八年级英语上册期中考试题 2-1.doc

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1、优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷八年级英语上册期中考试题 英 语 试 卷共 120 分, 考试时间 90 分钟。Part 1 Listening Comprehension(第一部分 听力理解 共 20 分)I根据所听到的描述,选择与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片为多余的, 每题读 2 遍。 (5分)A B CD E FII听句子,选择恰当的答语, 每题读 2 遍。 (5 分)Learning any language takes a lot of effort. But dont give up.Rome wasnt built in a day. Work harde

2、r and practice more.Your hard work will be rewarded one day. We believe you can make it.学习任何语言都需要花费很多努力,但不要放弃。冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。更加努力地学习,更加勤奋地操练,你所付出的一切将会得到报答。相信成功属于你。温馨提示:请将答案写到答题纸上。优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷( ) 1AFor ten days. BWith his friends. CSan Francisco.( ) 2AGo to the countryside.BThree or four

3、times a week.CNo, I dont.( ) 3AThats a good idea.BYou should see a doctor.CThats too bad. Maybe another time.( ) 4AYes, he can. He has too much homework.BNo, he cant. He is free.CNo, he cant. He has to study for a math test.( ) 5AOn foot. B5 kilometers. CTwenty minutes.III根据你所听到的对话完成邀请信, 每空一词, 对话读 3

4、 遍。(5 分)An InvitationIts a _1_ party!From whom: HelenTime: at _2_ next _3_Place: her _4_Come and _5_us!IV根据所听到的短文选择正确答案, 短文读 3 遍。 (5 分) ( )1What day was it?ASunday. BMonday. CThursday.( )2What does Miss Black do?AShe is a doctor.BShe is Lindas mother.CShe is a student.( )3How did they go to Miss Bla

5、cks home?AIn a bus. BOn foot. CIn a car.( )4How long did Linda have to stay in bed?AFor one day. BFor two days. CFor three days.( )5Was Linda worried?AYes, she was. BNo, she wasnt. CWe dont know.Part 2 Vocabulary, Grammar and Cultural Knowledge (第二部分 词汇、语法和文化知识 共 35 分)V根据句意及首字母提示补全所缺单词 , 每空一词。( 共 5

6、分)1Jackie Chan is a f_ actor. A lot of people know him.2Tommy likes telling funny jokes. We always l_ after hearing them.优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷3Most Chinese students usually go to school b_ bus. Thats cheap.4My father has two bad t_, so he has to see a dentist.5The woman is unhealthy because s

7、he h_ ever exercises.VI根据句意,用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。( 共 5 分)healthy quickly difference her worried1 A healthy lifestyle is good for my _.2-My mother is ill in hospital. -Dont _. I think she can be better soon.3Her eating habits are _ from my eating habits.4Dave gets up early and has a _ breakfast every day.

8、5Cindy and I have black hair, but my hair is shorter than _.VII选择填空 :仔细阅读各题 ,然后从 A,B,C,D 中选出一个最恰当的答案,填入题前括号内(共 15 分) 。 ( )1-Im too _. -I think you should drink some water.Astressed out Bthirsty Ctired Dhungry( )2The movie is good. _, I cant watch it because I have tennis training with the school tea

9、m.AHowever BSo CAnd DAlthough( )3When you have a _, you should drink hot tea with honey.Astomachache Btoothache Csore back Dsore throat( )4My sister and I _ like sports.Aall Bwhole Cboth Dtoo( )5-Can you come to my party this Wednesday? -_. I have to study for my math test.ASorry, I cant BYes, I can

10、CSure, Id love to DNo, I cant( )6It usually takes me half an hour _ the Internet every Saturday.Asurf Bsurfing Csurfs Dto surf( )7-_ hours do you sleep every day? -Nine.AHow far BHow long CHow often DHow many( ) 8Listening to music always makes me _ happy.Astay Bto stay Cstaying Dstays( ) 9My cousin

11、 is _ than me.优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷Amuch serious Bmuch more serious Ca little serious Dlittle more serious( ) 10I have to look _ my mother because she is ill. Alike Bafter Cin Dat( ) 11There was too much homework today. I did it _ 11 oclock pm.Aat Bfrom Cuntil Dfor( ) 12-Were going to Hawaii

12、for vacation.-_! Its a good place for vacation!AWhat a pity BThats too badCSure DThat sounds interesting( ) 13My sister Mary likes to eat _ food _ me.Athe same, as Bsame, like Call, to Dthe all, with( ) 14-Tom, how often does your father go fishing? -_.ATwo fish BTwo daysCTwice a week DNear the rive

13、r( ) 15- _?- Its Monday, 29th. AWhat day is today BWhats today CWhats the date DWhat is the timeVIII句型转换,每空一词。 (共 10 分)1Im visiting my grandmother for vacation. (对划线部分提问)_ are you _ for vacation?2Jane rides a bike to school. (对划线部分提问)_ _ Jane get to school?3Tim is tall. And Jim is taller. (变成同义句)Jim

14、 is _ _ Tim.4You should drink hot tea with honey. (对划线部分提问)_ should I _?5Playing soccer with friends is very interesting. (变成同义句)_ is very interesting _ play soccer with friends.Part 3 Communicative Skills and Practice(第三部分 交际技能及运用 共 15 分)IX交际运用。(A )将下列各句重新排序,使之成为一段完整的对话。首句已给出。 (5 分)aHes funnier tha

15、n I am, and hes wilder while I am a little quieter.优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷bWhy is Sam your good friend?cAre you good at sports, too?dWhat else do you like about him?eWell, I like sports but Sam is more athletic than me. Id say, were both pretty outgoing though.fBecause he likes to do the same t

16、hings as I do. He is good at sports.正确的顺序是:_b_ _ _ _ _ _(B)根据对话内容,填入适当的 单词,短语或句子 完成对话。(10 分)Michael: Hello, Nancy. You dont look well. _1_?Nancy: I have a cold.Michael: Im _2_to hear that. You should go to hospital and see a doctor.Nancy: I think I should. And are you going anywhere for vacation?Mic

17、hael: Im going to _3_Nancy: Europe? What are you doing there?Michael: Im going hiking and sightseeing.Nancy: _4_are you staying?Michael: Just one week.Nancy: Well, _5_!Michael: Thank you.Part 4 Reading and Writing(第四部分 阅读与写作 共 50 分)X完型填空。 (10 分)Catch the thiefOne Wednesday morning, Tom walked down t

18、he street as usual (往常). But _1_ eleven oclock, he _2_a sound (声音 ) of guns(枪). It was from the bank. _3_he ran to the bank quickly and saw a man coming out. The man was _4_and fat with red hair. More important, he had a bag of _5_and a gun in his hands. Before Tom could do anything, the man ran up

19、the street and disappeared (消失) behind a tree.That afternoon, Tom went to the _6_. When he was watching the movie, he saw the tall man again (又). So he telephoned the police at once. The police _7_ the cinema very _8_. Only two minutes later, they caught the thief just when he was leaving the cinema

20、.What _9_ interesting day for Tom! And best of all, the bank gave him 100 dollars _10_a reward (奖励). ( ) 1AOn BAt CFor DIn( ) 2Amade Blooked Cheard Dcame( ) 3ASo BBecause CBefore DBut( ) 4Ashort Bmedium height Cthin Dtall优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷( ) 5Abooks Bcoffee Cmoney Dhoney( ) 6Apolice stati

21、on Bbank Cbus station Dcinema( ) 7Agot to Bleft Cran away Dwalked to( ) 8Aslowly(慢) Bquickly Cangrily(生气地) Dlate( ) 9A/ Ban Ca Dthe( ) 10Alike Bfor Cto DasXI阅读理解。 (25 分)(A)根据海报完成短文,每空一词。 (5 分)Mr. Jones wants a boy or a girl to deliver _1_. It would be a good thing if the boy / girl had a _2_. He nee

22、ds the boy / girl to work _3_ hours a week. The boy / girl will get _4_ dollars a week. You can write to Mr. _5_.(B)Sleeping Pills(药片)Mr. Smith works in an office. Hes very busy and has no time to have a good rest. Every evening, when he comes back from his office, hes always tired and wants to go t

23、o bed early. But his wife often has a lot of interesting things to tell him after supper. So its usually too late when Mr. Smith can go to bed, but he has to get up early next morning.One day the man didnt feel well and couldnt go to work. He decided to go to see a doctor. And Mrs. Smith went to the

24、 hospital with him. Before her husband said something about his illness, the woman told the doctor all and the doctor understood(明白) why. He wrote out a prescription(处方). And when Mrs. Smith brought the medicine back to the doctor, the doctor said to her, “The bottle of medicine is for your husband

25、and the pills are for you.“For me?“ the woman said in surprise, “Im fine. I dont need any medicine!“I dont think so, madam,“ said the doctor. “Theyre sleeping pills. Your husband will soon get well if you take them.“根据短文选择正确答案。(5 分 ) ( ) 1Mr. Smith always wants to _ when he comes back home.Atalk wit

26、h his wife Bgo to a doctorCgo to bed early Dtake some medicineWANTED A boy or a girl to deliver(投递) newspapers.Hours: 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. Mondays to SaturdaysWages(工资): $ 4 every dayIt would be an advantage (优势 ) if he / she had a bicycle.Write to Mr. Jones Newsagent(报摊).优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模

27、拟试卷( ) 2It is usually _ when Mr. Smith can go to bed.Atoo late BearlyCquick Dtoo different( ) 3Mr. Smith couldnt go to work one day because _.Ahe wanted to talk with his wife Bhe didnt feel wellChe was too busy Dhe didnt get up( ) 4The pills are for _.AMr. Smith Bthe doctorCMr. and Mrs. Smith DMrs.

28、Smith( ) 5Mr. Smith can feel well if _ . AMrs. Smith takes the bottle of medicineBMr. Smith takes the pillsCMr. Smith takes the bottle of medicineDMrs. Smith stops talking too much at night根据短文内容,从 II 栏中选择适当的选项完成 I 栏的句子。(5 分) I( ) 6Mr. Smith is very busy( ) 7Mrs. Smith always has a lot of interestin

29、g things to tell Mr. Smith, ( ) 8Mr. Smith couldnt go to work ( ) 9Mrs. Smith told the doctor all about her husbands illness,( ) 10The bottle of medicine was for Mr. Smith,IIAand has no time to have a good rest.Band they went to see a doctorCthen the doctor knew why.Dso Mr. Smith cant go to bed earl

30、y.E. and the pills were for Mrs. Smith.(C)Hard work pays off只要肯坚持,终会有收获。Two sisters found work as saleswomen in a company. The first month was not easy. They worked very hard but sold nothing. The younger sister gave up (放弃) in the second month. She left the company and found another job. The older

31、sister stayed. She said she wanted to have one last try.One year later, the older sister owned (拥有) a car and a house. But the younger sister was still poor (贫穷的). She asked her sister, “Why?”The older sister said, “I got my first order (订单) the day you left. They liked my work. So they gave me more

32、 orders. Now life is good for me.”优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷So, keep working and never give up. Youll get what you want.根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) 。 (5 分)( ) 1The two sisters worked in the same company at first. ( ) 2The two sisters didnt work hard, so they sold nothing.( ) 3The older sister gave up in the

33、second month. ( ) 4The older sister was richer than the younger sister one year later.( ) 5If you want to get something, you should keep working and never give up.(D) The summer holiday began and Richard left California and went traveling in AfricAHe lost his wallet in a hotel and he had a little mo

34、ney left. He had to go to a city where one of his friends worked. There he wanted to borrow some money so that he could fly back to his country. He got on a bus and the conductor(售票员 ) showed him a yellow ticket(票). “Youd better buy a yellow ticket,” said the conductor. “Its ten dollars. I have two

35、other kinds. The red one is five dollars and the green one is three dollars.”It took them two days to get to the city. The passengers had to stay for a night when they were halfway. Richard had to pay five dollars for the hotel and food. He thought for a while and then said, “Green, please.”The bus

36、started. Now it was getting dark and the bus began to go up a hill. It was very steep(陡峭的) and soon the bus stopped as usual.“Yellow ticket passengers,” the driver shouted. “Stay in the bus, please. Red ticket passengers, get out and walk. Green ticket passengers, get out, close the door and push(推)

37、 the bus!”根据短文内容选择正确答案。(5 分) ( ) 1Where did Richard go traveling?AIn Africa. BOn a hill.CIn a city. DIn America.( ) 2Why did he want to go to the city?ABecause his summer holiday began.BBecause he bought a green ticket.CBecause he wanted to borrow some money from his friend. DBecause he had a lot of

38、 money.( ) 3What ticket did Richard buy?AA green ticket. BA yellow ticket.CA red ticket. DA blue ticket.( ) 4What did Richard have to do when the bus stopped?AHe had to stay in the bus. BHe had to push the bus.CHe had to get out and walk. DHe had to lie down and rest.( ) 5Which of the following is n

39、ot true according to the passage?ARichard lost his wallet in a hotel.优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷BA red ticket was five dollars.CThe bus stopped when it went up a hill.DRichard went to the city by plane.XII书面表达。 (15 分)A) 英语学习中心要招聘一位英语教师,请你帮忙补全此招聘广告,每空一词。(5 分) Teacher _1_English Study Center needs a

40、weekend teacher for primary school students. Can you speak English _2_? Are you outgoing and _3_ with children? If so, please call English Study Center _4_ 443-5667 for more _5_.B) 你的朋友(Mona)邀请你(Tony)下周来家做客,但你下周已有安排,不能去。请根据下面的表格写一封回信表达谢意及歉意,并说明不能去的原因。至少 60 词。 (10 分)My calendarSunday help my momMonda

41、y finish the geography projectTuesday a piano lessonWednesday go fishing with grandpaThursday visit my uncleFriday babysit my little sisterSaturday help my mom优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷优胜教育八年级上期中模拟试卷参考答案I根据所听到的描述,选择与其相符的图片。其中有一幅图片为多余的, 每题读 2 遍。 (5分)1My brother and I usually take the subway to school.2Walking a

42、lot is good for health.3Im babysitting my uncles baby for vacation.4I have a toothache. What should I do?5Alice and her sister look the same.EAFDCII听句子,选择恰当的答语, 每题读 2 遍。 (5 分)1Where is Tom going for vacation? 2What do you do on weekends?3I have a cold.4Can he go to the baseball game? 5How did you go to the mall yesterday?CABCAIII根据你所听到的对话完成邀请信, 每空一词。(对话读 3 遍,5 分)


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