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1、1非谓语动词强化练习(一)1. _ many times, but he still doesnt know how to do it.A. Having told B. Having been told C. He has been told D. Being told2. - Sorry, but Ill have to keep you waiting for some time.- Thats all right. I dont mind _waiting.A. keeping B. having kept C. having been kept D. being kept3. - W

2、hat do you think made Mary so upset?- _ her bicycle.A. Losing B. As she lost C. To lost D. Because of losing4. Time must be made full use of _ the Three Gorges Project ahead of time.A. completing B. to complete C. completed D. being completed5. Thats the best way we should think of _ the dying soldi

3、er.A. helping B. saving C. to save D. being saved6. Who did the teacher have _ an article for the wall newspaper just now?A. writing B. write C. to write D. written7. The night club, _ last month, was popular with the college students near it.A. being opened B. to be opened C. to open D. opened8. Ch

4、ildren today are still suffering from heavy work, _ at preparing them for entrance examination.A. to aim B. aimed C. aiming D. having been aimed9. - What did you hear last night?- I seemed _ someone knock at the door.A. to be heard B. to be hearing C. to have heard D. having heard10. Could you give

5、me a hand _ the shopping from the car, please?A. to carry B. for carrying C. carrying D. carried11. Hearing the news, he hurried out, the book _ on the table and disappeared into the distance.A. left, lain open B. leaving, lying open C. leaving, lie opened D. left, lying opened12. She looks forward

6、every spring to _ the flower garden.A. visiting B. visit C. paying a visit D. visited13. What worried the child most was _ to visit his mother in the hospital.A. his not allowing B. his not being allowed C. his being not allowed D. having not allowed 14. Everything _ into consideration, they ought t

7、o have another chance.A. to take B. taken C. to be taken D. taking15. The Yellow River, _ to be “the mother river“, runs across China like a huge dragon.A. saying B. to say C. said D. being said16. He is lying in bed, his eyes looking at the ceiling and his hands _ behind his head.A. to cross B. cro

8、ssing C. cross D. crossed17. The old man was moved by what she said, tears _ up in his eyes.A. welling B. welled C. rolling D. rolled18. - Where is Mr. Li? He was here a moment ago.- His secretary has just come ._, he hurried out at once.2A. Being told something B. Telling something C. To tell somet

9、hing D. Having been told something19. Those who want to separate Taiwan from the mainland are lifting stone _ it dropped on their own feet.A. have B. to have C. only to have D. only having20. - Shall we go swimming?- OK, Ill just go and get _.A. to change B. changed C. it changed D. changing21. The

10、houses _ are for the teachers and the construction work will start soon.A. built B. to be built C. to built D. being built22. _ some of this juice-perhaps youll like it.A. Try B. To try C. Trying D. If you try23. He sent me an E-mail, _ to get further information.A. hoped B. to hope C. hope D. hopin

11、g24. _ to make a speech, he said he would be very glad to.A. When asked B. When asking C. To be asked D. When he was asking25. I m examining the composition he has just finished _ the possible mistakes in it.A. to correct B. correct C. corrected D. correcting26. The boy has the habit of asking quest

12、ions and then _ their answers.A. not listen to B. not to listen to C. not listening to D. doesnt listen to27. _ the idiom, he looked it up in the dictionary.A. Never having learned B. Not learning C. Having not learned D. Having never learned28. _ the tower building, where you can see the whole city

13、.A. Standing on the top of B. If you climb to C. When you reach the top of D. Get to the top of29. The students, _ at the way the question was put, didnt know how to answer it.A. being surprised B. surprising C. surprised D. having surprised30. When the car crashed, your brother , _?A. escaped hurt,

14、 didnt he B. escaped being hurt, didnt heC. escaped hurting, didnt it D. escaped to be hurt, didnt he31. “Ill do some washing this afternoon. Do you have any clothes _?” Mother asked Jim. A. washing B. washed C. to wash D. to be washed32. It rained heavily, _ severe flooding in that country.A. causi

15、ng B. to cause C. caused D. and caused33. They live in an island country. There is no man in its _ area.A. surround B. surrounding C. surrounded D. to surround34. - Why did he let you repeat his instruction time and time over?- _ that I remember what was _ after he went out.A. To make sure, to do B.

16、 Making sure, to be doneC. To see to it, to be done D. Seeing to, done35. No computers so far _ can have the same ability as human brains.A. be built B. having being built C. being built D. built36. _ on time, I think, the medicine will work on him before long.3A. Taken B. Being taken C. If taking D

17、. Take 非谓语动词强化练习(二)1._ is a good form of exercise for both young and old.A. The walk B. Walking C. To walk D. Walk2.Is _ necessary to complete the design before National Day?A. this B. that C. it D. he3.She pretended _ when I passed by.A. not to see B. not seeing C. to not see D. having not seen4.We

18、 agreed _ here but so far she hasnt turned up yet.A. having met B. meeting C. to meet D. to have met5.Little Jim should love _ to the theatre this evening.A. to be taken B. to take C. being taken D. taking6.I would love _ to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.A. to

19、 go B. to have gone C. going D. having gone7.I would appreciate _ back this afternoon.A. you to call B. you call C. your calling D. youre calling8. I must apologize for _ ahead of time. Thats all right.A. letting you not know B. not letting you knowC. letting you know not D. letting not you know9.Th

20、is sentence needs _.A. to improve B. improve C. improving D. improved10.She reached the top of the hill and stopped _ on a big rock by the side of the path.A. to have rested B. resting C. to rest D. rest11.Go on _ the other exercise after you have finished this one.A. to do B. doing C. with D. to be

21、 doing12.She didnt remember _ him before.A. having met B. have met C. to meet D. to having met13. The light in the office is still on. Oh, I forgot _.A. turning it off B. turn it off C. to turn it off D. having turned it off14. You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting. Well, now I re

22、gret _ that.A. to do B. to be doing C. to have done D. having done15.They knew her very well. They had seen her _ up from childhood.A. grow B. grew C. was growing D. to grow16.The missing boys were last seen _ near the river.A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play17.Though he had often made h

23、is sister _. Today he was made _ by his little sister. A. cry ; to cry B. crying ; crying C. cry ; cry D. to cry ; cry18.Mrs Smith warned her daughter _ after drinking.A. never to drive B. to never drive C. never driving D. never drive19. Good morning. Can I help you? 4 Id like to have the package _

24、, madam.A. be weighed B. to be weighed C. to weigh D. weighed20.The speaker raised his voice but still couldnt make himself _.A. hear B. to hear C. hearing D. heard21.Jane was made _ the truck for a week as a punishment.A. to wash B. washing C. wash D. washed22.I can hardly imagine Peter _ across th

25、e Atlantic Ocean in five days.A. sail B. to sail C. sailing D. to have sailed23.Paul doesnt have to be made _, he always works hard.A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning24.Do you know the boy _ under the tree?A. lay B. lain C. laying D. lying25.The Olympic Games, _ in 775 B.C., did not include

26、 women players until 1912.A. first playing B. to be first played C. first played D. to be first playing26.The first textbooks _ for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century. A. having written B. to be written C. being written D. written27.The computer centre, _ last year,

27、is very popular among the students in this school.A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened28.The secretary worked late into the night, _ a long speech for the president.A. to prepare B. preparing C. prepared D. was preparing29._ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.A. Losing B

28、. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose30._ more attention, the trees could have grown better.A. To give B. Giving C. Having given D. Given31.Shes upstairs _ letters.A. writes B. is writing C. write D. writing32._ a reply, he decided to write again.A. Not receiving B. Receiving not C. Not having received D

29、. Having not received33. “Cant you read?” Mary said _ to the notice.A. angrily pointing B. and point angrily C. angrily pointed D. and angrily pointing34.Charles Babbage is generally considered _ the first computer.A. to invent B. inventing C. to have invented D. having invented35.There was a terrib

30、le noise _ the sudden burst of light.A. followed B. following C. to be followed D. being followed36.He had his leg _ in the match yesterday.A. to break B. broken C. break D. breaking37.I saw him _ out of the room.A. go B. had gone C. has gone D. goes38.The workers want us _ together with them.A. wor

31、k B. working C. to work D. worked39.The patient was warned _ oily food after the operation.A. to eat not B. eating not C. not to eat D. not eating40._ the letter, he went out to post it.5A. Writing B. Being written C. Having written D. Written41.The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with

32、his talks, _ that he had enjoyed his stay here. A. having added B. to add C. adding D. added42.The squirrel was lucky that it just missed _.A. catching B. to be caught C. being caught D. to catch43.I really enjoy _ that kind of job.A. do B. doing C. to do D. to be doing44. I usually go there by trai

33、n. Why not _ by boat for a change?A. to try going B. trying to go C. to try and go D. try going45.Do you remember _ me at a party last year?A. meet B. to meet C. meeting D. met46.How about the two of us _ a walk down the garden?A. to take B. take C. taking D. to be taking47.European football is play

34、ed in 80 countries, _ it the most popular sport in the world.A. making B. makes C. made D. to make48.The purpose of new technologies is to make life easier, _ it more difficult.A. not make B. not to make C. not making D. do not make49.The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the

35、 next year.A. carried out B. carrying out C. carry out D. to carry out50.Do whatever you could _ him.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helped51.Im busy now. Im sorry I cant help _ the flowers.A. to water B. watering C. watered D. waters52.Most of the artists _ to the party were from South Africa.A. i

36、nvited B. to invite C. being invited D. had been invited53.The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew.A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung54.Will those _ the children from abroad come to the headmasters office?A. teaching B. teach C. who teaches D. who teaching55.He was disappoint

37、ed to find his suggestions _.A. been turned down B. turned down C. to be turned down D. to turn down56. Let me tell you something about the journalists. Dont you remember _ me the story yesterday?A. told B. telling C. to tell D. to have told57.There are five pairs _, but Im at a loss which to buy.A.

38、 to be chosen B. to choose from C. to choose D. for choosing58.When I got back home I saw a message pinned to the door _ “Sorry to miss you; will call later.” A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading59.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _.6A. 20 dollars remained B. 20 dollars

39、 to remainC. remained 20 dollars D. remaining 20 dollars60. Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day? _ enough protein and nutrition as you are getting up.A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting up61.He let me repeat his instruction _sure that I understood what was _after he went awa

40、y.A. to make ; to be done B. making ; doing C. to make ; to do D. making ; to do62.Father will not _ us to use his recorders.A. have B. let C. agree D. allow63.Seeing the sun _ above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.A. to rise B. to raise C. rising D. raising64.They would _ go by air than spend a week travelling by train.A. always B. rather C. prefer D. better65.I hate _ the old man today because I hate _ the old man.A. to trouble ; trouble B. to trou


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