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1、冀教版小学英语四年级上册全册教案(三年级起点)每一课教案都有Unit 1 Again, please 教案教学内容:冀教版小学英语 4A Unit1 Again, please教学目标:知识:1. 掌握本 单元的新词汇 skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater,new, old,coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots,shoes, socks, dress, shorts,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.2. 理解句型 This is a

2、 red shirt. /I like your _. Its nice!/Whose _is this? Is this your _?/What day is it? Its Monday/Tuesday.能力:教会学生正确地用英语描述人们的穿着。情感:让学生在课堂教学中体会学习的快乐,敢于用英 语表达自己想 说的内容, 发展学生综合语言运用的能力。教学重、难点:重点:掌握本单元所学的新词汇 skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater, old,coat, scarf, hat, gloves, boots,shoes, socks, dress, s

3、horts,Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.难点:理解并综合运用句型 What is heshe wearing? HeShe is wearing.教学准备:教师词汇卡片、电脑、课件、教学磁带教学过程:Part 1: Greeting! 1. 师生互致问候2. 唱歌: Stand up Sit down3. 操练:老师板书 What is heshe doing? HeShe is .(带领全班 进行问答练习。)T:(指一名学生)Stand up please.(指站起来的学生)What is he

4、she doing?Ss: HeShe is standing.提醒学生_ing 意思是此时此刻正在做某事。如:We are_ing.我们正在干或正在做某事。比较:Li Ming goes to school every day.Li Ming is going to school now.4. 操练:用问答的形式复习颜色名称What color is it? Is it _? Is it _or_?Part 2: skirt blouse pants shirt sweater1. 示范:老师出示各种衣服的卡片或指学生穿的衣服来介绍 skirt blouse pants shirt swea

5、ter 并与学生一起重复读几遍上述单词。2. 播放录音 No.1 What is it? 让学生看书跟读。3. 讲解 pants 这个词在英语中是一个有趣的词,指一件东西却是复数形式。这和以前我们曾经接触过的单词 scissors(剪刀)是一样的。4. 操练:老师指着班上所穿的衣服带领学生做如下问答练习 Is this a _? YesNo. What is this?Its a _.Is this a _or a_? Its a _.当学生很有把握的回答这些问题后,在句型中加入表示颜色的词.如让学生看书中的图画,带领他们做下面的练习T: What are they?(指 trousers)

6、Ss: They are trousers.T: What color are they? Ss: They are blue.T: Yes. They are blue trousers. Blue trousers.用其他衣服联系单数形式T: What is it?(指衬衣) Ss: Its a shirt.T: What color is it? Ss: Its white and yellow.叫几名学生到前面,带领学生 继续操练。T: (指学生穿的衬衣) What is it? Ss: Its a shirt.T: What color is it? Ss: Its a _.T: O

7、h yes. Its a_ shirt.Part 3: Is this his/her _?Teacher holds up a very small hat. Lead the class through a dialogue as follows;T: Is this your hat?S1: No.T: Very good. Is this your hat?S2: No.T: Is this your hat? Say it, please, class.T: Whose hat is this? Whose hat is this? Whose hat is this? Ss: Wh

8、ose hat is this?T: Whose hat is this? Its my little sons hat.2. Listen to the tape and guess what happened between Danny and Miss Zhang. Then listen to the tape again and follow.Part 4: What day is it?1. Read the day as quickly as you can.Play “What is missing?”Play “What day is it?”2. Sing a song.

9、Song Hes wearing red trouses T: Look at this picture. Who is he?S: He is Li Ming.T: What is he wearing?S: He is wearing red trouses.T: What day is it?S: It is Sunday.用同样的方法引出歌词。放录音听歌曲。再次听歌曲,会唱的可以小声跟着唱。Part 5: Class over!1. 做练习册2. 布置课外作业3. Say “Goodbye!” to the students.Unit 1 Lesson 1 全课时教案石家庄市 XXXX

10、X 学校 XXX教学内容:冀教版小学英语 4A Lesson 1 教学目标:知识:1. 掌握本课的新词汇 skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater2. 理解句型 This is a red shirt.能力:教会学生正确地用英语描述人们的穿着。情感:让学生在课堂教学中体会学习的快乐,敢于用英 语表达自己想 说的内容, 发展学生综合语言运用的能力。教学重、难点:重点:掌握本课所学的新词汇:skirt, blouse, trousers, T-shirt sweater难点:理解并运用句型 What is heshe wearing? HeShe is we

11、aring.教学准备:教师词汇卡片、电脑、课件、教学磁带教学过程:Step 1: Greeting教师以自己身上的衣服为例,向学生展示自己的衣服。e.g.: I am wearing a yellow T-shirt. What are you wearing? 同学们想不想知道自己所穿的衣服用英语怎么讲呢,学完这一课大家就知道了。Step 2: Presentation1. 带读单词“shirt skirt trousers T-shirt sweater”增强记忆 。2. 老师将卡片贴在黑板上,用手任意指卡片上的图片,由学生们一起回答老师所指的是什么。T: This is _?Ss: Th

12、is is skirt.T: What is the color? (它是什么 颜色的?)Ss: Its red.T: So, this is a read skirt. And this is _?Ss: Step3: Practice1. 指定一名同学起来说出他的答案,和学生 们一起校正答案。2. 另外请一名同学带读 This is a T-shirt. Its red, ectStep4: Dialogue请若干名同学到讲台上来,其中一名同学用英 语描述余下任意一名同学的衣着,其他的同学猜她说的是哪一位。Step 5:Class closing1. 要求学生复习今天的课程, 预习明天的课

13、程。2. Say “Goodbye” to students!Unit1 Lessen 2 全课时教案石家庄市 XXXXX 学校 XXX教学内容:冀教版小学英语 4A Lesson 2 教材分析:本单元的核心内容是教授衣服的名称。本课在这些名称中又加入了一些新的描述性的概念 : new, old 教学中要使学生在掌握单词的基础上能够举一反三说出更多关于新、旧的词组。本课还有一个表达对他人赞美的句子: I like your _. Its nice! 我设计让学生用自己已有的语言知识组编简短英语对话。组编对话 是一个难点,教 师要适当指 导。设计理念:1. 利用孩子们喜爱的方式进行教学:如童谣、

14、歌曲、游戏等来激发学习热情。2. 利用实物教学、自制教具、多媒体等手段来创设学习情境,逐步深入的呈现教学内容。3. 肯定学生的成功之处,及时给 与鼓励和赞许。 让他们体会成功的 乐趣。教学目标:1. 知识目标:1)掌握并能运用单词 new, old.2)掌握句型: I like your _. Its nice.2. 能力目标:能运用所学的单词、 语言知识在创设的情境下进行熟练的语言交际,培养学习运用语言的综合能力。3. 情感目标:通过愉悦式教学法鼓励学生积极参与课堂活动,与他人合作共同完成学习任务。鼓励学生创作对话及角色,利用形体 语言和面部表情表达意思,并从中获得成功的乐趣。4. 德育目标

15、:通过本课的学习,培养学生要注重勤 俭节约 ,热爱生活,团结友爱的良好品质。教学方法:合作式教学法、愉悦式教学法。运用实物、图片、自制教具、软件来辅助教学。文化意识:通过对话的进行,要学习西方国家的礼貌用 语。教学过程:Step1: Warming-up and Review1. Greeting.2. Warming-up: Sing the song “She is wearing.”3. Color Point. 4. Whats shehe wearing?Step2: Presentation one1. Demonstrate old and new with real subje

16、ct.T: What are they? (Hold up a pair of new pants)Ss: They are pants.T: Yes! They are new pants! New! Say it, please!T: Are they new? ( Hold up a pair of old pants)Ss: No!T: Yes! They are old, old, old pants!2. Practice new and old with other clothes.Step3: DrillUse new and old say something they ha

17、ve. Such as: new pencilStep4: Presentation two1. New sentence pattern: I like your _. It nice.T: Do you like this _? Ss: Yes!T: Yes! Its nice!T: Thanks! I like your _. Its nice! Say it, please!T: Thanks!2. Listen and follow the tape.Step5: PracticeMake new dialogues in pairs with new sentence patter

18、n. Teacher gives individual help.Step6: ProductionAsk individual students to present their dialogues in front of the classroom. Teacher and other students give them some praise.Step7: Class closingSing a song.Homework:Find something new or old in their real life and try to express in English.Use new

19、 sentence pattern to make up dialogues.Unit 1 Lesson 4 全课时教案石家庄市 XXXXX 学校 XXX教学内容:冀教版小学英语 4A Unit 1 Lesson 4教材分析:在本课中出现的词汇有 shoes, socks, dress, shorts 还有一些简单的会话,紧密联系生活实际,教学中要注意让学生体验生活品位快乐。同 时本课, 应注意比 较句型 Whose shorts are these? Whose dress is this? 等。教学目标:1. 知识目标:掌握 单词 shoes, socks, dress, shorts;对

20、句型 Whose shorts are these? Whose dress is this? Are they her shorts? Is it his dress? 有一个初步的比较。2. 能力目标:能用英语向别人介绍自己的穿着。3. 情感态度:审美教育。教学方法:情景教学法 游戏教学法教学准备:电脑、课件 衣服 卡片教学过程:Step1: Warming up1. Sing a song.2. Play a guessing game to review the old words. 3. Have a free talk with students.Step2: Presentati

21、on1. New wordsDemonstrate the new words with real clothes. Say the words a few times with the class.Play the tape. Let the student listen and follow.2. DrillLead the class through a question-and-answer drill about shoes, socks, dress and shorts. Such as: What is it? What are these?3. Game: Which wor

22、d face to you?4. New patternUse puppets to show the new pattern. Use gestures to make my meaning clear and give prompts when the students falter. Work through the dialogue more than once with objects familiar to the class.Listen to the tape and follow.Step3: PracticeDo activity book.Step4: Class closingPlay “Simon says”.Homework:Draw the clothes you wear at home.Unit 1 Lesson 6 全课时教案石家庄市 XXXXX 学校 XXX


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