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1、1Scripts for Listening Comprehension and DictationUnit OnePart I Statements 1. At first they didnt like that kind of music, but soon they became interested in it. (D)2. It rained for hour this morning, but the streets arent wet now. (C)3. Jane dislikes television, but her husband watches it often. (

2、B)4. Bill knows both Chinese and French though he is only thirteen. (B)5. Although Mary has been absent for weeks, she is sure she will pass the final exams. (C)6. Henry refused to go to the party although Mary invited him. (D)7. Instead of going back to Shanghai, you ought to go to Beijing this yea

3、r. (A)8. Anna will continue studying at the university in spite of speaking English well. (B)9. Since there arent any tickets left for the concert, lets go to see a film instead of going back home. (D)10. Mary went to school every day despite her illness. (C)11. The train would have been out of cont

4、rol if the driver hadnt reacted quickly. (B)12. Miss White could pass the exam if she listened to the words of her teacher. (B)13. Susan wouldnt have caught the train if she hadnt hurried. (C)14. George acts as if he were a teacher. (C)15. I wish I had been invited to Carols dancing party last week.

5、 (B)16. Tom couldnt have passed the final exams without Johns help. (A)17. Sam would have visited New York if he had had more time. (C)18. If John had told me of his plans, I would have helped him. (D)19. John would have returned the book if he had known Mary needed it. (A)20. I wouldnt have remembe

6、red to bring the dictionary if you hadnt told me (C)Part II Short Conversations Section A21. M: Where did you go during the summer vacation, Mary? W: I visited Shanghai, Beijing, Chongqing, Tianjing and Guangzhou. And I would have gone to Chengdu if I had had time. Q: How many cities did the woman v

7、isit? (C) 22. M: These boxes are too heavy for me to move. 2W: Well, Ill give you a hand with them. Q: What does the woman say about the boxes? (A) 23. M: Im so confused by my notes from Professor Greens lecture. W: How about reviewing it now over a cup of coffee? Q: What does the woman suggest they

8、 do about the notes? (B) 24. M: Do you always look over your papers for typing mistakes? W: I usually have to do it myself, but Id rather have someone else do it. Q: What would the woman prefer to do? (D) 25. M: If you leave in twenty minutes, youll be able to catch the 5:00 train for home.W: Yes. W

9、ell, its 3:30 now, so if I leave in twenty minutes, Ill be able to get to the station by 4:45. Q: About how long will it take the woman to go to the station? (A) 26. M: Here try this one for size, please. W: I think its a little too big over the shoulders and I dont like the red color. Q: Where does

10、 this conversation probably take place? (D) 27. M: How did you enjoy your trip to the US? W: It was a wonderful trip. We went to San Francisco to see the Golden Gate Bridge and New Mexico, then flew to New York. Q: Which statement is true? (A) 28. W: I would like to check out now. My name is Tom, Ro

11、om 112. M: Yes, here we are. The rate on that room is $30.00.You made a long distance call, so the telephone bill is $12.00. Q: How much does the woman have to pay? (D) 29. M: Were you at the Kansas city Baseball stadium? W: No, I wasnt. I wish I would have seen the Royals game. I was at the library

12、 studying for the English Test. Q: What was the woman doing last night? (B) 30. M: Id like to make a long distance call. W: All right. May I have the telephone number you are calling and your room number please. Q: Who is this woman? (C) Section B Long conversations Now you will hear two long conver

13、sations.Conversation OneAgent: York Hotel. Can I help you?Woman: Yes. Id like to book a room for three nights.Agent: When will you be arriving?Woman: Well arrive the day after tomorrow. Thats October 20th.Agent: Yes, madam. Single or double?Woman: One double room.Agent: All right. One double room un

14、til 23rd.Woman: How much will that be?Agent: $130 a night, including breakfast.Woman: Thatll be fine.Agent: May I have your name, please?Woman: Faber, F-a-b-e-r, Faber, Mrs. Faber.Agent: Thank you, Mrs. Faber. Goodbye.Woman: Bye.3Questions 31 to 34 are based on the conversation you have just heard.3

15、1. Who will book a room in this hotel? (B)32. When will the woman arrive at the hotel? (A)33. How long will the guest stay in the hotel? (C)34. Whats the price for one double room one night in this hotel? (D)Conversation TwoM: Hi, Nancy, Its Terry. Im calling to ask if youd like to join us for a pic

16、nic next week.W: Yes, Id love to. When is it?M: Its Saturday, 15th.W: All right. When and where shall we get together?M: Please be at my place by 8:30.W: Sure. Oh, tell me your address, will you?M: Its No. 1480, Fall Street.W: By the way, who else will join us?M: Jane and her boyfriend.W: Thats good

17、. Id love to see them. Thanks for the invitation.M: Its a pleasure. See you next Saturday.W: See you.Questions 35 to 37 are based on the conversation you have just heard.35. When will the two speakers go out for a picnic? (B)36. Where is the mans home? (A)37. Who else will join them for this picnic?

18、 (D)Part III Passages Passage One Mrs. Turners telephone number was 3463, the number of the cinema in her town was 3464. People often made a mistake and telephone her when they actually wanted the cinema. One evening the telephone bell rang and Mrs. Turner answered it. A tired mans voice came over t

19、he phone: “At what time does your last film begin“? “Im sorry“, said Mrs. Turner,“ but you have the wrong number. This is not the cinema“. “Oh, it began twenty minutes ago“, said the man. “Im sorry about that. Well, goodbye“. Mrs. Turner was very surprised. So she told her husband. He laughed and sa

20、id, “No, that wasnt a mistake. The mans wife wanted to go to the cinema, but he was feeling tired, so he telephoned the cinema. His wife heard him, but she did not hear you. Now they will stay at home this evening, and the husband will be happy!“ Questions 38 to 40 are based on the passage you have

21、just heard.38.When the tired man telephoned Mrs. Turner, how did she feel? (B)39.For what reason was Mrs. Turner astonished? (B)40.According to the passage, which of the following is true? (B)Passage TwoOne day a hungry dog came to a butchers shop and saw a lot of meat and bone there. The butcher wa

22、s busy cutting and didnt notice a dog come in. Immediately the dog held a piece of bone in his mouth and escaped as quickly as he could. When the dog stepped onto a bridge he was surprised to find in the water another dog also holding a piece of bone in his mouth. The hungry dog became very angry an

23、d began to bark at the stranger. As he opened his mouth the bone dropped into the water.Questions 41 to 42 are based on the passage you have just heard. 41.After the dog took the bone, where did he go? (C)42.When the dog opened his mouth, what happened? (B)Passage Three4Mr. Day was a teacher at a sc

24、hool in a big city in the north of England. He usually went to France or Germany for a few weeks during his summer holidays, and he spoke French and German quite well.But one year Mr. Day said to one of his friends; “Im going to have a holiday in Athens. But I dont speak Greek. so Ill go to evening

25、classes and have Greek lessons for a month before I go.”He studied very hard for a month, and then his holidays began and he went to Greece.When he came back a few weeks later, his friend said to him, “Did you have any trouble with your Greek when you were in Athens, Dick?”“No. I didnt have any trou

26、ble with it.” answered Mr. Day. “But the Greeks did.”Questions 43 to 47 are based on the passage you have just heard.43. Where did Mr. Day work? (A)44. What languages could Mr. Day speak well? (C)45. Where did Mr. Day decide to go one year? (B)46. When did he come back from the foreign country? (C)

27、47. Who had trouble with his language? (B)Unit TwoPart I Statements 1. Jim bought a twenty-five-dollar ballpen on sale for half price. (A)2. Betty likes nothing better than to go dancing with her friends. (D)3. Jimmy ran into an old schoolmate at the airport. (C)4. In spite of their differences, Cat

28、hy and David plan to be partners. (D)5. If Tom had been studying as hard as everyone else in the class, he would not have had any trouble passing the exam. (C)6. Its no use crying over spilt milk. (B)7. If you cant finish this assignment, please let me know no later than Thursday. (A)8. our classes

29、are over the week after next. (C)9. We can fit one more book into the box, cant we? (D)10. She plays golf every other weekend. (B)11. Well return later on. (A)12. Susan painted that picture herself. (B)13. Five days of hard rain washed away so many seeds that the farmer had to replant his fields.(D)

30、14. History is easy, especially for Ellen. (B)15. Linda greeted her friends at the door. (C)16. Leno thought the actor performed well, but Marco thought the contrary. (C)17. The more we discuss the trip, the less likely it seems we can afford it. (C)18. The university was founded by a group of women

31、. (A)19. Debbie made the store replace her television. (D)20. After class, go straight to the post office. (A)Part II Short Conversations Section A21. M: Whats happening with the new library building?W: The work crew is just finishing it up.Q: What does the woman say about the library? (D) 22. M. Im

32、 taking John to that fancy new restaurant tonight for the celebration of his birthday.W: You cant go like that. Youd better change.5Q: What does the woman advise? (B)23. M: I have to look for a room to rent.W: How about trying Carters. They usually have a long list of places.Q: Where will the man pr

33、obably go? (A) 24. M: Good morning. Id like to speak to Mr. Johnson, please.W: Mr. Johnson is not at this office today. Hes at the Da Dong Fang Branch. Hes there Monday, Wednesday and Friday this week.Q: When will Mr. Johnson be at this office? (D)25. M: How much are these pencils, please ?W: 2 for

34、15 cents now. Prices have been reduced on all our school supplies since the holiday. Pencils used to be 10 cents.Q: How much will the man have to pay if he buys two pencils? (A)26. M: I have two tickets for film tonight. Would you like to come?W: Id love to, but I promised my mother Id take my siste

35、r to a concert.Q: What is the woman going to do tonight? (B) 27. M: My class doesnt start until twelve, so Im going to have a quick snack.W: Id like to join you, but my class is earlier.Q: What will the woman probably do? (D)28: W: Do you prefer tea or coffee after lunch?M: I dont care for tea after

36、 lunch and only drink coffee in the evening.Q: What does the man mean? (D)29: M: Thats a good song hes playing, isnt it?W: I wish hed lower the volumeQ: Whats the womans opinion? (A)30: M: The winters here are usually mild.W: Usually, but I think this year will be different.Q: What does the woman im

37、ply about this winter? (D)Section B Long conversations Now you will hear two long conversations.Conversation OneW: Hi, Phil. How did your weekend go?M: Fine. I went back to visit my hometown.W: Lucky you. What did you do there?M: I went for an autumn walk in the hills with some of my cousinsW: Was i

38、t good?M: Yes, the trees were amazing. The whole hillside was fiery red.W: How wonderful! Do anything else?M: We went on a river trip practically the whole day Sunday.W: Did you like it?M: Very enjoyable. By the way, Laura, what about your weekend?W: Dont ask me, Phil.M: What happened?W: I came down

39、 with the flu. I could do nothing but lie in bed.M: Oh, dear.Questions 31 to 35 are based on the conversation you have just heard.31. Where did Phil go last weekend? (D)632. What did he do there? (A)33. What did he do on Sunday? (B)34. What did Laura do last weekend? (C)35. What happened to her? (A)

40、Conversation TwoW: May I help you?M: Id like to open an account.W: Checking or savings?M: I want to write checks.W: Then you need a checking account. How much do you want to deposit?M: Will $500 be enough?W: You can deposit any amount you wish.M: All right. Ill deposit $500.W: Fine. Now if you would

41、nt mind filling out this signature card and application form.M: I also need some checks.W: Well send them to you in about two weeks. Theyll have your name and account number on them.M: OK. Here is the signature card, the form and the $500. Do I get any interest on my money?W: No. You have to open a

42、savings account for that.M: How much do I have to deposit for a savings account?W: $50 at least.M: I see. Thank you very much.W: Youre welcome.Questions 36 to 38 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 36. Where does this conversation take place? (A)37. How much money does the man deposit?


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