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1、浅谈我国中医药高等教育现状及国际教育模式 The Status of Higher Education for TCM in China and the Mode of International Education,黑龙江中医药大学,中国中医药高等教育发展已近60个年头, 自1956年创建的第一批4所中医学院后,目前有独立建制的中医药院校已达到24所, 开办中医学专业的院校有62家, 培养了中医执业医师30余万人, 为我国和世界医疗卫生保健及人类健康事业做出了巨大贡献。 The development of higher education for TCM in China has been

2、 nearly 60 years. After 1956, when the first 4 colleges for TCM founded, there were 24 TCM colleges which organized independently, and 62 TCM colleges had the specialty of TCM, which had trained more than 300,000 practitioners for TCM that had made great contributions to human health care worldwide.

3、 中医药高等教育源于中医师承教育,中华人民共和国建国后,国家重视中医药事业的发展,在学习前苏联医学教育的基础上,把中医师承教育纳入中国高等教育系列,其中表达出的重要变革是以学制学位为核心,以此构成了中医药高等教育各层次体系。 Higher education for TCM originates from Shicheng(teacher-apprentice education). After the founding of the Peoples Republic of China, the country laid great importance on the development

4、of TCM, and brought it into the series of Chinas higher education under the guidance of former Soviet unions medical education basis, which expressed the important changes in schooling degree as the core and makes up the higher education of TCM system at all levels.,前言 Introduction,黑龙江中医药大学,一、中医学高等教

5、育办学层次及学制Education Levels,特别是进入21世纪中医学教育继续进行着学制学位体系改革,中医学实施临床医学专业学位,在硕士、博士两级医学学位分为医学科学学位和医学专业学位。近几年又对中医学人才培养进行了深入的改革,提出培养卓越中医医生,实行医教协同,开展了5+3中医人才培养,即5年制+3年住院医师规范化培训,中医学毕业生要达到职业资格,需要8年的培养时间。各高等中医药院还在7年制的基础上除进行本、硕连读,还有的院校实行本、硕、博连读,学制达到9年。Especially in the 21st century, reforms on TCM educational system

6、 and degree system are to continue. By implementation of clinical medicine in TCM professional degree, the master and doctor degrees are divided into degrees of medical science and TCM professional degree. In recent years the in-depth reform of TCM personnel training carried out for cultivating exce

7、llent TCM doctors by medical and educational cooperation. Carried out 5 + 3 talents-cultivating of TCM, namely 5 years studying+ 3 years standardized-training for resident doctors. It requires 8 years training for TCM graduates to achieve professional qualification. Based on the 7-year integrated ma

8、ster program, all higher colleges and universities of Chinese medicine are carrying out 9 years program to integrate undergraduate-master-doctor program.,黑龙江中医药大学,二、中医学高等教育课程设置Curriculum,以大学本科教育为例,课程设置充分体现了传统医学知识与现代科学知识相互渗透,中医学科与西医学科相互渗透,人文社会科学学科与自然科学学科相互渗透的特点。TCM education for undergraduate , the c

9、haracteristics of curriculum are as following: integration of TCM and modern science, integration of TCM and WM,integration of humanities Professional courses (including clinical TCM, clinical WM, prevention and rehabilitation medicine).(2) Above 30 credits for Optional courses.,黑龙江中医药大学,黑龙江中医药大学,在国

10、家教育部组织实施的“高等教育面向21世纪教学内容和课程体系改革计划”中,中医药类占15个。本着“坚持特色,探索改革,不断创新,提高水平”的原则进行了一系列中医药类的课程体系和教学内容改革,开设综合课程,建设国家级精品课程,教材建设有了较快进展,先后编写了7 版高等中医药院校教材,形成了稳定的基础教学与临床实践两大板块,使中医药教育形成了较为完整的学科教育体系,优化了教育资源。The Ministry of Education has claimed a regulation of Reforms in Teaching Content and Curriculum System of High

11、er Education in the 21st Century, in which TCM subjects account for 15. According to the principle of adhering to the characteristics, exploring the way of reforming, insisting innovation and development , a series of reforms in curriculum system and teaching content in TCM have taken place, integra

12、ted curriculums have been set up, national excellent courses have been built up. At the same time, construction of teaching textbooks has been accelerated, 7 versions of TCM textbooks used in Higher Universities have been accomplished so far. All of the measures not only formed a steady structure of

13、 basic teaching and clinical practices, but also shaped a complete educational system and resources in TCM teaching.,黑龙江中医药大学,三、中医药高等教育推动了中医药事业和学术的发展Higher Education Promotes TCM Industry and Academic Development,中医药院校的毕业生遍布中医药的医疗、教学、科研、生产、经营、管理等各种岗位,成为发展中医药事业的中坚力量,不少人已经成为本学科的学术和技术带头人。建立了一批有相当水平的国家、

14、省市、院校级重点学科,促进了学术带头人的脱颖而出和人才梯队的形成,并涌现出一批高水平的科研和教学成果。Graduates from TCM academies works in various positions, related to medical treatment, education, scientific research, manufacture, operation, management and so on. They have become hard core in the development of TCM, and many of them have become t

15、he academic or technological foregoers in their subject. Some state, province or academy key disciplinary fields are established with a considerably degree of quality. Academic foregoers are showing themselves , and the talent team is formed. Besides, there are a number of high-level scientific rese

16、arch and teaching outcomes.,黑龙江中医药大学,四、中医药国际教育 International Education of TCM,高等教育国际化问题,正在成为21世纪我国高等教育改革与发展重要的战略目标之一。而我国的高等中医药教育,已经率先开始了国际化的实践过程,已成为全球性高等教育事业的一个部分。我国每年接收来自世界各地学习中医药的留学生3000余人,居我国自然科学界招收留学生人数前列。以我校为例介绍一下中医药教育培养模式:Internationalization of higher education is becoming one of the most imp

17、ortant strategic goals in the reform and development of higher education in the 21st century. Besides, higher education of TCM has already launched the practice process of internationalization and has become an important section of internationalization of higher education. The number of overseas stu

18、dents is about 3,000 who come to China to learn TCM, ranking the front of nature scientific community enrollment. There is the introduction of training mode of TCM education of our university:,黑龙江中医药大学,1、来华留学 International Students,(1)实施“趋同”管理,开设“中医汉语”特色课程; 新HSK达到5级以上的留学生实施“趋同管理”,与中国学生混合编班,使用相同教材、同堂

19、上课,汉语教学,共同学习除政治理论课之外的其他课程,同中国学生一起参加考试。同时,学校还开设“中医汉语”课程,将中医药知识与汉语有机结合,以汉语学习为主,中医知识为辅,强化学习。 (1) Implement of convergence management, and the establishment of distinctive courses“TCM Chinese Language ”;Implement of convergence management is for the overseas students whose Chinese can reach HSK Level 5.

20、 They can be grouped with Chinese students, using the same textbooks, taking the same courses except the course of political theory, and taking the same tests together with Chinese students. Meanwhile, the course “TCM Chinese Language” is established to combine the knowledge of TCM and Chinese, taki

21、ng the learning of Chinese as the main and the knowledge of TCM as subsidiary role to strengthen the learning effectiveness.,(2)因材施教,开展中英双语教学;没有汉语基础的留学生,则采用中医英语教材,单独编班,由各专业双语教师或配备翻译进行授课,此类学生大多是针灸推拿专业。 (2)Teach students in accordance of their aptitude, and launch bilingual education. For those studen

22、ts who have not studied Chinese before, the English version of textbooks will be adopted. They will be grouped into a separate class to be taught by professional bilingual teachers or equipped with interpreters. Most of the students are majored in acupuncture and massage.,黑龙江中医药大学,1、来华留学 Internation

23、al Students,黑龙江中医药大学,2、中外合作办学Chinese-Foreign Cooperation Programs,(1)与国外中医院校合作(TCM cooperation with foreign universities) 2008年,我校与美国西南针灸学院建立合作关系,成为该校学生的海外毕业实习基地。学生在我校附属医院进行毕业临床实习,内容包括:针灸、推拿、康复、中医内科及4次中医讲座,英文授课。完成全部实习内容,学生将获得我校颁发的临床实习结业证书。In 2008, our university set up partnership with Southwest Acu

24、puncture College(U.S.), we became the oversea base for their students clinical practice. Students can observe and practice in our affiliated hospital, including: acupuncture, massage, rehabilitation, Chinese internal medicine and four lectures about Chinese medicine in English. The students will rec

25、eive certificate of completion of clinical practice issued by our university when complete all the internship.,1999年,我校与马来西亚吉隆坡中医学院合作,以“3+2”模式开展中医学专业本科学历教育,学制五年。两校共同制定培养方案和教学计划,学生前3年在吉隆坡中医学院学习中医专业基础课程及部分专业课程,后2年在我校学习部分专业课程并进行为期1年的临床实习。学生完成全部学位课程,考试合格,将获得黑龙江中医药大学颁发的毕业证书及学位证书。 Since 1999, our universi

26、ty cooperated with TCM school in Kuala Lumpur(Malaysia), to carry out the 3 + 2 mode (5 years) medical undergraduate academic education. Two universities jointly develop training and teaching programs, students spend first three years to learn professional courses of Chinese medicine and some basic

27、professional courses in TCM school in Kuala Lumpur, and the later two years of study some courses and one year of clinical practice in our university. Students will receive a diploma and degree certificates issued by Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine on the completion of full degree progra

28、m and passing the examination.,黑龙江中医药大学,2、中外合作办学Chinese-Foreign Cooperation Programs,黑龙江中医药大学,(2)与国外医科大学合作 2010年,我校与匈牙利塞梅尔魏斯医科大学合作,采取“4+1”模式,即前4年在匈牙利学习以理论课为主,最后1年在我校学习以临床实习为主,培养针灸推拿专业本科学生,学制五年,英文授课。 (2) Cooperate with Medical Universities in the worldWe set up cooperation with Semmelweis University

29、in 2010, started to run a 5-year course in acupuncture in 4 + 1 mode, namely the first 4 years study in Hungary with mainly theoretical courses, the last year practice in our university. This course is in English.,2、中外合作办学Chinese-Foreign Cooperation Programs,(3)与国外机构合作 2014年,我校与美国中药联商会合作,在美国旧金山建立分校,

30、以“2+2”模式开办中药学学士学位课程,学制四年。该项目结合美国的教育特点和学生的实际情况单独制定教学计划,学生前2年在美国学习中药学专业基础课程,后2年在我校完成专业课、实验课、毕业生产实习及专题研究。我校聘请当地具有专业授课资质的教师承担教学任务,同时选派我校优秀教师赴美承担部分课程的教学工作。学生完成全部学位课程,考试合格,并通过毕业答辩,将获得黑龙江中医药大学颁发的毕业证书及学位证书。2014, our university set up cooperation with Merchants Association of Chinese Herbs in the United Stat

31、es to establish campuses in San Francisco, launched a 4-yeaar degree course in pharmacy with 2 + 2 model. The project considers the actual situation and the characteristics of American education to make teaching plan for students. In the first two years, students study pharmacy professional foundati

32、on courses in the United States, the later two years, to complete professional courses, laboratory classes, internships and case studies in our university to graduate. We hire local teachers with professional teaching qualification to undertake teaching tasks, at the same time, send outstanding teac

33、hers from our university to the United States to undertake part of teaching. Students will receive a diploma and degree certificates issued by the Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine when they complete a full degree program and pass the examination.,2、中外合作办学Chinese-Foreign Cooperation Progra

34、ms,黑龙江中医药大学,五、小结 Summary,我们正面临着这样一个令人欣喜的局面::中医药走向世界的步伐越来越强劲;中医药崇尚自然、整体的医疗理念,,其临床优势得到了更多的认同;中医药从业人员和教育机构遍布世界各个角落,并不断增多;国际主流医学的有识之士已将合作研究的触角伸向了中医药,中医药已不仅被认为是补充医学的重要一支,更被认为是一种大有前途的产业融入于世界经济大循环之中,这在世界其他传统医学中是极为少见的。随着中医药在国际上的影响日益扩大,高等中医药教育正向全球化的方向发展。未来,有必要建立起全球中医药教育基本要求和国际标准,即可以规范中医药教育实践和人力资源培养,又可以激励海内外中

35、医药教育机构的发展和培养质量的提高,使中医药人才培养实现国际化。Now we are faced with such an optimistic situation: the TCM is becoming more popular around the world, and its basic medical concepts of the natural and holistic health and its clinical advantages has been recognized by more and more people. The TCM practitioners and

36、educational institutions are in every corner of the world and many people have joined in the TCM by cooperation. As an important branch of the medical science, the TCM is considered to be a promising industry in world economy, a fact which is very unique in the field of TCM in the world. With the ev

37、er increasing influence on international community, the TCM is developing towards globalization. Thus, it is necessary to set the basic requirements and international standard for global Chinese medicine education, which can not only normalize the practice and human resource training of TCM, but improve the development and quality of TCM training institutions. As a result, it will make the TCM talents globalization.,黑龙江中医药大学,谢谢!Thank you !,


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