高一英语学案units 13-14.doc

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1、- 1 -高一英语学案Units 13-14 (B1)【知识网络】一、 重点词汇与短语1way: 在表示“方式,方法”的意思时,要注意其搭配:way of doing somethingway (for somebody) to do somethingin this way=by this meansby the way:顺便说说;顺便提起way of life:生活方式to my way of thinking:依我看来Some women like the older ways of doing things.有些女性喜欢处理事务的老办法。Can you suggest a good w

2、ay for us to ask people to send us the money, and let us buy the gift when we get to the mainland?您能不能给我们建议一个好办法,让我们请大家送钱给我们,然后让我们在回到大陆时再购买礼物?Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it.压力是日常生活中不可分割的一部分,无法逃避。In this way, Americans send their climates to people in other

3、states.这样美国人把本地的气候传送给其它州的人。In this way, he has begun his own private telephone service.就这样,他开始了自己的私人电话业务。Each successful manager has a way of his own in bringing his views to bear.每一个成功的经理都有他自己独特的方式使别人接受他的意见。By the way, what happened to the money?顺便问一句,那笔钱后来怎么样了?2likely 可以用作形容词,意思是“ 预期的,可能的” 。常用于下列句

4、型:It is likely that somebody does/do somethingSomebody is/are likely to do somethingIt is very likely that she will ring me tonight.今晚她很可能给我打电话。She is very likely to ring me tonight.It isnt likely to rain tomorrow.明天不大可能下雨。Note: 许多同学认为以-ly 结尾的是副词,其实这是一个误区。如果一个形容词后加 -ly,那么常常是一个副词,但是如果在名词后加上 -ly,那往往是一

5、个形容词。- 2 -例如:lovely, friendly, manly, comradely 等都是名词加上-ly 后变成的形容词。那个骗子擅长骗人。3examine 的用法小结: (1)examine 作及物动词,意思是 “检查;细看” 。例如:All the machines will be examined.所有机器都将检查一遍。“Yesterday the firemen examined the ground carefully, but were not able to find any broken glass.“昨天,消防队员们仔细地检查了地面,但未能找到任何碎玻璃。“(2)

6、examine 还有“对进行考试 ”的意思,此时常在表示测试科目名词前加介词 in或 on。例如:He examined the boys in English.他考孩子们的英语。The teacher will examine the class on everything they have learnt this year.教师要考学生今年学过的所有知识。(3)examine 还可以表示“ 询问;查问;对进行审查” 。例如:He was examined by the police.他被警察查问。(4)同义词:test vt. 测试 quiz:n. 测验二、词义辨析1for exampl

7、e, for instance, such as, like(1)for example 用来举例说明。为句中插入语,其前后需用逗号隔开。它可用于句首、句中或句末。Fox example, liquid has no definite shape.例如,液体没有固定的形状。Noise, for example, is a kind of pollution.例如,噪音是一种污染。Many great men have risen from povertyLincoln and Edison, for example.许多伟人是从贫困中崛起的比如林肯和爱迪生。(2)such as 用来列举同类人

8、或事物中的几个例子。such as 后切不可用逗号,如:Some of the European languages come from Latin, such as French, Italian and Spanish.有些欧洲语言来源于拉丁语,例如法语、意大利语和西班牙语。Note: 使用 such as 来举例子,只能举其中一部分,不能全部举出。若全部举出,要改用 namely 或者 that is to say(意为:即)。如: He knows four languages, namely(=that is to say) Chinese, English, Russian and

9、 French.他精通四门语言,即汉语、英语、俄语和法语。- 3 -(3)like 也常用来举例,可与 such as 互换。如:Some cold-blooded animals, like(=such as) the cat, the dog or the wolf, do not need to hibernate.such as 用于举例时可以分开使用,这是不能与 like 互换。Such people as you described just now are very common these days.像你刚才描述的那种人这些日子很常见。(4)for instance 经常与 f

10、or example 互换。如:There are occupations (which are) more dangerous than truck driving; for instance (for example), training tigers. 比开卡车危险的职业还是有的,比如说驯老虎。2opportunity ,occasion 与 chance 的区别:opportunity, occasion, chance 这组词的一般含义是“时机”或“机会” 。不管在口语中或者在文学作品中,这几个都是常用的词。(1)opportunity 表示某时机符合自己想干某事的意愿、目的、雄心甚

11、至野心。常与动词 have, get, find, create, take, miss 等连用。例如:They are waiting for an opportunity to take action:他们正在伺机而动to avail oneself of the opportunity to say a few words:借此机会说几句话I took the opportunity of visiting my aunt while I was in Shanghai. 我利用在上海的机会探望了我的姑姑。Perhaps there is an element of truth in b

12、oth these pictures, but few of us have had the opportunity to find out.或许这两种想象中都有一定的真实成分,但是我们中很少有人有机会去发现它。(2)occasion 含有 opportunity 所能表达的这样一层意思:某时机能激发或唤起某人的某种行为,如:在“必要时”一语中便包含着激发某行为的时刻,此语可译为 When occasion demands;“ 这不是哭泣的时候。 ”这句话可译为 Its no occasion for crying。在 to have no occasion to do固定词组中,occasi

13、on 之所以能够引申为 reason 或 cause 的含义,也是与occasion 的上述基本词义有关的。再如:This sort of thing is usual on occasions like this. 这类事情在这种场合是常见的。This is not an occasion for laughter.这不是笑的时候。 (指不适合于笑,或不是笑的场合。 )(3)chance 表示幸运或偶然的时机,还可以指可能性的程度。例如:What are your chances of being promoted?你升职的可能性有多大?N o one discovers a rarity

14、by chance. 侥幸发现一件珍品的人是没有的。- 4 -三、重点句型1-Whats the matter?-Ive got a pain here.询问某人身体如何,除了用以上的表达方式,还可以用“Whats wrong with you?”。其中,wrong 是形容词,而例句中的 the matter 为名词。在口语中都是很常用的。例如:-Whats wrong with you? (你怎么了?)-Ive had a bad headache ever since this morning. (自从今天早晨我的头就很痛。 )2A healthy diet should include

15、a variety of food, most of which should be rich in nutrients. 此句中的 most of which 引导非限定性定语从句,这是考试中常考的一类题目。再如:There are all kinds of trees in the forest, most of which are tall ones.There are all kinds of trees in the forest, and most of them are tall ones.森林里有各种各样的树木,它们中大部分是很高的树。以上两句的意思基本相同,但是要注意:第一句

16、是 most of which 引导非限制性定语从句,而第二句为 and 引导的并列句。做题时,关键要分析句子的结构,尤其是有关连词的问题。3Only in that way will we be ready for the challenges and opportunities in life. only 置于句首而且修饰状语时,句子用倒装语序;但是,如果 only 在句首修饰主语,那就用陈述语序。例如: Only people with tickets can go into the cinema. 只有那些有票的人才可以进电影院。Only by the end of last mont

17、h had they finished the difficult task.只是到了上个月的月底他们才完成了那项困难的任务。四、语法复习 情态动词 had better, should, ought to,常被用来表示:义务、责任和规劝。1had better(提示:无人称的变化,不可用 has/have 替换它们;不用于第一人称。) 意思是“最好” ,后面跟动词原形,即 had better do something;否定式是 had better not do something。 如:Youd better wait outside.你最好在外面等着。Youd better not s

18、tand in the street. There comes a car.你最好别站在街上。来车了。2should 用作情态动词时,各种人称单、复数通用。主要用法有:(1)表示“义务、责任” ,译为“应该” ,例如:You should tell the students to respect their parents. 你应该告诉学生尊敬父母。This is an important point that we should remember. 这是我们应该记住的要点。- 5 -(2)表示“可能性、推测或理论” ,常翻译成汉语的“可能,该” 。例如:They should be ther

19、e by tomorrow, I think. 我想他们明天该到那儿。Its already three oclock, the football game should begin soon.已经三点钟了,足球比赛不久就该开始了。(3)说话人在提出意见、建议、请求时,可用 should 表示委婉、谦逊的语气,有时相当于“可、倒是;想”等。例如:I should say it would be better to ask him about it again.关于这件事我看最好再问他一下。 (提出意见)I should think so. 我也是这么想的。(4)表“吃惊” 。例如:Im sur

20、prised that you should have been late.你居然迟到了,真让我吃惊。We are surprised that they should have been fooled by such a simple trick.他们竟然被这么个简单的诡计所愚弄,真让我们吃惊。3ought toought to 无人称和时态变化,只有 ought to 一种形式,后面跟动词原形,表示“有义务或责任”做某事,语气比 should 强,表示客观上应该做某事,也可表示“劝告” 。否定式为ought not to如:You ought to obey your parents.你应

21、该听父母的话。I knew that I ought not to tell him about it, so I didnt.我知道我不该告诉他这件事,所以我没有告诉他。Note:“should(ought to)+不定式一般式”用来谈论现在和将来“应该” ,若谈论过去“应该”要用 should(ought to)+不定式的完成式,即 should/ought to have done。其否定式表示“过去不应做但做了” 。例如:I should/ought to have done such a thing.我本应该做这件事的。( 却没有做)You should not/ought not

22、to have gone back to work without the doctors permission.你不应该未经医生许可就去工作。 (你却回去工作了)【考点透视 考例精析】考点 考查情态动词的用法区别。考例 1 According to the local regulations, anyone who intends to get a drivers licence - 6 -_ take an eye test. (NMET2005 年春季上海,29)Acan B must Cwould Dmay解析 must 根据句意,此处意思是 “必须” ,要获得驾驶执照必须进行视力测试

23、。can 为“能够” ;would 为“愿意” ;may 为“可以” 。考点 考查情态动词的意义区别。考例 2 I often see lights in that empty house. Do you think I _ report it to the police? (NMET2004 年全国卷 I, 21)Ashould B may Cwill Dcan解析 should 表示“应该” 。因为经常看见那座空房子里有灯光,所以征求对方的意见是否应该向警察报告。考点 考查“should + have + done”的用法。考例 3 Mr. White _ at 8:30 for the

24、meeting, but he didnt turn up. (NMET2004 全国卷,27)Ashould have arrived Bshould arrive Cshould have had arrived Dshould be arriving解析 此句所使用的是“should + have + 过去分词”结构表示本来应该做却没有做的事情。所提供的场景是 but he didnt turn up,说明他本来应该 8:30 来开会,但没有来。再如:You should have done your homework by yourself.你本来该独立完成作业。【基础演练】一、根据所

25、给首字母或括号中的汉语意思填写句子空格中所缺的单词。1Young people usually have more _(精力) than the old.2You have to _(权衡) the advantages of living downtown against the disadvantages.3This drink is a m_ of three different sorts.4A c_ change takes place in any substance when it burns.5The _(作用) of an adjective is to describe o

26、r add to the meaning of a noun.6The Olympic Games begin with a _(行进) of all the competing nations.7Two parties may have _( 冲突) of ideas or goals.8An a_ is a disagreement or problem between two people in which they use words to fight.9 c_ college teaches things that would be useful in business.10Usua

27、lly people dont _( 尊敬) those who are too compliant.二、单项填空:1On a cold winter night, I _ spend an evening watching TV.Ahave to can B have to be able Chave be able to Dhave to be able to 2“May I sit here?“ “No, you _.“ Amust B had better Cmustnt Dneednt3 -“Why is he late?“- 7 -“He _ the bus.“ Amust mis

28、s Bhad to miss Cshould have missed Dmust have missed4We didnt see him at the lecture yesterday. He _ it. Amustnt attend Bcant have attended Cwould have not attend Dneeded have attended5The policeman told the pupil, “You _ play football in the street.“ Amustnt B neednt Ccant Dshouldnt6-“What has happ

29、ened to Peter?“ -“I dont know. He _ lost.“ Acant have got B might have got Cmight get Dcan got7You _ allowed the child to go alone. Amustnt have B had not have to Cought not to Dought not to have 8He says you _ have his bike if you dont take good care of it. A shant B wont Cmustnt Dneednt 9-“Are you

30、 still going to England for your holiday?“-“Yes, but I really _ because I dont have much money.“ A cant B wont Cshouldnt Dmustnt 10Ill tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.-You _her last week. (NMET 2004 年福建,32)Aought to tell B would have told Cmust tell Dshould have told【能力拓展】阅读理解:It was one of the

31、 hottest August days, the fourth, and at twelve oclock exactly, for a church clock was striking the hour, that a short, heavily built woman of about fifty, carrying a shopping bag, came out from the darkness of an old storehouse where she worked every morning as a checker, and set off along the narr

32、ow gray street to a bus stop. Most of the factories and offices in the town were closed for two weeks but the storehouse, which held foodstuffs(食品) and other goods, had remained open during the holidays. The heat, made worse by the heavy smell of petrol from the main street nearby and undisturbed by

33、 the slightest current(气流) of cooler air, surrounded her. She was neither dressed nor built for energetic activity on a hot day, being very short indeed, and fat, so that she had to roll a little in order to get along. Her shoes made loud footsteps in the silence of the empty street of closed buildi

34、ngs. The worn old bag she carried caused her to lean over slightly to her right as she walked, but it was clear that she was used to carrying such heavy weights.Reaching her usual stop, she put down her bag and rested. Then, suddenly realizing being watched, she turned quickly round and looked sharp

35、ly upward at the tall man behind her.He was the only other person waiting, and indeed, at that moment, the only other person in the street. She had never spoken to him, yet his face was already familiar to her. She had seen it yesterday, the day before yesterday, and for all she knew, the day before

36、 that as well. For the last - 8 -three or four days anyway, this great nervous lump of a man, waiting for a bus or hanging about on the footpath outside the storehouse, had become a figure of the street for her; and what was more, a figure of a certain definite(明确的) type, though she had yet to put h

37、er finger on exactly which type it was. More than once, she had felt his interest in her and she had wondered whether he was a policeman.1There were so few people out in this particular street. It was probably mainly because _.Amost workers were on holiday Bit was too hot to be outside at middayCthe

38、 lunch-time break had not yet started Dvery few people lived in the area now2From the passage we can know _.Athe woman was fond of dressing up Bsomething was wrong with the womans right leg Calmost all the shops were closed except the store house Dthe woman had to walk fast as she was busy3The woman

39、 turned around at the bus stop because _.Ashe heard someone coming Bshe thought the bus was comingCshe thought of her heavy bag Dshe felt someone looking at her4The underlined phrase “hanging about” in the 3nd paragraph means _. Athinking about Bwalking around Clooking around Drunning about5The woma

40、n recognized the man by the bus stop because _.Ahe was the local policeman Bhe traveled on the bus quite regularlyChe had been near the store house before Dhe was interested in her参考答案高一部分Units 13-14 (B1)基础演练一、1energy 2balance 3mixture 4chemical 5function 6parade 7conflict 8argument 9commercial 10re

41、spect二、15 DCDBA 610 BDACD 能力拓展15 BCDBC 1B 文章第一段第三、四句话为答案依据。- 9 -2C 文章第一段第二句话为答案依据。 “Most of the factories and offices in the town were closed for two weeks but the storehouse, which held foodstuffs(食品) and other goods, had remained open during the holidays.”3D 文章第二段第二句话为答案依据。 “suddenly realizing being watched, she turned quickly round and looked sharply upward at the tall man behind her”。4B 等车时动作肯定是走来走去,故选 walking around。5C 文章第三段第三、四、五句话。


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