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1、Lesson 3:How Are You?教学设计一、 教学内容:1、认识字母 Ii Jj Kk Ll2、Lesson 3:N.3 Whats this ?二、 教学目标:1、 认识字母,打好基础。激发学生学习英语的兴趣,培养学生学习英语的积极态度,增强学生学习英语的自信心。2、 能够听懂、会说本课对话,并且能够在实际情境中运用。3、 在语言交际活动中,培养学生的团结合作精神及文明礼貌习惯,渗透跨文化意识。三、 教学重点:Whats this ? Its a 四、 教学难点:对话(Whats this ? Its a )的语调以及实际运用。五、教学过程:Step1、GreetingGreet

2、your class by saying Hello or Hi. Ask the students to respond Hello! or Hi! Step2、Revision(1)A:Hi,my name is (Danny,Li Ming,Jenny). Whats your name?B: My name is .A: How are you ?B: Im fine ,thanks .A:What s his her name?B: His Her name is A: Hi ,how are you ?C: Im fine ,thank you .Work quickly and

3、call on individual volunteers sometimes and sometimes groups of students or the whole class.(快速地进行练习,有时可以要求学生单个,有时要求一组或全体学生进行练习。)(2)跟唱歌曲 How are you (3) 出示课件,复习字母 A 到 H(找朋友).Step3、New concepts(1)学习新字母 Ii Jj Kk Ll (读音,书写)(2) Whats this? Its a .Demonstrate:Point to a book,chair and desk. Ask the stude

4、nts to repeat the words after you.(手指一本书、一把椅子或一张桌子,让学生跟教师反复读单词。)(3)课件展示练习 Whats this?(4) Ask the whole class Whats this? while pointing to a book, desk and chair. Encourage the class to answer Its a .(一边手指 book, desk 或 chair,一边向全班提问:Whats this? 鼓励学生回答:Its a .)(5)Drill the class with Point to (Show m

5、e)my your his her .(让学生练习句型:Point to (Show me)my your his her .)Step4、Class closingSing“How Are You?”Play the song again for the students. Step5、homework 字母 Ii Jj Kk Ll教学反思:在这节课中我并没有按照正常的教学内容进行教学,我在课前加入了字母的学习。是为了在后面的教学中让孩子们更快更好的进入英语学习的状态。在这节课开头字母复习环节,通过课件找朋友让孩子们的兴趣一下子激发了出来,整节课孩子们的学习热情还是挺好的。不过在后面的学习句型 Whats this ?时,有些学生的积极性有些不高,还需要老师在以后的教学中注意保持孩子的学习积极性。


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