am working harder than I have in a very long time, Im not on medication right now. I had no idea marriage was supposed to be this much fun.”【3】Never mind the popular palaver4 about marriage as a source of bliss for the couple, security for the kids and so

4、cietal stability. Pair up5 any two people with often clashing needs, add the pressure-cooker variables6 of kids, doctor bills, career, housework, and the fact that someone he knows who he is cant pull himself away from7 the TV during college-basketball8 season, and there are bound to be9 problems. M

5、arriage is criticized as a source of stress (and it is), conflict (that too) and endless crises that need to be resolved (guilty there as well).【4】But its also something more. Decades of data collection have shown that marriage for all10 its challenges is like a health-insurance policy. Marriage mea

6、ns no more drinking at bars until closing, no more eating ramen11 noodles and calling it a meal. Married people are less likely to smoke or drink heavily than people who are single, divorced or widowed. These sorts of lifestyle changes are known to lower rates of cardiovascular disease12, cancer and

7、 respiratory13 diseases. And while you might sometimes gripe14 that your spouse drives you nuts15, just the opposite is true. Married people have lower rates of all types of mental illnesses and suicide. 【5】Researchers have found that all the health benefits of marriage are consistent16 across age,

8、race, education and income groups. Some of the reasons for this are obvious. Smoking and drinking naturally decline if youve got a spouse at your side flashing17 you a dont-you-dare18 look when you reach for a cigarette or a third glass 【Unit 2】Text I Please Marry Me3of wine. Depression and other em

9、otional ills are less likely to go undiagnosed19 if theres someone at home whos mindful20 of your moods and notices if they darken21. But there are other, less self-evident things at work too things that scientists and doctors are only now beginning to appreciate fully. 【6】For all the safeguards22 s

10、pouses erect23 around each other, much of what makes marriage so healthy takes place within our bodies. A lot of those benefits come down to24 the management of stress. The daily stresses of the modern world can throw our bodies into emergency mode and keep us there. That takes a toll25 through high

11、 blood pressure, tension headaches and a lot of gnawed26 pencils. Being married somehow helps the body circumvent27 this mess, either by hushing28 the hypothalamus29 or reducing cortisol30 production.【7】This is especially good news for men. A study published in the January 2008 issue of the journal

12、Health Psychology showed that while married men get relief from their workday barrage31 of stress hormones32 when they come home after a particularly busy day at work, working women are able to de-stress similarly only if they describe their marriage as a happy one.【8】There may be a simple explanati

13、on for this. It may just be that some women are coming home and facing dinner prep and assisting the kids with homework, and theyre not getting the help that the more maritally satisfied women are getting. The full explanation for this gender gap, however, is undoubtedly more complicated than that.

14、Long-term data from an Israeli study, for example, indicate that the life-lengthening powers of marriage have increased over time but mostly for men. Over nearly two decades, the study found, married men widened the already significant difference in cancer-death incidence between themselves and unma

15、rried men by 25%; married women gained absolutely zero33 ground over their unmarried peers.【9】Why this somatic34 sexism? “This is a gross35 generalization, but women are really the mental- and physical-health housekeepers for a marriage,” says psychologist Janice Kiecolt-Glaser of the Ohio State Uni

16、versity College of Medicine. “They are often the ones who prod36 men to go to a doctor or to eat more healthily.” Miriam Kamins husband Mark agrees. “As a man, Im more concerned with making sure the oil has been changed in the last 3,000 miles than with whether I had a physical lately,” he says. “Mi

17、riams much more likely to notice something is wrong with me than I am.”【Unit 2】Text I Please Marry Me4【10】For all its benefits, marriage is not a gift certificate for good health. For one thing, its fattening37. According to a CDC38 study, married men are nearly 20% more likely to be overweight or o

18、bese39 than are men who have never married perhaps because they simply have someone to sit down to dinner with each night or perhaps because the often empty refrigerator of a onetime40 bachelor fills up fast when someone is making sure to do the shopping.【11】Data also show that the stress of a bad m

19、arriage can undo41 much of the good that comes with a happy one. In a series of studies, Kiecolt-Glaser and her husband, immunologist42 Ronald Glaser, also of the Ohio State University College of Medicine, found that “negative marital interaction,” such as arguments, name-calling43 and nonverbal cue

20、s44 like eye-rolling lead to increases in cortisol and decreases in immune45 function and even wound-healing. The effects were observed in both sexes, but particularly strongly in women.【12】And when the protective bonds of marriage break, watch out. Those tales of spouses who die within days of each

21、 other have more than a little truth to them. A 2007 British study found that a bereaved46 spouse has a greater risk of death from just about any cause (except, oddly47, lung cancer) than a still married person. “Over time,” says neuroscientist48 James Coan of the University of Virginia, “your brain

22、 becomes used to the other person as part of your emotional-regulation strategy. You take that person away, and you become what we dryly49 call dysregulated50 weepy, mournful, staying up half the night. This can come from death, divorce, even a long business trip. When those bonds break, it can caus

23、e a lot of pain and emotional suffering.” 【13】Certainly not all suddenly single spouses are fated51 to languish52 this way no more than all people who never pair off53 are destined54 for a shortened life filled with illness and stress. Humans are resourceful creatures who build and rebuild networks

24、of relationships, getting the attention, hand-holding55 and even scolding they need in a lot of different ways. Still, its hard to argue with an institution that keeps a companion and caretaker constantly nearby, even if now and again56 when a wet towel has once again been dropped on the floor or a

25、tube of toothpaste has been squeezed all wrong we may lose sight of57 that happy fact.【Unit 2】Text I Please Marry Me51 Lori Oliwenstein: an independent writing and editing professional who is currently the Co-Director of News and Senior Science Writer at California Institute of Technology. He used t

26、o be the Editor and Community Manager, ParentsC., a science Writer at Health Sciences Public Relations, University of Southern California (USC), a senior Health Editor at Living Fit and a Senior Editor at Discover Magazine.2 corporate blogger: 企业博客3 made all the difference: to have an important effe

27、ct on sb/sth; to make sb feel better 关系重大,大不相同,使更好受 A few kind words at the right time make all the difference. make a/no/some/difference (to/in sb/sth): to have an/no/some/ effect on sb/sth 有(或没有,有些等)作用,关系,影响 Your age shouldnt make any difference to whether you get the job or not. Changing schools

28、made a big difference to my life.4 palaver: n. talk that does not have any meaning; nonsense 空谈,废话 (P28) Hes talking palaver. 5 pair up: to come together or to bring two people together to work, play a game, etc. They asked us to pair up with the person next to us and form teams. Smokers and nonsmok

29、ers are paired up as roommates. 6 the pressure-cooker variables 高压变量 pressure-cooker: 压力锅7 pull himself away from:1) pull away (from sth): (of a vehicle) to start moving 开动 They waved as the bus pulled away. 公共汽车开动时他们挥手告别。2) pull away from sb/sth: if you pull away from someone/something that you hav

30、e had close links with, you deliberately become less close to them. She tried to pull away from the man who was holding her. Though her baby was unwell, she managed to pull away from him to attend an important meeting.pull out: (of vehicle or its driver) to move away from the side of the road 驶离路边,驶

31、出pull over: (of vehicle or its driver) to move to the side of the road in order to stop or let sth pass 驶向路边,向路边停靠(或让车)pull sth down: to destroy a building completely 拆毁,摧毁(建筑物) SYN 【Unit 2】Text I Please Marry Me6demolishpull through (sth): 1) to get better after a serious illness, operation, etc.(大

32、病,手术等候)复原(或康复) The doctors think that she will put through.2) to succeed in doing sth very difficult 完成(十分困难的事) I relied on my instincts to pull me through. pull together: to act, work, etc. together with other people in an organized way and without fighting 齐心协力,通力合作pull yourself together: to take

33、control of your feelings and behave in a calm way 使自己镇定自若(或冷静) Stop crying and pull yourself together! 别哭了,振作起来!8 college-basketball: most often refers to the American basketball competitive governance structure established by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA 全国大学体育协会) 高校篮球 (P28) c

34、ollege-basketball season 高校篮球赛季9 be bound to do/be sth: be certain or likely to happen, or to do or be sth 一定会,很可能会 There are bound to be changes when the new system is introduced. Its bound to be sunny again tomorrow.10 for all: despite, in spite of 尽管,虽然 For all his wealth and fame, he is lonely.

35、虽然他有钱有名,但很孤独。 For all his talk about extravagant houses, he is just an ordinary bank-clark.11 Ramen: a very popular Japanese noodle dish that originated in China. Its served in a meat- or fish-based broth 肉汤, often flavored with soy or miso 味增, and uses toppings 浇头 such as sliced pork, dried seaweed

36、, kamaboko 日本鱼糕, green onions and even corn. 拉面 (P28)12 cardiovascular disease: 心血管疾病,冠心病13 respiratory: adj. 呼吸的 (P28) SARS: Severe Acute Respiratory Syndromes 严重急性呼吸综合征 传染性非典型肺炎14 gripe v. (informal, derog) to complain about sb/sth in an annoying way 诉苦,发牢骚 (P28) He is always griping about the peo

37、ple at work. 【Unit 2】Text I Please Marry Me7 He keeps griping about having no money. n. (informal) a complaint about sth 怨言,牢骚 My only gripe about the hotel is the food. Bring all your gripes to the boss. 15 drive sb nuts: to make sb very angry, crazy, etc. or to make them do sth extreme使某人生气,发疯 My

38、children always drive me nuts when they are tired and in a bad mood. Johns girlfriend keeps driving him nuts because she always asks him questions when he gets home from the bar.16 consistent: adj. OPP inconsistent1) (approving) always behaving in the same way, or having the same opinions, standards

39、, etc 一致的;始终如一的 Shes not very consistent in the way she treats her children. 她对待孩子反复无常。2) happening in the same way and continuing for a period of time 连续,持续的 a pattern of consistent growth in the economy 经济持续增长的模式3) in agreement with sth; not contradicting sth 与一致的;相符的;符合的;不矛盾的 The results are enti

40、rely consistent with our earlier research. 这些结果与我们早些时候的研究完全吻合。consistently adv. Her work has been of a consistently high standard. 她的工作一直是高水准的。17 flash v. flash sb a smile/look, etc.: to smile, look, etc. at sb suddenly and quickly 向某人微微一笑(或瞥一眼)flash sth around: (disapproving) to show sth to other p

41、eople in order to impress them 炫耀(某物) Hes always flashing his money around. 他总是在炫耀他的金钱。flash back (to sth): 1) if your mind flashes back to sth, you remember sth that happened in the past 回忆,回想,回顾 Her thoughts flashed back to their wedding day. 她回忆起他们婚礼那天的情景。2) if a film/movie flashes back to sth, i

42、t shows things that happened at an 【Unit 2】Text I Please Marry Me8earlier time, for example at an earlier part of sbs life(电影)闪回,倒叙3) to reply very quickly and/or angrily 迅即答复;愤怒回答flash by/past: (of time) to go very quickly 飞逝 The morning has just flashed by.这个上午转眼就过去了。flash on sth: (US, informal) t

43、o suddenly remember or think of sth 突然回想起,猛然想到 I flashed on an argument I had with my sister when we were kids.突然回想起小时候和姐姐的一次争吵。flash on sb: if sth flashes on you, you suddenly realize it 突然意识到,猛然领悟 It flashed on me that he was the man Id seen in the hotel. 我顿时认出他就是我在旅馆里看到的那个人。18 Dont you dare!: (in

44、formal) used to tell sb strongly not to do sth(让人绝不要做某事)你敢,谅你不敢 “Ill tell her about it.” “Dont you dare!” “我要把这事告诉她.”“你敢!” Dont you dare say anything to anybody. 谅你不敢对任何人提起这事。What is a dont-you-dare look like?The look at you showing a serious warning against sth. Here refers to the warning against d

45、rinking; which is equal to “dont you dare drink! / Dont drink! ”19 undiagnosed: adj. of a medical condition, a problem, etc.; not having been identified 未确诊的,尚未找出原因的20 mindful: adj. (formal) remembering sb/sth and considering them or it when you do sth 记着,考虑到 SYN conscious Mindful of the danger of t

46、ropical storms, I decided not to go out.21 darken: v.1) to become dark, to make sth dark(使)变暗,变黑 The sky began to darken as the storm approached. 2) to make sb unhappy or angry, to become unhappy or angry (使)忧郁,生气,不快 This tragedy darkened his later life. Her mood darkened at the news. 22 safeguard:

47、v. to protect sth/sb from loss, harm or damage; to keep sth/sb safe 保护,捍卫 The leaflet explains how to safeguard against dangers in the home. n. something that is designed to protect people from harm, risk or danger 安全设施,【Unit 2】Text I Please Marry Me9保护措施 Stronger legal safeguards are needed to prot

48、ect the consumer. 23 erect: v. 1) to create or establish sth 创立,设立 to erect trade barriers 2) to put sth in position and make it stand vertical 树立搭起 (SYN put sth up) Police had to erect barriers to keep crowdsback. 3) (formal) to build sth 建立;建造 The church was erected in 1582. adj. (formal) in a ver

49、tical position SYN straight 垂直的;竖直的;直立的 Stand with your arms by your side and your head erect. 手放两边,昂首站立。24 come down to: to be able to be explained by a single important point 可归结为;可归纳为 What it comes down to is, either I get more money or I leave.25 toll: n. 1) money that you pay to use a particular road or bridge(道路,桥梁的)通行费 motorway tolls 高速公路通行费 a toll road/bridge 收费道路桥梁2) the amount of damage or the number of deaths and injuries that ar


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