1、女士们,先生们:打家好今天,我的演讲将从一组数字开始。据官方统计,全国大学毕业生 08 年495 万,09 年 559 万,10 年攀至 610 万,2011 年更高达 630 万,这意味着往年没有就业的毕业生和现在急需就业的 700 万要挤在一起抢饭吃了,这还不够,退伍军人,城镇下岗人员,农村农民工朋友也心贴心地要和我们挤在一起抢饭吃,这意味着 100 个人中将有至少七十人没工作。作为当代的大学生,物质享受最富有的九零后,走出大学校门就面临事业已是不争得事实。而国际上,经济危机给中国经济发展造成了重大的影响,这一切,把我们当代大学生推到了充满挑战而机遇更少的艰难境地。大学生如何应对来自于社会
4、高低的凭证。面对就业,我们要有一个平和的心态,给自己一个恰当、实际的职业定位。不去过高的要求,先去一个适当的地方就业,解决一下自己暂时的危机,然后再去选择自己喜欢的职业也就不存在就业难的问题了。所以毕业生应该以一种平实、乐观、积极向上的心态去面对就业,用乐观的精神去实现自己梦想。交流是机遇,能够使你自信,自强,自足。孔子云:“三人行,必有我师。”有时,机遇把自己藏在厚厚的茧里,等待你去找寻。这时,你要宠辱不惊,看庭前花开花落;去留无意,望天上云卷云舒。以一颗平和的心态看待它。“行到水穷处, 坐看云起时。”机遇往往就会不期而至。从而成就我们事业的辉煌。Everything is good in
5、its season. 万物逢时皆美好。 逆境中抓住机遇的人,往往更让人仰视。磨难让强者更伟大,正所谓“天降降大任于斯人也,必先苦其心志”。Will become increasingly fierce. How to face and use of the opportunities and challenges of accession to the WTO, which is before us every staff workers, a major issue before. Is an old saying: “forewarned is forearmed and without
6、 prejudging the waste.“ As a staff worker, we should walk in the forefront of the times, take the initiative to meet the challenge of the times, based on their own and enthusiastic, and strive to realize their life values. Time flies, I went to flash between the thirties and the Buhuozhinian. Lookin
7、g back I have been in the cadre and personnel work more than ten years, hard military career, I entered the cadre and personnel work is the first stop is the unit that the temper of the melting pot will temper the character to develop a style, and improve their quality, and are familiar with the the
8、 cadre and personnel operations. Individuals have been awarded twice, third class, 8 awards, six times was named outstanding CPC members. As the operational counterpart, I am honored to switch to the municipal personnel bureau work. I very much cherish, always adhere to in practice to grow mature in
9、 practice, in practice, improve, and constantly enrich and improve themselves. The laws and regulations section of work, due to job requirements need to understand and master the comprehensive personnel work, so I would like to ask you leaders and comrades of the opportunity to learn more, everyones
10、 words and deeds, patience, help and work pressure, I soon entered the role, into the large group of the Bureau of Personnel, I find that level of operations personnel policy and therefore have to accelerate improvement. Has written the “write a new chapter in human resources management“, “ disk hea
11、d, “a cause“, “increase the overall human resource development to meet the knowledge economy era“ and theoretical articles were published in books and newspapers. Responsible for civil service management since the emphasis in the leadership and guidance, as well as the strong support of the departme
12、nts, non-legalistic, creative, use their brains, think of ways to rely on themselves and take the initiative to work, to overcome various difficulties, a sound system , standardized management, and built a body directly under the civil service database, issued nine civil service management documents
13、, by the affirmation and praise of ministries and agencies, and in the provinces civil service management practices were exchanged at the meeting. The institutional reform, I was lucky to participate in the formulation of a series of policy documents the whole process, it is my ability to use person
14、nel policies and regulations of a comprehensive training and improve, especially in the civil service database, fast calculations analysts age, education, service time working age, for the leadership of scientific decision-making provides a basis for accurate and reliable. Growth and change is the l
15、aw of all life, yesterday, the answer does not apply to todays problems - as todays method does not resolve the same as tomorrows needs. Today I was chief of competition, jobs, job implies responsibilities and obligations. Since I am now engaged in the civil service management, so if I was in civil
16、service management section chief, my job objectives are: the construction of high-quality professional civil service in accordance with the general requirements and the current institutional reform governments role is to “service“ make efforts in “competition and incentive“ We should, in the “highly
17、 professional“ aspects of an issue, in the “management services“ seeking practical results, and strive to build a peoples satisfaction with the lean, clean and efficient civil service to better serve the citys economic construction and social development. To achieve the goal of this work, my main id
18、ea is “2323“ is innovative two ways to strengthen the three mechanisms, improve the two supervision, gather strength in three areas. An innovative two ways. Is innovation and civil service management approach, focus on standardization in the civil service management, scientific, and institutionalize
19、d on a new breakthrough. That is, in the existing civil service management, based on the use of advanced management methods, set up the civil service management system and computer records management system that allows the city civil service, “Jin, pipe, a“ three chain management more orderly, scien
20、tific and standardized eradication in the management of arbitrariness. Second, strengthen the three mechanisms. Is to strengthen the civil service competition and incentive mechanisms, metabolic mechanisms, and integrity constraint mechanism and strive to be promoted or demoted in the civil service,
21、 can be hired there new progress. First, do a good job the examination, assessment, systems of rewards and punishments, based on the vigorous implementation of competition for posts, so that through competition to become the main form of promotion of civil service positions; The second is to do a go
22、od job and so the implementation of the resignation and dismissal system, actively promote the Bottom of warning system, last one eliminated, and actively explore some of the jobs of the employment system; 3 is a good grasp of the civil service obligations and rights, discipline, rotation, challenge
23、, complaint, and so the system一现在很多高校学生,在毕业寻找工作时总会遇到一个普遍矛盾,那就是高不成低不就,对自己所要工作或城市的要求过高,这样就造成了就业难的严峻形势,其实,对于我们刚毕业的大学生来说,工作无所谓好坏之分,因为那时的我们基本都处于同一个起跑线上基层!二、关注自身人力资产的增值,最后,我想对某些大学生说几句,你们很幸运,因为你们拥有了一张大学毕业证,参加社会实践,多多培养自己的各种能力。大学生作为社会中另外一个特殊的群体,学习知识,应用知识的能力都非常强;特别是对相关专业知识的把握很好,但对社会实践能力的培养一来不是很重视,二来也很陌生。社会实践本