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1、面辅料英语 (一)原料 纺织原料 textile raw materials 天然纤维 natural fibre 化学纤维 chemical fibre 植物纤维 vegetable fibre 纺织纤维 textile fibre 人造纤维 man made fibre 动物纤维 animal fibre (二)面料面料 2 2 V9 H3 N4 c, r面料:FABRIC里料: LINING. R6 K) V/ F0 R) W% p, K6 N _平纹: TAFFETA斜纹: TWILL7 j7 d; t9 x4 u“ F/ 6 ; ; m缎面: SATIN / CHARMEUSE绡:

2、LUSTRINE提花: JACQUARD, I; D6 r9 S; E: I* x1 T烂花: BURNT-OUT格子: CHECK- 2 T# 2 H+ H: N, a“ 8 H/ F条子: STRIPE双层: DOUBLE LAYER: G9 s4 w o; b/ W0 O9 K, R) n双色: TWO TONE; l! T) y7 P) 3 w4 m绣花织物 embroidered fabric抽绣 punch work) G7 M+ 9 a) R; _1 A! 无纺织物 bondedfibre fabric% Q9 b$ u. X( Q/ n R5 , z/ O1 m ?网眼织物 m

3、esh fabric贴花刺绣 applique embroidery9 ?, |/ i* A0 V3 Y提花丝织物 figured silk% i7 - 6 S) 2 z) U绒线刺绣 crewel work1.机织物服装面料 平纹布 plain cloth 牛津布 oxford 斜纹布 drill 线卡 ply-yarn drill 哔叽 serge serge cloth (背面起毛)哔叽呢灯芯绒 corduroy 起绒布 fleece 泡泡纱 seersucker 麻纱 hair cords 亚麻布 linen cloth 绸 silk 粗纺毛织物 woolen cloth 全毛单面华达

4、呢 woolen one-side gabardine 凡立丁 valitine 啥味呢 twill coating 精纺花呢 worsted fany suiting 法兰绒 flannel 大衣呢 overcoat suiting 交织物 mixed fabric 府绸 poplin 青年布 chambray 纱卡 single yarn drill 华达呢 gabardine 牛仔布 denim 平绒 velveteen 绉布 crepe 巴厘纱 voile 苎麻布 ramie fabric 电力纺 habotai 精纺毛织物 worsted fabric 全毛华达呢 pure wool

5、 gabardine 驼丝锦 doeskin 女士呢 ladies cloth 粗花呢 tweed 2.针织物面料 纬编针织物 weft-knitted fabric 单面针织物 single knit fabric 纬平针织物 plain knit fabric 双罗纹针织物 interlock fabric 起绒针织物 interlock fabric 毛圈针织物 terry knitted fabric 双梳栉经编针织物 two-bar fabric 经编针织物 warp-knitted fabric 双面针织物 double knit fabric 罗纹针织物 rib knit fab

6、ric 双反面针织物 purl fabric 长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted fabric 提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric 多梳栉经编针织物 multi-bar fabric (三)辅料 1.衬 树脂衬 resin interlining 麻布胸衬 breast canvas 树脂领衬 resin collar interlining 绒布胸衬 breast fleece 热熔衬 fusible interlining 粘合衬 adhesive-bonded interlining 双面粘合衬 double-faced adhesive inter

7、lining 无纺布衬 non-woven interlining 无纺粘合衬 non-woven adhesive interlining 有纺粘合衬 adhesive woreninterlinging 黑炭衬 hair interlining 马尾衬 horsehair interlining 化纤衬 chemical fibre interlining 针织衬 knitted interlining 2.填料 (padding)棉花 cotton 人造棉 artificial cotton 喷胶棉 polyester wadding 丝棉 silk wadding 腈纶棉 acryli

8、c staple fibrepadding cloth 衬布,垫布,衬垫织物padding 垫肩,衬垫;衬里织物,填充料lapel padding 翻领衬垫padding thread 加固线/衬垫线线 thread 棉线 cotton thread 丝线 silk thread 尼龙线 nylon thread 装饰线 ornamental thread 钮 button 四目扣 four-hole button 装饰纽扣 decorative button 异形扣 special-shaped button 塑料扣 plastic button 玻璃扣 glass button 子母扣,四

9、合扣 snap button button shell (包钮)钮盖button mold (布或皮)包扣button wrap (同 button stand)扣位,钮扣座;叠门,搭门,钮扣搭门button stand (同 button wrap)扣位, 钮扣座;叠门,搭门,钮扣搭门button snap 按扣button panel 暗门襟conceal button fIy 暗钮门襟buttonhole and button closing 带钮孔和钮扣的门襟button shoe 带袢扣鞋one button frock coat 单钮男礼服大衣,单钮男大衣one-button cu

10、ff 单钮窄袖口one button single breast 单排单钮的2 button single breasted drape model 单排二扣款式3 button single breasted type 单排三扣款式button one double 倒梯形双排钮西装上衣款式(双排六扣,但只扣下面一对)button attaching 钉扣/粤打钮button sew 钉钮扣button sewing 钉钮扣sewing button loop 钉钮袢marking button position 定扣位brass button nickelled 镀镍铜钮扣button e

11、arring 耳扣/扣形耳环attaching button and buttonhole tape 缝合钮扣和钮孔垫带welt button hole 滚(扣)眼binding button hole 滚扣眼X-ligne button X 号钮扣button shoulder 户开钮button loop 环带式钮孔mock button hole 假(扣)眼button shoulder sweater 肩钮毛衫button through dress 开襟明钮女式长服button through dress/coat dress 开襟明钮女式长服button front jumper

12、开襟无袖外长衣button front sweater 开襟羊毛衫button front sport shirt 开襟运动衫button through skirt 开扣门式裙cutting button hole 开扣眼button shoulder 开钮肩button holing 开钮门button knot 扣结,钮扣结flap T# V1 V: s6 N天然纤维 (natural fibre). p/ I, v3 b5 Q n m: A. P叶纤维(leaf fibre): 剑麻(sisal hemp)、蕉麻(Manila hemp) 果实纤维(fruit fibre): 椰子纤维

13、 (coconut fibre) 动物纤维 (animal fibre) 毛发(hair) : 羊毛(wool):主要指绵羊毛,属于蛋白质短纤维。兔毛(rabbit hair):主要为安哥拉兔和家兔所产蛋白质短纤维。7 ) i“ V6 G8 R8 E% l E ; m g# c6 : _3 c4 r; k毛晴纱 Wool/Acrylic Yarns 毛涤纱 Wool/Polyester Yarns 毛粘纱 Wool/Viscose Yarns 毛/丝纱 Wool/Silk Yarnss ) 2 e n4 U! i5 b o x0 v v羊毛/其他 Wool/Other Yarns ) . L(

14、 T$ m7 R! c8 J兔毛纱 Angora Yarns j# A: T7 b/ r雪兰毛线 Shetland Yarns 牦牛毛纱 Yak Hair Yarns 羊仔毛纱 Lambswool Yarns 7 d0 / a l7 d% g. E- W真丝真丝系列纱线 Silk Yarn Series 白厂丝 White Steam Filature Yarns - D9 a8 p+ v5 w3 s, P双宫丝 Duppion Silk Yarns ?7 p8 l“ c1 ) O“ f# E P0 r. x5 h8 v: |2 _花紗 Heather, J: P/ K Z7 t6 e雪尼尔纱 Chenille Yarns 大肚纱 Big-belly Yarns


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