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1、enroll to one = combinecomplement = supplement = add tosubstitute = replaceso far = until present = up to nowrooted in = based onmake their way = travelvulnerable-open to break-open to attack - weak -susceptibleperishable 容易腐烂的= easy to spoilSeething 沸腾的 - overflowing/excited/activefloat = stay on t

2、he topbe consistent with = be compatible withproperty 财产,特征 = characteristic = attribute (名词意为 “特征,属性“)simulated - artificialsort - type - kindstaggering 摇晃的; 犹豫的; 压倒的( 多数) =overwhelmingstring 线, 绳子; 一行, 一系列 =seriesswell - enlargement - expandtract- area - terrainsymmetric 对称的,均衡的 - balancetaper 逐渐变

3、小 - diminish - 收缩tenet - principle/beliefturn = changevast - immense - extensivewith the ordinary citizens pocketbook = affordableadvent = arrivalaffair = matterchronic - constant - confirmed 慢性的;证实的consequence = result/importancecounter = opposecountervail 补偿,抵消 ; 对抗 = compensate/opposedistinction

4、= differentiation/excellence/honordistribution = dispersion = dispersalembed = implanteuphoric = extremely happyflake = fragmenthinder 阻碍,打扰= interfere withladings 船货= cargos shipmentmandatory = required, obligatorymundane 世俗的,平凡的= ordinaryprerequisite = something required (something needed to happe

5、n)rather = instead 相反地 / in some degree 在 tainsank (sink 的过去式)= descended; dropped to the bottomscant = minimumsited = locatedsophisticated = refined /elaborated /complexubiquitous 到处存在的 = commonunanimity = total agreementspectator = viewersporadic = intermittent /irregularstylus 铁笔,针状物 = penunconce

6、ivable = unimaginableuniformly = evenly/ without variation/consistentlyunique = sole/ distinctwarranted = authorized 授权的/justifiedassume=take on 呈现/ suppose, posit 假设foster=promote ,encouragePlumage 羽毛=featherComposition 作文,成分,混合物=mixturerelatively=comparativelysubstitute=replacementpremise= assumpt

7、ionwithin= insidehave nothing to do = in no relation tovigorous= strongscope=extentextraordinary 非凡的,特别的= exceptional 异常的,例外的uneasy 心神不安的,不稳定的=unstablebulk 大小,体积,大多数 =majorspeed 加速 = increase the rate ofspread=distribute 散布,分布 endeavor 努力= enterprise 进取心,干事业proximity 接近= nearnessrotate=turn 转动,旋转ass

8、ertion 主张,断言 = strongly statementevidence = proofpreeminent 卓越的 =foremost 最重要的barrier 障碍物 =obstacleprimitive = earlysort = typerudiment=basicintact 未被碰过的=unaffectedprize 珍视 = valuelucrative 有利可图的= profitableineffectively=with out any resultmisleading =inaccuracyarchitecture =structure 结构,建筑物accompli

9、shed 完成的,熟练的 =skilled,embedded 内含的,嵌入的=enclosed 被附上的collaboration 协作=joint effectsidentical=the sameallow=enabledispersal 分散,散布= distributionhampering 妨碍,牵制 = restrictingcherished 珍爱的=valuableprecision = accuracybroadly = extensivelyyearly = annualtracking = followingtolerant = endurerather than = i

10、nstead oftransformation = conversionsample=examplecrawl 爬行 =movehobby 业余爱好 = pastime 消遣,娱乐 inherent in = characteristic ofrecharge 再充电=refill 再装满devise 设计,发明 =createattest to 证明-confirm,replicas 复制品-copies,extant 现存的=not extinctbe closer resemblance to=. be more likeindicate =demonstratethrive=flour

11、ishfluctuating=changingmirror 反映 =reflectprocure 获得=obtainparadoxically=seemingly contradictorycounsel 劝告,忠告 =advice.mock 嘲弄,模仿 = pretendspectacular 引人入胜的 = impressive 印象深刻的mimic 模仿,仿制品=copyroutinely = commonlyactually = in fact = virtuallyrevolutionize = dramatic changeinitially = originallysource

12、= origindiversity 多样性=varietydepict=portraydisassemble 分解=breakarchive 档案 = record attribute 属性,特征= characteristicavid 渴望的,热心的 = enthusiasticbasic = fundamentalcollision = hit each othercopious 丰富的= plentifuldelight = pleasuredisintegrate 分解 = tear apartdiverse = distinctdual = doubleeager = enthusi

13、asticendeavor = enterpriseerect 矗立,建立 = buildexpediency 便利 = advantagefashioned out of = made fromimmigration = movementinfrastructure 基础设施= foundationlocale 场所 = placemean 平均值;卑贱的;吝啬的 = averagemyriad = innumerable = innumerouspeak = maximumrate 估价,鉴定等级= classify 分类,分等Save for 除。之外 = Except forseize

14、 抓住 = taketie = relationvolume = quantitywholly = completelyWithin the ordinary citizens pocket book = affordableally with 与。结盟-link toaware of=familiar withbulk=great quantity =majorityferry 摆渡,渡运 =transporthint 暗示,提示 = indicationimplausible=unbelievablelaunch-startof legitimacy=lawfulof likelihood

15、 = probableminute=tinymisconception=wrong ideaoffset 抵消,弥补=balanceomit 遗漏= excludeonset=beginningpatchy 杂凑的 ;斑驳的,补丁的=irregular 参差不齐的,不规则的peak=in the middle of the largest strengthenpermanent=lastingpore=spaceprecede=come beforepreserve 保护,保存=protectprosper=succeedproximity = closeness = nearnessrang

16、e=varyright (to some place)一直向。地方 = all the wayaccount 叙述,故事=descriptionarid=dryallied with = linked to access=reachastute 狡猾且机敏的=cleveravenue 林荫道,方法 =method = vehicle 手段, 车辆 = approach 方法; 接近appearance=rise 出现,上升appreciable 可察觉到的=noticeableassert= strong statementaccessible=easy to reachaugment=inc

17、reaseabsorb=take inattribute(verb) =credit(attribute . to . = credit . to/with . 把。归结于/归功于。)attribute(noun. 特征, 属性)=characteraware of = familiar withagile=astute=clever = quick and activearise 发生, 出现 = emergebeing 生命,存在=creatures(大家很多人看过米兰。昆德拉的生命中不能承受之轻吧? 其英文名为 The Unbearable Lightness of Being)befo

18、rehand=foreordain 预先, 注定bulk 大批,大多数=major partblossom=flourishbarge 驳船=boatbroad appeal= popularcardinal=fundamentalchannel 引导= direct/ guidecollide=hit each othercontrive 发明, 设计; 图谋= createconvinced=strong beliefconviction = strong beliefcostly=expensiveconserve=savechronically 慢性地, 长期地=constantcre

19、st 鸟冠,顶部=peakcompel=pushconfiguration=arrangementcamouflage=disguise 伪装consider=think aboutconstraint = limitcomprise 包含; 构成,组成 = formcompletely=totallyconsequent=resultingconvert to =change tocurb 控制=controlcollaborate=cooperatedegree=extentdepletion = drain 排干,流尽,耗尽deluxe 豪华的=lavishduplicate=copyd

20、elight = pleaseddelicate=daintydistribution 分配,分发; 分布 =geographic rangeextend=reachexcavation=dug-out 挖掘enlist 征募,谋求=obtain exercise 练习, 运用 = useevidence=proofeventually=ultimatelyexpend 花费 =useenormous=greatexaggerate=overstateenthusiastic = eager 热切的, 渴望的follow=track 跟踪fertile 肥沃的;有繁殖力的= reproduct

21、ivefashionable=popularfeast:=eatingflourish = prosperflexible=adaptablefunds=moneyfragmentize 裂成碎片 = break upgovern 统治,管理,支配=regulate 管制,控制,调节imposing 令人难忘的=impressedintense=stronginhospitable 不好客的;不适宜生命/ 生长的 = unfavorable 不宜的,不顺利的in fact =actuallyimmoral 不道德的=improperimplausible = unbelievableirrep

22、arable 不能挽回的=permanent 永久性的(irreparable damage = permanent damage)implement 工具 = tool 工具inevitable = unavoidablelucrative=profitablelargely=mostlymyriad 无数的 =numerousmanifest=reveal 展示mandatory= requiredmock 嘲笑 ;模仿 = pretend 假装nocturnal = nighttimenearly=almostoccasion 场合,事件=eventold male=aged maleo

23、n the contrary=on the other handpigmentation 染色=colorperilous=dangerous=riskpermit=allowpreordain 预先注定命运的= foreordainpreordain=appoint 指定,约定property 财产,特征=characteristicprimarily=mainlyproponent=supporterpreserve=retain 保持,保留propel 驱使,推进=push 推动rigidly 坚硬地,严格地= strictlyroam 徘徊,漫游= wanderrigorous 严厉的

24、,严峻的,严酷的 = harsh 粗糙的, 严酷的readily=easilyrendering 表现,表演=presentationrelative=comparativerelatively=comparativelyrealm=areareinforce = strengthensurplus=extrasignificant=considerable=importantslight=smallsurmise = guessscope=extentstealthily 悄悄地,暗地里= silentlysuited=appropriatestaunch 坚定的 = strongsuste

25、nance 生计,生活=livingspectator 观众=human viewersophisticated= refinedsegment = portiontake place = occurthreatening=endangeringtechnique = method testify 证明 =give evidencetoxic=poisonousunadorned = not decorativeuniform 一致的,相同的=without variationundertake=attemptvagary 反复无常=uncertaintiesvirtually=almostv

26、igor=energywith respect of= in terms ofwarranted 有正当理由的, 有保证的 = justifiedaggravate 加重,恶化= increase (e.g. aggravate his pain = increase his pain)Approach=move toward.Assertion = strongly statementcentral 中心的,重要的=essential.Collect=gatherCollide=hit each othercounter = opposedependable = reliabledeposi

27、t=laid down 存储,贮藏,放弃,放下design=createdim = decreasedomestic=homeexaggerate=overstateextol = praisefocal point 焦点=centre areasolitary = alonefoster = encouragehowever=yetignite 点燃=set on fireimmoral = improperinert = motionlessindispensable 必不可少的 =significantlargely=mostlymean 平均,卑贱的 = averageon the contrary=whereasparadoxical 似非而是的,似乎矛盾但其实有道理的=seemingly contradictory


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