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1、feeding 供养to feed 供养to nourish 养育to maintain 赡养subsistence 衣食nutrition 食物to eat 吃to drink 喝to chew 嚼to swallow 吞咽to nibble, to peck 细嚼appetite 胃口hunger 饥饿thirst 口渴to be hungry 饿to be thirsty 渴gluttony 暴食greed 贪嘴overfeeding 吃得过多,过量食物fasting 禁食diet 食谱banquet 宴会breakfast 早餐to have breakfast 吃早餐lunch 午餐

2、to have lunch 用午餐afternoon tea 下午茶(4-5 点钟)high tea 午茶 ,茶点( 下午黄昏时)dinner, supper 晚饭to dine, to have dinner, to have supper 吃晚饭soup 汤hors doeuvre (正餐前的)开胃食品entree 正菜main course 主菜sweet, dessert 甜食snack 点心,小吃helping, portion 份,客sandwich 三明治,夹肉面包meat 肉beef 牛肉veal 小牛肉lamb 羊肉sirloin 牛脊肉steak 牛排chop 连骨肉 ,排

3、骨cutlet 肉条stew 炖肉roast 烤肉pork 猪肉ham 火腿bacon 咸肉sausage 香肠black pudding, blood sausage 血肠cold meats 冷盘 (美作:cold cuts)chicken 鸡turkey 火鸡duck 鸭fish 鱼vegetables 蔬菜dried legumes 干菜chips 炸薯条,炸土豆片 (美作:French fries)mashed potatoes 马铃薯泥pasta 面条noodles 面条,挂面macaroni 通心粉consomme 肉煮的清汤broth 肉汤milk 奶cheese 奶酪butt

4、er 奶油bread 面包slice of bread 面包片crust 面包皮crumb 面包心egg 蛋boiled eggs, soft-boiled eggs 水煮蛋hard-boiled eggs 煮硬了的蛋fried eggs 煎蛋poached eggs 荷包蛋scrambled eggs 炒鸡蛋,摊鸡蛋omelet 煎蛋卷pastry 糕点sponge cake 奶油鸡蛋,蜂糕tart 果焰糕点biscuits (英 )饼干,(美)小面包fruit 水果ice cream 冰淇淋compote 蜜饯jam, preserves 果酱marmalade 桔子酱spices 调料s

5、alt 盐vinegar 醋sauce 酱油oil 油salad oil 色拉油pepper 辣椒mustard 芥末clove 丁香drink 饮料mineral water 矿泉水orange juice 桔子原汁orangeade, orange squash 桔子水lemon juice 柠檬原汁lemonade 柠檬水beer 啤酒white wine 白葡萄酒red wine 红葡萄酒claret 波尔多红葡萄酒cider 苹果酒champagne 香槟酒cocktail 鸡尾酒liqueur 白酒 ,烧酒shaohsing wine 绍兴酒yellow wine 黄酒Kaolia

6、ng spirit 高粱酒Wu Chia Pee 五加皮vodka 伏特加whisky 威士忌brandy 白兰地cognac 法国白兰地gin 琴酒gin flzz 杜松子酒martini 马提尼酒eating house 饮食店canteen (机关单位和军队里的)食堂dining hall 大餐厅,食堂refectory (学校里的)餐厅waiter 服务员service 服务headwaiter, maitre dhotel 餐厅领班bill of fare, menu 菜单,菜谱winelist 酒单table 餐桌to lay the table, to set the table

7、 摆桌子to wait at table 侍候用餐to clear the table 收拾桌子 ,撤桌子tablecloth 桌布napkin, serviette 餐巾cutlery 餐具fork 叉spoon 匙teaspoon 茶匙ladle 长柄勺knife 刀dishes, crockery 器皿dish, plate 碟,盘soup dish, soup plate 汤盘(serving) dish 大盘子 (美作:platter)soup tureen 盛汤盖碗salad bowl 色拉盘fruit dish 水果盘fruit bowl 水果钵sauce boat, gravy boat 调味汁瓶,酱油壶glass 玻璃杯bottle 瓶子carafe, decanter 玻璃水瓶cup 杯子saucer 小碟sugar bowl 糖罐glass service, glassware 玻璃器皿tea service, tea set 茶具teapot 茶壶coffee service, coffee set 咖啡具coffeepot 咖啡壶salt shaker 盐瓶cruet 调味瓶架tray 托盘


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