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1、Linear system theory and designAbsolutely integrable 绝对可积Adder 加法器Additivity 可加性Adjoint 伴随Aeronautical 航空的Arbitrary 任意的Asymptotic stability 渐近稳定Asymptotic tracking 渐近跟踪Balanced realization 平衡实现Basis 基BIBO stability 有界输入有界输出稳定Black box 黑箱Blocking zero 阻塞零点Canonical decomposition 规范分解Canonical 规范Capac

2、itor 电容Causality 因果性Cayley-Hamilton theorem 凯莱-哈密顿定理Characteristic polynominal 特征多项式Circumflex 卷积Coefficient 系数Cofactor 余因子Column degree 列次数Column-degree-coefficient matrix 列次数系数矩阵Column echelon form 列梯形Column indices 列指数集Column reduced 列既约Common Divisor 公共因式Companion-form matrix 规范型矩阵Compensator 调节

3、器,补偿器Compensator equation 补偿器方程Control configuration 控制构型Controllability 能控性Convolution 卷积Conventional 常规的Coprimeness 互质Corollary 推论Cyclic matrix 循环矩阵Dead beat design 有限拍设计Decoupling 解耦Degree of rational function 有理矩阵的次数Description of system 系统描述Derivative 导数Determinant 行列式Diagonal 对角型Discretization

4、 离散化Disturbance rejectionDivisor 因式Diverge 分叉Duality 对偶Eigenvalue 特征值Eigenvextor 特征向量Empirical 经验Equivalence 等价Equivalence transformation 等价变换Exhaustive 详细的Exponential function 指数函数Extensively 广泛地Filter 滤波Finite time 有限时间Finite 有限的Fraction 分式Polynomial fraction 多项式分式Fundamental cutest 基本割集Fundamenta

5、l loop 基本回路Fundamental matrix 基本解阵Gramian 格拉姆Geometric 几何的Hankel matrix Hankel 矩阵Hankel singular valueHomogeneity 奇次性Hurwitz polynomial Hurwitz 多项式Implementable transfer function 可实现的传递函数Impulse response 脉冲响应Impulse response matrix 脉冲响应矩阵Impulse response sequence 脉冲响应序列Index 指数Inductance 自感系数Inducto

6、r 电感Integrator 积分器Internal model principle 内模原理Intuitively 直观的Inverse 逆Jacobian 雅可比Jordan block 约当块Jordan form matrix 约当型矩阵Lapalace expansion 拉普拉斯展开Lapalace transform 拉普拉斯变换Left multiple 左倍式Linear algebraic equation 线性代数方程Linear space 线性空间Linearity 线性性Linearization 线性化Linearly dependent 线性相关Linearly

7、 independent 线性无关Lumpedness 集中(参数)性Lyapunov equation Lyapunov 方程Lyapunov theorem Lyapunov 定理Lyapunov transform Lyapunov 变换Markov parameter 马尔科夫参数Magnitude 模Manuscript 手稿,原稿Marginal stability 稳定Matrix 矩阵Minimal polynomial 最小多项式Minimal realization 最小实现Minimum energy control 最小能量控制Minor 子行列式Model match

8、ing 模型匹配Model reduction 模型降维Monic 首 1 的Monic polynomial 首 1 的多项式Multiple 倍式Multiplier 乘法器Nilpotent matrix 幂为零的矩阵Nominal equation 标称(名义)方程Norm 范数Nonsingular 非奇异Null space 零空间Nullity 零度(零空间的维数)Observability 能观性Observer 观测器Op-amp circuit 运算发大器Orthogonal 正交的Orthogonal matrix 正交矩阵Orthogonality of vectors

9、 向量的正交性Orthonormal set 规范正交集Orthonormalization 规范正交化Oscillator 振荡器Parenthesis 圆括号Parameterization 参数化Pendulum 钟摆Periodic 周期的Periodic state system 周期状态系统Pertinent 相关的Plant 被控对象Pole 极点Pole placement 极点配置Pole-zero cancellation 零极点对消Pole-zero excess inequality Polynomial 多项式Polynomial matrix 多项式矩阵Column

10、 degree 列次数Column degree 列次数Column-degree-coefficient matrix 列次数系数矩阵Column echelon form 列梯形Column indices 列指数集Column reduced 列既约Echelon form Left divisor 左因式Left multiple 左倍式Right divisor 右因式Right multiple 右倍式Row degree 行次数Row-degree-coefficient matrix 行次数系数矩阵Row reduced 行既约Unimodular 幺模Positive 正的P

11、ositive definite matrix 正定矩阵Positive semidefinite matrix 正定矩阵Power series 幂级数Primary dependent column 主相关列Primary dependent column 主相关行Prime 素数的Principal minor 主子行列式Pseudoinverse 伪逆Pseudostate 伪状态QR decomposition QR 分解Quadratic 二次的Quadratic form 二次型Range space 值域空间Rank 秩Rational function 有理函数Biprope

12、r 双真Improper 不真Proper 真Strictly proper 严格真Rational matrix 有理矩阵Biproper 双真Improper 不真Proper 真Strictly proper 严格真Reachability 可达性Realization 状态空间可实现性Balanced 平衡的(实现)Companion form 规范型(实现) Controllable form 能控型(实现)Input-normal 输入规范(实现)Minimal 最小(实现)Observable-form 能控型(实现) Output-normal 输出规范(实现)Time-var

13、ying 时变(实现)Reduced 既约的Regulator problem 调节器问题Relaxedness 松弛Response 响应Impulse 脉冲Zero-input 零输入Zero-state 零状态Remainder 余数Resistor 电阻Resultant 结式Generalized Resultant 广义结式Sylvester Resultant Sylvester(西尔维斯特)结式Right divisor 右因子Robust design 鲁棒设计Robust tracking 鲁棒跟踪Row indices 行指数集Saturate 使饱和Scalar 标量Schmidt orthonormalizationSemidefinite 半正定的 Similar matrices 相似矩阵Separation property 分离原理Servomechanism 司服机制Similar transformation 相似变换Singular value 奇异值Singular value decomposition 奇异值分解Spectrum 谱


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