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1、 /生活中的爱情有很多误会。虚幻的网络使生活中的不可能成为了可能,这就是网络的可爱。谁能想到唇枪舌剑的敌人却会是甜言蜜语的网络情人。凯瑟琳和乔在咖啡馆的这段对话充满智慧。凯瑟琳的反唇相讥是那么伶牙俐齿,同时却不失涵养。好词好句,强力推荐。 Joe: Kathleen Kelly, hello. This is a 1)coincidence. Would you mind if I sat down? Kathleen: Yes, yes, I would. Actually Im expecting someone. Thanks. Joe: Pride and Prejudice. Kat

2、hleen: Do you mind? Joe: I bet you read that book every year. I bet you just love that Mr. Darcy and your 2)sentimental heart just beats wildly at the thought that he and, well, you know whatever her name is, are truly honestly going to 3)end up together. Waiter: Can I get you something? Kathleen: N

3、o, no, hes not staying. Joe: 4)Mochachino, decaf, 5)non-fat. Kathleen: No, you are not staying. Joe: Ill just stay here until your friend gets here. 6)Gee, is he late? Kathleen: The heroine of Pride and Prejudice is Elizabeth Bennet. She is one of the greatest and most 7)complex 8)characters ever wr

4、itten, not that you would know. Joe: As a matter of fact, Ive read it. Kathleen: Oh, well, good for you. Joe: I think youll discover a lot of things if you really knew me. Kathleen: If I really knew you, I know what I would find instead of a brain, a 9)cash register, instead of a heart, a 10)bottom

5、line. Joe: What? Kathleen: I just had a 11)breakthrough. Joe: What is it? Kathleen: I have you to thank for it, for the first time in my life when 12)confronted with a 13)horrible, 14)insensitive person I knew exactly what I wanted to say and I said it. Joe: Well, I think you have a 15)gift for it.

6、It was a perfect 16)blend of poetry and 17)meanness. Kathleen: Meanness, let me tell you something about meanness Joe: Dont misunderstand me. Im just trying to pay you a 18)compliment. Kathleen: Oh, oh, why are you touching that? What are you doing? Joe: Is this a red rose? No, you know its a 19)cri

7、mson rose. Something you read about in a book, no doubt. Kathleen: Its funny to you, isnt it? Everything is a joke to you. Please eave. Please, please leave, I beg you. Thank you. Joe: You know what that 20)hanky reminds me of? Kathleen: Hmm Joe: The first day I met you. Kathleen: The first day you

8、lied to me. Joe: I didnt lie to you. Kathleen: You did too. Joe: No, I didnt. Kathleen: Yes, you did. Joe: I did not. Kathleen: You did too. Joe: I did not. Kathleen: You did too. Joe: I did not. Kathleen: You did too. I thought all that Fox stuff was so charming. F-O-X. Joe: Well, I didnt lie about

9、 it. Kathleen: Joe, just call me Joe. Joe: Sure. Kathleen: As if you were one of those stupid 22-year old girls with no ast name. Hi, Im Kimberly, hi, Im Janice. Dont they know youre supposed to have a last name? Its like theyre an entire 21)generation of 22)cocktail waitresses. Joe: Look, I am not

10、a 22-year old cocktail waitress. Kathleen: That is not what I meant. Joe: And when I said the thing about the Price Club and the 23)cans of 24)olive oil, thats not what I meant. Kathleen: Oh, you poor sad multi-millionaire. I feel so sorry for you. (Someone comes into, Kathleen raises her head and l

11、ooks forward.) Joe: Take a wild guess thats not him either. So who is he, I wonder? Certainly not I, gather the worlds greatest living 25)expert on 26)Julius and Ethel Rosenberg but somebody else entirely different. And will you be mean to him too? Kathleen: No, I will not. Because the man who is co

12、ming here tonight is completely unlike you. The man who is coming here tonight is kind and funny and hes got the most wonderful sense of humor. Joe: But, hes not here. Kathleen: Well, if hes not here he has a reason because theres not a cruel or 27)careless bone in his body. But I wouldnt expect you

13、 to understand anybody like that. You with your theme park 28)multi-level 29)homogenize the world mochachino land. Youve 30)deluded yourself into thinking that youre some sort of 31)benefactor bringing books to the masses. But no one will ever remember you Joe Fox and maybe no one will remember me e

14、ither, but plenty of people remember my mother and they think she was fine and they think her store was something special. You are nothing but a 32)suit. Joe: Thats my 33)cue. Have a good night. 单词 1. coincidence n.巧合 2. sentimental a. 多愁善感的 3. end up 结束;告终 4. mochachino 一种饮料,巧克力、咖啡和牛奶混合摇成 5. nonfat

15、 a. 脱脂的 6. gee int.惊讶时所发声音 7. complex a.复杂的 8. character n.人物;角色 9. cash register 收银机 10. bottom line 残忍;无情 11. breakthrough n.突破; 突破性进展 12. confront vt.使面对; 遭遇 13. horrible a.可怕的;极可憎的 14. insensitive a. 感觉迟钝的 15. gift n.天赋;才能 16. blend n. 混合 17. meanness n.无聊卑劣 18. compliment n.称赞;恭维 19. crimson a.

16、深红色的 20. hanky n.手帕 21. generation n.一代;一代人 22. cocktail n.鸡尾酒 23. can n. 罐头 24. olive n.橄榄;橄榄树 25. expert n.专家;能手 26. Julius 粗心的 28.multi-level 多级别的 29. homogenize vt.均质化;使均匀 30. delude vt. 不切实际地欺骗自己 31. benefactor n.恩人 32. suit n.外套,暗喻没有良心的商人 33.cue n.线索; 要点 乔:凯瑟琳凯丽,你好。真巧。我坐一坐可以吗? 凯瑟琳:不可以,真的不可以。其实

17、我在等人。谢谢。 乔:傲慢与偏见 。 凯瑟琳:不可以吗? 乔:我敢说这本书你每年都要读。我敢说你一定爱上了那位达西先生,你善感的心灵一想起他就狂跳不已,还有,那个你知道叫什么名字的,最终和他真诚地走到了一起。 侍者:你要点什么吗? 凯瑟琳:不,不,他马上走。 乔:穆哈咖啡,无咖啡因,脱脂。 凯瑟琳:不,你不能呆在这。 乔:你朋友来了我就走。哦天哪,他迟到了。 凯瑟琳:傲慢与偏见的女主人翁是伊丽莎白贝纳特,她是小说作品中最伟大、最复杂的角色之一,你不会知道的。 乔:事实上我已经拜读。 凯瑟琳:噢,是,对你有好处。 乔:我想如果你真的了解我,你会发现很多很多东西。 凯瑟琳:如果我真的了解你,我知道

18、我会发现什么,我会发现你不是一个有头脑的人,而是一台收银机,残酷无情,没有人性。 乔:什么? 凯瑟琳:我刚刚有了一项突破。 乔:什么突破? 凯瑟琳:这要感谢你,在我人生中第一次当面面对一个恐怖、冷漠的家伙时,我确切知道了自己想说什么,并且说了出来。 乔:噢,我认为你有这方面的天赋。刚才真是诗意加卑劣啊。 凯瑟琳:卑劣,我来告诉你什么叫卑劣 乔:别误会我的意思。我只是想夸夸你。 凯瑟琳:噢,哦,你动它干嘛?你想干什么? 乔:这是一朵红色的玫瑰吗?不,你知道这是一朵深红色的玫瑰。一定是哪本书里读到的东西。 凯瑟琳:你觉得可笑是吗?对于你一切都是开玩笑。你走吧。走吧,真的。我求求你了。谢谢。乔:你知

19、道那块手帕让我想到什么? 凯瑟琳:哦 乔:第一天我见到你。 凯瑟琳:第一天你对我撒谎。 乔:我没撒谎。 凯瑟琳:你撒谎。 乔:我没有。 凯瑟琳:你就是撒谎。 乔:我没撒谎。 凯瑟琳:你就是撒谎。 乔:我没有。 凯瑟琳:你就是撒谎。 乔:我没有。 凯瑟琳:你撒谎。我以为弗克斯家族的东西很可爱。弗-克- 斯。 乔:噢,可我并没骗你。 凯瑟琳:乔,叫我乔吧。 乔:当然。 凯瑟琳:搞得好像就像那些不知道姓什么的 22岁的笨女孩一样。嘿,我是金伯丽。嗨,我是杰妮丝。他们知不知道你应该有个姓?整个就象是一代鸡尾酒女招待。 乔:喂,我可不是 22 岁的鸡尾酒女招待。 凯瑟琳:我不是这个意思。 乔:我当时谈到

20、的价值俱乐部和橄榄油罐,也不是那个意思。 凯瑟琳:噢,可怜的数百万富翁。我为你感到难过。 (有人进门,凯瑟琳看了过去。 ) 乔:猜猜一定也不是他。我在想他是谁?当然不会是我,也不是还活在世上的参加过裘里斯和伊塞尔罗森伯格案件的侦探专家,一定是个完全不同的人。你对他也会这样卑劣吗? 凯瑟琳:不,我不会对他这样。因为今晚要来这里的人和你完全不一样。今晚要来这里的人善良、风趣,很有幽默感。 乔:可他不在。 凯瑟琳:噢,如果他没来,一定有原因,因为他的身体里没有冷酷漠然这根骨头。但我不会期望你理解那样的人。你和你那主题公园去多层次均质这个世界、莫卡奇诺乐园吧。你以为自己是什么恩人,给大众带来书籍。但没人会记住你乔弗克斯,也许也不会有人记住我。但很多人肯定会记得我母亲,他们认为她是个好人,他们认为她的书店很特别。而你只是件外套。 乔:我现在知道你对我的看法了。玩得开心。


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