9A Unit 2 colour.doc

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1、9A Unit 2 colour1. 宁愿穿蓝色而不愿粉色 would rather wear blue than pink2. .有一些问题 theres something wrong with./ something is wrong with. 3. 穿在你身上好看 look good on sb4. 影响某人 affect sb5. 生活在一个充满颜色的世界里 live in a world full of colours6. 成为一个阴暗的地方 be a dull place7. 做一个关于颜色的课题 do a project on colours8. 人们的心情 the mood

2、s of people9. 彩虹的颜色 colours of the rainbow10. 雨后 after the rain11. 看向窗外 look out of the window12. 看到天空中一条彩虹 see a rainbow in the sky13. 影响我们的心情 affect our moods14. 改变我们的情绪 change our moods15. 使我感到开心或者伤心 make me feel happy or sad16. 感到想睡觉的 feel sleepy17. 代表,象征伤心 represent sadness18. 处在好的/不好的心情中 be in

3、 a good/bad mood19. 感到放松的 feel relaxed20. 放松的音乐 relaxing music21. 把墙壁漆成蓝色 paint the wall into blue22. 一种平静且和平的颜色 a calm and peaceful colour23. 更加放松 relax more24. 对我们的身心有益 be good for our mind and body25. 创造一种和谐的感觉 create a feeling of harmony26. 穿白色 wear white27. 感到焦虑不安的 feel stressed28. 纯洁的颜色 the co

4、lour of purity(white)29. 在他们的婚礼那天 on their wedding day30. 伤心的看着某人 look at sb with sadness/look at sb sadly31. 给你开心和满意的感觉 give you a happy and satisfied feeling32. 对满意 be satisfied with33. 住在寒冷气候的人 live in cold climates34. 更喜欢使用暖色 prefer to use warm colours35. 创造温暖和舒服的感觉 create a warm and comfortable

5、 feeling36. 一个满意的微笑 a satisfied smile37. 宁愿做某事 prefer to do sth / would rather do sth38. 比起某事更喜欢某事 prefer doing sth to doing sth /would rather do sth than do 39. 比起做某事更喜欢做某事 pefer sth to sth40. 更喜欢某事 prefer sth41. 给你带来成功 bring you success42. 使你兴奋 cheer you up43. 太阳的颜色 the colour of sun (orange)44. 使

6、某人想起某人/某物 remind sb of sth / remind sb of sb45. 智慧的颜色 the colour of wisdom (yellow)46. 为考试而学习 study for the exam47. 使用黄色文具 use the yellow stationery48. 提醒某人做某事 remind sb to do sth49. 大自然的颜色 the colour of nature (green)50. 象征新的生活和成长 represent new life and growth51. 嫉妒的颜色 the colour of envy (green)52.

7、 任何需要物理和精神力量的人 anyone in need of physical or mental strength53. 热的颜色 the colour of heat (red)54. 象征力量和强烈的感觉 represent power and strong feelings55. 采取行动做某事 take action to do sth56. 做决定有困难 have difficulty making a decision57. 费力/不费力 with difficulty / without difficulty58. 做某事有困难 have difficulty in doi

8、ng sth59. 需要睡觉 in need of sleep60. 在沉睡 in a deep sleep61. 深夜 deep into the night62. 使某人平静 calm sb down63. 要求(某人)做某事 require (sb)to do sth64. 远离 be far from / be away from 65. 在试衣间 in the fitting room66. 记日记 keep diaries67. 我想知道是否 I wonder if68. 去购物买衣服 go shopping for clothes69. 整个下午 the whole aftern

9、oon/ all the afternoon70. 持续的打电话给某人 keep making phone calls to sb71. 听到他正在说什么 hear what he is saying72. 看上去有秘密 seem to have a sercet73. 表现正常 act normally74. 奇怪的行为 strange behaviour75. 似乎 seem +adj /seem to be +adj76. 没有留下的 there is none left77. 把卡片图成橘黄色 colour the card orange78. 看一则广告 read an advert

10、isement79. 一个颜色理疗中心 a colour therapy centre80. 发现某物 discover sth81. 颜色的力量 the power of colour82. 改变你的生活 improve your life / make your life better83. 青少年节目 the Teen Show84. 许诺做某事 promise to do sth85. 许诺 make a promise86. 保持诺言 keep a promise87. 打破诺言 break a promise88. 成功的改变你的心情 change your moods succe

11、ssfully89. 拿回你的钱 get your money back90. 不工作 it doesnt work91. 大学毕业 leave college92. 把油擦进人们的皮肤里 rub oil into peoples skin93. (某人) 穿红色好看 look good in red94. 有白皮肤和黄头发的人 people with pale skin and blonde hair95. 建议某人做某事 advise sb to do sth96. 一则建议 a piece of advice97. 给我一些建议 give me some advice98. 你的想法 your thoughts99. 颜色和心情的关系 the relationship between colours and moods100. 象征保护和温暖 represent protection and warmth101. 那就是.的原因 that is why102. 有点焦虑不安的 a little bit stressed103. 很好的搭配 a good match104. 平衡平静白色 balance the calm white105. 失去平衡 out of balance106. 放在我的主页上 put it on my home page


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