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1、分类号:S664.1 密 级:UDC: 单位代码:10798早实核桃品质与矿质营养元素的关系研究Correlation between Quality and Mineral Elements of Precocious Walnut专 业:果树学研 究 方 向:果树资源遗传改良及利用研 究 生:辛洪河指 导 教 师:杨俊明 教 授毛向红 正高工所 在 院 所:园艺科技学院2011 年 6 月独创性声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作和取得的研究成果,研究内容是河北省林科院承担的“北方核桃早丰品种选育、栽培技术研究”公益性专项(编号:201004093)研究内容的一部分

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3、学位论文作者签名: 导师签名 :签字日期: 年 月 日 签字日期 : 年 月 日I中文摘要为了完善早实核桃坚果品质评价体系,指导合理施肥,提高坚果品质,本研究对河北省 9 个核桃主栽区的早实核桃坚果品质进行了综合评价与分析,对土壤、坚果、叶片的矿质营养元素以及坚果品质指标进行了变异、相关、回归等分析,主要结论如下:1. 区域因素对早实核桃 14 个果实品质指标及叶片、土壤矿质元素含量均有显著影响,而立地因素对坚果饱满度、果形指数、出仁率和矿质元素P、Ca 、Cu 含量无显著影响。2. 利用模糊数学隶属函数法,分析 3 个早实核桃品种综合品质,辽 1 品质较好。对早实核桃的 14 个坚果品质指标

4、进行主成分分析,得到了 5 个主成分包含相关性较好的 11 个指标,并选择能较好反映脂肪、蛋白质两个重要经济性状的主成分,作为以有机营养为主的早实核桃品质综合评价指数。3. 经简单相关分析表明:土壤与叶片间对应矿质元素 Ca、Mg 的含量紧密相关,其它对应矿质元素相关不紧密;土壤与核仁间对应元素相关不明显;叶片与核仁间对应元素 P、 K、Ca、Zn、Mn 明显相关。典型相关分析表明:土壤与核仁、土壤与叶片以及叶片与核仁的矿质元素总体水平上都具有相关性,其中土壤与核仁间主要相关元素是土壤中的 Fe、K 与核仁中的P、Ca 、Mg 、 Cu、Mn;土壤与叶片矿质营养中主要相关元素是土壤中的N、Cu

5、 、Zn、Fe 和叶片中的 P、Ca、Zn、Fe;叶片与核仁矿质营养中主要相关元素是叶片中的 K、Ca、Cu、Fe、Mn 和核仁中的 K、Ca、Zn 、Mn 。4. 环境因素对坚果外观品质、核仁矿质元素、有机营养含量有显著影响。其中对矿质营养元素影响最大,尤以 K 元素为甚, Cu 元素次之,对N、P、Ca 、Mg 元素影响相对较小;外观指标受环境影响居中等水平,核仁成色受环境的影响明显大于其他指标;有机营养指标受环境影响相对最小,其中粗蛋白质较粗脂肪受环境的影响更小些。5. 环境因素对土壤、叶片、核仁矿质元素含量影响显著。其中土壤矿质元素受环境的影响最大,尤以 P 元素为甚;叶片、核仁矿质元

6、素受环境影响相对II较小,但不同元素的变异系数有较大差异,不论叶片还是核仁中,K、Cu、Mn 、Fe 元素的变异系数都明显大于其他元素,其中以 K 为甚。6. 将土壤、叶片矿质元素含量分别与坚果品质的 5 个主成分方程进行双重筛选逐步回归,得到了叶片矿质元素、土壤矿质元素与坚果综合品质的回归模型。7. 通过改善土壤矿质元素含量来提高坚果品质是可行的途径。土壤中的 K含量是影响早实核桃品质的重要因素,其次是 Mg 含量,二者存在拮抗作用,且二者对坚果不同指标的作用大小、作用方向有差异。8. 对 18 个园区的坚果品质综合评价指数进行了聚类分析,分为五类。以最优类园区土壤各种矿质元素平均水平为参照

7、,以参照园区土壤矿质元素 95%置信区间的下限为亏缺标准,分析其它园区土壤营养状况,并提出相应施肥建议。关键词: 早实核桃;矿质营养;坚果品质;相关分析IIIABSTRACTIn order to improve the appraisal system of precious walnut quality and solve the problems caused by low management level, this study evaluated the quality of walnuts in 9 main walnut cultivation areas of Hebei. T

8、he relations of the mineral elements accumulation between the nut and soil,nut and leaf were analyzed. The regression between nuts comprehensive quality and soil, leave mineral elements also were analyzed. Conclusions are as follows:1. Through fuzzy membership functions, three precious walnut variet

9、ies were analyzed, the comprehensive quality of Liao 1 is the highest. Through analysis the principal components about 14 important quality indexes of early-maturing walnuts, determine one principal component as walnut quality synthetic evaluation index that reflects the character of fat and protein

10、 in nuts.2. Through dual screening stepwise regression, 5 main components of nuts and mineral elements of soil, leaves were analyzed; we got the corresponding regression model.3. The simple related analysis showed that corresponding mineral elements of Ca, Mg in soil and leaves were closely related,

11、 others were not related; correlations of mineral elements between soil and nuts were not related; corresponding elements P, K, Zn, Mn, Ca in leaves and nuts were obviously related. Canonical correlation analysis showed that the main related elements in the soil and nuts mineral nutrients were Fe an

12、d K in soil, and P, Ca, Mg, Cu, Mn in nuts; the main related elements in soil and leaf mineral nutrients were Zn, Cu, N, P, Fe in soil, and Zn, Fe, Ca in leaf; the main related elements in leaves and nuts mineral nutrition elements were K, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mn in leaves, and K, Ca, Zn, Mn in nuts.4. The f

13、actors of environment had significant impacts on exterior quality of walnut minerals in nut and organic nutrition. The mineral was affected most by the environment, especially the K and Cu, but N,P,Ca and Mg were affected less relatively than K and Cu; the secondly was the impacts on exterior qualit

14、y, the nut IVcolor was influence most; the index of organic nutrients was affected least, less influences on crude protein and crude fat was showed.5. The factors of environment had significant impacts on mineral contents in soil leaf and nut. The mineral content of soil was affected most by the env

15、ironment, especially the P content; the mineral contents in leaf and nut were affected relatively less than those in soil, but the coefficients of variation were different between different kinds of minerals, the coefficients of variation of K,Cu,Mn and Fe were higher than others in both leaf and nu

16、t, furthermore the K in both leaf and nut has the highest coefficients of variation.6. Different areas and sites conditions had appreciable impacts on the leaf and soil nutrient content, nuts appearance quality, nuts mineral elements, crude protein and crude fat content. Regional factors had appreci

17、able impacts on the content of P, N, and Cu in leaves, the content of Zn, Fe in soil, and the content of crude fat, crude protein, P, Ca, Cu, Zn and plumpness, shape index, pods in nuts. The influences of site factors were not significant.7. It is a feasible way for improving the walnut quality thro

18、ugh improving the mineral contents of soil. K content of soil was the most important factor that effects the quality of walnut, the secondly was Mg. There was antagonism between K and Mg, and the influence size and directions of K and Mg on different indexes of walnut quality were different. 8. We a

19、nalyzed the synthetic evaluation indexes of nuts quality in 18 orchards by the method of a clustering analysis of and divided them into five categories. The index of the first region was the largest among all quality synthetic evaluation indexes. We set the 95% confidence interval of the soil minera

20、l elements of the first region as control, below the prescribed minimum of confidence interval for mineral elements is waning, analyzed the soil nutrition of other parks, and made fertilization suggestions.Key words: precious walnut; mineral nutrition; nut quality; correlation analysis目录中文摘要 .IABSTR

21、ACT .III第一章 绪论 .11.1 矿质元素主要功能的研究 .11.2 树体主要矿质元素的研究 .31.2.1 叶片中主要矿质元素的研究 .31.2.2 果实中主要矿质元素的研究 .41.3 果实品质的研究 .51.4 土壤中主要矿质元素的研究 .61.5 研究目的及意义 .71.6 研究思路和技术路线 .81.6.1 总体思路 .81.6.2 技术路线 .91.7 研究内容 .9第二章 材料与方法 .102.1 试验材料 .102.1.1 样品采集园区及栽培品种概况 .102.1.2 早实核桃主要栽培区土壤样品采集与处理 .112.1.3 早实核桃主要栽培区叶片样品采集与处理 .112

22、.1.4 早实核桃主要栽培区果实样品采集与处理 .112.2 测定内容与方法 .122.2.1 测定内容 .122.2.2 测定方法 . 土壤矿质元素的测定 . 叶片矿质元素的测定 . 坚果营养指标的测定 . 坚果外观指标的测定 .152.3 测定数据的统计分析 .162.3.1 核仁矿质营养、有机营养成分含量及外观指标的差异性分析 .162.3.2 矿质营养元素积累规律的分析 .162.3.3 不同早实核桃品种坚果品质的评价 .162.3.4 核仁营养品质综合评价指标体系的构建 .172.3.5 土壤营养状况改良建议的提

23、出 .172.3.6 统计软件 .17第三章 结果与分析 .183.1 早实核桃坚果品质指数分析与综合评价 .183.1.1 不同品种坚果品质的综合评价 .183.1.2 不同地区不同立地早实核桃坚果的外观品质 . 坚果外壳发育度、壳厚和果形指数 . 坚果单果重、核仁重和出仁率 . 核仁成色和饱满度 . 坚果外观指标的变异程度 .213.1.3 不同地区不同立地核仁矿质营养 . 核仁 N、P、K 含量 . 核仁 Ca、Mg、Cu 含量 . 核仁 Zn、Fe、Mn 含量

24、. 核仁矿质元素的变异程度 .243.1.4 不同地区不同立地核仁有机营养 . 核仁粗蛋白质、粗脂肪含量 . 核仁有机营养的变异程度 .253.1.5 早实核桃品质指标受环境影响程度的分析 .253.1.6 早实核桃品质综合评价指数分析 .263.2 叶片矿质营养分析 .283.2.1 不同品种叶片矿质营养 . 叶片 N、P、K 含量 . 叶片 Ca、Mg、Cu 含量 . 叶片 Zn、Fe、Mn 含量 . 叶片矿质元素的变异程度 .303.2.2 不同地区不同立地叶片矿

25、质营养 .303.2.2.1 叶片 N、P、K 含量 .303.2.2.2 叶片 Ca、Mg、Cu 含量 .313.2.2.3 叶片 Zn、Fe、Mn 含量 .323.2.2.4 叶片矿质元素的变异程度 .323.3 土壤矿质营养分析 .333.3.1 不同地区不同立地土壤矿质营养 .333.3.1.1 土壤 N、P、K 含量 .333.3.1.2 土壤 Ca、Mg、Cu 含量 .343.3.1.3 土壤 Zn、Fe、Mn 含量 .353.3.1.4 土壤矿质元素的变异程度 .353.4 核仁、叶片、土壤矿质营养元素变异程度的比较 .363.5 土壤、叶片、坚果矿质营养相关回归分析 .363.

26、5.1 土壤、叶片、核仁矿质营养间的相关性 .363.5.1.1 土壤与叶片矿质元素间的相关性 .363.5.1.2 土壤与核仁矿质元素间的相关性 .363.5.1.3 叶片与核仁矿质元素间的相关性 .373.5.1.4 土壤、叶片、核仁矿质营养典型相关分析 .413.5.2 叶片、土壤矿质元素与坚果综合品质的回归分析 .423.5.2.1 叶片矿质元素与坚果综合品质的回归分析 .433.5.2.2 土壤矿质元素与坚果综合品质的回归分析 .433.5.3 园区土壤的施肥建议 .46第四章 讨论 .484.1 果实品质综合评价 .484.2 早实核桃外观品质的研究 .484.3 早实核桃营养品质的研究 .484.4 土壤、叶片、坚果矿质营养的相关研究 .49第五章 结论 .51参考文献 .53发表论文和参加科研情况说明 .59致谢 .60


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