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1、企业文化(Enterprise Culture)部分潍柴动力股份有限公司 Weichai Power Co., Ltd二号工厂 No. 2 factory加工车间 processing workshop总装车间 assembly workshop企业使命:绿色动力,国际潍柴。Green power, international Weichai.企业宗旨:用户满意是我们的宗旨。We aim to our externalinternal customers satisfaction;企业愿景(Enterprise vision):打造以整机为导向,拥有动力总成核心技术的国际化企业集团,发展成为独

2、具特色的全球装备制造业一极。Implement entire machine oriented policy, develop Weichai to an International Corporation with powertrain core technology and make Weichai has a significant position in global equipment manufacturing industry.(翻译不准,敬请原谅)企业核心文化:责任 沟通 包容 Responsibility Communication Tolerance.核心价值观:责任为本;

3、Responsibility based集团文化精髓:求同存异,尊重个性,拓展共性 seek common while reserving difference, respect individuality and expand similarity.干就负责 做就到位:Responsible to everything, perfect in everything.潍柴特色文化:激情文化 Passion 执行文化 Execution 创新文化 InnovationWOS 十项原则:1) 客户满意是我们的宗旨-we aim to our externalinternal customers s

4、atisfaction;2) 质量在每个人手中-Quality is in the hands of each individual;3) 高素质的员工队伍-Form a high-quality staff team;4) 执行、创新与协作-Execution, Innovation and Collaboration;5) 以信息化和可视化支持敏捷制造-Develop Agile Manufacturing by balance of information technology and visual management ;6) 安全环保的工作环境-Create safe and env

5、ironment-friendly working atmosphere;7) 互利共赢的供方关系-Establish mutually beneficial internal and external supplier relationships;8) 以六西格玛为主要工具的持续改进工作流程-Use Six Sigma as the primary process improvement method;9) 社会责任-Take social responsibility;10) 现场解决问题-Solve problems at the scene。精益生产(Lean Manufacturin

6、g)部分WOS 潍柴运营系统 Weichai Operation System丰田式生产 TPS Toyota Production System在制品 Work In Process标准作业指导书 Standard Operation Procedure关键特性 Key Characteristics全面生产管理 TPM Total Production Management全面质量管理 TQM Total Quality Management单件流 One Piece Flow5S 整理 整顿 清理 清洁 素养日版 Seiri Seiton Seiso Shitsuke Seiketsu英

7、版 Sort Straighten Shine Standardize Sustain(7s 扩展 安全 Safety 节约 Save)团队合作 Team Work 员工参与 Employee Involvement 培训 Training 目视管理 Visual Management质量 Quality 成本 Cost 交货期 Delivery改善工具 PDCA Plan-Do-Check-Action7 大浪费 7Wastes:返工 生产过剩 搬运 动作 等待 库存 过程Correction Overproduction Conveyance Motion Waiting Inventor

8、y Processing价值流 Value Stream安灯 Andon节拍 Takt Time 生产线速度 Line RateJIT 准时化 Just In Time自働化 Jidoka柴油机基础名词柴油机 diesel engine机体 engine block压燃式发动机 compression ignition engine气缸 cylinder气缸盖 cylinder head曲轴箱 crankcase缸径 cylinder bore活塞 piston活塞环 piston ring连杆 connecting rod曲轴 crankshaft凸轮轴 camshaft飞轮 flywhee

9、l主轴承 main bearing气门 valve 进气门 intake valve 排气门 exhaust valve冲程 stroke扭矩 torque功率 power 总功率 gross power净功率 net power转速 speed工况 working condition空载 no load 满载 full load燃烧室 combustion chamber进气提前角 intake advance angle喷油器 injector涡轮增压 turbo-charging增压中冷 inter-cooling排放 emission上止点 top dead center 下止点 lo

10、wer dead center缸径 cylinder bore容积 volume 燃烧室容积 combustion chamber volume压缩比 compression ratio效率 efficiency机械效率 mechanical efficiency 有效热效率 effective thermal efficiency铸造 cast 刀具 cutting tool机床 machine电子控制系统 ECU Electronic control unit排气制动 EVB Exhaust valve brake 高压共轨 Common rail systemWEVB Weichai exhaust valve brake


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