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1、无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 1 页 共 16 页GRE 最常考词汇1、Judge Hooper is regarded in the legal community as a man of candor. (A)开朗(B)严肃(C)精明(D)公正2、After moving to the countryside, Mr. Jones developed an ardor for bird watching.(A)热心(B)习惯(C)休闲(D)厌倦3、The farmers had an ample supply of grain to last them through the winter.

2、(A)少量的 (B)充足的(C)过剩的(D) 短缺的4、The invention of TV started a new epoch in mass communications.(A)空间(B)震撼(C)时代(D)发明5、He gave his wife a solid brooch for her birthday.(A)胸针(B)项链(C)发夹(D)手镯6、The earthy peasants knew nothing about the fine arts.(A)鲁莽的 (B)勤劳的(C)愚昧的(D) 粗俗的7、Forsaking his filial duty, he squan

3、dered his inheritance on fast women.(A)子女的 (B)家庭的(C)婚姻的(D) 工作的8、Mankind should be more humane to wild animals.(A)人类的 (B)仁慈的(C)关心的(D) 保护的9、She felt degraded when it became known that her husband was a murderer.(A)害怕的 (B)同情的(C)降格的(D) 伤心的10、The ghastly sight was shown on the evening news.(A)微妙的 (B)赏心悦目

4、的(C) 壮观的(D) 恐怖的11、The snobbish woman would often belittle her servants.(A)虐待(B)轻视(C)排斥(D)使唤12、Plato said that all things are really just illusions.(A)幻影(B)整体(C)病症(D)实体答案:1(D)2(A)3(B)4(C)5(A)6(D)7(A)8(B)9(C)10(D)11(B)12(A) GRE 最常考词汇TEST 1 1、candor n.坦白;公正 candid adj.坦白的 同 sincerity; truthfulness 反 de

5、ception; falsehood2、ardor n.热心3、ample adj. 充足的 同 sufficient; copious4、epoch n.纪元;时代5、brooch n.胸针或领针6、earthy adj.粗俗的 反 unrefined; coarse7、filial adj.子女* forsake v.放弃 squander v.浪费8、humane adj.仁慈的;亲切的 同 merciful; benign 反 barbarous; rude9、degraded adj.堕落的;降格的10、ghastly adj. 恐怖的 同 grim; horrible11、beli

6、ttle v.轻视* snobbish adj.势利的12illusion n.错觉;幻影 同 fantasy; hallucination 反 reality无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 2 页 共 16 页1、The regal splendor of the palace impressed all who were allowed inside. (A)高耸的 (B)艳丽的(C)富丽堂皇的(D) 清幽的2、He polished the metal until it had a fine luster.(A)光泽(B)图案(C)刮痕(D)形状3、She had an innate abi

7、lity to predict peoples actions.(A)快速的 (B)精确的(C)特殊的(D) 天赋的4、He paints mostly rustic scenes; he especially enjoys depicting farmers working in the fields.(A)恬静的 (B)乡村的(C)郊区的(D) 落后的5、What is the motif of her latest artwork?(A)主旨(B)特色(C)材质(D)题目6、The politicians speech savored of fanaticism.(A)声援(B)强调(C

8、)高唱(D)有之意7、The nomads made a politic journey across the mountain pass to the valley.(A)快速的 (B)政治的(C)明智的(D) 艰辛的8、The citizens of that town are known for their martial spirit.(A)好战的 (B)物质上的(C) 婚姻上的(D) 精神上的9、That ruthless man has long treated everyone with impiety, but he will soon get his just reward.

9、(A)不高兴 (B)不耐烦(C)不忠诚(D) 不尊敬10、The author was attracted to the quietude of the Alps.(A)朴实(B)宁静(C)风景(D)森林11、I enjoyed the odorous atmosphere of the flower shop.(A)清新的 (B)刺鼻的(C)芳香的(D) 愉悦的12、The beggars on the streets of Calcutta really make for a pathetic sight.(A)穷困的 (B)不雅观的(C) 可怕的(D) 使人怜悯的答案:1(C)2(A)3

10、(D)4(B)5(A)6(D)7(C)8(A)9(D)10(B)11(C)12(D) GRE 最常考词汇TEST 2 1、regal adj.帝王的;富丽堂皇的2、luster n.光彩;光泽 lustrous adj.光亮的 同 splendor; glow 反 dimness; gloom3、innate adj. 天赋的 同 intrinsic 反 extrinsic4、rustic adj.乡村的;粗俗 同 countrified; pastoral 反 refined5、motif n.主题;主旨6、savor v.有的味道;有之意* fanaticism n.狂热7、politic

11、 adj.明智的;适当的 同 judicious; sagacious * nomad n.牧民8、martial adj.军事的;好战的 同 bellicose9、impiety n.不敬;不孝 同 irreverence10、quietude n.安静;镇静11、odorous adj.芳香的;有气味的 同 fragrant12、pathetic adj. 悲惨的;使人怜悯的无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 3 页 共 16 页1、The fitful breeze didnt make for good sailing. (A)方向不定的 (B)威力强大的(C) 微弱无力的(D) 断断续续的2

12、、The lake shimmered in the tropical heat.(A)上涨(B)发热(C)干涸(D)闪光3、Spoiled from birth, the touchy monarch wasnt liked by the masses.(A)易怒的 (B)残暴的(C)风流的(D) 挥霍的4、The candle began to wane but the girl continued to read her Bible.(A)掉落(B)燃烧(C)减弱(D)倾倒5、His dark visage had been carved on his tomb.(A)座右铭 (B)容貌

13、(C)遗言(D) 生平6、Some say the universe is chaotic, others say that it is well-ordered.(A)混乱的 (B)地狱般的(C) 无意义的(D) 无望的7、Fatalism will get you nowhere, so it is better to try and be an optimist.(A)有神论 (B)宿命论(C)无神论(D) 怀疑论8、His witless remarks disappointed all of us.(A)无证据的 (B)无情的(C) 空洞的(D) 愚蠢的9、The air in th

14、e garden was refreshing and aromatic.(A)浓郁的 (B)清新的(C)芳香的(D) 扑鼻的10、Professor Lin quotes at least one maxim every lecture.(A)格言(B)散文(C)诗歌(D)条文11、The long-term drought engendered serious famine in some parts of the country.(A)产生(B)减少(C)综合(D)影响12、His collection of sensuous paintings was auctioned off la

15、st week.(A)敏感的 (B)刺激的(C)感官的(D) 性感的答案:1(D)2(D)3(A)4(C)5(B)6(A)7(B)8(D)9(C)10(A)11(A)12(C)GRE 最常考词汇TEST 31、fitful adj.断断续续的;一阵一阵的 同 spasmodic; intermittent2、shimmer v.发光3、touchy adj.过敏的;易怒的 同 sensitive; irascible4、wane v.减弱;减少 同 diminish; fade; decrease5、visage n.容貌;样子 同 appearance6、chaotic adj. 混乱的7、

16、fatalism n.宿命论 fatalistic adj.宿命论的8、witless adj.无知的;愚蠢的9、aromatic adj.芳香的 同 fragrant10、maxim n.格言;箴言 同 saw; saying; precept 反 nonsense11、engender v.产生;酿成 同 cause; produce12、sensuous adj.感官的;感觉的 * auction v.拍卖 无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 4 页 共 16 页1、Weather in mountainous areas is quite mutable. (A)寒冷的 (B)易变的(C)潮湿

17、的(D) 阴暗的2、It is always gusty here on our prarie farm.(A)有风的 (B)多雨的(C)干燥的(D) 炎热的3、Many great classical composers completed their symphonies with grand finales.(A)诙谐曲 (B)序曲(C)小夜曲(D) 终曲4、It isnt fair to ascribe their poverty to laziness.(A)误认为 (B)假设为(C)归因于(D) 相等于5、He thought he saw an oasis but it was

18、only a mirage.(A)沙漠(B)海市蜃楼(C)作梦(D) 影子6、I wondered what kind of artist would have created something so atypical.(A)怪诞的 (B)精致的(C)典型的(D) 非典型的7、She suffered from continual bouts of moodiness after recovering from her long illness.(A)焦躁(B)亢奋(C)忧郁(D)疼痛8、She often dreamt about owning a graceful home in som

19、e pastoral setting.(A)城堡的 (B)安静的(C)田园的(D) 繁华的9、The defendant remained impassive when the guilty verdict was announced.(A)不服气的 (B)无感情的(C) 不屑的(D) 激动的10、Some cynical people believe in total negation.(A)否定(B)疑虑(C)抗议(D)绝望11、Being personable in front of the cameras helped her in public life.(A)受欢迎的 (B)和蔼的

20、(C) 动人的(D) 独特的12、That officious waiter ruined our date.(A)好管闲事的 (B)一板一眼的(C) 游手好闲的(D) 粗心莽撞的答案:1(B)2(A)3(D)4(C)5(B)6(D)7(C)8(C)9(B)10(A)11(C)12(A)GRE 最常考词汇TEST 4 1、mutable adj.易变的;可变的 fickle2、gusty adj. 刮风的3、finale n.终曲;终场4、ascribe v.归因于 同 refer; attribute; assign5、mirage n.海市蜃楼;幻想 * oasis n.绿洲6、atypi

21、cal adj. 非典型的7、moodiness n.忧郁 同 depression; gloom8、pastoral adj.田园的9、impassive adj.无感情的;不觉痛苦的* defendant n.被告 verdict n.判决10、negation n.否定;否认 同 denial * cynical adj.愤世嫉俗的11、personable adj. 貌美的;动人的 同 attractive; charming12、officious adj.好管闲事的 同 meddlesome; obtrusive无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 5 页 共 16 页1、The entra

22、nce to the cave was through a large cleft in the rock. (A)绳索(B)栈道(C)圆洞(D)裂缝2、His guile earned him the contempt of the other villagers.(A)恐吓(B)奸诈(C)骚扰(D)乞讨3、The shirt gaped open to reveal his chest.(A)掉下(B)破洞(C)敞开(D)浸水4、His instructions were concise and to the point.(A)生动的 (B)有趣的(C)详细的(D) 简明的5、Pay eq

23、uity means equal pay for equal work.(A)公开(B)公平(C)相等(D)定量6、The attorney decided to amplify the story by talking to a reporter.(A)扩大(B)平息(C)澄清(D)公开7、The cold air whetted his appetite.(A)刺激(B)减少(C)扰乱(D)控制8、He vented his frustration by banging on the desk.(A)压抑(B)大叫(C)放纵(D)发泄9、Just when her plans appear

24、ed to have reached fruition, she died of a heart attack.(A)转机(B)赞赏(C)实现(D)接纳10、In the guise of a Buddhist monk, he cheated many of the faithful.(A)指使(B)保护(C)庙宇(D)伪装11、A short nose is a generic attribute of Oriental people.(A)明显的 (B)共同的(C)丑陋的(D) 可耻的12、He gave himself to visionary plans which were nev

25、er carried out.(A)视觉上的 (B)困难的(C) 空想的(D) 前景看好的答案:1、(D)2、(B)3、(C)4、(D)5 、(B)6 、(A)7 、(A)8、(D)9、(C)10、(D)11、(B)12、(C) GRE 最常考词汇TEST 5 1、cleft n.裂缝2、guile n.奸诈;狡猾 同 craft; artifice candor; honesty3、gape v.裂开;敞开4、concise adj.简明的5、equity n.公平;公正 同 fairness; justice6、amplify v.扩大 同 magnify; extend 反 reduce

26、; curtail * attorney n.律师7、whet v.磨(刀);刺激 同 sharpen; stimulate8、vent v.发泄 n.孔9、fruition n.结果;实现;完成 同 fulfilment; realization10、guise n.外表;伪装11、generic adj.具有属性的;同类的;共同的 * attribute n.特性12、visionary adj.幻想的;空想的 同 fanciful; quixotic 无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 6 页 共 16 页1、The viper was ensnared and put in a cage. (

27、A)毒蛇(B)土狼(C)野兔(D)金钱豹2、Her heart was as frigid as the weather outside.(A)固执的 (B)多变的(C)热情的(D) 冷漠的3、The ferry to France will leave from quay 6 at 435 p.m.(A)港口(B)船坞(C)码头(D)船舱4、Causing much discontent, his regime didnt remain in power for long.(A)改革(B)政权(C)声望(D)信用5、He continued to hew at the gigantic tr

28、ee with his axe.(A)凿(B) 割(C)锯(D) 砍6、We should all try to be humble and be wary of excessive pride.(A)小心的 (B)担忧的(C)反省的(D) 改正的7、Many of the Roman emperors has control of both secular and religious powers.(A)生活的 (B)内政的(C)世俗的(D) 经济的8、Yesterdays earthquake caused violent tremors in the southern region of

29、 Japan.(A)震动(B)损失(C)崩塌(D)海啸9、Some factories dump toxic wastes into the sea and air or bury them illegally.(A)恶臭的 (B)大量的(C)污秽的(D) 有毒的10、Some of Dalis paintings are strange and unearthly.(A)复杂的 (B)怪异的(C)幻觉的(D) 难懂的11、Stellar activity can be seen with a powerful telescope.(A)星状的 (B)微生物的(C) 陨石的(D) 人造卫星的1

30、2、The companys rapid growth was due to its dynamic leadership.(A)稳重的 (B)严格的(C)有活力的(D) 能干的答案:1、(A)2、(D)3、(C)4、(B)5、(D)6、(A)7、(C)8、(A)9、(D)10、(B)11、(A)12、(C)GRE 最常考词汇TEST 6 1、viper n.毒蛇 * ensnare v.诱入陷阱2、frigid adj.严寒的;冷漠的反 warm; passionate3、quay n.码头* ferry n.渡船4、regime n.政体;政权5、hew v.砍;劈 同 chop; spl

31、it6、wary adj.小心的;慎重的同 circumspect; cautious; alert 反 rash; negligent7、secular adj.世俗的;非宗教的同 worldly; temporal 反 divine8、tremor n.颤抖;震动9、toxic adj.有毒的 同 poisonous10、unearthly adj.异常的;怪异的同 weird11、stellar adj.星(状) 的12、dynamic adj.活动的;充满活力的同 active; energetic torpid; 反 sluggish 无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 7 页 共 16 页

32、1、The hunters tried to cleave a path through the jungle. (A)绕道(B)筑路(C)打通(D)钻过2、The workers in the construction site were sweltering in the heat.(A)昏倒(B)汗流浃背(C)脱水(D) 呕吐3、His political career was blighted by the scandal.(A)毁灭(B)展开(C)结束(D)影响4、Her affected mannerisms made us all sick.(A)无理取闹的 (B)轻佻的(C)

33、粗俗的(D) 造作的5、The bleak countryside attracted only the hardiest of settlers.(A)辽阔的 (B)荒凉的(C)壮观的(D) 淳朴的6、Psychologists study the complexities of the human psyche.(A)直觉(B)脑神经(C)生理(D) 精神7、Her maternal love helped him through that difficult time.(A)姊妹的 (B)朋友的(C)母亲的(D) 父亲的8、Small mischances often ruin grea

34、t plans.(A)错误(B)粗心(C)漏洞(D)不幸9、The childrens faces were very animated when they came home from the circus.(A)非常失望的 (B)闷闷不乐的(C) 惊魂未定的(D) 朝气蓬勃的10、He had made a very subjective judgement on her performance.(A)简短的 (B)主观的(C)客观的(D) 透彻的11、Playing guitar was only her avocation at first, but later it became h

35、er sole occupation.(A)副业(B)负担(C)厌恶的事(D) 休闲12、In his voice she could detect a certain tinge of irony.(A)赞美(B)嘲讽(C)贬抑(D)辱骂答案:1、(C)2、(B)3、(A)4 、(D)5 、(B)6 、(D)7 、(C)8 、(D)9、(D)10 、(B)11 、(A)12 、(B)GRE 最常考词汇TEST 7 1、cleave v.劈开;打通 cleavage n.2、swelter v.汗流浃背;中暑3、blight v.毁灭;破坏 同 ruin; destroy4、affected

36、adj. 造作的;不自然的 affectation n.矫揉造作 同 artificial; pretended5、bleak adj.寒冷的;荒凉的 barren6、psyche n.灵魂;精神7、maternal adj.母亲的8、mischance n.不幸同 misfortune; mishap9、animated adj.充满朝气的;生动的 animation n.活动;生动同 dynamic; lively 反lifeless10、subjective adj.主观的反 objective11、avocation n.副业;嗜好12、irony n.反语法;嘲讽 ironical

37、adj.讽刺* detect v.发现 tinge n.意味无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 8 页 共 16 页1、After winning a gold medal, the athlete was feted in his hometown. (A)封爵(B)游行(C)颁奖(D)宴请2、The saying “time is money“ has become a clich.(A)格言(B)陈词滥调(C)准则(D) 流行语3、The impious eccentric hadnt been to church for years.(A)不仁的 (B)不忠的(C)不敬的(D) 不诚实的4、A

38、n eminent physician was called to diagnose his strange illness.(A)著名的 (B)有经验的(C) 御用的(D) 权威的5、On arrival, each tourist was given a circlet of flowers.(A)一束(B)一圈(C)一盆(D)一篮6、Today many couples are experiencing marital problems.(A)生育的 (B)暴力的(C)家庭的(D) 婚姻的7、A good chess player knows how to exploit an oppo

39、nents infirmities.(A)战术(B)策略(C)弱点(D)情绪8、She loathed the noise of the central district and finally moved to the suburbs.(A)厌恶(B)忍受(C)喜欢(D)抗议9、Her appearance gave people the illusive impression that she was haughty.(A)模糊的 (B)错觉的(C)直觉的(D) 不良的10、He had to wait several days for a definitive answer.(A)确定的

40、 (B)正确的(C)满意的(D) 可接受的11、Tourist offices usually have many colorful brochures.(A)地图(B)参考书(C)传单(D) 手册12、The food energized the starving men and they were able to continue on their journey.(A)补充(B)激励(C)使精力充沛(D) 消耗答案:1、(D)2、(B)3、(C)4、(A)5 、(B)6 、(D)7 、(C)8 、(A)9、(B)10、(A)11、(D)12 、(C)GRE 最常考词汇TEST 8 1、f

41、ete v.宴请;庆祝2、clichn.陈词滥调3、impious adj.不敬的;不孝的同 irreverent; profane* eccentric n.古怪的人4、eminent adj.著名的;卓越的同 distinguished; well-known 反 obscure* diagnose v.诊断5、circlet n.戒指;小圈6、marital adj.婚姻的7、infirmity n.弱点 同 weakness* exploit v.利用8、loathe v.厌恶;嫌恶 同 detest; abhor9、illusive adj.虚幻的;错觉的10、definitive

42、adj.确定的;最后的 同 conclusive; ultimate 反 tentative11、brochure n.手册 同 pamphlet无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 9 页 共 16 页12、energize v.使精力充沛;使活动 1、To muse over past successes wont do you any good now. (A)炫耀(B)冥想(C)回忆(D)自满2、Her offer to render assistance was met with indifference.(A)建议(B)帮忙(C)提供(D)改良3、Mammals are vertebrate

43、 animals which drink their mothers milk.(A)哺乳动物 (B)两栖动物(C) 爬行动物(D) 软体动物4、She had much experience in controlling restive pupils.(A)害羞的 (B)爱哭的(C)乖巧的(D) 好动的5、In chemistry, it is important to know which substances will cohere.(A)升华(B)爆炸(C)凝聚(D)熔化6、The ways of the Occident often differ from those of the

44、Orient.(A)欧美国家 (B)亚洲国家(C) 北半球国家(D) 南半球国家7、An old persons opinions, once formed, are often nearly immutable.(A)不变的 (B)不实际的(C) 不可信的(D) 善变的8、Those days everyone in the town was talking about the notorious murderer and his gang.(A)悲惨的 (B)声名狼藉的(C) 值得同情的(D) 无法无天的9、The provincial officials paid a visit to

45、the capital.(A)中央的 (B)使馆的(C)邻邦的(D) 地方的10、The monument was built to memorialize the late President.(A)讨好(B)赞美(C)纪念(D)侮辱11、His invention was ingenious, but not very practical.(A)坚固的 (B)可靠的(C)实际的(D) 经济的12、That novel is a brilliant political satire.(A)讽刺文学 (B)传记文学(C) 比较文学(D) 记实文学答案:1、(B)2、(C)3、(A)4 、(D)

46、5 、(C)6 、(A)7 、(A)8、(B)9 、(D)10 、(C)11 、(C)12、(A)GRE 最常考词汇TEST 9 1、muse v.沉思;冥想同 ponder; meditate2、render v.提供;报答3、mammal n.哺乳动物 * vertebrate adj.有脊椎骨的4、restive adj.不安宁的;好动的同 restless; unruly5、cohere v.凝聚 cohesion n.6、Occident n.欧美国家7、immutable adj.不变的同 unchangeable8、notorious adj.声名狼藉的;恶名昭彰的同 infam

47、ous; ill-famed9、provincial adj.地方的;偏狭的同 local; narrow-minded cosmopolitan10、memorialize v.纪念同 commemorate11、practical adj.实际的;实用的* ingenious adj. 巧妙的无忧托福网 留学梦工厂 第 10 页 共 16 页12、satire n.讽刺文学1、Unruly crowds often cannot be controlled by the police. (A)难控制的 (B)激动的(C) 抗争的(D) 游行的2、He told the kids about the legend of the titanic


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