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1、UNIT 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 57:Help!0:00.738UNIT 8 第八单元0:02.496Celebrating Me! 赞美我!0:05.388Lesson 57: 第 57 课:0:07.202Help! 求助!0:09.300THINK ABOUT IT!0:10.888What do you think of yourself?0:13.723How are you unique?0:16.105Are you proud of yourself?0:18.487Why or why not?0:20.642What makes Li Ming

2、a good student?0:24.498From: 来自:0:25.405Li-M0:28.297To: 到:0:29.261jennycompmail.ca jennycompmail. ca0:31.473Subject: 主题:0:32.777My report for school 为全校作报告0:34.818Date: 日期:0:35.61208/12 9:03 AM 12 月 8 日 上午 9 点 030:39.071Dear Jenny, 亲爱的珍妮:0:40.489I hope you can help me with my English project this we

3、ek. 这周我希望你可以帮助我完成英语课的任务。0:44.061We are describing ourselves in a report. 我们要在报告中描述自己。0:46.500I dont know what to write about myself. 我不知道写我自己什么。0:49.392We are writing about what makes us unique - our special talents, our personal strengths. 我们要写的是是什么使我们独一无二我们特殊的才能,我们个人的长处。0:55.970This is hard! 这很难!0

4、:57.898I know I am a good student. 我知道我是个好学生。0:59.826And I think of myself as a good person. 我认为自己是个好人。1:02.661But I dont know how to say those things in a report. 但是我不知道如何在报告中写这些事。1:06.120Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?1:07.595What can I say about myself? 我能写自己的什么呢?1:09.636Li Ming 李明1:12.346From: 来自:1:13.2

5、29jennycompmail.ca1:16.745To: 到:1:17.439Li-M1:20.903Subject: 主题:1:21.921Re:My report for school 回复:为全校的作报告1:24.603Date: 日期:1:25.30708/12 5:15 PM 12 月 8 日 下午 5 点 151:29.046Hi, Li Ming, 你好,李明:1:30.326I cant write your report for you! 我不能给你写你的报告!1:32.591But I can help you. 但是我可以帮你。1:34.543Think about y

6、ourself. 想想你自己。1:36.236Do your classmates like you? 你的同学喜欢你吗?1:38.136Yes! 是的!1:39.203Why do they like you? 他们为什么喜欢你?1:40.869How do you know they like you? 你怎么知道他们喜欢你?1:42.848You can write about that. 你可以写那些。1:44.905Youre a good student, but what makes you a good student? 你是一个好学生,但是是什么使你成为一个好学生的呢?1:4

7、8.419Are there any special things you do? 你做了什么特别的事吗?1:50.658Do you have special talents? 你有特别的才能吗?1:52.689You can write about that, too. 你也可以写那些。1:54.927Heres something else to think about. 这儿还有另外可考虑的。1:57.010Have you done anything that made you proud of yourself? 你做过什么令你感到自豪的事吗?2:00.655Write about

8、 that! 就写那些!2:02.607Jenny 珍妮2:03.701LETS DO IT!2:05.601Imagine that a new classmate comes to your class.2:10.182You want to make friends with him or her.2:13.826Write a letter to him or her to introduce yourself.2:18.564Write about your family, friends, hobbies and anything else you think is importa

9、ntUNIT 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 58:Georgia Plays Basketball0:00.703UNIT 8 第八单元0:02.224Celebrating Me! 赞美我!0:04.448Lesson 58: 第 58 课:0:06.204Georgia Plays Basketball 乔治亚打篮球0:09.013THINK ABOUT IT!0:11.002Do you enjoy playing basketball? Why or why not?0:17.362Who are the most famous Chinese basketball

10、 players?0:22.004Can you think of any famous basketball players from other places in the world?0:27.271Want a game? 想比赛吗?0:28.832Hi! Id like to tell you about myself. 大家好!我想向大家介绍自己。0:32.148My name is Georgia. 我叫乔治亚。0:34.059I am thirteen years old and in Grade Eight. 我 13 岁,上八年级。0:37.259What makes me

11、 unique? Lets see. 是什么使我独一无二呢?让我们来看看。0:40.068My family comes from Greece. 我家来自希腊。0:42.720Greece is a country in Europe. 希腊是欧洲的一个国家。0:45.295I was born there. 我出生在那儿。0:47.168Nobody else in my school comes from Greece! 我们学校其他人没有来自希腊的!0:50.523That makes me different from other people. 那使我和其他人不同。0:53.215

12、That makes me unique. 那使我是独一无二的。0:55.439Ive been in Canada seven and a half years. 我来加拿大已经七年半了。0:59.106My grandma, aunt, uncle and two cousins still live in Greece. 我奶奶、阿姨、叔叔和两个堂兄弟仍住在希腊。1:04.061My sister and mother visited them last year. 我姐姐和妈妈去年去看望了他们。1:07.494My sister returned to Greece to play f

13、or the Greek basketball team. 我姐姐返回到希腊为希腊篮球队打球。1:12.137My sister is a very good basketball player. 我姐姐是一个很棒的篮球运动员。1:15.648Basketball is my main talent, too. 篮球也是我的主要的才能。1:18.769When I was in Grade Six, 当我在六年级时,1:20.993I played on the junior high basketball team. 我在高中篮球队打球。1:24.153I was the youngest

14、player. 我是最小的球员。1:26.572We only lost two games last year. 去年我们仅输了两场比赛,1:29.498Our team was the second best in the city. 我们的球队在我们市里位居第二名。1:32.775One time, I won a game for our school. 一次,我为我们学校赢了一场比赛。1:36.169The score was fifty-one to fifty-one. 比分当时是 51 比 51。1:39.251The game was almost over. 比赛即将结束。

15、1:41.514A player on my team passed me the ball. 我队一个球员把球传给了我。1:44.596I didnt think I could put the ball in the basket. 我想我不可能把球投进球篮内。1:47.678I thought I was too far from the basket. 我认为我离球篮太远了。1:50.643But I tried and the ball went in! 但是我尝试了,球进篮了!1:53.218Then the score was fifty-three to fifty-one.

16、之后比分是 53 比 51。1:56.768I was very proud of myself! 我为自己感到非常自豪!1:59.343What does Georgia mean by “the game was almost over“? 乔治亚说“比赛即将结束”是什么意思?2:03.401A basketball game is usually one hour. 篮球比赛通常是一小时。2:06.717After one hour, the game is “over.“ 一小时后,比赛 “结束”。2:09.955Everyone stops playing. 大家都停止打球。2:12

17、.179When is the game “almost“ over? 什么时候是比赛“即将”结束?2:14.754When the players have played fifty-nine minutes! 当球员已经打了 59 分钟时!2:18.538My ambition is to play basketball in the Olympics. 我的志向是在奥运会上打篮球。2:22.361Id like to go to university and study P.E. 我想上大学学习体育。2:25.951What sport would I study? 我要学哪一门体育运动

18、项目呢?2:28.175Basketball, of course! 当然是篮球了!2:30.944LETS DO IT!2:32.622Work in a small group.2:34.534Imagine you and your groupmates are members of the Chinese Olympic basketball team.2:41.712You are playing against the United States in the gold medal game.2:46.589Who wins the game? What is the score?

19、2:50.334Who scores the most important points?2:41.840Write your story and tell it to the rest of the class.UNIT 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 59:Who Are You?0:00.616UNIT 8 第八单元0:02.088Celebrating Me! 赞美我!0:04.073Lesson 59: 第 59 课:0:06.194Who Are You? 你是谁?0:07.905I see you are already working on your repo

20、rts. 我看你已经在写你的报告了。0:12.080Do you need any help? 你需要什么帮助吗?0:14.510Its hard to write about myself. 写自己很难。0:16.871I dont know what to say in my report. 我不知道在报告中说什么。0:19.917But you are one of my best students. 但你是我最好的学生之一。0:22.860Im proud of you. 我为你感到自豪。0:24.742I hope you are proud of yourself! 我希望你为自己

21、感到自豪!0:27.616Ms. Lius right. 刘老师说得很对。0:29.532You have many talents and many personal strengths. 你有很多才华和个人长处。0:34.802You can write lots of good things about yourself! 你可以写关于你的很多好事!0:38.977Have you written anything, Wang Mei? 王梅,你写了什么?0:41.578Yes! I have already written three things: 是的!我已经写了三件事:0:45.

22、958I work hard at home and school; 我在家和学校很努力;0:49.551I am very talented at mathematics; 我对数学很有天分;0:52.871I help my friends. 我帮助朋友。0:55.061My classmates chose me as a leader in the Young Pioneers. 我的同学选我做少先队干部。1:00.776Wang Mei has the right idea! 王梅的主意很好!1:03.992Li Ming, you are a unique person. 李明,你

23、是独一无二的人。1:07.346Think about the things that make you special. 想想使你与众不同的那些事。1:10.665Then describe them. 然后描述它们。1:12.924I think everyone can write about themselves. 我想人人都可以写自己。1:16.688You might use these words to begin the sentences in your report. 你可以使用这些话作为报告的起始句。1:21.924You can also choose your own

24、 words! 你也可以选择自己的话来写!1:25.380Learning Tips 学习小帖士1:27.570be talented (adj.): be filled with talent: showing talent Be talented (adj. ): 天才的,有才能的1:34.927He is a very talented musician. 他是一个天才音乐家。1:38.315PROJECT1:40.095“ALL ABOUT ME“ REPORT1:43.072Everyone is special. What makes you special?1:47.418Des

25、cribe yourself and why you are unique.1:51.627Write a report about yourself with drawings or photographs.1:56.554Here are some ideas of thins to write about.2:00.729What are your personal strengths?2:03.227Something “personal“ is something about yourself!2:07.104Do you have any talents?2:09.329A tal

26、ent is something special you can do.2:12.990What makes you happy?2:15.009What is your pride?UNIT 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 60:You Are You0:00.708UNIT 8 第八单元0:02.338Celebrating Me! 赞美我!0:04.337Lesson 60: 第 60 课:0:05.937You Are You 你就是你0:09.966Be confident in yourself, 要对自己有信心,0:14.979Be proud of who y

27、ou are, 要为你自己自豪,0:19.870Strive to be the best you can be! Were unique- 尽最大努力做到你能做到的!我们是独一无二的0:24.883You are you and I am me! 你就是你我就是我!0:29.682Be yourself and celebrate 做你自己并自我赞美0:34.111How no one is quite like you! 没有人像你!0:39.247Be yourself and celebrate- 做你自己并自我赞美0:43.420You are special through and

28、 through! 你是彻头彻尾地特殊!0:50.275Now repeat the song. 现在重复这首歌。0:52.604You remember “repeat,“ dont you? 你记住“ 重复” 了,不是吗?0:55.468It means “again.“ 它的意思是 “再一次”。0:57.677Hooray! Lets sing the song again! 万岁!让我们再来唱这首歌!1:01.727Were different, but were still friends! 我们很不同,但是我们仍是好朋友!1:05.163LETS DO IT!1:06.718Do

29、you have a special friend?1:09.008What makes him or her unique?1:11.790Is your friend the same as you or different?0:48.887Write a short passage introducing your special friend.1:15.636 UNIT 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 61:I Am a Good Person0:01.004UNIT 8 第八单元0:02.663Celebrating Me! 赞美我!0:05.749Lesson 6

30、1: 第 61 课:0:07.794I Am a Good Person 我是一个好人0:11.537THINK ABOUT IT!0:13.234Do you like to talk about yourself to others?0:16.553Why or why not?0:19.176What do you do when you feel nervous?0:22.996What do you strive to do well every day?0:27.394It is time for Li Ming to give his report. 是李明作报告的时间了。0:3

31、0.674He stands in front of the class. 他站在全班同学面前。0:33.066Before class, he was nervous about his report. 上课前,他对自己的报告感到紧张。0:36.423Then his friend Jenny gave him some good advice. 他的朋友珍妮给了他一些好建议。0:39.818Ms. Liu and Wang Mei also encouraged him. 刘老师和王梅都鼓励他。0:43.561Now he feels confident. 现在他感到有自信了。0:45.6

32、83Here is what he says to the class. 这就是他对全班同学说的。0:48.731Id like to begin by introducing myself. 我想首先做自我介绍。0:51.701I am Li Ming - a good person, an excellent student and a hard worker. 我叫李明一个好人,一个出色和勤奋的学生。0:57.296“I know I am a good person, because I have many friends. “我知道我是一个好人,因为我有很多朋友。1:01.154Yo

33、u, my classmates, are all my friends. 你们,我的同学,都是我的朋友。1:04.588We work together. 我们一块儿工作。1:05.939We help each other. 我们互相帮助。1:07.405We make ourselves strong!“ 我们使自己更强大!”1:09.913“I study a lot. “我学习了很多。1:11.379I strive to do well in school. 我努力在学校做得很好。1:13.501I do my homework and I study for my exams.

34、我做作业,为考试而学习。1:16.780I would like to go to college someday. 我想有一天能上大学。1:19.018Id like to be an English teacher.“ 我想成为一名英语老师。 ”1:21.796“Strive“ means to work hard! “Strive”意思是努力工作学习。1:25.153“I am very good at English. “我擅长英语。1:27.429I write letters and talk to my English friends. 我写信给我的英国朋友,和他们交谈。1:30

35、.824This gives me confidence to speak English.“ 这给了我说英语的自信。 ”1:34.027“Last week, Ms. Liu asked me to talk to the class about my techniques for learning English. “上周,刘老师要我给全班同学讲我学习英语的技巧。1:40.509I felt proud.“ 我感到很自豪。 ”1:42.438“I love to sing. “我爱唱歌。1:43.981I also like to play ping-pong. 我也喜欢打乒乓球。1:43

36、.055Sometimes I lose, but usually I win. 有时会输,但通常我都赢。1:47.145I am one of the best players in the school.“ 我是学校打得最好的人之一。 ”1:50.243“I like myself!“ “我喜欢自己! ”1:52.018LETS DO IT!1:53.716There are many famous people around you, such as football players, movie stars and singers.2:01.510Is there a famous p

37、erson whom you admire?2:04.613Talk about him or her with a partner.UNIT 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 62:Confidence0:00.808UNIT 8 第八单元0:02.123Celebrating Me! 赞美我!0:04.393Lesson 62: 第 62 课:0:06.545Confidence 自信0:08.775THINK ABOUT IT!0:10.568What words do you think are hard to spell?0:14.991Why are these w

38、ords so difficult?0:18.138Look at Peters paper.0:20.927Can you correct his mistakes?0:23.954Part One: 第一部分:0:25.349Is Spelling a Talent? 拼写是一种才能吗?0:28.396“Peter, please dont go,“ said Miss Martin. “Id like to talk to you.“ 马丁小姐说:“ 皮特,请不要走,我想和你谈谈。 ”0:33.920The other students went out of the classroom

39、. 其他学生们都走出了教室。0:36.956Peter stood in front of the teachers desk. 皮特站在老师桌子前面。0:39.854He felt sad. 他感到沮丧。0:41.326He knew what she was going to say. 他知道她要说什么。0:44.453“Peter, you are not doing well in English,“ said Miss Martin. 马丁小姐说:“ 皮特,你的英语不好,0:49.053“It is because of your spelling.“ 是你的拼写。 ”0:51.53

40、7She looked at a piece of paper. 她看着一张纸。0:54.067It had red circles around many of the words. 上面有很多圈着单词的红圈。0:57.746“This is your story,“ said Miss Martin. 马丁小姐说:“这是你写的故事,1:01.058“It is a good story. But look! 这是一个很好的故事。但是看!1:03.772All these words are spelled wrong,“ said Miss Martin. 所有这些词都拼写错了。 ”1:0

41、8.095She put her finger on one circle. 她手指着一个圆圈。1:10.671“What is this word?“ she asked. 她问:“这个词是什么?”1:13.799Peter looked at the story. 皮特看着这个故事。1:15.823“It says bot.It says, He bot bread at the bakery.“ “它写着bot。它写着他在面包店买了面包。 ”1:21.020“Butbought is not spelled B-O-T,“ said Miss Martin. 马丁小姐说:“ 但是买不是拼

42、做 B-O-T,1:26.540“It is spelled B-O-U-G-H-T. 它拼做 B-O-U-G-H-T。1:31.737People read W-R-I-T-E. 人们读 W-R-I-T-E。1:36.291They know it is different from R-I-G-H-T.“ 他们知道它和 R-I-G-H-T 不同。 ”1:41.718“But I get both those words wrong,“ Peter said. 皮特说:“但是我把这些词都写错了,”1:45.858“You can get them right,“ said the teach

43、er. 老师说:“你可以把它们改对,1:48.709“Work hard. You will improve. Im confident of it.“ 好好努力。你会进步的。我对你有信心。 ”1:53.079But Peter felt sad and scared. 但是皮特感到沮丧和害怕。1:56.529He did not have confidence in himself. 他对自己没有信心。2:00.208Will Peter improve his spelling? 皮特会提高自己的拼写吗?2:02.646He doesnt think so. 他认为不会。2:04.440W

44、hat will happen next? 接下来会发生什么事?2:06.602Read Part Two of this story in your Activity BookReader. 在你的阅读活动中读这个故事的第二部分。2:11.293I know Peter can improve his spelling! 我知道皮特可以提高自己的拼写!2:15.090Learning Tips 学习小帖士2:16.838We cant go to the park because it is raining. 我们不能去公园了,因为正在下雨。2:21.651We cant go to the

45、 park because of the rain. 因为下雨我们不能去公园。2:26.573LETS DO IT!2:28.688Make a list of words that you think are hard to spell.2:33.564Compare lists with a few classmates.2:37.704Are your words the same as theirs?2:40.464Help each other correct these mistakes.UNIT 8 Celebrating Me! Lesson 63:Christmas Is C

46、oming!0:00.670UNIT 8 第八单元0:02.219Celebrating Me! 赞美我!0:04.229Lesson 63: 第 63 课:0:06.071Christmas Is Coming! 圣诞节就要到了!0:07.955In many countries, Christmas is an important winter holiday. 在很多国家,圣诞节是冬季一个很重要的节日。0:12.895Christmas is on December twenty-fifth. 圣诞节是 12 月 25 日。0:15.868New Years Day is only on

47、e week later, on January first. 元旦仅在一周后的 1 月 1 日。0:20.892Thats why people say “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year“ on their Christmas cards. 那就是为什么人们在圣诞贺卡上写 “圣诞、新年快乐”的原因。0:26.963In many countries, families put up Christmas trees in the living room. 在很多国家,家家在客厅竖起圣诞树。0:32.112Families decorate their Christmas trees. 家家都装饰他们的圣诞树。0:35.168How do you decorate a Christmas tree? 你怎样来装饰圣诞树呢 ?0:37.974You put beautiful things on it. 把漂亮的东西放在上面。0:40.527At the top of the tree, many families put a star. 在树顶上,很多人家都放一颗星星。0:44.798The star goes


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