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1、盛源机械无热再生吸附式干燥机使用说明书杭州盛源博特机械设备有限公司HANGZHOU SHENGYUAN BOTE MACHlNE EQUlPMENT C0 ,LTD压缩空气净化成套设备配置图Flowcha rt Configu ration of Comp ressedAir Puriying System一拳 IiI空压机 后部冷却器 贮气罐g 级前置过滤器 5 级过滤器 预冷机鬻?黧:焉戮 a含尘量 43um去除 99液态水份含油量:1PPM含尘量:1 um用气对空气干燥度要求不要的气动元件常压露点:23台;Ea 量含尘量1 PPM1 um用气动元件不宜受水份影晌的用常压露点一 23“C

2、气力输送,高级喷涂含抽;:4001PPMi 嚣;甬;黧含尘量:O 01 um 食品,除臭,除菌等嚣麓=怒鬈:+含尘量1 um黧揣=豫鬈 i+含尘量:0 01 u黧端 rLP, 。黧“含尘量:0 01 um尊敬的用户,为了更好更准确的使用本机器,请您在使用机器前认真阅读本说明书,并严格按照说明书卜的使用要求去做。如果您的机器遇到故障,请认真参照说明书中所列条目对照检修,也可与我们的授权机构或肓接拨打售后服务热线 057188116650 寻求帮助;对您的机器进行及时的保养,将更好的发挥它的性能。希望_水产品在您的工作给您带来便利,谢谢您的支持与合作!Dear user in order to u

3、se this equipment properly,please read thismanual carefully and carry out steps described in this manual strictlyIfthe equipment fails,please examine the equipment according to thetroubleshooting list in this manual carefully,or contact agents authorizedby our company,or dial our aftersale service h

4、otline 057188116650 forassistanceIf you maintain the equipment regularly,you will bring out itsbest performanceWe hope that this product will facilitate your work andthank you very much for using this machine 瓣蟪檬目 录Table of Contents产品简介 Product introduction原理 Principle1技术要求 Technical requirements22、

5、安装与维护 Installation and maintenance4设备操作 Device operation6工艺过程 Process flow6参数设置 Parameter setting8开机与关机 Start and stop94、故障分析与排除 Fault analysis and troubleshooting105、电气与自动控制 Electric and automatic control-XJK-XGlF 无热再生吸附式干燥机控制器使用说明-XJK-XGlF heatless regeneration absorptiondryer controller instructi

6、ons13 主要功能 Major functions13 丰要特点 Major features14 技术指标 Technical Specifications14 使用方法 Usage15 动作时序图 Sequence chart ofactions16 接线方式 Mode ofconnection17附录 Appendix: 设备首次操作使用方法Instructions offist use ofthe device 1、产品简介 Product introduction 原理 Principle SYWD 系列无热再牛吸附式压缩空气干燥机是二种利用多孔性固体物质表面的分子力来吸取气体中的

7、水份,从而获得较低露点温度、干燥、洁净气体的净化设备。它采用孔径与水分子直径相近的活性氧化铝为吸附剂,采用国际上最先进的变压吸附原砰,件常温下口支附时,空气中水分子的分压力大十吸附剂中水分子的分压力,水分了进入吸附内部,在吸附剂的表面冷凝成水滴,并放出冷凝热,将此热量蓄于吸附塔的上部。再生时,大约 15左有的干燥空气经针阀进入常压下的再生筒,使吸附剂中的水分子逸 m,同时蓄于吸附塔内的热量有助于解析。吸附剂经过吸附、再生、吸附循环使用,对压缩空气进行连续不断的吸附干燥处理从而获得深度干燥的气体,该产品的主要技术指标,已达到国外同类机型水平,是希单获得一 23以下压力露点气源用户的首选设备。SY

8、WD series of heatless regeneration absorption compressed airdryers are a kind of low dew point temperature,dry and clean air purgingdevices using the molecular force on porous solid surfelce to absorb thewater from the airThey take activated aluminum oxide of an apertureapproximately equivalent to t

9、he diameter of water molecule as absorptiondesiccant and adopt the most internationally advanced pressure variationabsorption principle:as for room temperature absorption,because thepartial pressure of water molecules in the air iS 1arger than t11at of watermolecules in absorption desiccantwater mol

10、ecules enter absorptiondesiccantWater drops ard condensed on the surfaee of the absorptiondesiccant and condensing heat iS given outThis heat iS stored on the upperpart of the absorption towerIn the course of regeneration about 1 5ofprocess The absorption desiccant alternates between absorption andr

11、egeneration and keeps absorbing and drying the compressed aircontinuously to get deeply dried airThe main technical specifications ofthe product reaches the level of the same type of machines and it is the bestchoice for users to produce air with a pressure dew point below-23舣塔变替连续工作输出干燥洁净的压缩空气。其净化空

12、气含水量可达压力露点-40以下,从而获得深度干燥的无水无油的高纯度的压缩空气满足用气的需要。山于采用合理的工作剧期;充分利用了吸附热,故再生效果好;节能耗气少;Two towers are working alternatively to output dry and cleancompressed air continuouslyThe water content of the purged air reachesa pressure dew point below 一 40C SO as to produce deeply dried,waterlessand oilless highpu

13、rity compressed air for useBecause of the properwork period adopted,which adequately takes advantage of absorptionheat,the regeneration effect is satisfactory,energysaving and with lessair consumption; 技术要求 Technical requirements无热再生吸附武十燥机的使用组合(见下图) :The combination of heatless regeneration absorpti

14、on dryer(see thefollowing figure):注意 Notes:1)不按使用组合要求配置,部会使干燥机发生故障或达不到性无热再牛吸附式干燥机盛髓巍馘will be shortened and even the absorption desiccant will get poisoned3)空气进出口管处用户可以根据生产上需要装置旁通管和旁通阀,以便吸干机临时停车检修等,不影响影响连续生产。Bypags pipe and bypass valve can be installed on the air inletoutletpipe by users if it is ne

15、cessary to facilitate the emergent overhaul of dryerwithout affecting the continuous production 。4)对于高原地区,压缩机的有效产气能力较低,可设置鼓风机增压等措施,以保证压缩机机止常产气能力,否则需按下表修正参数乘以设计耗气量,以便选择生产能力。As for tableland areas,the actual air output capacity of compressor is lowerSet fan to increase the pressure to guarantee the pr

16、oper air output capacity of the compressor,or select the production capacity by multiplying the modified coetliclent by the designed air consumption 海拔高度 Above sea 0 305 610 914 1219 1524 1 829 2134 2439 2743 3048 3658 4572 levelrml 修正参数 Modified 1 103 107 1 10 114 117 120 1-23 126 129 1-32 137 143

17、coe 衔 cient 雾热a 冉至吸兰附吾式吕压:编j 峦窭与一、懈羔机能参数的要求。if it is not configured according to combination requirements,thedryer will fail or the required performance will fail to satisfied2)吸附剂在吸附中对进气含油量有较高要求:一般应01mgm。含则将直接影响吸附效果、干燥机寿命,甚至使吸附剂中毒失效。During the course of absorption,the absorption desiccant has stric

18、trequirements on the oil content of inlet air:usually it should be less than01mgm。 ,or,the absorption effect will be brought down。the life of dryer 骧潦植撩无热再生吸附式干燥机3置储气罐。For emergent stop of the device,several minutes of buffering time isrequiredSo it is recommended to install an air holder pot6) 压缩机站

19、内设有数台压缩机时,每台压缩机的排气管线上应设有止回阀和切断阀。If there are several compressors in the compressor station,checkvalve and isolating valve shall be installed on the exhaust pipe foreach compressoE7)本装置前后应设备流量、压力、温度等检测或记录仪表。Meters for measuring flow,pressure and temperature shall beinstalled before and after the devi

20、ce8)每次开机、关机请打开吸附塔下排污阀进行排污。For each start and stop of the device,please open the blow downvalve below the absorption tower to discharge the pollution2、安装与操作护维 Installation and maintenance 设备安装 Device instaIlationa)本设备免基础安装,只需重直度不人于 11000 就可;也可用地脚螺栓与基础固定,设备基础根据现场实地决定。This device can be installed witho

21、ut foundation with the verticalitywithinl1000;or use fang bolts to fix it to the foundation(the foundationfor the device can be decided according to the site conditions)b)设备安装紧固时应进行校 11E,其小垂直度卅 i 大于 11000。Device installation shall be corrected when it is fixed and theverticality shall not exceedl100

22、0运行操作 Operation开机检查;对照干煤机铭牌数据,核对下列条件:Start inspection:check the following conditionS against the data5电源 Power supply:220V50HZ环境温度 Environment temperature:45额定工作 J 长力 Rated working pressure:07Mpa进气温度 Inlet air temperature:40处理气体流量件额定范围内。Process flow is within the rated range前置过滤器处于有效 1 作状态、排水器卜的手动球阀

23、处于“开”的位置。The preceding filter is under effective working status and manualball valve on the Water drainer isON”管刚中各道阀门应处于正常工作位置。All valves in the pipe system shall be in the proper workingpositionsa)启动:吸附器通入压缩空气须待两塔压力相等后,再接通程序控制电源,按启动钮吸附器即开始自动工作。b)干燥:(对吸附剂进行干燥处理)Drying:(the drying process for absorp

24、tion desiccant)采用自身干燥法,将干燥空气出口阀门关闭(不输送成晶空气) ,再将再生气管中孔板拿掉,或者将球阀全开,加大再生气量,此时干燥器的负荷很低,底层吸湿量很少,较大量成品空气去进行再生干燥,其干燥程度很高,经过 24 小时干燥,待干燥空气达到要求露点后,町关小球阀或者按装上孔板后,吸附器就转入正常吸附干燥操作状态。Self-drying method is adoptedShut off the dried air outletvalve(without output finished air)and take away the medium orifice platef

25、rom the regeneration air pipe fully open the ball valve to increase theregeneration air flowAt this timethe load of dryer is quite low,themoisture absorption amount of the bottom layer is quite small and most ofthe finished air is used for regeneration dryingThe dryness is highWaitfor 24 hours until

26、 the dried air reaches the required dew point,turn down5the ball valve or insert the orifice plate and the absorber will enter theproper absorption drying statusC)吸附剂的装填及更换:The filling and replacement of absorption desiccant:吸干机在使用过程中若发现效果变差,应部分更换吸附剂;使用一年后,需全部放出进行筛选,去掉不好的,留下好用的,将好用的部分填装在简体下部,新填的吸附剂装

27、在简体卜部装满为止,切不可用棍棒捣实以免粉碎,这样可保证正常使用。If the quality of finished air gets worse,replace part of theabsorption desiccant;after one year of use,take out all desiccants forselection and put the reusable portion into the lower part of the potFillthe rest of the pot with new desiccants and dont tamp with tool

28、s toguarantee the proper use3、设置操作 Device operation 工艺过程 Process flow秘挪鳓自唰旌。努貉褥1、2、3、4 Switching valves6、7 Check valve9、Control cabinet薏热壤掰裁晕爨撬S 昀穗艚如娥赫哪酶 n 奶斛Flow Chart腑黼空气密蕊5、Muffler8、Regeneration air governing valve无热再生吸附式干燥机流程图HeatleSS regeneration absorption dryer flow chart6工作原理说明 Operating pri

29、nciple开机后,A 塔作吸附运行, B 塔作脱附(雨牛) 运行,在预先设定的时序控制下,截止阀 A1、A2 相继打开,待处理的潮湿压缩空气经 A1 进入A 塔,潮湿气流在白下而-的运动过程中,内部所含的水蒸气被充满塔内、表面有无数选择性小孔的口及附剂(活性氧化铝或分子筛)所吸附。压缩空气本身得到干燥。约占总处到量 85左右的十燥空气经单向阀 a 进入用气管网,另外约占 15的干燥空气绎节流降压后,从上部入 B 塔,作自上而下的运动。原先已被 B 塔内吸附剂所吸附的水蒸气在低压环境中得以释放(脱附) 并随低压气流经 A2、消声器 E 逸入大气,B 塔内的吸附剂也由此而获得活性再牛。A、B两塔

30、在预先设定的时间顺序下轮流工作。A(B)塔吸附,B(A)塔再生,循环不息。当饱和状态的压缩空气经薄膜切断阀进入吸附塔干燥处理后,出口空气含水降至露点温度40C(即成为干燥成品空气)以下,供用户使用。Tower A iS running under absorption status and tower B iS WOrkingunder dehydrating(regeneration)status when the device iS startedUnderthe control of the preset time sequence,stop valves A 1 and A2 open

31、 insuccession and the wet compressed air enters tower A through A 1Thewet current flows from bottom to top,the water vapor iS absorbed by theabsorbent with numerous SUFface selective orifice inside alltower(activated aluminum oxide or molecular screen),The compressedair itself gets driedAbout 85of t

32、otal dried air enters the pipe systemfor the following process through oneway valve and the rest 1 5entersthe top of tower B from after throttling and decompressingThe absorbedwater iS released in the 10W pressure environment(detached)andevacuated into the atmosphere through A2 and mu 用 er E togethe

33、r withlOW pressure currentThe absorption desiccant in TOWER B iS thusreactivatedTowers A and B WOrk alternatively according to the presettime sequence rower A(B)absorbs and tower B(A)regenerates,whichrepeats again and againThe saturated compressed air enters absorptiontower for drying through membra

34、ne isolating valve and the water contentof outlet air drops to dew point temperature 一 40fi_ebecome dryfinished air)for use7参数设置 Parameter setting1)预置延时时间 Preset ofdelay time:将控制器内部中【、日 J 的短路块 SAl 插在 E 面 1、2 位置,控制器即处于设置状态。LED 数码管的最高位显示 1,表示目前设定的是第一段延时时间 tl;其余位显示延时时间设定值。按动而板芹侧下方的 “停止T”按钮 SB2(此时的功能是增加

35、计时值) ,可使延时时间从 1 逐步增加到 600 秒,然后再重复进行。Insert the iumper SA 1 in the center of controller into positions 1 and2 and the controller is ready for settingThe most significant bit of LEDnixie tube displays 1which means that the current setting is for the firstparameter(t1): the rest digits display the pres

36、et valuePress“Stop+”button SB2 on the lower left panel(the current function of thebutton is to increase the timing value)to increase the setting value from 1to 600 seconds gradually and then start all over again当设定的延时值符合要求时,可按面板上的“肩动 ”按钮 SBl(此时的功能是选择延时时段) ,最高位显示 2,表示设定第二段延时时间 t2。按“停止参数” 按钮同样可增加延时值。依

37、次类推,可设定四个延时段的时问。在设定时,按住停止按钮超过 1 秒钟时,延时设定值将快速增加,而断续按动时则每次加 1。When the current parameter is set to the required value, press the“Start-“button SB 1(the current function of the button is to select delaytime step)on the panelThe most significant bit display2,whichrepresents the setting is for the second

38、 parameter(t2)Press“StopParameters”button can increase the delay value as wellRepeat the above steps to finish the settings of four delay timeInsetting press on“Stop”button over 1 second to rapidly increase the delaypreset valueEvery single press will increase the value by 1设定完毕,立即将 SAl 短路块插在 2、3 位置

39、( 不要断电),则设定值将被写入 E2PROM 储存起来,即使断电后仍能保留。When the setting is finished,insert iumper SA 1 into positions 2 and3 fbefore power off)and the settings will be written into E2PROMThesedata can be kept for later use even ifthe power is off82)定时工作 Timing work:当 SAI 处于运行位置时,按启动按钮,控制器按图二的时序工作。KAlKA4 相继动作,红、绿色 L

40、ED 发光管指示上作状态。LED数码显示第一延时段(t1)的延时时间。When SA l is set to the running positionpress“Start button and thecontroller will WOrk according to the time seqvence shown in Figure 2KA 1KA4 will act in succession and the red&green LED nixie tubesindicate the working statusLED nixie tube displays the delay time

41、of thedelay section(t1、 按停止按钮则中断工作,继电器全部释放,控制器复位。Press“Stop”button to stop the operationAll relays are released andthe controiler resets注:KA2 和 KA4 可并联输出,共同驱动一个电磁阀(即为三阀结构) 。当t4 时间设置为 0 时,即没有均压段。Note:KA2 and KA4 can be connected in parallel to drive oneelectromagnetic valve(ie triple valve structure)

42、If t4 is set to“O”there is nopressure equalizing section开机与关机 Start and stop1)开机:干燥机通入压缩空气,须待 A、B 两塔压力相等并静止后再接通程摔器电源,并按“启动按钮”十燥机即开始全闩动_=_L 作。(程控器数字显示半周期工作时间)Start:supply compressed air to the dryer and turn on the powersupply for programmable controller when the pressures of two towers areequalPress

43、 Startbutton and the dryer starts to work automatically(programmable controller digitally displays half-period work time)2)关机:关机须先关闭干燥机进气阀门,按“停止按钮” ,程控器即停止工作。Stop:shut the inlet air valve of the dryer and then press“Stop”button to stop theprogrammable controller94、故障分析与排除 Fault analysis and troubIes

44、hooting 故障 豫融 处理 Faults Cause Corrective measures 1程度摔制器失效。指示灯不亮,电磁 1按电器控制部分使用 阀不工作 f 用铁器碰电磁头无吸引力 1。 说日 JL检查接头和易损 Program controller failure1ndicating 件,更换元件或线路板。 light fails to light and electromagnetic Check the connections valve fails to work(no attractive foFee and consumables when the electroma

45、gnetic head is according to the eIectric tested by a ferrous item) control section of 2消声器堵塞。当电磁阀升启后,高 Users ManualReplace 压筒卸乐时气流受阻,至使受 J 土荠驱 the faulty components or 动的梭阀小能及时切换,变成三通, circuit board 丰气流从电磁阀短路,经消声器排入 2卸 i-消卢器,若设备恢 大气,使两筒压力同时下降。( 限刖 复正常切换,则廊更换 一个棱阀代二个甲向阀结构 ) 消声器或反吹消洗后冉 Muffler blockage When the 装 E 使用。 1干燥机两 electromagnetic valve is opened,the Take off the muffler and 筒不能正


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